The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 09, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    5 -WMllMInMIMM0
We have just an even hundred fine Fall Suits for Men in the fancy worsteds, cashmeres and serges made by some of our best
makers, such as Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Brandegee, Kindade & Wood and others, marked to sell at from $12.50 to $20: that we
want to move to make room for a large shipment that is about due to arrive, so we have marked them one and all
This is Not a Sale, Merely our Usual Fall Reductions
This is Not a Sale, Merely our Usual Fall Reductions
This is a bona fide proposition and we will be glad to have prospective buyers come in and look without obligation to buy
P. A. 1ST
Clothes Bought Here Press ed Free Any
Time Tou Wish and as Often as you Wish
? & X? J& & &
Francisco. Captain Jones reports the
; weather all the way up from the Ray
j City as violently tempestuous and very
I trying at times for a steamer with a
, tow in charge.
nk D.I.p U.AJ. C,;nn.,l r Atl The Roanoke must get In today If
r r i she keeps tier schedule out of Port
Moveables. j land.
Charlit HaddiV "Stingaree" Samson
Leave Tomorrow for Siuslaw and
San Francisco Waterfront
News of All Sorts
! Charlie Haddlx. the customs Inspec
tor, who has been on duty down at
HOURLY I the eter mlaIe the Past wek. has
, - , . j 1 - - j
of the larky sailors of that vessel.
They pointed out what they were
pleased to call a "stlngaree." to the
good natured Inspector, and as It was
the first and only one he ever saw.
convinced him of Its actuality and he
was simply full of it when he got
back yesterday. The thing, as he saw
It over the side, was dead; it was
four feet across and had legs uncon
scionably long and various hideous at
tributes that go with a good sea yarn,
but, sad to relate, further and tech
nical Investigation develops the fact
that Charlie's "tlngaree" was an old
yellow slicker that had boated in and
half burried itself on the beach, prob-
The wrecked bark Peter Iredale has
been stripped of all her canvas and her
running-gear and tackle and her
stores are all ashore and will be prop
erly disposed of at once. She Is ly
ing easy and working around to a
position head-on to sea, that will en-! ably from the Iredale herself, or some
courage later attempts to float her i passing craft.
directly on the water adjacent. A
scheme is now under consideration to
sink her astern with sacked sand, ex
plore her bottom for the now-conceded
leak, repair it roughly, put mushroom
anchors to seaward and gradually haul
her into deep water and to the near
est dry dock for repair and refitting.
will probably leave out today.
The schooner Alice McDonald which
arrived here on Wednesday from San
Francisco on the hawser of the sea tug
Samson, left up yesterday morning for
Rainier, on the Oklahoma.
Captain Jones and the sea tug Sam
son will leave out tomorrow for the
Siuslaw, from whence she will tow
two lumber laden schooners to San Cisco at the Clatsop mill dock and
The Elmore left down for Tillamook
City yesterday morning at t o'clock
and probably went to sea, as she had
not returned to her dock at sundown.
The steamer Alliance is due down
from Portland this morning and will
leave the Callender pier for Coos Bay
from 7 to 8 o'clock, somewhere.
The schooner Sailor Boy has fin
ished loading lumber for San Fran-
Simington Dry Goods Co.
58-inch Blea Satin Damask, 50c 29c
60-inch Half Blea Dice Damask 50c 1 39.
64-inch Siler Blea Satin Damask 30c 31c
58-inch Silver Blea Satin Damask 30c 310
72-inch Silver Blea Satin Damask 65c 4ic
72-inch Silver Blea 8atin Damask 75c 47c
66-inch Pure Linen Damask, large bow-knot pattern, border with
small knots in center, an extra fine value for 98c; special 69c
72-inch Linen Damask, Passion Flower; regular 98c value 65c
72-inch Linen Damask, $1.19 value 89c
72-inch Linen Damask, beautiful Pansy Pattern, $1.19 value 89c
72-inch Damask, Rose Pattern, $1.25 alue, 93c
72-inch Linen Damask, Poppie, $1.50 value $1.00
72-Inch Linen Damask, Handsome Iris Pattern, $1.50 value $1.00
Your patronage is worth more to us than any profit that might
accrue to us through any wilful misrepresentation that we might make.
