The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 11, 1906, Image 9

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.Villi I lielellV gIVHI. Unit mi In- 1, '' niv( fo(. h. rMir(.,.,
.;v Petition. i.d by i.v.r Iwo ,M,.,o.t, Ui. t.,n- .1 ... V " X"ym t" tdwlnr of the Cllv of Aia of ve-nuil nnd imuner 1 1 in d.
',1, i, l. NH ; m rli,. .I. by" ..r.iiwJiU,wImi l.l Icon
i,i Auditor mi'l I'olli'o Judge of 1 ho hiik-i. vukmihi
niv of AHnl. demijiidli.K that th IJ, To .r.viit mid remove nul-
fcc unifier itii.llonml .r..i,o., .,r.w. ,,,,-t t, .!irB by general
nri.'lmniil Hi t hrlr of the City ruti n what ..hull (n,,uiui (hi Name
J,, Ain hll Iw 'ld to h and lo m..k Hi exM, of 11 ba In
Imrtl l" "' "f "K " Alntlii, for n imlKiti.m n 'n uon th property
their approval or relnclli.,,. itl 10 w,ef mi.:h i,il,.h( ta: tl (l l u
Kimul rl" lloi In i held till th 1211) or, any u or Links where
,i,,y of I .. miilior, A li., Im. hiuI miiKiiuni water atunda, mill to make
lh tenor ttlid tfctt thereof being Um rout thereof It ll-n 11p1.11 the- prop.
Uiwn; . . u . . .v. f'1' ,,u' '" '" t am must
All iimeiidmeiil In Hjclloii U of he . tlm ( ,.,in II mid th u
flintier of lb Hy Aniorln being tonniry thereof diic,n.t by ordinance
iMt. tloti of n Ael of llin Inglaui- nnd thereupon tlm work must be let to
t is imaeiulilv of lb Hut of Oiokoii, Dm lowest rraponalhle bldde and the
mipnund l InHniry U, lH and li- ol lli-rof tm i:ole t(,. In mn
IIH.mI "An Ai't to IlimirootntB tlm Clly lu-r u ntrt litiprnvninnnl
f Atuili hi CIiott t'ouiiiv Hinte of, tl Tu i.rohlhit itii erection or r
driKoit mil to tpenl nn i eiititlod Milr of wooden l 1 1 1 'I I n v wlililn ihn
An Ai l to liooi iMirnto lli City of (lie limit, niut to noiirlil and limit
A.ihM In "lnt"l outity. Hint of Hie lu-mlit of nil lnilJilltiK": lo pro
tirKou" nod lo rl-eil mi Mil entitled vide for Mild rtetm mine the number
A" "'I In'orpoKte Ilia City of mid elxo of eiitniiici-it nd exit from
Antoriu III ClntM County, f.reKoii" ull pulille linll. iliunhen mid nil
A,,iuv.,l 20. !;, "I1le, In oilxr ImlldliiKi ued for nubile
Hie oltli'f of III Herrelnty of Htte ei'lieriliicii, nnd the modq for liiinK
ivliMi.iiv l, fl, ilennliiK lti mw-'Ii." do.i.a im-reiit.
t tlm I'ouiull mid providing for, II, To iir.ivlde for the prevention
Id rutin. irtnltiK. rfKiilniinir rrairnlii- nnd exl liiKiilHlunerit of nre, nnd for
irirlittn nnd iirohlliltltiR lmr the nr-m-i v-ut Ion f property eniliin
riMMim nnd diinklniC liom nnd tla,e iteied llirii-liy. nnd for the appoint
hoie iUor lire 'dd. irolilbl iiielit of olllcein required for KUeh PUr
faintlln ud piovpllng ' for Invylng pon
nr. proviuitiB tor i.iiiuiu'iinK ui" in. 10 r''u.iiie hiio nx in com
rti(ndiire nnd 1 r:t'tlili.K .my oft), er i'-.i.illini of th rtilef of poll.' and
fi.,1.1 lrlli liilnrt,l"i III uny totiinirt linllremrli. the keeper of the city!
t.iir il ium the ttinntiiiK of film-; piiann mid lli hointe of rorrni'tlnn.
ttil f"r atrcet rnllwnya for a ln : 1(1. To tiiovhle for the i.reveiitlon
rr i-nod tlmn thirty fr nnd r-MU-, nnd rimviil of nil olintructlona from
laiih lite mnniier of ntum fritn- lho nireole, clow And aldewulk: for
1 ,11a 1 Till 1'ITV III-" AH TtlltlA: M ln" Inviiiin!iii 01 nn hiiiii.iti-
Tlil ac tion I of Hie Clmrtr .,f , for the f.uiilHliinj.iil of th name
the city of Alri Mm a--toii 3j 17. To provide for the prevent Ion
1.1 .al.l A if..rn'tld I.e and Hie I mid removnl nf ohmriK tlona In the
li,,,. I. Ijer.hy mnended .0 a lo rd CJ..W. rm tHmlw .f
ion S. The C....11. II li,. power ; I'tmlxh the throwing of biilliiat.
kiI nutl.ority wlililn lit t'ny of A- jJi. nl.e or other nutterlM there-
' " l To levy nnd l ollrrt tnioa for "' ' To remilut the bujldltut Of
. ,i ..L.,,1,1,.1,1 i,iiriMiri not f hui'vea nlonj tlm river front and
m i V., rr v all Hie .Irlvln of pile. In the Columbia
'.'.'"i 1, .h r J n ri.l ,rit river within thn llinlla of .,. City.
