The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 11, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Schooner Louis Waterlogged, Tow
ed Into This Port.
Barracouta Down from Portland
Costa Rica in from San Francit
co Eld tr Gatting Raady
Columbia Dua Thursday.
The five-masted svhooner Louis,
Captain Bresson. picked up yes
terday afternoon about ! milea to
the north'axd of the mouth of the
Columbia river by the bar tu Wallu
la. Captain Reed, ana towed Into this
port last evening arriving off Fort
Stevens at 7 p. m. She had eight
feet of water In her hold, and though
thus waterlogged, was tn no partic
ular danger and all hands on board.
Including Mrs. Captain Bresson, were
well and hearty. Her approacn to
the bar was telephoned to the Cal
lander Navigation Company's office.
and C. H. Callender went down on the
tug Melville to meet her and bring the
captain and his wife to this city. The
schooner's pumps refused to do duty
after she left this port on the 2nd
of November, and the constant gales
she confronted did the rest, and final
ly Captain Bresson decided to come
In for repairs. The Louis wtll be tak
en to Knappton tomorrow morning,
where her pumps will be thoroughly
overhauled and then she will be sent'
to San Francisco on the tow f lines
of some tog.
Word was received here last night
from Portland that the $7,000 libel
levied against the steamship Geo. W.
Elder was not stopping the wortt of
fitting her up In any way. She Is
rapidly approaching the final stages
of appointment and Is now being
painted a dark olive-green, to match
the Roanoke, with white upper workj
and it is expected she wtll follow the
latter vessel out of that port as next
on the regular schedule. That should
bring her down here about a week
from next Thursday.
The steamship Barracouta arrived
down from Portland yesterday and
went to sea and San Francisco last
The French bark Vllle de Mullhouse
came down from Portland yesterday
morning, on the hawsers of the Har
vest Queen, grain laden for Europe.
There are sixteen huge coils of tel
ephone cable on the O. R. & N. pier,
consigned to the Pacific States Tel
ephone people in this city.
Deputy Inspectors of Hulls and
Boilers Ames and Weldin are down
from Portland putting a number of
the local craft through their Inspec
tion paces.
The steam schooner Coaster arrived
In this port yesterday for the first
time and after a brief stop at the
Not Cheap Goods But Good Goods Cheap
Simington Dry Goods Co.
Agents for Warner's Rust Proof Corsets, Ferris Waists
for Ladies and Children, Standard Patterns.
Good Values Every Time You Buy from us is Steadily
Increasing our Trade.
Just Received
A beautiful line of hand painted Japanese
chinaware --just the thing for Christmas
Don't fail to visit our Art Embroidery
Department, now complete for the holi
day trade with every description of the
most artistic designs in Pillow Tops,
Centerpieces, Dresser Scarfs, Stamped
Linens, Etc.
Because we save you money trade with
cullender pier went on to Portland,
where she will load lumber for Son
The steamer Alliance did not get out
to sa until the flood of yesterday
mi rnlng. 3
The steamship Argyle Is outside
with the oil barge Fullerton on h"r
tow lines The Argyle will turn hei
tow over to the Tatoosh thin morn
Ing and proceed to Puget Sound.
The steamship Costa Rloa arrived
In this port from San Francisco yes
terday afternoon, with a small pas
senrer list, and after a brief stay at
th O. R. & N. iUr, went on to Port
land. She now has a pnswnger U-
eniw and when she returns down on
Tuesday next, will do so as a pas
senger packet.
The steamer Lurllne came down
from Portland at 4: SO o'clock yester
day afternoon, the first time she has
made a day-light landing In Astoria
for a month or two. She went back
st 7 o'clock with Messrs. J. F. Cregg
C. F. Fletcher and A. G. Howell on
her cabin list. Her officers report that
the big string of logs that broke loose
up the Lewis river a few days ago
and which threatened to swarm Into
the Columbia river, have been, for
the most part, quickly rounded up. and
will be towed back to the boom.
