The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 13, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Court of Inquiry on Wreck of the
Iredale Convened.
Hoquiam Tug, John Cudahy, in Port
Empiraur Mnlik Losts Two
Mon Columbino in With
Lightship No. 76.
Testerday morning at 10 o'clock
there convened at the office of Brit
ish Vice Consul P. U Cherry, on Bond
street. In this city, a board of In
quiry, charged with the Investigation
of the causes which led to the loss
of the British bark Pter Iredale,
which went ashore on Clatsop Spit
late In October. A number of the
crew were examined and careful rec
ord made of the testimony of each,
but nothing had developed at the
close of the firsts day's session, to
fix, with any certainty, the cause of
the loss of the vessel. The board will
re-convene this morning and pursue
the work. The men are being paid
off as fast as their testimony is tak
en and filed and many of them have
secured berths on outward and home
ward voyages.
The tug John Cudahy, of Hoquiam.
put into this port Sunday evening
and came up the bay yesterday morn
ing after a supply of fuel oil, and
Bome fresh water for her tanks. The
Cudahy has been In the habit of get
ting her oil from the steam coasters
touching In at Gray's Harbor, but
the supply ran short the other day
and she had to come over for a "skinful.-
She Is at the Callender pier,
awaiting a smooth bar to go out on
the home-stretch.
receive her. Captain Pornn will be
In command, a fact that will aid ma
t,rliitlv In sustaining her old time
The French bark Kmpereur Mono
ilk has discharged S.lOfl barrels of ee
ment at the O. R. & N. dock. "'
has 9.400 more to disembark. She will
probably be swung up the dock sev
eral hundred feet today or tomorrow,
to make room at the western end
for the company's regular steamship
landing and business. During her
stay at the dock the Menellk has lost
two men by desertion, Louis Iian
and Alphonse Tlhlrln. and Captain
Moret is moving "heaven and earth"
to get them back, as he Is respon
sible to this government for the re-
tentlon of men until he leaves this
port for sea.
The Big Bonansa has cleared from
this port with 1.111000 feet of lum
ber, from the Old Oregon mills, for
San Francisco.
The steamer Barracouta left out for
am jvsterday mhrnlmr. alter being
detained In this port all of Saturday
nlKht. making some necessary repairs
to her steering gear, which failed her
on her down-river trip Saturday last
and whereby she fouled a wharf near
Oak Point, and smashed It Into kind
ling wood. She Is rushing south to
get Captain Doran Into Sun Fran
cisco this morning, so he can leave out
on the Columbia today, on her Initial
voyage, since her wreck In the Bay
City Dry dock. The Barracouta will
not appear on this run again, as she
noc app.r on ,n run . . '"T Superintendent of Street.
Is to be assigned to her old senlce
The steamer Tosemite arrived in
yesterday morning from San Fran
cisco bound for St. Helen's, where she
will load lumber for the return trip.
The bark McLaurln arrived down
from Rainier yesterday, San Francis
co bound, with lumber and will cross
out as soon as the bar moderates. She
has 881,000 feet of lumber.
The steamer Svea, from Rainier for
San Francisco, with 700,000 feet of
lumber, arrived down yesterday morn
lng and went to the lower harbor.
The schooner Balboa has cleared for
San Francisco with 900,000 feet of
The steamship Costa Rica is due
at the O. R. & N. pier this morning
from Portland, on her way to the
Bay City.
The steamship Columbia Is due to
leave San Francisco this morning at
11 oclock for this port and Portland.
She will be In some time on "Wednes
day evening or Thursday morning and
will likely find a host of her old
friends on the O. R, & N. dock to;
hatn-een Sun Francisco and South
American ports In the fruit business
The llehthouse tender Columbine nr
rived In this port last evening at
6 o'clock from her recent voyage to
Puget Sound. She brought back with
her as a tow, the lightship No. TS.
which has been doing duty at Uma
tilla reef for the past year or more,
and the latter will be taken to Port
land for a general overhauling and
cleaning. All well on board.
The motor schooner Delia Is on the
ways, having her propeller shaft re
paired for a leak, which might have
wrought her loss had she gone to sea.
Charles H. Johnson of this city, for
merly one of the owners of the steam
er Colwell. which he sold, recently,
will go out on the steamship Geo.
W Elder, as chief officer, when she
goes on her Initial trip to San Francisco.
This It Worth Remembering.