' V.' ' ..VL iim i. , . h U ta.a- td to eatahllHli it wharf line beyond
r,"t"v ii f, ,Ji i and ' :..uly in-1 ' ! wlmrvea Hhnll not be built.
I.U by law for lt utl 'unty pur J9 Tp irov,,,e for th0 PBi,lt,i,,h.
I'?";,. 1 . . ,,,11 .,1 a i., ll tni ineiil of nnirkel hmiHi a nnd plitre.
:. Io lvy ' .r"!1',,., ,Trn ut- 't.-,.t of m.irkn houea nnd mark
of ,, dl't tie lr turn up (i) b1 Um 0(.ft(on nn,
t... d th I'towtlv . . ' V u , (f ,rh h0UW( RI),
ini'Mir " ... ,
lh nmtlmi. for any unm-IIU; "'jf ,
Ifmriiy OI tne iir-. - ' "
HHIilll III ntunoriiv m 1 ne iiiu.,.
r..i imrnllun. In. Iudm Ihe payment
of nny debi. or for inuiilii
pul improvetneiit. but the orllnnnre
pnivldliiir tlwfor mul "peilfy Ihe
ol,..l theii.r and Hi amount
tt.'l TOI
3 To ll.enne, In and regulate nUC;
tu.,,....r. hot I ru..i.r. "v-",.
l-a, I uic hou.; l . P- J
pnwnbroker. JTnlJ bro-
,. nl n.iui. nod li ",M' J'
k, barber. bak- Ml.ra inerehnndi";. "lM"-,, ,j
,!. . r-erlM, diy , rr'ilk.
,,,aik..i.. htirdwar !lnar cr.
erv. UMwr millli '
rhiar and totmiro fru 'VuVn,,ur
1 'ST1.' a ntlmier?!
: :: " ::.:. .,,;r;ha.,t. i..ur
and all orfen.ive trade ''''''.10lr
tiona. and to d-nn what hull conatl
tutp the Him . it.
4. TO llrenae. tX 'd rerulat
v.,n ' . ...
Vn..ii. carta, draya or h"
bli lr. tiaed for Ihe irttnaporlnllon of
..!.. hnrHt.eva. i:,ii 1 iiih
1.1. Ira uae.1 ir " .,-",,,,,
paai-niera or nny nrii..- i .(
iuth ballnat or bulldlnj, nwirll
and other aubatnmea. and to tlx th
r,.t.-a thereof whether the aunt"
ut'd for hire or not.
;,. To ll.enae, lax. rem n e, re
attain, reatrlcl nnd prohibit Bar
room nn.t drtifklmr " "
l.ln.e where Iblttora are ol . . a ml
In prohibit tmmbltnit ."'' UW ?!
any pcraon or f .... " ,,.
eenao for, ami mnlntalnlt.K a bar
room or iirinainr r ,h0
mine law or n i " "V "' i
talnimr ,. nulaunce or l.Je',V,"
illanrderly imuae on ; : : n,a nutimrtty, annii r
manner In which ,l'l',ir:I""'"H"l I center f th block. , , , ,hn
dilnklna- ahon l conducted or carried ",' T eatabllnh nnd remilate the
on or - wlllfJilv t-llInK H'luor to "''l 1 fP(V nnd coin p.mant Ion of pll omcera
r ..iiowinir minora to l Iter , rcp" , Mlv '...,. .). otherwise
feh.nv. Vnld llccna ahull be deemed ,, of nV ordinance of
forfeited and thereafter no "cenat , , ,, or lniprlaoiiment not
for bnr-room or .lrlnkln ( ahon ' i.mV 3oo 00 or one hundred day a
be laaue.l or be irranted 0,"',Xn"Ji.,) the cllv hill, or both, or bv forfU
peraon or peraon. and I'lVYIlnria ' ro or penalty not exceeding J500.00,
. J.....T..i.-r ,i.i ,, imiv nf Aator.a . ' i.iV... nr anner or nrla-
vr I nnir.iii n,r ... --- .Inllllll Tor ffliiRnm mij ,-- - -
iay, upon bclnif nuthnrl.ed an to do ( ' .,rpoi or public worka,
bv it majority vote of the elector of " nt.n to them ball nud chain
the cltv. own, nperale and conduct , ' J , ,t(.imerits na may be
place for the anle of malt. "'"'f'-Vu i ! eeined necexaaiy for their aafe keep
oiin or vlnoou ll.inora and prohibit , d..nK the term thereof
all peranna other than the Cllv of Aa- l,,!fI To nri.vl.lo for the collecting and
toiln from eiiKTiKltiK In or oonductlnBl . ' f nn lnone- to whlcn the
auch bualnoaa, tj , n , .. tv la or may become entitled, or
To llcenae nnd tax whnrflnm'ra: i ' .Y,.,, m(1V be assessed, levied or au
to license, tax ana r-K.nie ju.iij -- .
er nnd dealers In aecond hand mer-
"nn.llse; to llf'na. tnnji'l remi ate
(..hop exhibition, mer-
m, niMh keener of w'"'
mnoklnac opium, nnd l' "1" "Vvont
lTZ city; to remove all rr-,
son nlll c eil W t l aucn "r " , , . thev Nnilll huuiim ikh . i.ii-i
?r nn to m.ltabln hospllalH Provided by ; t pUrchnso the name; PRO
t he cllv for thnt purpose: to viDKD. that ln case of nn emertfency
o protection of persona nnd prop-i ,Ve committee on Fire nnd Water, and
' v ther.M.1, nnd to provide for the nnu- PuWl0 Wfty8, may incur
ho , 1th and c nnnllness, ortmment, pence m1obtf.rt nes not to exceed, $100 00;
; i "nn,! order of the Cll v ! vnoViniOD FURTHER, that neither
""g To vw 'ven t nn.l nunl-th trespnaa ROVi uu o memHer of the
un.m real I or personal property. "0emnl0n Council, nor any officer of
n rem ir i wUh n Astoria shall either dl
nnd Jl olesom water, nndj for the . lyP ln(iireetly enter Into a con
nection ami construction of ueh SJ'tywlth the city nor furnish aup
wn or works nnd reservoir within or " 1 provlsons to the City. If the
vltl mi the llml a of the city as may r0'r ftny mPmber of the Cam
i " wessirv or convenient therefor: lonlCnuncll or any offlcer of the c ty
nnd te i rn-aiit to anv private Prson or ' ,,aii violate the provisions of the City
?Vpo?anVfrntt Charter his office will be deemed va
tlo, . or construction, of vp ennt.
within the iirniis or ... - VVfi 0: ln-1
r un nn.t aimui '"'""." -.feot
f Inylnir p pea etc, rtiion n"
din I be used and exercised undft
".h rule, and reKu,at ons a d re-
aln ,'l from tin, "to time prescribe. TT regu tatlnR. wnne. hna
10. 1 To Provide, for l'"h tin the g .a athreVt of streets terml
streets and furnlshln the clt ' wltn t the wnter front,
e-ns electric or other Hftrhts. nnd for nauns ,u ir and repUiate
the erection nnd construction of such 80. i" . fl nn(1 t0 flx
voerka n" mn?be rtenessary or conve- PubHc whnr ehn
nlent therefor and to Rrant to any tne r t) p.ov,de for the co.
perpnn or corporation a frnncmRe,"r f" .. f the Snme.
' ' nnHnti nnd con- let yon oi -.i, - nnv ner-
TiermiMHion iur um ,1. .,.. irtln
structlon of pas-works and; e''o
llirht works within the limits of the
cv wUh nirthe rkhts and appur-
tennnces thereto, Including the power
of using hte streets and nubile high-
ways for the purpose of '"J'SS
pipes, erecting poles and hanging
eered under tich rule, numi
Hon and reaiil.iio,, na lhr common
immi Kill (.hull from I linn ( time p"-
ut.ilLtf. flip
the tli'iiiiluif nn.l repalrlnv of the
wuiie. nut to pnaa nfi'iiitrT orot"
nn.iien mnklnir Hie failure to comply
,,,,,,.. t,,,,,,,..
To provide for the erection of
a rlty hull, lull, houne of correction
nnd workhouan, and the trovernment
and mnnni;meiit of the aatne.
21. To remilnte Ihe storage and
mile of Kuni'owder. dynamite, nltro-Kiyrerlin-,
oil or combuntlhle mate.
-1..1 .....1 In i.N.t',111 V,, nil nORaltlle
minim diu.Ker or rlk of Inlury or
... - "Z li,viiw fmm cnr.Oeaa
,M, "n,.K,,.nr or otherwlae- to re-
ihtle the etonme of tar. realn.
,-,,uer nnd the uo of candlea, Inmpa
hJ , ntoreUi ,,,,
amblea nnd oth.'r t.lnrea; to auppreaa
remov and, aeiure any flr-pl.ce.
ehlmne- oven or boiler, or
hr aPimnttu whlrh may be dan-
K'r.Mia In laualnB flr.a.
.2, . To nrevent, reatra n and pun-
h iniox .-aimn. nw nMn sar;:.
1.. nM hmw l,i i.nta np rllal nrhnnee.
Hipt, . imj ,. - .
or dlanrdi-rlv naaembliilte. or any un
lawful or indecent practle In any
atreet, houae or place In the city.
23. To prohibit the carrying of
.I.....II. ,an,..r.a 1.1 B rlinPAnll fTlfln-
u , 'it 1 1 1 y t. . . . i w 1 1 ' -. . - - . -------
ner. and to provide for ihe punlah-
ner, and 10 provine iw i. in mu."""
,,p,,t ihoreof. and to r'Kulate, pro
J n-m in r
Illi'.H 111.-."-,.,. w '
hlblt and punlah Ihe ualna" of run a.