The steamship Columbia will be here
on Thursday morning next If all goes
Commercial Saloon This popular
place, situated at 600 Commercial atreet,
la up-to-date in every particular. The
choicest of wines and all kinds of li
quors can be procured here. Best qual
ity cigars. Billiard table in connection.
If you can't come in peraon, call up
Phone 1231 Main. tf
Home from New York Mr .and Mrs.
H R. Hoefler have returned to their
Astoria home from a six weeks' ab
sence In New York State and city.
They report an enjoyable visit with
Mr. Hoefier's brother at Buffalo, and
a very interesting trip to the great
metropolis. From their statements In
regard to the magnificent and luxur
ious extremes of modern civilisation
In New York It would seem that the
denltens of that town have every
thing that the human mind can crave
and the human hand can provide.
They are both well and glad to get
back to Astoria and to business. And
Mr. Hoefler made some very definite
arrangements while In the East for
the up-bullding of his Astoria con
cern. Goes to Tillamook Word was re
ceived In this city yesterday that Hon.
Thomas A. McBrlde of this judicial
district, will be In Tillamook tomor
row, to round out his official duties
in the Hembree case, and to sentence
that Individual for the murder of his
daughter in December of last year.
Judge McBrlde was the trial Judge in
the original Instance. The sentence
will be applied upon a Jury verdict of
Changed His Habitat Superinten
dent J.. F. Calbralth, of the Oregon
Asylum for Insane, yesterday apprised
the Clatsop county court that Henry
A. Hendrickson, sent to that Institu
tion from this county, on September
23, last, had been sent to Duluth on
the 8th Instant.
Strike of Railroad Engineers Has
Been Averted.
Prominent Railroads Will Grant th
Concessions Demanded Increasing
Wagea and Adjusting the
Wages Satisfactorily.
NEW TORK. Nov, 10. The de
mands of the railroad engineers, fire
men and other trainmen of the east
ern roods for Increases in wages and
readjustment of hours are believed by
the officials of th unions Involved
to be near a satisfactory adjustment.
Assistant Chief Hurley of the En-
rlnn' Rrothsrhood aald last nlcht
that 800 engineers of the Lackawanna j
road were close to a settlement with
rr slJent Truesdale of that road and
In all probability un euunlly satisfac
tory agreement would follow on the
New York Central, New York. New
Haven & Hartford, the Krle and the
New Jersey Central.
The number of brotherhood men of
both orders at the Broadway Cen
tral hotel last nlKht hud Increased
from 75 on Thursday to 150 last nlKht.
Numerous secret sessions of the com
mittees were held. Assistant riniml
Chief Hurley presiding over the de
liberations of the engineers mid Oram!
Chief J. J. Hannahan of IVorla con
ducting the sessions of the firemen.
The chairmen of the various boards of
adjustment who had been received
tre railway manners reported the
results of their conferences.
The board of adjustment nt yester
day's meeting represented soft engin
eers and firemen on the Ijirkaivaniia
Railroad between here and HufT.ilo,
.100 firemen and engineers on the
New York Central between here a:):!
Buffalo, where the New York Central
road proper terminates; 1.400 en
gineer and firemen on the Erie road,
700 on the New York. New Haven
& Hartford and 400 or more on the
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
James Jamison of Jewell returned
home yesterday morning.
J. D. Bridges of San FrnnctHco ar
rived In the city yesterday. 4
Alex Gilbert was up from Seaside
J. H. Mendenhall of Seattle arrived
down on the noon train yesterday.
Aug. Nelson and wife of Chinook
were visitors In the city yesterday.
Oiof Erlckson, a prominent farmer
of Melville was In the city yesterday.
P. P. Kendall of Portland was a
business visitor in the city yesterday.
Etna Warnstaff and wife of Olney
were visitors In the city yesterday.
W. P. Barrows of Ogden was among
the arrivals In the city yesterday.
