THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. MM PUBLIC MEETING OF ASTORIA CITIZENS COMING Direct From One of the Best Orchards a Shipment of Fancy "HOOD RIVER APPLES" CLOTHES BOUGHT AT WISE'S PRESSED FREE OF CHARGE AS ' OFTEN AS YOU LIKE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS IN ASTORIA FOR CONSIDERABLE DISCUSSION ON WHAT THE CITIZENS OUGHT TO DO, HAVE NOT DONE, BUT NOTHING DEFINITE DONE. The Kind You Read About. Watch Our Show Window. ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1908, ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOit COOD THINGS TO EAT. Iffi IIS 0! II DU U. Souily, Notary i'ul.llo. i Scully' Cigar bUr. Any old hour I Orkwlll eovr timbrtllat and make them m good a now. 11-7-tf Tb wry bcit board to b obtained io th city U at "Th Oeddnt Hotal" Rat vary reaaonabla. Columbia and Victor Grapbophonu and all tba latwt rtoord at Cbieafjo price, for salt by A. It Cryui, 424 Commercial St. tf Hotal Irvtng Staam btat. If you ar looking for a eoay, comfortable room for tha wlntar, m ua at once. Telephone Main (91. 10-M-tf Come to Concert At Methodist church, fine vocal nrnl Imttiumerilnl mulc. Ticket nfly e-nt. Iteneflt of church. Monday nlaht, Nov. 14. Bigger and Greater bnrgnln thnn ever to be had at the Qrftl Retiring Hal of C. H. Cooper. Call now be fore It I too late. 11-1-tf How Do I look.To mliy your e'f aa othari ee you, get one of tlioe rw atyle mirror at Hart' Drug Store i all price. A new supply just rcId. Thousands of dollar worth of onabl and high clnaa dry goods, clothtnf, furnlahlnr goods, and all aolllnf at half-price and let at C. II. Cooper Oreat Retiring Sale. lM-tf earn to Dane Prof. Rlngler of Portland ha claaaea every Thursday, at A. O. U. W. hall, (th and Duane. Adulta evening; children 4 p. m. All th latent dance. Wait Olid. Three atep, etc. Social dancing; 8: SO p. m. 11-2-tfeod Commercial Saloon Tbta popular place, altuated at 600 Commercial atreet, la up-to-date In every particular. The eholcet of winee and all kind of li quor can be procured bere. Beat qual ity eigara. Billiard table in connection. If yoi can't come In person, call up rhone 1231 Main. tf Do You feel alcepy and not a bit Ilk working in the afternoon t Per hap it' because of tha kind of lunch you're eating too heavy an dtoo bard to dlgt. Why not try tha Palace restaurant on Commercial street, where all the baking ia done In those famou alow-proceaa oven, which turn out light appetlalng, wholesome thing! You'" aeve money, too. iThe Greatest Entertainer in the World ill awl THE PHONOGRAPH jyj i...- vnir HniW repose in your home, there I nothing that will bring so much good solid comfort, cheerfulness, and happiness, not only for yourself, but for the whole family, aa the Edison Phonograph. PLAYS ANYTHING, EVERYTHING, ANY TIME. rnccs To convince you of If MXlLeKLt Edison Phonograph home entertainer in your own residence absolutely tree, a iuu sua com plete assortment of record on hand. AGENTS FOR THE VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS. JOHNSON BROS. DEALERS IN EDISON AND VICTOR PHONOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES. "OREGON MADE" BLANKETS. Oo to the HrowriNvlIln Woolen Mill store for puro Oregon Wool lllnnket. The blankets hitrt'llcd by this store are guaranteed io be I'ure Oregon Wool, nmdo by the Halni and Urowns vllle Woolen mill. These blanket captured the gold medal tit the lwla A Clark exposition over nil rniiki-a from nil part of the United Htates, They ure now on le at price Ihitt won't bo no low again, Hotter hurry If you want your ehnre. All woolen good at ridiculously low prlcf-s during- the Oreat Woolen Goods mile now going on. Mad Happy County Clerk 3. C, Clinton yesterday Issued "happiness papers" In favor of Mr. Viktor Ylonen and M1a Klleii J. Nyberg, both of I lila county Good Music Always appeal to As torlnna; you will not be disappointed Monday night nt the concert at Meth odist church, lleneflt of church. Admis sion SO cents. Monday' Concert Messrs. John Montleth and Mordaunt Ooodnaimh, are well known a accomplished mu sicians. The conceit they r-v Mon day night next at the Methodist church Is under the management of the Mlea Elmore nnd will no doubt be of the highest musical order. Concert by Mr. John Claire Mon tleth and Mr. Mordnunt GoodnauRh, well known In the musical circles of Portland. Be sure you hear them on Monday ntstit, at Methodist church. Admission fifty cents; for benefit of th church. Business Dull Merchant complnln of ail unusually dull business for this time of the yenr nnd attribute It to the almost Incessant rain, making It almost Impossible for people to get out, unless In casea of necessity. There Is also a depression In the various courts, not an arrest having been made In the police court for two days, and no business In the Justice court. Fun at the Waldorf The moving picture at the Waldorf are the best ever seen In