JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SHIPMENT OF THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. COMMITTEE PLEASED SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, Imported Swiss Cheese and Full Cream Cheese A. V. ALLEN, WHERE ALL PEOPLE GO FOR BARGAINS Sole Agents for Barrington Hall Steel Cut Coffee. BOUND FOR PANAMA Contrtssional CommiUie Close -President Roosevelt Heard From Their Headquarters. PRESIDENTS POLICY APPROVED AN ASTORIAN TALKS OF KLAMATH R. SHORE SMITH GIVES AN TERESTINQ ACCOUNT OF RECENT VISIT THERE WHAT HE FOUND OUT. the nay will turn out five tons to th. aero; tho Brain commands "0 routs .... i w ..i ... if,.:ri j at law nunie iiihirci ,...... nets an average of V per ton. There ' Is a vast amount of lumber In the country, consisting chiefly of sugar j pine, yellow-pine and some fir. ami there are two fine mills now doing ' business at the Falls, with all modern IN advantages and of huge capacity. HIS' "The stock business has received an AND ,mmens 'mPtu8 lil'el" an1 18 tead i lly Increasltig. Beef sells there for S4 ! cents on the hoof and Tour thousand j head were sold while I was In the j country. Some of It will have to be i fed and held there for the spring mar- ket Good draught horses, weighing in the neighborhood of 1,500 pounds, bring easily from $100 to 1175 per head; and brood mares, weighing from 1.400 to l.00, go at from $150 to $150; two-year-old mules command $90 fiat, and several carloads, 100 head In all, were shipped out of there while I A reporter for the Morning Astorlan dropped In on Attorney Richard Shore Smith yesterday to greet him on his safe return from his month's stay in the great Klamath country, and. In cidentally, to find out what he had to say of that "neck o' the woods." Air. smitn was very responsive on on tne ground subject and seems thoroughly well dls- The cholce tlmbM. of the country ls posed toward the Klamath town and beInf rapdly acqUired by the Weyer country. Among other things In this hauw interests and they will soon behalf, he said: command the West of It; but they will "My recent visit to Klamath Falls m, ,t and market ,t out of ,nerft s0 was the first protracted stay I have th. -ommilnt- whi nofh!ni nlonr Republican Will Have a Mnty of Fifty-tight in the Lower House of Congrett, Which Indicate Prosperity, NKW YORK. Nov. 1 The Republi can congressional committee clowJ their headquarters here today. Before Mr. Sherman left for his home In lt!' tonight, he said: The result of the congressional campaign throughout the country Is exceedingly gratifying to this committee. The sixtieth congress will be Republican by a majority of fifty-eight. The result shows that the people emphatically endorse the ad ministration of President Roosevelt and approve the work done at the first session of the fifty-ninth con gress, "It shows that the people desire a continuance of prosperity and shows their belief that the prosperity can be depended upon under the Republican administration and belief that It would disappear under Democratic rule. The election means great economic and financial tenets of Reubllcanlsm are still approved by the Americans." NOMINATED FOR COUNCILMAN. made there for the past ten years; I have been In that section several times but only for a day or two at a time. As you know, I lived there for years and have property interests both ln the town and outside It, but please understand that anything I may say takes no color from my posses sions there. "I found the town 1 had left two that line, as this concern has Im mense ir.te-ests and many people there. "The Southern Pacific company has thlrty-flve miles of Its new rail line completed and there Is service on it now. The company has 00 men at . work steadily on the construction out ' of Weed, and by the coming fall hopes to have the road In Klamath Falls years ago with about 600 souls the tnlj, roa(J wl be tne maln ,ne of the maximum of its population, with from g p wnen ,t , flrijl!hedi and wlu up. 2.000 to 2.500 people there, and all plant the old f.,, dlvl!,on. and busy and apparently happy and satis-" cut 0(Jt that enormous an(1 costIy fled. The country Is, as you may know, nau, going down tne McK4nzIe rtver a frontier district, primarily, and a ,nt0 Natr0 and eastern Qr. good deal of the frontier spirit is in e(fon tnrouf,n Harney and Klamath evidence there on all sides, but the countle8 and ultimately making a ter elements of modernity are forcing mlna, on Coog their way In there rapidly and one is; There , any amount