I. N. Day of Portland arrived In
the city yesterday on the noon train.
Chas. Gullliume, a prominent far
mer of Olney, was In the city yes
E. C. Jeffers. the pioneer farmer of
Lewis and Clark, was In the city yes
Officer Fred Oberg of th Astoria
police force, was a homing passenger
the noon express from Portland
Gerald Bagnall, In charge of the
work and offices at the Columbia Jet
ties, passed through the city yester
day, arriving here on the noon truln
from the metropolis.
Messrs. R. P. Habersham, W. H.
Lvndau and Ed. Oearhart formed a
party to visit the wreck of the Pe
ter Iredale yesterday, leaving out on
the noon train. Fortunately the ves
sel has been dismantled and all mov-
oi.isa tnVen off and are now under
guard, and the bark herself is hard and
fast aground, so their quest of sou
venlrs will be disappointing. Her an
:hors are also submerged beyond the
nrarlntnrv tnneh of such hands as
. V-,. .,
II. Yodor and wife to John
Gerrltse, pared of land In Clat
sop county 1
F. W. Wood to Jerdlna Wood, 10
acres Sections 1 and 2, T. 5
N. R. 6 W
Sarah F. Clayton to I. II. Yo
der and wife, parcel of land on
Cannon Beach
Sarah V. Clay to Fannie Clay
ton, parcel of land In lot 3,
Section 7, T. 4 N., R. 10 W. ,
United States to Addle M. Ross
66 acres in Section 1, T. 6 N
R. 7 W
We have receive'?, 200 copies of the
"American Boy Magazine" for free dls
trlbutlon. Boys, call at our store and
"J I
receive a sample copy free.
do the most critical
buyers come to us to
buy their clothes t
Z?fye Answer
is simple and plain:
Copyright 1 906 by
If art Schutfncr W Mirx
Suit like cut $20
We sell
Hart, Schaffner
$ Marx
clothes, which are gu
aranteed in every re
spect, for the same
monev as others offer
commonplace clothes
Clothes bought here pressed frae.
In Justice to tho public and man
agement of the Star Theater, I deem
It necessary to correct a few mis
statements that have been announced
from the stage relative to the mis
understanding between the manage
ment and the Mack Swain Theater
Company. The trouble originated In
the continued absence of Mr. Swsln
and his wife from the city, causing
a falling off In the receipts of the
house. I endeavored to secure a
modification of the contract, but IiIh
represented refused It, as did Mr.
Swain upon his return. The contract
was terminated for non-compliance
with Its terms. It has been Intimat
ed by the company that the house
would be closed, but this Is not true.
The Star will continue to furnish
amusement for the public with the
best companies that can be procured,
several having already been booked
for the winter season.
Manager Star Theater.
all saloons, drinking shops or other
places where liquors are sold are re
quired by law to cloHe Ihe doors of
their establishments and keep them
closed, between the hours of 12 o'clock
noon and 7 o'clock p. m. on Monday,
the 12th day of November, 1906. Bald
day and time being declared as the
time for holding the Primary Nomin
ating Election for tho nomination of
candidates for offices of the City of
Astoria. Any and all Infractions of
this law will be vigorously prosecuted.
Chief of Police.
to your horses as well as yourself,
sort your horses need not suffer.
Try a bottle of Ballard's Snow Lini
ment. It cures all pains. J. M. Ro
berts, Bakersfleld, Mo, writes: "I
have used your llnamcnt for ten years
and find It? the best I have ever used
for man or beast." Hart's Drug Store.
hdtkj M,
fill f i:-V
On Tuesday iift'-moon of this week
the Clover Club w enlertulnd by
Mis. Ilutney tlomlall at her homo nl
425 lnmn.1 street, The afternoon wits
spent In sewing and planning ir the
holidays, after which ft delicious lunch
was served.
Mra. Ferdinand Fisher entertained
the Every Fortnight club, and a very
unlovable evening wa spent. Mrs.