Astoria. The present string la very realistic nnd full of IfuiRhnble situations denllng with the snappy sights on the streets of Oreat er New Tork, nnd the woes of the un happy mnrrled man In general. Peo ple are swarming to see them nlirhtly. HOT DRINKS SANDWICHES rrind" and assumed a peaceful the absolute superiority oi me new we will gladly demonstrate this Ideal About twenty promiscuous citizens assembled at the council chamber last evening, pursuant to a call from Mayor Wise, at the suggestion of Judgu Ifcrwlbyl Majtor Wise called the meeting to order and briefly stated Its object. Ho read a letter from Col, Iioesslcr, stating that he had forwarded his recommendation j for river and harbor Improvement to the department at Washington, and that If the citizens of Astoria desired to makf liny recommendations, they must bo In Washington by the 15th of November, He also read a letter! from O. W, Talbot of Portland, re- j gretting his Inability to be present at the meeting. Mayor Wise was elected permanent chuli'inun nnd F. L. Parker permanent secretary. Mr. liergman aald that he did not understand why the question of har ImH Improvements la not taken up by the Chamber of Commerce. "If the general public don't take any more inter? In this Important question than Is evidenced by this slim attend ance, nt this meeting, we need not expect any assistance from the gen eral government. This meeting cannot accomplish anything and this mutter should be referred to the Chamber of Commerce." Mr. Bchernekau stated that the Chamber of Commerce had done some thing In the matter and that Judge rtnwlby Tind sent a communication to Washington to the rlvera and harbor committee. This meeting might assist the Chamber of Commerce. "We enn't do much here aa there la no one present familiar with the needed work." J. N. lJw anld he had heard what the Chamber of Commerce had Intend ed to do, but have they done It? VThe question Is whether we aa citizens shall wait for the Chnmber of Com merce to take aomo action or take some action aa citizen, by express ing our opinion aa to the urgent needs of Improving the river. The people should get out and not wait for the Chamber of Commerce. It la an old fossil organization and I fall to see what they have accomplished during the pat twenty years." He moved that a committee consisting of Mr. Curtis and Mr. McCue Immediately draft resolution expressing the sen timents of the citizen of Astoria to be sent to the rlvera and harbor com mittee at Waahlngton. The motion was lost. Mr. McCue stated that the Chnmber of Commerce had done something In the matter and It was to be regretted that the citizens of Astoria did not take more interest In supporting that organization. This meeting can only express its opinion on needed harbor Improvements. Mr. Iaws stated that he had no in tention of criticising the Chamber of Commerce.' This Is a meeting of cit izens called by the mayor nnd had nothing to do with the Chamber of Commerce or with what they have dono or left undone. It Is for us to lend them ft helping hand. Resolu tions should be prepared and sent to Washington. Mr. Hergman made a motion that the meeting adjourn nnd let tha Cham ber of Commerce attend to the mat ter. Mr. Schernckau moved that a committee of three be appointed to act In conjunction with the local commer cial organizations, ns It would be Im possible for a committee to draft suitable resolutions on so Important a subject, without having some data to go by. The motion wa carried and tho chair appointed F. L. Parker, Mr. Scherneknu and I. Bergman as such committee, after which the meet lug adjourned. Bond Street Improvement At the meeting of the common council Mon day night, a remonstrance was filed against the acceptance of the im provement of Bond street from 6th street to the McClure line, It being claimed by the objectors that It had not been Improved nccordlng to the plans and specifications and had not been properly rolled. At a meeting of some of the property owners, the contractors and tho street committee, the manner of the improvement was thoroughly explained, and moat of the remostratora were satisfied and withdrew their objections. Several more were seen yesterday and signed an acceptance of the street. Died of Appendicitis David Smith, Jr., who has been a patient at St. Mary's hospital for some time, with an aggravated case of appendicitis, laid down this and all other burdens, yesterday afternoon, dying there at S o'clock. He suffered Intensely. He was Blxteen years of age and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. David Smith, Sr., of this city. Notice of the funeral will appear In these columns later. ThKl.llest3rv JL KM thiMnahat l m II IS fi III. . JUll tj n five dollars' worth ol HENRY). SHOCK HERMAN WISE BEHIND EACH ARTICLE 5 OLD IN HIS STORE Sidewalk Sliding The new cement sidewalk on Jerome avenue la In a baa conaition, owning io me