of outgde amazed to find how many palpable capftaj drifting Into Klamath from all manifestations It Is making already. dlrections and is to be employed in a "There are at the present moment myrIad of enterprises that promise 7 brick or stone buildings going up mU(.h ,n tne way of qu,ck and ,e(flll. there, eac: and all equipped with the mate returns. K lg a compensating best and latest appliances for comfort , Klamath, and nubile spirit and service, and these are all on the main street of the place, and there is no telling how many smaller struc tures are underway in the suburbs. The town has three banks, any one of which would be a credit to a vast- is as pronounced there as is private push. The town has a splendid school system and lacks for nothing In the way of up-to-date street cars, water system of the best as to water and Its dis posal throughout the city and society ly largfr place, even a place of 25,000' i3 carefuiiy balanced by the presence people. One of them, the Klamath County Bank, has deposits of over one million and the others are in flour ishing shape. 'The irrigation project of the gov ernment in the Klamath basin in volves 350,000 acres, and seventeen miles of the ditch are now completed. It of a number of flourishing chunhes and ethical societies. The town Is on a magnificent site, and altogether, has an 'infinite variety or commenuauie and satisfactory points to Invite the home-maker and the commercial gen ius to locate there. "I enjoyed mv outing to the Last Citizens of the Third Ward Petition L. O. Bellend to Be a Candidate. The following petition was present ed to L. O. Tielland yesterday and will be filed with the auditor today: We. the undersigned residents and legal voters of the third ward of the City of Astoria, hereby petition Mr, L. O. Holland to use your name for re-election a councilman for the third ward at the primary city elec tion: John Nordstrom, Oust Holmes, R. M. Campbell, P. A. Bergland, L. H. Hennlngsen. W. F. McGregor. P. I Stanglund. A. Y. Anderson. Dan Ram ble, Wm. P. O'Brien. Ell Oustln, T. Thompson, C. A. Tleklwold, H. F. Kampe, D. Mnlagamba, B. Cefulo. W. Petersen, Ole Orottlng, Ole J. Set turn, T. Sllversen, O. 8. Johnson. E. Hauke, A. Rasmunsen, J. J. Olsen, H. Johnson, Ben EkoBs, John Olln, John Peterson, Emll Peterson. Owar Peterson, Herman Peterson, Chris Ol sen, Mads Dyborg, James Alexander, James Jorgensen, John Kllngen. 8. C. Anderson, Louis W. Olasser, R. So- rup, John Rlswlck, Christ Christen sen, Adolph Haupe, ChrH Amundsen, C. Jordal, Chris Jacnbson, Nlrolal Ursln, Andrew Bue, O. E. Haakelm. Albert J. Sather, 8. E. Tronsdel, O. E. Tronsdel, M. Knutsn, J. C. Wilson. Martin Berg, Nells Slmons.n, T. A. Leahy. Mr. Belland notified the committee that he would accept the nomination and be a candidate at the primaries next Monday. is the purpose of the government to Dour of t and nad gome ovely hunt furnish water on all this land at a ing t0 add to my joy Any 80rt 0f 6 cost of $2 per acre per annum for a nuntsman can kill all the ducks he period of ten years, after which (the can carry in an hour or two, any day cost of construction having been thus ln tn Heason and t happened to be paid) the project will be turned over there at the propitious moment." to the people, of the country owning ; the land under the ditch service, and, MACK 8WAIN CHANGES, the subsequent cost of the water will be comprehended in the maintenance of the ditch, which will reduce it to a minimum. "The principal products of the country are grain and alfalfa hay; the grain averages a yield of fifty bushels per acre on the watered lands, and Do You Realize That you need shoes for the rainy season that has now made its ap pearance. Just Arrived for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN .FALL STYLES, SMART DE8IGNS. That please the eye, lend comfort to the feet and give perfect durability. THE BEST MADE DR. A. REID'8 CUSHIONED 8HOE3: Feet don't ache or tire. i Patrons of the "Star" last evening were treated to a piece of sensational melo-drama nelthy on nor In the play. During the third act of "The Sena tor's 'Daughter" the respective manage ments clashed as to the continuance of the present contract between them ' As a result of a most sensational ' discussion between the heads of the ' contending Interests a most sensation al announcement was made by the rep resentatlve of Mr. Swain In which the public learned that the Swain company will open at the Astoria theater Mon ! day night next. The fact that Mr, j and Mrs. Swain have returned