James Jamison, of Jewell, Is In the
Mrs. Frederlckson of Cathlnmet was
In the city yesterday.
Mrs. Ed Joseph of Rainier Is visit
Ing friends in the city.
Ed Joseph, the Altoona cannerymon.
was In the city yesterday.
Mrs. Dr. McLaren of Rainier la vis
iting friends In the city.
Aug. Erlckson of Chinook was a
visitor In the city yesterday.
C. O. Palmberg returned yesterday
from a business trip to Seattle.
N. P.Sorensen, the Portland capital
1st, Is in the city on business.
ti. ri. iseison or SKamoknwa was a
visitor in the city yesterday.
A. S. Snyder of Salem was among
the arrivals In the city yesterday,
ueo. c .Nicholas of Portlnnd was
among the arrivals In the city yester
day. Mrs. Horace Thing of McOowan Is
In the city, visiting her sister, Mrs.
Albert Dunbar.
R. H. Sale, a prominent logger of
Oneida, Wash., Is In the city on busi
ness. C. W. Wright of Tacoma arrived
In the city on the noon train yes
terday. J. W. Johnston returned from an
electioneering trip to Chinook yester
day morning.
Colonel Walker, commandant at
Fort Stevens, was In the city yester
day, for a few hours.
Oswald West, State Land Agent,
came down on the noon train yester
day on official business.
A. G. Barker, traveling passenger
agent for the Chicago & Northwest
em, was In the city yesterday on i
business trip.
V. H. Palmer, of Cray's River, passed
through the city yesterday en route
to Sellwood, where he has moved his
family and will reside In the future,
Captain W. O. Langlols of the Till
amook Rock Light House, is enjoying
a month's leave of absence In the city,
D. H. Clark, of Clifton, was a vis
itor In the city yesterday.
Mrs. McNally, of San Francisco, ac
companled by her daughter, Mrs. Rog
ers. Is In the city, and both are
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Ford, on Exchange street.
Steps Taken Yesterday to Com
plete the Structure.
Busy Day In Commissioners' Court
Road Matters Dispatched Bonds
of Justices and Supervisors
Presented and Approved.
Pears for Canning, $1.00 per Box
Waxen Cooking Apples, 5cper Box
King Apples, $1.15 per Box
Sour Kraut- 5c lb.
Mince Meat, 2 lbs, 25c.
Dill Pickles, 20c Doz,
Comb Honey, 2 for 35c.
All Kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season
We Are Busy and selling great
quantities of goods, but there are lots
of fine goods left yet, and we are
selling the same at one-half and in
many Instances at less than one
fourth of the original cost. Come now,
don't wait. C. H. Cooper's Great Re
tiring Sale. 11-1-tf
Rosburg Precinct Rosburg In Wah
klakum county, Is the bsner Repub
lican precinct of the county. At
Tuesday's election the following vote
was cast: Kleeb, 29; McOowan, 1; J.
O. Meglar, 24; Geo. Hannlgan, 25; Mr.
GIrard, 27; David Went, 29; Klvlna
Marsh 28; Mr. Flanders, 25; MoFadden
2;, 27.
Meeting Tonight. There will be a
meeting tonight at the city hall of the
citizens of Astoria, to discuss the river
and harbor situation. Everyone Inter
ested In the continuation of the work
on the bar Is earnestly requested to
be . present.
The, county court put In another day
yesterday winding up the current af
fairs of Clatsop county, and among
other Important mutters disposed of,
made the following order In relation
to the new court house for Clatsop:
"The court, having under consider
ation the possibility of the comple
tion of the new court houe. and In
order to arrive at a proper conclusion
as to the advisability of completing
the same during the coming year, and
to ascertain the cost, It Is ordered
that bids be asked for until December
15, for the construction and Interior
finish, Including wiring and plumbing,
but not henting and that notices be
published In the Astorlan and ftudget
to that effect."
The new bids will be for the super
structure only and nil bids will be
made on the hypothesis that there Is
a great deal of material already on
hand. The heating plant was left out
of the proposition because Mr. Mont
gomery, the successful bidder In the
previous attempt to construct the
building, has a good denl of the orig
inal material on hand, and Is quite
willing to abide by his previous fig
ures, which were accepted, and this
will afford a distinct saving In that
element of the work.