Kail Fisher will entertain next
lJist Tuesday evening, the I, M. C,
C. club met at the home of MU Eva
Holmes and was dllihlfully nter
The Misses Klmure entertained the
Thursday club this week and those
fortunate to go had a delightful time.
Mrs. Harry Crlbb, recently of Fair
banks. Alaska. Is .now visiting friends
In Penttle. Mra. Crlbb will spend the
winter with her mother, Mrs. O. fto
vey, of the lyd. Hhe leaves He
altel about November IS.
Mra. W. K. Hchlmpff ha returned
home from an extended visit In the
East, during which she wna at the
bedside "f her mother M the time of
her death.
A number of friends of Mrs, M. It
romeroy gathered at her home Frldny
afternoon to render her a pleasant
surprise In honor of her son and heir.
Miss Hlggtns and Miss Winnie Hlg
gins were the guests of Captain and
Mr. Willis at Fort Stevens Friday.
Mrs, Henry C. Thompson and
daughter of I'nrtland passed through
the city yesterday on the noun train,
en mute to Wnrrenton, where they
will spend a few days st the home
of Mrs. P. K. Warren.
We have received 200 coplee of the
"American Hoy Maguslne" for free dis
tribution. Hoys, call nt our store and
receive a sample rpy ttt.
Pears for Canning, $1.00 per Box
Waxen Cooking Apples, ftfeper Box
King Apples, $1.15 per Box
Sour Kraut- 5c lb.
Mince Meat, 2 lbs, 25c.
Dill Pickles, 20c Doz,
Comb Honey, 2 for 35c
All Kinds of Kresli Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Latest Sizes, Colors and
Fabrics but see for your
selfprices on goods in
the Display Window.
44 44444444M44
The theater goers of Astorln will
tiMf- Ml, lllltlltl'l lltlll tf I HHd II- Wl
nut m ,-.. ... ... mi, ins
odore lioi'ch, In Ihe great chnrMi tar of
8hmlx-k Holmes In "The Hlu of n,t
IN. ill" this week ttt I lie AMurlu lhiv
ter, The production .wilt i umr
the Immediate and piiisunal dlwiltm
of Mr. Tom II. loftus, HlmrliMk
Holm, based mi the greiilt iftso
live stifles of the age, as written
by Coiiiin liiyle, I easily the tost
pluv of Its kind thai lis ever been
produced In America or Kurop. U
hits breii played t crowded liiir In
tendon for miths and nftetwsrd tap
lured New York with the same produo
lion, The company headed by Mr.
l,oreh lis Iwetl most carefully nlsol
d and I evenly balanced. Crful
attention to every detail of ctum
and scenery tins been given and (he
production na It will Im prnntd la
In every respect similar to that which
captured the admiration of hundred
of thousands of people In the great
cities 04 the world. The story Itself
Is highly dramatic and lend Hlf to
stag a production with facility. F.verjf
moment In evVry one of the four aria
Ihe audience Is thrilled with excitement
and the remarkable deduction of Hlir
lock Holmes, h great detective, cams
as a surprise that stimulates the Im
agination and Ihe ln're Thrmish
out the play, a pretty love story add
to the human Interest, Th prens tn
every city where Mr, l.orh h giv
en his remarkable character Mrtniyl
lias been uniformly enthusiastic over
the splendid work of the star and hi
company. Thursday night, Novetnrwr
IS, 1906.
The performance lt emnlng nt the
Astoria theater, "A Told In the Hills."
seemed tu please a fair sle audience.
The company U fair throughout and
the stage settings wre tn keeping.
All In all we believe the ple to b
Just what was represented.
UAKi:UHFII-:i.l. Nov. !0.--tr.
Thorn, called from Han Francisco to
attend iletiernl Hhafter, tonight Ismed
a bulletin . reporting: that the general
was slightly Improved,
Repairing aSpecialty