As no one is immune, every person
should remember that Foley's Kidney
Cure will cure any case of kidney or
bladder trouble that Is not beyond
the reach of medicine. T. F. Lauren,
Owl Drug Store.
Hatcheries Doing Well Master
Fish Warden Van Dusen has received
reports from some of the coast hatch
eries, showing that they? are doing
well. At the Coos Bay hatcnery z.-
nnnono eees have been secured ana
a large number of fish are below the
racks. " Reports from the Sandy river
show that the freshets have been the
highest for several years, but thus far
no material damage has been none
any of the racks or hatchery plants,
but what will be the result of a con
tinuation of the freshets cannot be
The common council held an ad
journed session last evening.. Mayor
Wise and all the councllinen being
A communication was received from
the Park Commission, notifying the
council that they had levied a tax of
one-half of one mill for park pur
poses. An ordinance was Introduced by
the committee on ways and means
pf-ovldfmr for tho annual tax levy,
based upon the assessed vnluatlon of
property In the city at li.021.8J4. A
levy of ten mills was made for general
municipal purposes: one-half of on
mill for park purposes and one-half
of one mill for the public library.
The way and mean committee also
filed a report of the estimated receipts
and expenditure of tho city for the
yenr 1907. The estimated expenses
are I5S.341.S0. segregated as follows:
Auditor and Police Judge...! 2,0000.00
City Attorney 1,080.00
City Treasurer 900.00
do the most critical
buyers come to us to
buy their clothes t
fffye Answer
is simple and plain :
It V I . , I
Street Repairs 2.9S0.00
City Hall 1.430.00
City Pound '50 0
Police Department 8.4(10.00
City Jail 150-00
Fire IVpartment 8.500.00
Public Property 3,509.00
City Surveyor 2.000.00
Printing 1,500.00
Interest cn bonded Indebted
ness 12.500.00
Public Library 1.010.00
Health Department 850.00
City Park l.nlO.90
Flections 500.00
Salaries, Mayor and Council-
men 1,000.00
City Lights 5,400.00
City Cemetery ShO.OO
Litigation 600.00
Excess on Street Improve
ments 1,500.00
10 mill tax levy I20.218S4
1 mill tax levy 2.021.86
Saloon licenses 20.000.00
Fines and forfeitures 14.000.00
Sundry licenses 7.763.00
In the fines and forfeitures, tlO.OOO
Is estimated from gambling fines. Mr.
n.,H.. .i .,,nrl n motion that n special
levy of 1H mills be levied for con
structing new engine house and the
motion was carried.
The ordinance was laid over until
next Monday night.
A resolution was adopted authoriz
ing the superintendent of streets and
city attorney to remove all obstruc
tions from 13th street between Ex
change and Franklin avenues, after
which the council adjourned.
W fa
fl' J
lit I J" '
Copyright 1906 by
Urn Schifi'iicr 6f Mars
Suit like cut $20
We sell
Hart, Schaffner
$ Marx
clothes, which are gu
aranteed in every re
spect, for the same
money as others offer
commonplace clothes
Clothe bought here pressed free.
Not Cheap Goods Bat Good Goods Cheap
Simington Dry Goods Go.
Agents for Warner's Rust Proof Corsets, Ferris Waists
for Ladies and Children, Standard Patterns.
Good Values Every Time You Buy from us is Steadily
Increasing our Trade.
Just Received
A beautiful line of hand painted Japanese
chinaware --just the thing for Christmas
Don't fail to visit our Art Embroidery
Department, now complete for the holi
day trade with every description of the
most artistic designs in Pillow Tops,
Centerpieces, Dresser Scarfs, Stamped
Linens, Etc.
Because we save you money trade with
Hiram Cray of Hammond was In
the city yesterday.
James Armstrong, the Svensen mer
chant, was In the city yesterday on
James P.-trker of Santa Clara, ar
rived In the city yesterday with the
Intention of locating.
Mrs. C. W. Lamar, wife of the man
age of the Western Union, arrived
In the city yesterday.
H. L. P.ond of West port was In the
city yesterday, returning on the eve
ning express.
Thos. D.'ilglty arrived home Sunday
nlpht from spending the summer In
Chas. A. Payne of the Chinook Ob
server, was a visitor In the city yes
terday. U C. Kimball of San Diego was
among the arrivals In the city yes
terday. Mrs. O. W. Lamar and Mrs. Abble
Douglas of this city, were visitors to
the Iredale wreck on Sunday last.
