The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 13, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Made By the Bee's
A Fresh Shipment Just n
We Guarantee It's Purity.
One Piano Number Free With Each $5 Sale at Wise's
I TALES Of 1 1
Itall 11 Bcutly, NoUry Public ai
8cully' Cltfar Hint. An okl hour I
, OrtowlU egvera umbntllat and make
them u Oo4 at nw, 1 1 -7-tf
The try bit board to U obtained la
ti dty U at "Tie Ocddeat Hotd,"
Katea virjr reasonable,
Columbia and Victor Grephophontt
and all tba UUwt record at Chicago
prlcae, for eale by A. R. Cryui, 424
Commercial St, tf
Hotel Irrtng Hteam heat. If you
oe looking for a ooty. eomiortablt
room for the wlnUr, ui at one.
Tlrhon Malo 001. 10-11 tf
Tim primary election yesterday was
one of the Ult()nt ever held In the
city, No Interest wa tuken and less
than 400 vote were cant or about
one-half of thii reglatered vote. More
Republican votes wore cant than Dem
oarats and Mayor Wise received the
unanimous vote of the Democrats and
a large majority of the Republican
vote, in other words, he was nom
inated on both ticket. For city at-
Know what that nnirm? Vou need
that raincoat. Iion't put off buying
until you hove to take what' Ml. twney, very little Interest waa taken,
lluy now, while our stock I com-1 Wpt by a few personal friend of
plete. We can plea you tw.lh In ! l"a respective candidate,
atye and price. Have you money,
Over thirty klmln-II2.M to $30.00.
Owt to bvd woolen underwear?
Bigger and Qroter bargain thnn
ever to be had at the Great Retiring
Rale of C. Hr; Cooper. Call now be
fort It la too late. 11-1 -tf
Bo Do I look. To realty ee your
a'f ai other tee you, get one of thoe
aw ityle mlrrori at Hart' Drug Store t
all priroi, A Dew eupplJust recked.
Thousand of dollera worth of sea
aonable and hlith claaa dry goods.
clothing, furnlahlnf good, aod all
aelllng at half-price and leaa at C.
II. Coopera Great Retiring Bale.
Chan. If, Abercromble carried every
precinct In the city and out of' 852
vole cant, he ha a majority of 69.
Com. now while price are low. Have;Th vote on city attorney wa a fol-
nll kind. Hale on all woolen good-,
underwear, aoeks, blanket, etc.
Finest line of rnen'e and boy' suit
In Astoria at price nurprlslngly lw.
Hrowniivlllo Woolen Mill Hlore,
64 Commercial Ht.
Heavy Wind Storm- A heavy wind
lorm occurred yesterday morning,
comnienclng about 2 o'clock and lam
ing until 7. No damage wa done
In the city, but It I reported that
several tree have fallen aero the
N'ehalcm road. The water main In
I'nlontown broke ye(iduy morning
trig, but waa repaired by Assistant
Superintendent Johnson.
Precinct N'o. 1. Abercromble, 16;
McCue, g; ;No. 2, Abercromble, 40;
McCuo, IS; No. 3, Abercromble, 44;
McCue, 42; No, 4. Abercromble, 57;
MeOue, 45; No, 5. Abercromble, 19;
McCue, 16; No. ,' Abercromble 42;
McCue, 29. Total, Abercromble, 218;
I McCue, 159.
J For councilman, L. O. Bellnnd wa
(nominated In the third ward and Dick
Davis and A. McPharbind In the first.
It I ImpoHilble to give the vote on
mayor, a the Judge who brought In
! the return failed to bring a copy,
j which I usual. I Over twenty df
I C-rent man wr voted for In tlifr
I various precinct, tnnklng the primary
I election a farce. Indicating that the
Cttiiena Ticket Pursuant to a call: voters hike no interest In primary
homed by Mayor Young, the Seaside election, preferring to make their se
cltlxen ml at the town hall and nnm-1 lection at the general election.
The citizen will hold their con
vention either Friday or Saturday
night, at which time candidate for
earn to Denee Prof. Rlngler of
Portland hne classes every Thursday,
at A. O. U. W. hall. Ith and Duane.
Adulta evening; children 4 p. m. All
the latent dance. Walta Olld. Three
atep, etc. Social dancing S: 30 p. m.
Toe Much Water The protracted
rain are seriously Interfering with
the Astoria water ytem. the drenched
earth sliding and twltlng on the hlll
lde, breaking connection and warp
Ing the main badly. The engineer'
force I kept on the Jump keeping up
with the faulty ervlce reported.