nravj rains, causing slides, and It has moved quit a distance Into the street. It Is doubtful if It can be repaired and will probably have to be reconstruct ed. Slides are reported In various parts of the city and considerable damage has been done, especially to newly Improved streets. Complaint haa been made by property owners and contractors over the lateness of the year In which the council awarded contracta for street work, making It almost Impossible to complete the streets before the rainy season, and working a hardship on the contractors who must remove all surplus earth be fore the street is accepted. They con tend that the council should make ar rangements for Improving streets dur ing the winter and have everything In readiness for letting the contract ear ly In the spring. The work can be done cheaper and will be more sub stantial. School Reports Superintendent A. h. Clark of the Astoria public schools has filed his monthly report of at tendance at the public schools of the city. The total enrollment In the sev en schools Is ns follows: Number of girls, 6S3; boys, 693; total, 1,376. The percentage of attendance was 9S.75; average dally attendance, 1,301.6. The monthly enrollment was 1,353. The number of days taught, 20. Room 4, Adair's school. Is the banner room for the month, with average attend ance, 99.9 and 100 per cent punctu ality. Made Publio Soon Secretary R. S. Smith, of the Astoria Regatta Com mittee, 1906, says that a soon as some minor reports from sub-committee chairmen are received and merged in the totals of his own report, the affairs of the late regatta will be giv en to the public, probably In the course of a few days. He says there will be a cash residue of about the same dimensions as that which ex isted when the committee took up the work. Total Registrations Auditor An derson kept his office open until 5:30 Thursday evening for the purpose of registering voters, at which time the books were closed for the primaries. The total registrations were 731. dl vldlded among the various precincts ns follows: No. 1, 71: No. 2, 119; No. 3. 156; No. 4, 187; No. 5, 62; No. 6, 136. This is about one-half the vote of the city. Very little Interest is being taken In the election and It is doubtful If a full vote will be polled on that day. Administrator Named. In the usual formal manner prescribed by law, W. C. A. Pohl was, yesterday, appointed administrator of the estate of the late Anton Anderson, with bonds fixed at $500. The appraisers named were: Olof Erlcksen, Walfsed Johnson and Carl Johnson. Mack Swain Tonight. Mack Swain and his full company will appear at the Star Theatre tonight and at the matinee this afternoon ti Our make is the word Knox In the label, but it's a most important thine to look for. Its importance, however, is not entirely due to "prestige, (or when you buy a KNOX HAT you lecure a hst of the fintrt materiali and of unequalled wearing quality to say nothing of style which is World-Standard. In other wordi, you hare paid for what the label represents hat. & CO., UNION MADE CLOTHING. The Foard & Stokes Successors to Foard k Stokes Co. ' HEADQUASTEBS FOB Ranges, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery. Graniteware, Glassware, Iron tad Steel Tools and Ship Chasdle ry. Headquarters for Hardwai. Do you know that you need a Crav enette Raincoat? Do you know that the Brownsville Woolen Mill store 'Is the best place to buy them If you want quality and style at low prices? If not, come and we'll show you. We have over thirty kinds to pick from at prices from $12.50 to $30. (Formerly New FASTEST GROWING Special offerings this week in all departments. New and up-to-date goods are arriving everyday and we are kept busy selling, because we sell good goods at low prices. You can be as well dressed as your friends by buying a suit or overcoat from us and paying for it in weekly payments. If You Knew How Much Goodness and Wear There Is In Our RAINCOATS OVERCOATS and SUITS at You would not wonder why we sold so many of them If you pay $20 at other stores you will get none better $1.25 Men's All Wool Shirts and Drawers, Special 85c ea Just received from New York Ladies' Suits and Long Coats, in latest styles and colors. See our Win dow Display. Special, Tailored Alpaca Waists, $2.25 The material would cost at '. $3.50 waist for a Large and complete line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's, Shoes. THE GRAND L EADER (Fastest Growing Store in Astoria) Commercial, bet. 8th and 9th, News-Herald Building IHUII I HI Hardware Co., Inc. Is Going Fast Better place your or der for. coal while there Is plenty, for It won't last long at the present rate. Good coal la extremely hard ta get and prices are climbing. Phone 1961. S. Elmore & Co., corner Ninth and Commercial. Our price now $7.58 per ton on the wharf. 11-9-tf York Credit Co J STORE IN ASTORIA least $1.00 a yard. It's a special price of