and will j appear In the opening bill "When Wo- men Love" and that this new and pop ular theater Is now fully equipped with upholstered seats will undoubtedly at tract the large and enthusiastic at tendance that has characterized all of the Swain productions In this city. The prices will remain the same and the reserve sale the same hours. o Grand Lodge The grand lodge of the quality and be convinced OUR SPECIALTY LINE of Logger's Shoes Guarantees Satis faction to the Wearer None Better but a Leader of All, Investigate the Finnish Brotherhood will convene in this city one week from today. Delegates will be present from Cali fornia, Washington, Montana and Or egon, and It ls expected several prorn- 'Jnont member frrm the cast will also attend. There will be nearly 100 delegates present, Including those from Astoria. S. A. G1MRE 543 Bond Street, Opposite Fischer Bros. ' Whenever you have any sympathy to bestow, direct It towards the young woman who never used Hollls ter's Rocky Mountain Tea or Tablets. 35 cents. For sale by Frank Hart. 15 THE CITY THEATERS. Realizing that there Is a demand for good, clean comedy from all theater goers, this part of the production of "As Told In the Hill" has been made an Important feature. There are number of clever specialties Intro duced by members of the cast who have established reputations In vaude vllle as well as In the legitimate. At the new Astoria Thenter tonight. MACK SWAIN THEATER CO. "Th Senator's Daughter" was re peated at the Star theater last night and gave universal satisfaction; It ls an excellent play, admirably presented This afternoon the company will pre sent "The Man Outside," and "The Senator's Daughter" will be repeated tonight and at both performances to morrow. On Monday, Cora King Swain and Mack Swain, supported by the entire company, will appear in "When Women Love,' a sensational comedy dmama, ln four acts. By Secretary Loeb. ALWAY8 WAS 8ICK. When a man says he Is always sick, troubled with a cough that lasted all winter what would you think If he should say he never was sick since using Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Such a man exists: Mr. J. C. Clark, Denver, Colorado, writes: "For years I was troubled with a severe cough that would last all winter. This cough left me in a miserable condition. tried Ballard's Horehound Syrup and have not had a sick day since. That's what it did for me." Hart's Drug Store We Are Busy and selling great quantities of goods, but there are lots of fine goods left yet, and we are selling the same at one-half and ln many Instances at less than one- fourth of the original cost. Come now, don't wait. C. H. Cooper's Great Re tiring Sale. 11-1-tf HAVING PLEASANT VOYAGE Secretary Loeb Will Receive One Mee sage Day from the President and Will Keep Him Informed Daily. WASHINGTON, Nov, 9. -Advices received at Washington toiiay show that the President Is on his way to the Isthmus of Panama. Captain Cou don, commanding the battleship Iou-l-Una, telegraphed Secretary I.oeb us follows: "At noon the Louisiana paused C'npe Hattcrits, Tho Is smooth. All well' Secretary Loeb expects to receive but one message a day from the Pres ident. ui.Ioks circumstances Intervene which may require more frequent communications. Small bulletins, convoying the Important events of each day will be made up In Washington and sent to the President by wireless telegraph, so he may be, accurately and constantly Informed of what Is trans piring In the I'nlted States. PERSONAL MENTION. H. A. Cnnfleid of Seattle Is In the city on business. J. W. Snyder of Bay City arrived In the city yesterday. C. II. Osgood, a prominent farmer of Olney was In tho city yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Klynn of llwnco Is visit ing friends In the city. Antone M. Hansen of Rainier was a visitor in the city yesterday. E. Z. Ferguson returned from a huaines trip to Portland last evening. T. P. Reld, northwestern superin tendent of the Western Union. Is In the city, the guest of Mr. Uimar. I P. Hoynton, a prominent travel ing man of Duluth, was among the arrivals In the city yesterd-iy. Hon. J. O. Meglar, representative elect from Wahkiakum county was In the city yesterday, Fred A. Seargent was over from Deep River yesterday and returned on the afternoon boat. F. C. Eisworth of Huntington ar rived down on the noon train yesterday. Mating Carelessly frequently eue Mmnsch trmihlr, but rarrful rat inn will never riifltt thrm. When ytmr Mmimeh l u ol coiulitmn, it nrcdi help tlmt no lootl out supply. It mul