Thursday, November is, 1000. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. MAN FROM SOUTH a&aa A 11 n 1 1,' A m all mm ilju i M 1 Chairman Griggi Favors Such Nomination for President. l-y -litis! A 0 7S.-M S .'.'.7 SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR vol ji 1 mmm 1 w mzs j-r b atHaWViir l tia:, m Mr. Qurfitld Hut Alwayt Taken an Ae tlve Interest In Polltloi and Aspired to tht Oovtrnorihlp I of Ohio. WAHIUNOTON, Nov. HHiudy had the rnltirim dUchmcd (hit ilffout of Mr, Honi'Nt for governor of Now York limit lMiocrtn In Washington Iipkiiii 10 titlk of (iirxlilciitliil Candida U-. ll wait thouxht the New York i-lectlmi would clarify tlui situation, but It hitKn't. Tlnre ilocmi't hopiu lo lt liny mure titinnltnliy of opinion now limn when Mr. Hi-aml's vigorous cam. nlKu hud tlu country by llio cum. Mr. Ilrynn, of murse, In wtlll the maat talked of, but there lun'l thitt a- nrwi'tiH'tit among I''iwirritt a lo hi nvnlhihlllty which hl friend hud ho jid would follow th election. Close on (hp Itfftn of hit failure to swure the HerUon of it pernm-hiiUc lloux of Ri IireK'ntatlvp. mmn Chairman OrlKK. f tho IH-morrntlc congrMslimnl com mittee, with a declaration In fnvor of the nomination of John Bhnrp 'VII Hum I,, l'.uiS. "I nm for Williams," the Oetirulii HtnlPHiiuin del-lure, "rcifitrdlpim of the miipoltoit thut 11 Houlhcrn man run not ! elertod, It I evident thitt, al though limocrntlo principle ore c ccplcd nnd pin In force by it Republl rfiii ndmlnltrntlun. tho Democratic puny 11 now organized ciinnoi get thi office. After t 111 m I nm a I -ocrnt with a prefix a Southern Dem ocrat one who will advocate the nom inal Inn of n candidate for the presi dency who will plena tho Southern Democrat, If the North Intend to rontlnui' to punlNh u for the nln of our fathci. I nm In favor of accep ting: the verdict now, it n it nctlnif ar rordlngly." There In Jubilation among the friend Of Jarne Hudolph Garfield. Whfn change lii the cabinet were tuinoutv ipd Hlmiily before election nnd Ihe name of riurlMd did not nppeor, there wan 11 feeling among hi friend that the 'ommlmiloner of Corporation had not been fairly treated. Ho had told theln. come lime before, that ho wits to enter the cabinet, and It wim un tli.rtood bin portfolio wan to be Com merce and Labor. Mr. fiarnVId wao not at liberty to explain that plan lind been changed and that he wan to mice 1 PI hull Alb n Hitchcock tt Sec retary of Interior. HI friends, there fore, had to do the bent they could at KUfKfdiig. and Dielr gueni wna that I'reMldi'tit had not kepi faith. Thein him been considerable com ment on the fact that not since Rob ert Lincoln retired from tho aecretary Hblp of war In 1SX5 had there been it RAIN - WIND RAIN COAT TIME Rain and wind is about all we have had lately in the line of weather. It's impossible to carry an umbrella. You need a Cravenette Rain Coat Never wore one? Don't know what you're miss ing. Buy a Brownsville Cravenette and defy both rain and wind. Received by yesterday's freight ten patterns--ninty raincoats--right from our tailor shops. Over forty kinds to pick from, as many as you'll find in any Portland store. Come and buy today they're going like hot cakes. Prices to fit any purse. $12.50 to $30. OREGON BUCKSKIN OVERCOATS, $15.00 A little heavier, not quite so long as Raincoats; Grey, Blue or Black. Good as any $25.00 Overcoat. GREAT WOOLEN GOODS SALE STILL ON UNDERWEAR Woolen Underwear for Men and Women, Natural Gray and light value Or Mrown; regular $1.50 J J Natural Gray and Drown, single and double breasted Underwear for Men; regular 11.75 value, per garment.. Complete line of fine Imported un dorwear In pure AuMrallan and Scotch wool; bIho silk and wool mixed regular 12.25 to 13 00 val ues; sale prices, 11.75 and.... $2.00 $1.35 SOCKS Enough Wool Socks here to atart a, wholesale house 2 pairs 25o Black. Blue or Brown Wool Mixed. 5 pairs $1.00 Black. Brown or Nat ural Gray Cashmere. 6 pairs $1.00 Tarn Knit Socks, reg ular 35c values. 3 pairs J1.00 Heavy "Homo-Knit" Yarn Socks. 50o pair. Heavy "Alaska" Socks; regular 75c value. BLANKETS Need some? Better buy now. Prices won't be so low again. All Pure Oregon Wool. $3.75 for $5.00 Mottled Gray, dou ble blankets. $5.00 for J6.50 Mottled Gray double blankets. $6.00 for 18.50 Pure Lambs Wool White Blankets. $750 for 310.00 Pure Lamb's Wool White Blankets. Better ones If you want them. OTHER WOOLEN GOODS Cashmere and Silk and Wool Shirts, Flannel Shirts, single or double breasted. Wool Sweaters, Macklnaws, Knit Wool Vests and Knit Wool Coats; and Tarn, Wool Batting for comforts ready tor use. In fact everything carried in a woolen Mill store, all go at re duced prices during this sale. MNSM Mill to Man Clothiers WOOLE BT3 684 Commercial St.. bet. 15th and 16th r hod of a President In tho Cabinet. In net, Mr. Garfield Is the only son of cMldiijiit who (tuning rocrtit years h been at all prominent In public llf, though Gen. Fred Grant Is mak- AVrc8c tabic Prcparalionfor As similating thcFoodandncula ling the Stomachs andDowcls of PromolcsDuJesllon.Cliccrful ncssandltest.Contalns neither Opium,"MorphinC nor MiiaaL Not NAitcoTic. yW Smi' Alximn" Ancrfectllcmcdy forConsUna- tioh. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Feverisn ncss and Loss of Sleep. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT copy or VHAPPCB. II .3 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years Iiik for hluiHi'lf an enviable reputation as a aoldicr. The new Secretary of the Interior Is the aecond son of the lata President Garfield, and has always displayed a keen Interest In publlo affairs. He won born at Hiram, Ohio, and like his father and brother, Harry, attended Williams Collejre and later graduated from the Columbia Law School In New York. Upon his admission to the bar In 1888 he entered Into practice at Cleveland. A decade ago he served In the Ohio legislature, and was a member of the committee which exonerated the late Marcus A. Hanna of the charge of us ing Improper Influences in securing his election to the United States Sen.- nte. His entrance Into the field of nntlo-nl affairs was when President Roosevelt appointed him a member of tho Civil Service Commission, about five yenrs ago. When the Bureau of Corporations came Into existence, In February, 1903, he was appointed Its first Commissioner, nnd has held the office since. Mr. Garfield Is a trustee of Williams College, and President of the Board of Trustees of Lake Erie College, at Palnesvllle, Ohio. Unlike his elder brother Harry, he hns always had pol itical ambitions, and seven years ago thought seriously of becoming a can didate for Governor of Ohio. Senator Hanna, at that time the lea der of the Republican organization of the state, picked Judge George K. Nash as his candidate, however, and Garfield soon after announced himself a candidate for Congress In the Twen tieth district. After a spirited con test, which became busily complicated before It closed, Jacob A. Deldler was nomlnnted and elected and Is now con cluding his third successive term. DECIDE YOURSELF. The Opportunity is Here, Backed Astoria Testimony. by m i mm YHf INTMimOKMNT, HI WTORHSITV. President Roosevelt's departure for Panama has again bereaved the Cap ital, but there is consolation in the fact that within leas' than a Congress will be in session. (Don't take our word for it. Don't depend on a stranger's state ment Read Astoria endorsement Read the statements of Astoria cit izens, And decide for yourself. Here Is one case of It: E. C. Ruland, printer, living on As- tor St., Astoria, Ore., says: "I have tried several guaranteed kidney cures, but consider Doan's Kidney. Pills the best and highly recommend the rem edy to my friends. My trouble had bothered me off and on for many years. I had pain in the small of my back, sharp twinges -when stoop ing or lifting and tho aching both ered me a great deal at night. I was tired,, languid and very nervous, but since using Doan's Kidney Pills I have not had these nervous spells nor the headaches I used to suffer from. The results have been a great Improvement in the condition of the kidney secretions. Doan's Kidney Pills have been so great a help that I am continuing with them and feel sure of relief whenever suffering from these troubles." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. READ ALL THE ADVERTISEMENT ABOUT PAINTS AND PAINTING, TEEN COME TO US; WE HAVE A REPUTATION GAINED BY TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF GOOD WORE; WE CANT AFFORD TO DO A SIN GLE UNSATISFACTORY JOB. WE USE MATERIALS THAT OUR EXPERIENCE HAS TAUGHT US ARE THE MOST SAT ISFACTORY AND WE STAND BACK OF OUR WORK. WX ARE RIGHT HERE IN ASTORIA, WHERE YOU CAN GET AT US IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG. B. F. ALLEN 8 SON NEW STORE COS. nth AND BOND STREETS. FINANCIAL. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. L PETERSON, Vice-President fRANK PATTON, Cashier. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier. Cured of Bright't Disease. Mr. Robert O. Burke, of Elnora, N. Y., writes: "Before I started to use Foley's Kidney Cure I had to get up from twelve to twenty times a night, and I was all bloated up with dropsy and my eyesight was so impaired that I could scarcely see one of my fam- month . ily across the room. I had given up noP ' Uvlng, when a friend recom- mnA3w4 YT-aIav TTMnAV fMlFA. HflA KA prominent Senators and Representa-, t workea lives are arriving In the city and Was-jfora x ha(1 taken th bottie the htngton is taking on the aspect of a dropsy had gone, as well aa all other busy seat of government. symptoms of Brlght's Disease." F. Lauren, Owl Drug Store. Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid In (100,000, Surplus and Undivided Proms 158,000. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposit 168 Tenth Street, ASTORIA, OREGON First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. ESTABLISHED 188(3. Capital $100,000 The MORNING ASTORIAN 60 CTS. PER MONTH