The full and complete plans for the
new edifice are In the hands of the
county and are all paid f'r, the con
tract with Mr. Lazarus, covering the
2,000 already paid for the plans and
specifications, Involves the service of
that gentleman In the superintendent
of the work. The court Is of the opin
ion that the chnracter and sum or
th hlds to come for this work will
prove very satisfactory and rather
iirnrlse than otherwise. The bids
have been made returnable In season
Are Offered to the
buyer of tasteful and
fashionable jewelry
et low prices.
Diamonds, Watches,
Clocks, Cut Glass
and Novelties of the
Highest Order
Fine Repairing a Specialty
for the necessary levy In January
It shall appear the better part of wis
dom to go ahead with the building.
It was ordered that the county Judge
r,iirnhflo four ears of slab wood for
use as fuel at the county court house.
By an order of the court yesterday,
the license of peddlers throughout the
cotintv was fixed at the sum of $200
nr onnnm. in accordance wnn nunc
code In that relation.
The following bonds were , present
nnnroved by the court: Andrew
Nordstrom, Justice of the pence, Ves
ner. in the sum of $1,000; August
Juhrs, same amount, supervisor, road
district No. 1; William Sehonebeek,
Justice of the peace, Svensen.
A communication was received and
read from James Irwin, in regard to
the Adair bridge, and was continued
until the January term.
It appearing to the court that Fred
Oman had left the couny while hold
ing the office of supervisor of road
district No. 1, and that there was an
unsettled balance In his hands in fa
vor of the county and district, It was
ordered that the clerk notify the
bondsmen of Oman to appear In court
on the 17th and make settlement In
the sum of $.
A petition was received and read
from Joslah West, In relation to road
district No. 1 and the same was re
ferred to Roadmastcr Krye, with In
struction to examine and report upon
the subject matter thereof In due
course, Ah was the matter of the lot
tor from the Kelly Lumber company In
relation to lumber supplies.
The matter of the petition of I).
Tweedle and others, In regard to the
road desired around Tied HJuff In
road district No. 13, was deferred and
placed on file, as the roadmastcr had
already taken the steps asked for,
The court then adjourned until the
17th of the present month, one week
from tomorrow.
Breathe Hyomel and Get Relief
Cure Sold Under Guarantee.
A. sale on ready-to-wear and dress
hats. They will please you for stylo
and our prices will be cut to suit you.
If our windows do not reveal Just
what you are after, step Inside and
you'll find it. Mrs. M. Peterson, Star
Theatre Building.
A New York man has been sent to
Jail because ho permitted his wife to
support hlin. He will no doubt bo-
come a strong advocate of personal
liberty now.
One of the splendid results of phys
ical beautifying Is Its tendency to
create nn ambition beautiful In
every way. When a Woman gets a
good start by taking Holllxter's Rocky
Mountain Tea, Ishe Is all right. Tea or
Tablets, 35 cents, For sale by Frank
If you have catarrh, with offensive
breath, burning pains In the throat,
roughing, raising of mucous, difficulty
In breathing, sneezing, duskiness, dls
cdarge from the nose, tickling and
dropping at the back of the 'throat,
especially at night, coughing, spnsms,
etc., begin the use of Hyomel at
Its healing medication will give re
lief In a few days and Its continued use
will completely drive all catarrhal
germs from the system.
Hyomel contains Nature's healing
oils and. bnlsams.the.genn-kllllng prop
erties of the plne-forestM, and goes
with the air you breathe to the most
remote cells of the respiratory or
gans, searching out and killing all ca
tarrhal germs and soothing and heal
ing any Irritation there may be In
the mucous membrane, it h easy and
pleasant to use Hyomel, lensnnter
than most of the stomach dosing, as
Its healing nlr is breathed through a
neat pocket Inhaler which can ho
carried In the purse or vest-pocket,
and carries medication to lust tho
spot where relief Is needed.
The complete Hyomel outfit costs
but $1, extra bottles, If needed, 50
cents, and T. F. I.aurln gives his
personal guarantee with every pack
age that riicney will he refunded un
less the treatment cures. This shows
his faith In the power of Hyomel to
cure catarrh.
Only Two More Days of the great
-ummnge salo, Ooofls at your own
Price. ll-0-2t