Preuks were reported on Sunday from
the Ieyde and from the Tongue Point
mill. Engineer Urs llergavlck I
away on a week' leave of absence.
hinted a cltlxen ticket to bo voted
for at the election In December, The
following nomlmiloii were made:
Mayor, Dr. W. E. I-eul; recorder nndj mayor, city attorney, one councilman
.... . .1. J. . ,1.1.1 .. .1 H.II1
H I now reasonably
certain that A. M. Smith will receive
the nomination for city attorney and
dlce Judge. M. M. Moore; council-j from the first
mnn At large, ueorg" nienu-n; nrm oe ntnmimii-u.
ward, F. H. Dnlghton; second ward.
II, c. Anderson and J. A. Mclntyre.
The Republican are expected to meet
tonight and nominate a ticket. At
the election, several amendment t
the town charter will bo voted on.
Do You 'ei l'py "d not a bit
like working la the afternoon! Per
bapi lt' becauce of the kind of Itmcb
you're eatlng-too heavy an dtoo hard
to digest. Why not try the Talace
rentaurant on Commercial street, where
all tb baking la done in those famous
slow-process 0v-n, which turn out light
appetlislng. wholesome things! You'"
save money, too.
Emll Bslmer Drowned The body of
Kmll Palmer, who whs drowned near
Knnppa last Saturday afternoon, was
recovered Sunday afternoon and wa
brought to thl city. Palmer and
Frank Lewi went up to Wind Slough
last Wednesday on a hunting trip,
a mentioned In Sunday' Aslorlnn.
and. on Saturday Lewi heard two
shot flred and a call for help. Search
wn mndo for Palmer with the above
remilt. Mr. Palmer conducted a ci
gar tore on Pond street. He ha two
brother living In Spokane and n sla
ter living In Portland. It Is not
known whether he will bo burled here
or taken to Spokane, until hi broth
er arrive, which will probably be tonight.
Mayor Wise will be . endorsed No
name have been mentioned for coun
cllmen. From iresent Indication very
little Interest will be taken In the
general election.
Increase In Population. Dr. O. B.
Ete report the arrival of a girl at
the residence of M. M. Strawn, at 2670
Alder street. Alderbrook: and a 10
pound boy at Oliver MeClures, 270
Irving avenue
The Greatest Entertainer in the Worldj
ant M J r 1LW W ffJ LmcI WW
When you have finished your "dally grind" and assumed a peaceful
repose In your home, there is nothing that will bring so much good solid
comfort, cheerfulness, and happiness, not only for yourself, but for the whole
family, as the Edison Phonograph.
1 J . A illA MAM.
w- To convince you o tne bdsoiuio supeuumy or u m
MIL,mL Edison Phonograph we will gladly demonstrate this Ideal
home entertainer in your own residence absolutely free. A full and com
plete assortment of records on hand.
The Ladies of St. Mary' Church
will hold their fair on the 15th. 16th
and 17th of this month. All tho es
tnbllshed feature that lend Interest
will be In evidence, a well as many
novelties. Excellent meals will be
ervcd at noon and In the evening.
A special program at night.
Last Night' Concert Every soul
present nt the Montleth-Ooodnnugh
coticiot at the First M E. church, wns
fortunate In devoting his or her eve
ning to this especial entertainment. It
was, In an artistic sense, one of the
finest and most satisfying , ventures
of tho year and should have had a
house packed to the doors. Every
one of the score of offerings by those
talented gentlemen was encored heart
ily and appreciated deeply. The dis
mal weather and the primary election
were Interfering: factors, but all who
refrained, fitoin attending were dis
tinct losers, whatsoever their reasons
may have been.
We Like Fresh Butter and Admire a Fine Head of Hair;
But, Not Mixed Together I
Some merchants carry a lot of cheap clothes
and offer them as bargains, but such stuff
is dear at any price, even though it looks
nice while new. You cannot get pure
gold at plated ware prices; real good clothes
cost more but they give a heap site more
satisfaction. The "SHOW ME,f dispo
sition should govern your conduct before
you invest in fake bargains. For reliable
merchandise see
The Ladies' Guild of Holy Inno
cent will have a sale of fancy ar
ticle In the basement of the chapel
on the 24th of November, Saturday,
afternoon and evening.
Haa Returned Home John D. Mc
Gowan, who has been 111 at St. Mary'a
hospital for the past four weeka, left
there yesterday for hla northshore
home at McGowan'a.
Olney Telephone Line The new tel
ephone line between Astoria and 01-
nel Is completed a distance of about
nine miles, with three more miles to
build. It Is expected It will be com
plted next week.
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co.Joc.
Successors to Foard & Stokea Co.
Ranges, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery.
Graniteware, Glassware,
Iron and Steel Tool and Ship Chaadle ry. Headquarters for Hardware.