Miss Rose Nordstrom and Miss
Lawson were homing passeriKers on
Sunday night's train from Portland.
E. C. Judd, of Seaside, was In the
city yesterday on a business trip.
Clyde Owen of Portland registered
at the Irving yesterday.
E. H. Crowe of Portland Is register
ed at the Occident.
Edward Brown of Tillamook arrived
in the cltv yesterday.
A. F. Consault of Portland arrived
down on the noon train yesterday.
P. A. Stokes was a Portland visit
or on Sunday last.
Mrs. John Olson of Portland ar
rived here on Sunday night, to visit
her friend, Mrs. Otto Johnson, of Up
per Astoria.
The Misses Esther and Laura An
derson were Svensen visitors on Sun
ix7 returning to the city on the
night train.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Enberg, son
and daughter, were over Sunday vis
Itors at the metropolis, returning, to
Astoria on the night express.
J. L. Bowman, proprietor (of the
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, in this
city, was down from Portland yes
terday for a few hours on business.
Dr. J. A. Fulton, (J. C. Fulton and
Senat'r W, T. Scho.-l,j were hom
ing passengers on Sunday night's
train, from a successful hunllnif trip
Up the Columbia.
Manager J. A. Urunhold of tho Pa
cific States Telephone In this city,
accompanied by Miss HIMegard Urun
hold and Miss Mamie Wilson, came
home from Portland on Sunday night's
Pears for Canning $1.00 per Box
Waxen CooKlnrf Apples. Me pep Box
Kind Apples. $1.15 per Box
Sour Kraut- 5c lb.
Mince Meat, 2 lbs, 25c.
Dill Pickles, 20c Doz,
Comb Honey, 2 for 35c.
All Kind of Krcsh Fruits ami Vegetables in Season
Repairing Specialty
Simple Way to Overcome the Dangers
of this Disagreeable Disease.
Catarrh Is an Inflammation of the
mucous membrane of the nose, throat
and lungs, with many annoying symp
toms. In this climate there nre few
who do not suffer from this disagree
able disease, often In a chronic and
dangerous state.
Fortunately, within the last few
years, a simple and reliable treatment
for catarrhal troubles has been found
-Ilyomel, a combination of healing
and germ-kllllng balsams, that, when
breathed through the neat pocket In
haler that comes with every outfit,
reaches the tiniest cells in tho resplr
atory organs, carrying Its healing and
health-giving properties to every part
where the catarrhal poison Is t'-H
Used in this way, Ilyomel kills all
catarrhal germs, drives ihe poison
from the system, and heals all Irrita
tion that may be present In tho mu
cous membrane,
If you have the ordinary catarrhal
svmntoms. such as offensive breath
burning pains in the throat, cough,
raising of toucous, difficulty In breath -Inir.
sneezing, husklness, discharge
from the nose, droppings in the throat
coughing spasms, etc., begin the use
of Hyomei at once.
A complete Hyomei outfit costs but
tl. extra bottles, if needed, CO cents,
and Is sold by T. F. Laurens under
an absolute guarunteo that it will cure
catarrh or money will be refunded.
Latest Sizes, Colors and
Fabrics but see for your
selfprices on good 5 in
the Display Window.
ahtohia, ohi:;on
Up-to Pnte Hbw;M!II Miii-hlncry I'nujipl ntliiill 'iifrlvcii'.tilul. r- ntr work
IHthliuul Franklin Ave.
Tel. Alula IMfll
The aversion which many people
have toward ordinary oil heaters is
largely due to the smoke and smell so
characteristic of the old-fashioned oil
burner. The removal of these ob
jectionable features and the perfecting;
of all mechanical parts, combined with
beauty of design and skilled work
manship, have made the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
vastly superior to all others. Cannot
smoke or smell. Wick cannot be
turned too high or too low. Brass
oil fount beautifully embossed. Holds
four quarts of oil and burns nine
hours. Light and portable; easily
carried about. Warms cold rooms and
heats water quickly. Two finishes
nickel and japan. Every heater war
ranted. If you cannot get heater or
information from your
dealer, write to our
nearest agency for de
scriptive circular.
ment to every room and it
the best lamp for all-round
household use. Perfectly constructed ; absolutely safe ;
unexcelled in light-giving power. Made of brass
throughout and nickel-plated. Every lamp warranted.
If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency.