The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 11, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1806.
Made By the Bee's
A Fresh Shipment Just n
We Guarantee It's Purity.
Scully' agar Ur.
Th ltrownnvlllo Woolen Mill store
broke l( record thl week by doing
l Iho blKKI'it l)UMWI Of Hliy Wft'X
Any old bourl "bice they opened here In August. They
nave una nil me nuHiiirnn mey couiu
OrkwIU eovera umbreltat and makes htt"'11
them M "d M new.
Tbi iry beat board to b obtained la
lb city U at "The Occident Hotel"
Ratti very reasonable.
Columbia and Victor OmpbophoBe
and all the laUt rtoordi at Cbieago
price, for aal by A. It Cryui, 424
Commercial St. tf
Hotel Irving fiUam heat. If you
are looking for a ooay. comfortable
room for the winter. ua at onr.
Telephone Main 61)1. 10-lt tf
Appraiser Appointed Mir. f'hnl
Wright, C, W. e'arwahnn and A. f.
Fisher hav twen appointed a (
pralaora of the eatate of the Mrs.
Julia Ilabbldgn,
Bigger and Oreater bargain than
ever to be had at the Oreat Rllrln
gale of C. It. Coop.r. Call now be
fore It ta too late. ll-l-tf
Ho Do I look. To really your
a1' at nlheri you, pH one of tluw
aew etyte mirror at riart'e Drug Ktorri
II price. A new tupply Juat wived.
Thousands of dollar worth of sea
sonable and high claaa dry goods,
clothing, furnishing food.
(Ulnar at half-price and lee at C.
. Cooper Great Retiring Bale.
earn to Danes Prof. Wngler of
Tortland hna every Thurdy.
at A. 0. U. W. hall. lh and Duane.
Adults evening; children 4 P. m. All
the lateit dance. Walta Olid. Three
atep etc. Social dancing 8: JO p. m.
The Concert on Monday evening
n.vt vnii muni not mine. Mr. i un
voice and sing with ram taste and
oxprewlcMi. Mr. Ooodnatigh w a pi
nnlst of fine reputation and I widely
known. He ro to hear thorn at the
Methodist church.
Do You 'eel sleepy and not a bit
k working in th afternoon! Tor
hap It' becaune of the kind of lunch
you're eating too heavy an dtoo bard
to digest. Why not try the Palace
renUurant on Commercial street, where
11 th baking la done In those famom
slow-process oen, which turn out light
appetising, wholesome thlngt You'll
ve money, too.
Thtilr great woolen good ante hna
proven dulte a uere and will be
carried on during the coming week. At
the prlc they offr their goods they
ought to do business n hardly keep
from It.
Rend their ad on page three and
re the bargains they offor.
Great Musiesl Treat On Mondiiy, to
morrow night, at the Methodist church:
John (Ualre Montleih, vocallal; Mor
datint (JoodiiHiiKh, plniilat, from I'ort
hind. Admlaajnn fifty cent. Iloiicflt
of church.
Bound for Alssks Nicholas Clinton
will accompany hi brother Will Clin
ton, to Alojika, leaving enrly liet week.
Tluy have purclmtcd muteilal for a
pile, driver and will engage In that
business. Roth have had year of ex
perience In the bualnea In Astoria,
and will no doubt do well In Alaska,
Cap) C. 8. Ounderton Want
for Wahing Out Bulkhead,
Attemoted Sulelde Aug. Krl-kson
of Chinook watt In the city yesterday
and atated that Frank Ceunle. n trap
ir of that town, uttempted to com
mit aulclde Friday tilicht by hanging
hlmaelf. He had been acting rather
queerly lately and hi friend sus-
nected aomethlng wrong and went to
hi house, arriving In time to aave hi
City Prlmarles-The rlly primary
election will take place tomorrow for
the nomination of a mayor, two coun
riimen from the flrt and one from the
third ward and one city attorney. The
poll will he open from twelve noon
until 7 O'clock In the evening. The
polling place are the aame oa at the
laat city election.
Copt, C, 8. Ounderaon yesterday filed
with tho city auditor a communica
tion, accompanied with a bill for $400
unking tho city to reimburse him for
damage sustained by tho wiiHhlng out
of the bulkhead on hi property on
14th street, The communication as
erl that tho council were petitioned
by K 7i Fnrguon and othora to es
tablish tho grodo on that atreet, alao
to build a aewor or drain to carry
off th water from a pond aouth of
Jerome avenue. The council paid no
attention to either petition. Tho city,
through the water commlHHlon, con
atructed a water main, on a treallc
over a gulch near Jerome avenue. On
November t there waa a llde In that
vicinity which carried away the aup-
port of the water main, eaualng the
water pipe to break, flooding hi
nrvwertv. filling hi cellar, destroy
Ing fruit tree and) shrubbery and
woahlng out about 70 feet of the
bulkhead on the back of hla lot. The
coat of repairing tho bulkhead waa
1400 and Mr Ounderaon aaka tho city
to relmburae him in that amount. A
almllar communication and claim will
he filed with tho water commlaelon.
Thl In preliminary to bringing a ault
ngalnat the city. In the event tnai
the common council refuao to allow
tho claim.
Citizen of Olney Held Meeting Friday
and Levied a Tax.
The Cltlaena of Olney hold a meet
ing Friday evening for the purpose of
levying a foud tax. Nrttrly every
realdent of the district waa present.
The meeting wo called to order by
the road ut ervIaor, Fred Wataon. Mr
Chii. Oullllumo waa elected secretary.
Considerable dlHcualon waa had aa to
the amount of road tax to be levied,
oniv uimtinir to levy one mill,
while other Insisted upon a ten mill
levy. It was decided to lvy a ten
mill tax. tho money derived therefrom
to bo expended on the continuation
of the road Improvement on rond No.
77, tho Nehnlem road, as far as It
goes. Additional money Is expected
for the district, and with the aastst
ance of the counnty court. It la ex
pected that tho road will be completed
for aeven mile on the clearing now
being mode by J. W. Dunkln.
Police Court Three rosea were dla
nosed of In the police court yesterday.
One was a; forfeit of $25 for gam
bling. R. Jenson, charged wltn oemg
Intoxicated, left a deposit of $5 with
Chief finmmnl and failed to nrpe'"".
O. R. McKenitle plead guilty io "c-
nexi, u iom" i(j, it. fticivenKip inu v
tlnth has a finely cultivated baritone L (lnnk Hm, wn flnp(, $JOi jIo trUd
... rnr tflNtM lllldl. ... . . T...1..A An.
Common Council There will be an
adlourned meeting of the common
council tomorrow night, at which time
the tax levy for 1907 will be made.
Attorney Smith has prepared the or
dinance which will be passed at the
meeting. The levy thla year win
probably be It mills, as against 17
mills lnt year. iJist year a special
levy was made for paying for the
new city hall. While the expense of
the city have been more this year, on
account of extensive street Improve
ments, the money derived from gam
bling fines more than -made up the
amount, consequently the tax levy will
be smaller than laat year.
One Piano Number Free With Each $5 Sale at Wise's
We Like Fresh Butter and Admire a Fine Head of Hair;
But, Not Mixed Together! ,
Some merchants carry a lot of cheap clothes
and offer them as bargains, but such stuff
is dear at any price, even though it looks
nice while new. You cannot get pure
gold at plated ware prices; real good clothes
cost more but they give a heap site more
satisfaction. The "SHOW ME" dispo
sition should govern your conduct before
you invest in take bargains,
merchandise see
For reliable
Emil Balmer Miing Word waa
brought to thla city yesterday after
noon that the aklff of Emil Balmer
had been found In Blind Slough, half
full of water, and It la supposed that
Maimer waa drowned. He and Frank
Lewla went up the river laat Wednes
day on a hunting trip. When the
aklff waa found Lewla started out
to find Balmer with a party resid
ing In that vicinity. Tney heard two
ahota fired In the morning, auppoaed
to be by Balmer, but aa he did not
chow up all day, feara are entertained
that he waa cither drowned, acci
dentally shot or la lost. Several friends
went up on laat night's train to assist
In tho search.
to borrow the money rrom juuko
dnrson to pay the fine and the Judge
took the loan proportion under nd
vlscment for five dnys.
The Greatest Entertainer in the World
t i 1. wrmmm
. . .... j.ii rtnit' and assumed a peaceful
When vou have flnisnea you' , . .
When you , n brl uch BOoa 8olia
repose In your home, there vm s rself but ot the whole
comfort, cheerfulness, and happiness, not only for yourse ,
family, at the Edison Phonograph.
. ..... ...lnr4t r,t thn new
To convince you e-l the aosomv y v. .-- -
FREE -if -
home entertainer In your own resident
Oper Company Manager Gevurta
of the Star Theater has booked the
entire show from the Oram! Theater
at rortlnnd, commencing Monday
nli?ht. This Includes Nellie Andrews'
Opera Company, which will present
The Bohemian Olrl. In addition to
this a fins vaudeville program will be
presented, and the entertainment
promises to be the best ever given at
this popular play-house. The box office
will be open MVi(Viy afternoon at
the usual hours.
Assessments Filed The bonrd of as
sessors yesterday filed the assessment
of the following streets with the au
ditor, and they will come up for con
firmation nt tho meeting of the com
mon council Monday night: Bond
street crossing at intersection of 6th
street: firnnd avenue between 7th and
11th: Kensington avenue between 8th
ami 11th; Niagara avenue between 7th
and Sth.
Bremner Camp Shut Down The
Bremner logging camp near Olney,
was closed down yesterday n.nd will
remnln closed until after the holidays.
During the Interval repairs will be
mndo to tho machinery, and the rail
road will be extended into a Inrge belt
of timber. Only two or three men will
be retained to do the work. The re
mainder of the crew arrived in the city
Bryan Touring Europe New films
have been received at the Waldorf
concert hall, which are certain to be
come popular with the public. Bryan
touring Europe," showing him arriving
and landing from the steamer, sur
rounded by the big bugs of Europe,
the most realistic presentation ever
witnessed. In addition to this, a cor
rect presentation of bandits holding
up a street car in San Francisco is
also presented. The whole makes an
enjoyable evening's entertainment and
will no doubt be appreciated by the
patrons of the house.
Football This Afternoon There
should be an interesting game of
football on the A. F. C. grounds this
afternoon, as between the Owapun
tmns and the West Astorlas. Both
clubs having been practicing up to
the scratch and they are well bal
anced for men. The line-up for the
respective teams is as follows: Owa
punpuna: Center, Mash; 1. g., Stang
lnnd; r. g., Toumals; 1. t., Norman;
r. t., Moshier; r. e., Krnus; 1. e., Ma
laeamba: q.. Upshur; 1. h., Setepm;
captain, F. Olson; r. h.. Parker. West
Astorlas: Center. E. Anderson; r. g.,
Wilson; r. t Johnson; r. e Anelln;
1. g Karlnen; 1. t., Mattlin; 1. e.,
Johnson; q., Thompson; f., Andrich;
1. h., Gustafson; r. h., Wilson.
The Ladies of St. Mary's Church
will hold their fair on the 15th, lth
and 17th of this month. All the es
tablished features that lend Interest
will be In evidence, as well as many
novelties. Excellent meals will be
Hei-ved at noon nnd In the evening.
A special program at night.
Funeral Service The funeral serv
ice of the lato David Smith, Jr.. will
take place at Grace Episcopal church
Monday morning nt 10:30. The serv
ices will be conducted by Rev. W. S.
Short. The Interment will be at River
View cemetery and will be private.
Everybody please come along to the
Salvation Army hall next Monday
and Tuesday evening, to hear Major
Vail, our divisional officer. Tho ma
jor Is quite musical. (Don't miss him;
don't forgot the date, Mondny nnd
Tuesday, November 12 and 13.
First Step Taken The special com
mittee appointed by the mass meet
ing of citizens at the city hall on Fri
day evening, Messrs. Schernaknu,
Bergman and Parker, yesterday, sent
a formal telegram of endorsement, In
the name of the citizens of Astoria,
covering tho recommendations hereto
fore made by the Astoria. Chamber of
Commerce In the matter of the pro
posed Improvements to the harbor of
Astoria, direct to the federal board or
engineers, at Washington, and will am
plify It by further communications in
that behalf, to U S. Senator C. W.
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co., Inc.
Successors to Foard ft Stoke Co.
Ranges, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery
Graniteware, Glassware,
Iron and Steel Toola and Ship Chandle ry. Headquarten for Hardware.
He May Run It was rumored on
the atreeta last night that T. K. Da
vis, the well known real estate man,
would permit the use of bis name as
the Republican candidate for coun
cilman from the firat ward at the pri
maries to be held tomorrow. Th
rumor could oiot be verified, however.
la Going Fart Better place your or
der for coal while there Is p'enty, for
It won't last long at the present rate.
Good coal Is extremely hard to get
and prices are climbing. Phone 1961.
S. Elmore & Co., corner Ninth and
Commercial. Our price now $7.50 per
ton on the wharf. U-9-tf
He Will Go Back Sheriff M. R.
Pomeroy received telegraphic instruc
tion yesterday to arrest a young man
by the name of Harry Hall, who was
known to be working In a hotel at
Warrenton, and hold him pending the
arrival of officers from Denver, where
he is wanted on a charge of rape. The
lad is but 19 years of age, and ex
pressed his entire willingness to go
back to Denver without the necessity
of extradition papers. He is in jail
awaiting the arrival of the Denver officers.
(Formerly New York Credit Go J
Special offerings this week in all departments. New
and up-todate goods are arriving everyday and we are
kept busy selling, because we sell good goods at low
prices. You can be as well dressed as your friends by
buying a suit or overcoat from us and paying for it in
weekly payments.
If You Knew How Much Goodness and Wear
There Is In Our
and SUITS at
You would not wonder why we sold so
many of them If you pay $20 at other
stores you will get none better.
$1.25 Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers, Special 85c ea
Just received from New York Ladies' Suits and Long
Coats, in latest styles and colors. See our Win
dow Display.
Special, Tailored Alpaca Waists, $2.25
The material would cost at least $1.00 a yard. It's a
$3.50 waist for a special price of
Large and complete line of Men's, Ladies' and
Children's Shoes.
(Fastest Growing Store in Astoria)
Commercial, bet. 8th and 9th, News-Herald Building