David Smith Funeral The funeral
of the late David Smith, Jr., occurred
yesterday morning from the Episcopal
church, Rev W. S. Short officiating,
The interment was at Ocean View
City Park Commission The city
Park Commission held a meeting and
levied a tax of one-half of one mill
for park purposes. The levy was filed
in the auditor's office yesterday af
Contract Completed Birch & Jacob
son have completed driving the piles
for the bulkhead in front of the Point
Adams Life saving station at Ham
mond, and will bring their driver to
tho city tomorrow.
Will Not Run The well known
young attorney, Plchard Shore Smith,
whose name, has been prominently
mentioned of late in connection with
the candidacy for the city attorney
ship, Is absolutely out of the race,
upon his own choice and volition; and
so declared to a. representative of the
Morning Aslorlnn yesterday afternoon.
In this relation it Is now an admitted
fact that A. M. Smith will consent
to the life of his name In succession
of himself and that he will contest
for tho honor as against the Repub
lican nominee, C. II. Abercromble.
After Four Years Will Benoit has
returned to his home after an absence
of four years In the U. S. navy. He
arrived here on Sunday morning's ex-
nress direct from Bremerton, where
his ship, the Wisconsin, Is now lying
for repairs. He Is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Benoit of the Hammond
House, near the A. & C. depot.
Bids Onened Bids for constructing
nnd approach and shed nt Fort Can
by were opened yesterday morning at
the office of qunrtermnster at Fort
Stevens. The bids wore as follows:
Ferguseon & Hueston, class A, $.
200; class B, $6,022; class C, $7,190;
C. G. Palmberg, class A, $7,720; class
B, $7,430; clnss C, $0,700; Lennder
Lebeck, clnss C, $10,038; Strlngland
& Mattson clnss A $695t; clnss B,
$6,695; class C, $7,200. The bids were
forwairded to Washington, without
rocomendatlon, for the consideration
of the War Deartment.
Sliding GroundThe recent heavy
rains have caused the land to' slide
In soveral sections of the city, doing
considerable damage. Saturday a
sdio occurred south of engine com
pany No 3, and the residence of B.
J. Settum was slightly damaged. It
has always been supposed thnt this
land was free from slides.
We Are Busy and selling great
quantities of goods, but there are lots
of fine goods left yet, and we are
selling the same at one-half and In
many Instances at less than one
fourth of the original cost. Come now,
don't wait. C. H. Cooper's Great Re
tiring Sale. 11-1-tf
Work to Be Commenced W. A.
Goodln, who has been awarded the
contract for building the spur from
the Seaside depot to the Seaside
house, a distance of one milo, will
send teams and men to Seaside to
morow, preparatory to commencing
work. It is expected the work will
be completed by February 1. When
the spur Is completed, the railroad
company will build a dopot near the
Seaside house, which will probably be
the Seaside terminus of the road.
Fir Alarm Boxes Chief Engineer
Foster is busy installing the new fire
alarm boxes and expects to have them
all in position this week. The boxes
have been here for some time, and
the delay was caused in not receiv
ing the wire.
la Going Fast Better place your or
der for coal while there Is plenty, for
it won't last long at the present rate.
Good coal is extremely hard to set
and prices are climbing. Phone 1961,
S. Elmore & Co., corner Ninth and
Commercial. Our price now $7.60 per
ton on the wharf. 11-9-tf
Police Court Yesterday was a busy
day In the police court. V. Tanner
was charged with being drunk, plead
guilty and as he had spent the Sab
bath In Jail he was fined $2. Chas.
Green was fined the same amount on
a similar charge. A half dozen other
drunks forfeited bail amounting to
$45; one vag forfeited his ball of $20
and the gambling fines amounted to
$75, making a total for the day's
business of $140.
(Formerly New York Credit Co-;
Special offerings this week in all departments. New
and up-to-date goods are arriving everyday and we are
kept busy selling, because we sell good goods at low
prices. You can be as well dressed as your friends by
buying a suit or overcoat from us and paying for it in
weekly payments.
If You Knew How Much Goodness and Wear
There Is In Our
and SUITS at
You would not wonder why we sold so
many of them If you pay $20 at other
stores you will get none better.
$1.25 Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers, Special 85c ea
Just received from New York Ladies' Suits and Long
Coats, in latest styles and colors. See our Win
dow Display.
Special, Tailored Alpaca Waists, $2.25
The material would cost at least $1.00 a yard. It's a
$3.50 waist for a special price of
Large and complete line of Men's, Ladies' and
Children's Shoes.
(Fastest Growing Store in Astoria)
Commercial, bet. 8th and 9th, News-Herald Building