..iu...ld ..pMupr,.! flrMrarltArfl hrtmhl
and detonittlnn Work of nil deacrlp-
'"jl'i" To prevent, reatrnln, punlah and
diaper lUiy riot or rlotoua naaem
blnire or wraona taking; part therein.
it,. To control, remilate and llcenae
i.i....,... n.wi niihlir Inundrle. and
to provide for their exclualon from
larre portion
from beu-
peraon on
erect nir
or'mnintnlnlnir prlvlea, or ceaa-poola
within three nun.irer ieei ".v om-i
In which a newer ha or nmy be con
atructed. to connect with the anme,
I'ltoVIUKl). inni n!''r"''""..Vi,
tllri0. (0 he colleeteu lor ciiv 11Ui-
" "f M ,.Uy.
pto n on the faith
..-, in tho ernillf thereof.
c,ou"! l,n
34. To provine , wr a nu
' V re0 av out and consmici atreem
SB. ioJplow ordinary low water
nlmve nd river, and o
H7 TO m uni ii "-.i..."'" r
,, or corporatloii; to regulate i o
""."; the erection and maintenance
Jr0rnhIfh ."SS-.trlo light, telephone
e0e'r ' poies or wires tied within
nd c tner nnd streets alleys
and public Pftrks and public Krounds
fthe city. nd ln, over and upon any
; ninrn tnnn aix numneu i.-.-i. ,
control, whether they b within the
limit of tho cltv or without.
3H, To purchase, tuke, and hold real
eaial when old for taxe or for any
Imtiroveiiient ordered by th Common
Council, and to ell and dispose of the
an rim,
V, To provide for the punishment
or usanuit or uHNituit ana buttery
when committed within the city lim
it. 40. To locate and construct any
ditch, canal or pipe for the conduct
of witter, nn.l anv drain, aewer or
culvert It may deem neeoaanry or con
venient, itnd for such purpose It hall
hitv the right to enter upon any land
hiil ween the termini of such ditch.
canal, pipe, drain, wer or culvert.
the purpoae of examining, locatli.i' una
surveying the line of uch ditch
cimnl, pipe, di al n, awwe or culvert, for
doing unnevftMsary damug there
by, nn.l to aii'iroorliit an much of
aid land a may be neccaaarv for the
construction of the ar,.e, In like man
ner na I orovlded In Chanter VII, Ml
cellitlieou ljuwa of Oregon, for the ap
propriation of lands or right of wav
bv corooratlon named therein end to
appropriate and divert from It natu
ral course or channel, for the purpoe
or draining or flualilnit any eewcr.
drain or culvert, any spring or stream
of water.
41. To appropriate, for the main
tenance of a nubile, Ibrar In ald
city such sum of money a the coun
cil nmy deem proper, not exceeding
ifi.oo in any on month and to exer
cise uch power and authority aa may
be given to the common council by
thl Act. , ,
42. To make rctrulatlon for the
proven! Ion of accident by lire; to or
ganize, etablleh and maintain a fire
department, either paid or volunteer;
to appoint three competent peraon
a lire commlaloner, and to make
and ordain rule for the government
of the lire deportment to provide en
gine other apiaratu for th fire
43. To purchase or condemn and
enter upon and take land within or
without the tltr limit for public
iuurea, fttrcelM, parks, common,
cemi-terles, hospital ground, work
house or house of correction, or any
other proper or legitimate municipal
purposes, and to encloae the same.
Improve and ornament and erect ult
alile building thereon. The city ehaJl
have tfiitire control of all such build
ing, and ull land purchased or con
demned undef the provision of thl
section, and nil street, hlglifway.
Mijuare and other public grounds
within the limit established or ap
propriated to public ue by authority
of iuw, or which have been or may
hereafter be dedicated to public use
by any person or persons; and has
itower, In eiute such land are deemed
liiaulllclent or unsuitable for the pur
pose Intended, to til pose of. and con
vey the same; and conveyance of
such property, executed In Much man
ner a may be preerlbed by ordi
nance, shall vest In the purchaser all
right, title and Interest of the city
therein. . M . , 4 t.
H, To pr3fi1 for and regular th)
naming of all streets of th city and
changing the present name, and to
provide for the numbering of houses,
tore and other building in the city
""Its. . , ,t
45. To regulate and orohlblt the
building of awnlnas. lgns. sign-posts.
ami to regulate anu proniou ioo e
hlblllon and hanging of banners and
placards in or across the streets of
the city.
46. To authorise, or to prohibit the
location of any road, railroad or street
railway, alley or public place In the
Cliy lo provide for the alteration,
change of grade or removal of
nnv anrh mint railroad or railway to
regulate the moving and operating of
train, cur or locomotives within th
corporate limit of the city, to fix the
rate of fare to oe cnargea mereon
and to prescribe the term and condi
tion upon which any uch railroad
or street-railway shall be located,
constructed and operated, PROVI
DED, that no franchise ahall be grant
ed to any road, railroad or street
rail-way without the ordinance ma
king sold grant shall contain a pro
vision that the peraon. firm, company
or corporation to whom said franchise
Is granted, his. their, or Its heirs, ex
ecutors, administrators, successors or
asslgna, shall Improve and Keep in
riml and shall nav for the ImDrove-
ment and keeping- In repair, according
to the Charter and Ordinances of the
Cltv. the street or grounds over which
aaid tract or tracks are laid, between
the rails of snld tracks anil ror a ata
tance of one foot outside of Bald rails,
and where two or more tracks are
situate.!! cjose1 together 1 either for
switches, or otherwise, such Improve
ments and repairs shall be made by
the person, company or cor
poration operating suld road, rail
way or Btreet-rnilway; and all such
Improvements and repairs shall con
form to the requirements of the Char
ter and Ordinances of the City.
PROVIDED FURTHER, that no fran
chise shall be granted to anv person.
Ilrm or corporation unless the same
contains a provision for a revenue to
the cliy from the person, company or
corporation holding such franchises,
and no such franchise shall be granted
for a longer period than thirty years.
Any franchise granted In violation of
the provisions of this aubdivlslon. or
which shall not contain the provisions
herein provided for. shall be null nnd
that the City of Astoria muy reserve
the right to acquire or purchase any
street railway line, and anv power
plant connected therewith, for which
a franchise may be granted. ,nt any
time after ten venrs from the date of
granting the same, when authorized
ho to do hv a majority vote of the
electors of the city of Astoria, at any
reneral election nem in me cuy oi
Aatnrla at the annralsed Vulue there
of; the Cltv appointing one Appraiser,
the holder or tne irancntse one ap
praiser, and in case the two appraisers
an nnnnlnted. are unable to agree up
on the valuation, the two appraisers
so appointed shall select a third ap
praiser and the decision of two of the
three appraisers made In writing and
lllod with the council, snail ne nnai
in tlxlng the valuation or sucn rail
way and any power plant used in con
nection therewith.
17 Tn nrnvtde for erecting, pur
chasing, appropriating or otherwise
acquiring waterworks, gas works or
electric Ugnt pinnis wiuui. ur wuu
ni.i tho nnrnnrnti limits of the City,
to supplv said city and its inhabitants
with water and light, or to authorize
the construction or tne same ny otnera.
48. To estnbllsh tire limits within
certain defined limits or tne city.
49. To regulate all parades and -ro
nousinns. nnd to determine what oar
mlna nnd nr ncesslons upon the streets
shall be unlawful: to declare the same
a misdemeanor, ana to proyiae lor me
punishment thereof.
50.' To license, tax, retrulate and
restrain the keeping of do? within
the cltv limits, nnd to authorize the
distraining, lmnoundln'- "nd sal of
ii, onm fnr the penalty incurred and
costs of proceedings, or to authorize
their destruction.
61. To provide cemeteries, and to
regulate the burial of the dead, and
shall have power io eaiaonsn cemeit-i
ies or burial grounds within or with
tha cltv limits, and have author
Ity and jurisdiction over the snme
necessary to me uaiciy. pimoi ibuuu,
roimiiitinn nnd ornament of the same,
52 To regulate th use of streets,
roads and highways and public places
for foot passengers, animnis ana ye
hides; to protect the public from In
i..HU ninnwnvn hv punishing per
sons who negligently leave horses and
carriages in the streets without se
cure fastenings; to prescribe the
width of tires of all trucks, drays
...i. rA nther vehicles, and the
weight to be carried thereon, for the
preservation of streets, roadways and
highway, . ,
63. To regulate the us of street
and sidewalks, and prevt the ex
tenalon of building and house front
within the street line; but they ahull
have no iwer to authorize the pla
cing or continuing of any encroach
ment or obstruction upon any street
or sidewalk, except for th tempora
ry use or occupation thereof during
the erection or repair of a building
upon the adjacent property or the
dlplay of good hy the occuparrU of
ndlolnlng building.
(4. To regulate the opening of
treet surfaces, the Inyltig of gits and
water main, the bulldln- and repair
ing of sewers and the erection of gas
and other light.
65. To regulate and prevent public
crier and advertising, nolle, eteam
whistles, th ringing of bell In the
Htreets, to control and limit traffic on
the streets, avenues and nubile places;
to regulate and prohibit the ue of
street and sidewalk for the use of
signs, signposts, awning, awning
pota, telegcaph, telephone and electric
light post a, and other purpose than
travel and traffic; to establish from
time to time such police stations a
may b neceary; to provide for the
sprinkling of street and cleaning of
the name, and to punish thoae who
refuse o to do: and to orohlblt Per
aon from roaming the street at un
reasonable, hour. .
6. To prevent the erection of
building within the city limit which
hall be dangerous "assers-bv or
to adjacent property; and in case any
building or any publle street shall be
come dangerous to passers-by the
Council shall have the power to cause
the same to be removed or made safe
at the expense of the property, and
auld exnen shall be collected In the
same manner as for street Improve-
87. To lcense and regulate all
anch callings, trades and employments
not herein specially proviuca ior as,
In tne juogmeni or tne counr-ii ,m
minor gnoa mav reauire io D nceiuwu
and regulated, and as are not prohib
ited by law.
This amendment shall take effect
and be in force on the first Monday
In January, 1807.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
Dated at Astoria. Oregon.
ui nwna, wiwuii,
v. r na m nor- .