be thorutiulily drained, settled nd strengthened, l uod never dues tlm, em pills are the greatest stomach medicine human skill ever rnmpmindtd. Don't attempt to cure your stmiiaeh by tliriiiuj, You will half starve and net little benefit. Give llreclmm's ilunrc and yon will 8Bm know the pleamres ol a sound ditfeMion, Appetite will return and the stomach aain work without any licm(ort. The skin will clear, the bice (dump out, while people v ill rcmatk "How w you're looking." These are (acts, nut fauoc. i'fu.e it yourself. Id Everywhere la Iteiee. !s a4 Me, LADIES. A iealo tut ready-to-wear ami Arr hats. They will phase you for stylo and our prices will be cut to suit you, If our windows do not r-iveul Just what you are after, slop Inside and you'll find It. Mrs. M. Peterson. Htar Theatre Building. One of the splendid results of phys ical beautifying Is Its tendency to create an ambition to be beautiful In every wuy. Whm a woman got g.Mid start by taking luUter's Ruckf Mountain Ton, Uho Is all right. Tr of Tablets, ii cents. For sale by frank Hart Pneumonia Follow Cold, but never follows th us of Folsy lloney and Tar. It stops the cousJk, heals and strengthen th lungs sn4 affords perfect sscurlty from an at tack or pneumonia, nerus sutxii tutea T. V, I-auren, owi Drug gtors. Sherman Transfer Co. t'lT.NUY 811 KKM AN. Manager Hack, Carr !)! gs Checked sad Transferred Trueks sH Furnlturs Wsgous PUno Moved, Ttoied and Shipped, 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 FINANCIAL J. Q. A. BOVVLBY, Pmldaot. -RANK PATTON, Cashier. 0. I. PETERSON, VU President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier Astoria Savings Bank rptil i'sld In IIICM!. iurpltu nd Undivided Prodi. ,'A,H Trunaaete a Oenerml Ranking Healnnu. Infrrat I'sld un Time tpaslt t-rr Mtitst. A STOMA, OREGON First National Bank of Astoria, Ore KSTAIIUMIIKl) 1HMO. Capital $100,000 Your Christmas Buying' Made Easy. YOUR Christmas Buyingyour gift making in particular is made safe and easy. Buy as your guide the Christmas DELINEATOR (now ready). The truth and reliability of every article advertised is guaranteed by the DELINEATOR. The first, the easiest, and the best guide for holiday buying- baimful and overflowing with suggestions that are bright and accurate and practical. A holiday trip in itself! Some of the Christmas Suggestions And lv-r Day MuirifetitlouNi Globe-Wernicke "Elastic" Bookcases, Cincinnati. (Write for catalogue). Meriden Britannia Co., ("Silver Plate that Wears" 1817 Rogers Bros) Meriden.Conn Victor Talking Machine Co., Grand Opera, IlTrovatore, complete on Victor Records 14-R, Camden, N. J. The Knabe Piano, (Style "W." Send for catalogue), Wm. Knabe&Co. Baltimore.Md Lenox Chocolates and 500 other confections bearing the Necco Sweets Seal are delicious holiday tit-bits. Ask your confectioner. Parfumerie Ed. Pinaud, (Holiday Perfumes), Dept. 100, Ed. Pinaud Bldg., NewYork Beautiful Centerpieces and Novelties Embroidered with Corticelh Wash Embroid ery Silk. Ct-lgate & Co., (Soaps, Perfumes and Talc Powders) 55 John St., New York, N. Y. New England VVatch Co., 40 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y., Crystal Domino Sugar, (Havemeyers & Elder) 117 Wall St., New York, N. Y. Bensdorp's Cocoa, "The cocoa of strength, purity and economy," Boston. Thayer & Chandler, (Pyrography Outfits) Cat. D-57, 100-10 1 W. Jackson Blvd.,Cbicago Duplex Phonograph Co., 110 ratterson bt., Kalamazoo, Mich. Armour & Co., Pond's Extract Soap, Chicago, 111. For Women who love Fancy Work, a year's subscription to Home Needlework Magazine, 50c. "Growth in Silence," a book by Suzanna Cocroft, Dept. 75, 57 Wash. St. Chicago. Jap-A-Lac, (The Glidden Varnish Co.) Dept. D-12 1201 Rockefeller Bldg. Cleveland,0 The Modern Priscilla, Embroidery Magazine, 221 D-3 Columbus Ave., Boston. Lyvola Olive Co., Ripe Olives and Olive Oil, Dept. 177-J. Rochester, N. Y. t ... o r 11. T r. ,;. . r i ' , rrocior ot LramDie, ivory ooap, Cincinnati, unio. Daniel Low & Co., Diamonds, Solid Gold, Sterling Silver (by Mail) 228 Essex St., Salem, Mass. Robt. H. Ingersoll & Bro.. (Watches) 13 Jewelers Court. New York, N. Y. Pittsburg Dry Goods Co., (Merritt's Wool Comforts and Baby Bunting Blankets). ' Strauss, The Toy King, Dept. 0, 395 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Christian Herald, Illustrated Weekly Magazine. 110-121 Bible House, New York. The Regiua Co., (Music Boxes, Player Pianos, Chime Clocks) New York, & Chicago, pictured and described in full detail in the Christmas DELINEATOR (now ready)