1st. A. v.. 1VVS.
ta hereby given, that an In
itiative Petition, signed by over two
hundred electors of the Cltv of Asto
riu hm hwn filed with the undersign
ed." Auditor and Police Judge of the
ed. Auanor anu "i XI:
city, or ABioria. oemanumK
hnndnnfter mentioned proposed e-
mendmet to the Charter of the City
of Astoria shall be submitted tp the
legal electors of tne City or Astoria ior
their approval or relectlon. at the
general election to be held on the 12tn
dav of December. A. D 1906. and
the tenor and effect thereof being a
An amendment to section 2 of tne
Charter of the City of Astoria, giving
the city power to build, purchase,
lease and operate street car lines, tele-hones,
telegraph or lighting plants
and control, lease, sell or dispose of
the same for the oeneni oi me cny.
That section 2 of the charter of tie
City of Astoria, being section 2 of an
Act of the Legislative Assembly of
the State of Oregon, approved Feb.
15th. 1899. and entitled '- Act to In
corporate the City of Astoria In Clat
sop County. State of Oregon." and to
repeal an Act entitled "An Act to in
corporate the City of Astoria. In Clat
county. State of Oregon," and to
repeal an Act entitled "An Act to in
corporate the City of Astoria in Clat
sop County. Oregon." Approved Oct
ober 20th., 1876. "Filed in the office
of the Secretary of State, February
18th. 1891." be and the snme Is here
by amended so as to read as follows:
Section 2. The Inhabitants of the
City of Astoria are hereby constitu
ted and declared to be a municipal
corporation by the name and style
of the City of Astoria, and by such
name nave nerpeiuai succession, sue
and be sued, plead and be Impleaded;
ln all courts of Justice nd ln all ac
tions, suits or proceedings wnaiever;
may purchase, noid ana receive prop
erty, both real ana personal, wunin
the city, for public buildings, public
works, Cllv improvements nnu prop
erty sold for taxes and street improve
mant nnmose.s: and may lease, sell
or dispose of the same, for the bene
fit of the City, may purcnase. noui
and receive property, both real and
personal, beyond tne limns or me t-uy
to be used as parks, for burial purpos
es, for tne esiaDiisnmrni nnu main
tenance of a nospital ior tne recep
tlO" of persons affected with conta
glsuo disease, for work house and
for houses of correction also for the
erectJon of water works to supply
the cltv with wnter. mav puna, pur
chase, lease and operate street car
lines, telephone, telegraph or lighting
plants, and mav control, lease, sen or
dispose of the snme for the benefit
of the City.
All property, Dotn real ana person
al, belonging to. and vested in the
present Cltv of Astoria, shall, on the
passatre of this Act. become the prop
erty of, and be vested In the City of
Astorlo as created by this Act. And
they may control, lease, sen or ais
pos'e of the same for the benefit of
the Cltv. And they shall have a com
mon seal and may alter and break the
snme nnd make a new one at pleasure.
Tliis amendment snail tune eneci
and be in force on the first Monday
in January, 1907.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of AsUtrln. Oregon.
Dated at Astoria. Oregon. November
1st. A. D.. 1906. 11-1-St
Notice is hereby given, thnt an In
itiative Petition, signed bv over two
hundred electors of the City of Asto--in
haa hAon filed with the undersign
ed Auditor and Police Judge of the
City of Astoria, demanding that the
hereinafter mentioned proposed a
mendment to the Charter of the City
of Astoria shall be submitted to the
legal electors of the City of Astoria for
thnlr approval or refection, nt the
general election to be held on the 12th
,w of December. A D.. 1906. and
the tenor and effect thereof being as
An amendment to Section 15 of the
Charter of the City or Astoria aen
nlng the nunllficatlons of electors
fixing six months residence as a
qualification to the right to vote and
providing ror registration oi etecura,
Trial SeCUUIl ID Uie iwnni
the City of Astoria, being section 15
That section 15 of the Charter of
of an Act of the legislative Assembly
of the State of Oregon, approved 'eo
runry 15, 1899, and entitled "An Act to
Incorporate the City of Astoria, in
Clatsop County. State of Oregon." and
to repeal an Act entitled "An Act to
incorporate the City of Astoria, ln
Clatsop County, State of Oregon," and
to repeal an Act entitled "An Act to
Incorporate the City of Astoria, in
Clatsop County, Oregon, Ap
proved October 20. 1876. "Filed ln tne
office of the Secretary of State, Feb
ruary 18, 1891. be and the same Is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 15. No person Is qualified
to vote at any election under this Act,
who la not entitled to the nrlvileges ol
an elector under the law of the State
of Oregon, ana wno na noi restaea
In the City of Astoria for the next
lx month preceding such election,
and ln the ward In which he offer to
vote for the ten day next preceding
such election and the Common Council
shall, by ordinance, provide for the
registration of elector, and require
registration a a conditio- to the
right to vote at any election.
This amendment shall take effect
and be in force on the first Monday
In January, 1907.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria, Oregon.
Dated at Astoria. Oregon, November
lit. A. V.. 1906. U-l-8t
Notice Is hereby given, that an In
itiative Petition. lgned by over two
rla. ha been filed with the underslgn
.I Auditor and Police Jude Of the
city of Astoria, demand!" that the
herelnaner mentionea pruuuneu -mendment
to the Charter of the City
of Astoria shall be submitted to the
legal electors of the City of Astoria for
their approval or relectlon. at the
general election to be held on the 12th
dav of December A. D.. 1906. and
the tenor and effect thereof being as
An amendment to Sections 27 and
28 of the Charter of the City of As
toria, relating to vacancies in office,
and providing for filling vacancies
bv appointment by a malorlt- of tae
remaining member of th Common
Council to continue for the remainder
of the unexpired term.
That Section 27 of the Charter of
the City of Astoria, being section 27
the Legislative Assembly of the State
of Orego' -"proved February 15.1899,
and entitled "An Act to incorporate
the City of Astoria. In Clatsen Coun
ty. State of Oregon," and to repeal an
Act entitled an Act to Incorporate the
oreyeon and to repeal an Act enti-
Cltv of Astoria in ciaisop coumy,
titled "An Act to incorporate me -ij
- - - -- ---- - . . . r a .
of Astoria, in Clatso- County, State
of Oregon." and to repeal an act en
titled "An act to incorporate th City
of Astoria, in Clatsop County, State
of Oregon," approved October 20th
187. "Filed In the office of the Sec
retary of State. February 18. 1891, be
and the same Is hereby amended as
follows: . ., , .
uDAttfin 97 Am nfn ahall be deemed
vacant upon the death or resignation
at the Incumbent or in case tne
.hall cease to be an inhab
i..,. e nu r'itv nf Astoria for a ce
riod of sixty days without first ob
taining permission of the Common
Council. The office of Treasurer shall
be deemed vacant whenever the In
cumbent thereof shall be absent from
the City for a period of thirty days
without permission duly obtained
from the Mayor of the City of Asto
ria. The office of Councilman shall
b deemed vacant wnenever any in
cumbent thereof shall cease to be a
resident of the ward which ne rep
resents, or shall fail to attend three
successive regular meetings of tne
Council, unless absent on leave of tne
Council, first obtained. But a change
of the boundaries of any ward snail
not be deemed a change of residence
of any Councilman so as create or
cause a vacancv ln such office.
That section 28 of the Charter of the
City of Astoria, being section 28 of
an act of the legislative assembly of
the State of Oregon, approved Feb
ruary 15, 1899 and entitled "An act
to incorporate the City of Astoria,
Clatsop County. State of Oregon." and
to repeal an act entitled "An act to
Incorporate the City of Astoria, Clat
soo County, State of Oregon and to
repeal an act entitled "An act to in
corporate the Cltv of Astoria, in Clatsop-
Countvl State of Oregon! ap
proved October 20. 1876. "Filed in the
office of the Secretary of State. Feb
ruary 18. 1891." be and the same Is
hereby amended so as to read -s fol
lows Section 28. A vacancy ln any office
.o..,a,4 hv a failnr nf a. nerson elect-
ted to qualify therefor, as prescribed
)r section 24, or maae oy or cuime
quent upon a Judgment of any Court,
or ln any or tne cases biikiucu
section 27. must De nuea Dy appoint
ment by a majority of the remaining
n,omKoro nf tho Common Council, to
continue in office for the remainder
of the unexpired term
This amendment shall take effect
and be In force on the first Monday
in January, 1807. .
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria. Oregon.
n.o,i nt Astoria, oreiron. November
1st. A. D.. 1906. ll-l-8t
tsJoHcp Is hereby given, that an In
itiative Petition, signed by over two
hundred electors of the City or Asto
rin has been filed with the undersign
ed. Auditor and Police Judge of the
City of Astoria, demanding that the
hereinafter mentionec". proposed a
mendment to the Charter of the City
of Astoria shall be submitted to the
legal electors of the Cltv of Astoria for
their approval or relectlon. at the
general election to be held on the 12th
nf December. A. D.. 1906. and
the tenor and effect thereof being as
An amendment to section 91 of the
Charter of tne City or Astoria pro
vidinar for establishing and re-estab
llshing the grades of the streets of
the City of Astoria, and that no grade
shall be changed on an Improved
street or Portion thereof, except up
on a written petition of the owners
at least three-fifths of the property
abutting upon said street, or that part
thereof upon which the change of
grade Is proposed.
That section 91 of the Charter of
the City of Astoria, being section 91
of an act of the legislative assembly
of the State of Oregon, approved Feb
ruary 15, 1899, and entitled "An Act to
to incorporate the City of Astoria, in
Clatsop County, State of Oregon and
to repeal an Act entitled "An Act to
incorporate the City of Astoria in
Clatsop County, State of Oregon," and
to repeal an Act entitled "An Act to
corporate the City of Astoria, In Clat
sop County, Oregon, Approved Octo
ber 20, 1876. "Filed ln the office of the
Secretary of State, February 18, 1891,"
be and the same Is hereby amended
so as to read as follows:
Section 91. The Council shall have
authority to determine and establisfl
the grade of all streets, avenues, al
leys and public "rounds within the
City and to require improvements and
buildings adjacent, or abutting up
on such streets, alleys or grounds, to
I " i nsA rhA
) mlty with such, grades and the
be made and constructed m comor
Council may change or alter the grade
of any Btreet, alley or public grounds,
or any part thereof, whenever ln their
opinion the public convenience will
be promoted thereby Whenever a
grade shall be established or altered
a record and diagram thereof shall
be made In the book of street records
In the office of the City Surveyor;
PROVIDED, that in case of a street
or portion! thereof which has been
ence fully Improved as required by
ordinance, no grade shall be changed
on such improved street, or portion
thereof, except upon a written peti
tion of the owners of at least three-
fifths of the property abutting Upon
said street or that part thereof upon
which said change of grade 1 pro
posed to be made. If any damage
shall result to any owner by any
change of the established grade of
any street, alley, sidewalk, wharf, or
landing, the Council may, In their dis
cretion, levy and collect the amount
thereof by special assessments on
the lot benefitted thereby, and there
with pay the am-' but the City shall
Incur no liability by reason of any
thing In thl section contained. Be
fore the grade of any street, avenue,
or alley shall be established or al
tered, . ten day notice thereof must
be given bv publication In a newspa
per published in the City of Astoria;
such notice must be given by the Aud
itor and Police Judge by order of the
Common Council, and must specify
with convenient certainty the street,
avenue, or alley, or part thereof of
which the grade in propoaed to be es
tablished or altered. Within ten day
from the final publication of such no
tice the owner of three-fifths of the
property adjacent to such street, ave
nue, or alley, or part thereof, a the
case mav be, may make and file with
the Auditor and Police Judge a writ
tenremonstrance against the pro
posed grade Or alteration, and there
upon the same shall not further be
proceeded ln or made. If no such re
monstrance be mads and filed, the
Council, at its earliest convenience
thereafter and within six months from
the final publication of such notice.
.may, by ordinance, establish the pro-
posea graoe.
This amendment shall take effect
and be in force on the first Monday
In January, 1907.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria. Oregon.
Dated at Astoria. Oregon, November
1st. A. D., 1906. ll-l-8t
Notice Is hereby given, that an In
itiative Petition, signed by over two
hundred electors of the City of A sto
ne has been filed with the undersign
ed. Auditor and Police Judge of Jhe
City of Astoria, demanding that .be
hereinafter mentioned proposed e
mendment to the Charter of the City
of Astoria shall be submitted to the
legal electors of the City of Astoria for
their approval or relectlon. at the
general election to be held on the 12th
dav of December, A. D 1906. and
the tenor and effect thereof being aa
An amendment to section 47 of the
Charter of the City of Astoria, de
fining the powers and duties of the
President of the Council.
That section 47 of the Charter of
the City of Astoria being section 47
of an act of the legislative assembly
of the State of Oregon approved Feb
ruary 15. 1899, and entitled "An Act to
to incorporate the Cltv nf Astoria In
Clatson County, State of Oregon, and
to repeal an Act entitled "An Act to
Incorporate the City of Astoria, In
Clatsoo County. State of Oregon."
and to repeal an act entitled "An. act
to incorporate the city or Astoria
In Clatsoo County. Oregon. Approved
October 20, 1876 "Filed in the office of
the secretary or state February is.
1891. be and the same Is hereby
amended so as to read as follows:
Section 47. During any absence of
the Mayor from the City, or in case
of his Inability to act. or during any
vacancy in tne office oi Mayor, tne
President of the Council ehall be the
acting Mayor and shall perform all
the duties of such otnee. ounng sucn
absence Inability or vacacy. ex
cepting as otherwise proviaea in tois
This amendment shall take effect
and be ln force on the first Monday
in January, 1907.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria. Oregon.
Dated at Astoria Oregon. November
1st. A. V.. 1906. 11-1-81
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria has declared its determination
and intention to re-establish the
grade on 2nd street In that part of
the City of Astoria laid out and re
corded by John McClure from the
Sputh line of Exchange street to the
center line of uane street, so that
said grade when so re-established will
be at the following elevations above
the base of grades as established by
ordinance No. 71 of the City of As
toria, to-wit:
At the intersection of 2nd street and
Exchange street at 189 feet above the
base of grades; at the South line of
Exchange street at 186 feet above
the base of grades at the North line of
Exchange street and at the Intersec
tion of 2nd street and the South line
of Duane street, and alsoo the center
line of Duane street at 170 feet abor
the base of grades and between' the
points above designated the slope shall
be gradual.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria, has declared Its determina
tion and intention to re-establish the
grade on Exchange street from the
West line of 4th street to the West
line of 2nd street in that part of the
City of Astoria laid out and recorded
by John McClure, so that snld grade
when so re-established will be . at
the following elevation above the base .
of grades, to-wit:
At the Intersection of Exchange
street and 4th street at 190 feet above
the base of grades on the North side
and 193 feet above the base of grades
on the South side.
At the Intersection of Exchange
street and 3rd street 196 feet above
base of grades on the North side and
199 feet above the base of grades on
the South side; and at the intersec
tion of Exchange street and 2nd
street at 186 feet above the base of
grades on the North side and 189
feet above the base of grades on the
South side and between the points
above designated the slope o be even
or gradual. OLOF ANDERSON.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria, ll-T-Ut
wires, etc. . -n(1 iana8 ownea oy me njr i
Such franchise shall be used ana t.