FRIDAY, OCTOBER ij B IS. MISSEL SAGE TUn tnnvA 9. Oinlnn U n rrJt if 4 rn fin Inn HE WILL NEED IT I lie rum u o& uiuivod iiqi uri m u uu., niu, PILLSBURY'S BEST The Flour tht Has a World-Wide Reputation. Successors to Foard & Stoke Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR J. Pieipont Morgan St curt i a Val uabl Bible. Made Several Bequests to Mem bers of Family. Ranges, Stoves, Tinware, Crockery, Granite ware, Glassware. Iron and Steel Tools tod Ship Chandle ry. Hoadquartera for Hardware. SWEET APPLE CIDER 35c Uie Gallon OVERTVyo HUNDRED YbARS OLD SERVANTS RECEIVE MONEY THE MORNING. ASTORI AN, ASTORIA, OREGON. A. V. ALLEN, WHERE ALL PEOPLE GO FOR BARGAINS Sole Agents for Barrington Hall Steel Cut Coffee. BARK IREDALE ASHOREGLATSOP (Continued from page 1) in Uiec emergencies. Their work was thoroughly appreciated by the officers and crew of the bark and not less by every citizen who was aware of it Everybody in the coast eountry down about the scene of the wreck was made ware of the impending disaster rn some telepathie way, and literally swarmed out to render what assistance they might to the imperilled crew; ana, as is usually the ease in such matters. nearly all were equipped with big; or little, bottles of liquor, which under certain circumstances may have done s certain amount of good, but which, in the instance under consideration, was altogether too generously applied and to the ultimate discomfiture of several of the I resale's crew, who were too drunk to make good with the rest of their fellows in reaching this city. A bottle of whiskey is the most tempt ing of all creature comforts to a sail, or, afloat or ashore, safe, or in a stress, and this was proven all too plainly yes terday. The wreck of the Iredale will be one of the sights for some time to come, and it is said the A. A C. railroad people will endeavor to arrange to car ry visitors as close to the derelict a possible in the immediate future and thousands will avail themselves of the opportunity to see her, riven, disman tled, inert and abandoned, high on the raw coast , Quite a number of Astoria citizens, including press representatives, A. & C. railway people and others, went down on the noon train to take a lpcdc at the wrecked vessel, but the fearful weather conditions nnd the fact that the crew was already at Fort Stevens, precluded the two-mile walk in the face of the gale and the xUlt was aban. doned. ' Immigration Inspectors Brandt and Hussey went down to overhaul the crew in the interest of their governmental department, and marshalled the men before Dr. Holt, government quarantine officer, at this port, as soon as they arrived here. ATTORNEY SUSPENDED. (Continued from pace 1) the interference of the mayor, and he would son contend in the courts. An injunction suit will be instituted to morrow restraining Abe Reuf from act ing as district attorney. Reuf announced tonight that he would appear before the grand jury tomorrow in his official capacity and if Heney was present h would be allowed to re main M a private citizen. Reuf further said that he would have Heney and tective Burns subpoenaed and compelled to surrender the evidence they had ga thered. HEW FOOTBALL RULES. BRYAN IN OHIO. MONTPELIER, Oct.'25.-W. J. Bryan began his campaign of speechmaking in Ohio today. Morning Astorian, 00 cents per month. Delivered by carrier. Inter-Collegiate Committee to Meet To morrow. NEW YORK, Oct. 25.-There will be meeting of the Intercollegiate foot ball rule committee tomorrow at the Murray Hill hotel It is called in an swer to the request emanating from the conference of football officials held at the Murray Hill two weeks ago for the purpose of interpreting the code. A number of additional questions have arisen since that meeting, calling for decision. AH these will be decided and finally settled at this meeting. Most of them are of minor importance, but the question of the meaning of the rule prohibiting the drawing back of men from the line to carry the ball or interfere, is far-reaching in its signifi cance. 1ms will be among tne mat ters taken up. It is expeH4 that with the exception of the western members there will be a full attendance of the committee membership. Contains Copy of Order for Arrest of John Bunyan for Heresy in Ancient Times. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. In compoti tion with King Edward of England, who ought it a a memorial to his mother. the late Queen Victoria, J. Pierpont Morgan has secured the original Chiny Bilile, in Illuminated text on parch ment, the work of the Cluny Monks In France, and 'more than 200 years old. With it he also obtained an illuminat ed copy of the original order of arrest of John Bunyan on a charge of heresy. The Bible was considered one of the finest works of art in France. Mr. Morgan is said to have paid 20,000 for the Bible and manuscript, lesterday Mr. Morgan's brokers paid the duty of $4,000 on the articles. FIVE MEN PICKED UP. Coachman in Family for Forty Years Receives $1,000 In Cash Front the Estate Ris Son Also Remembered. XKW YORK. Oct. 2.1.-Mr. Rull Sage yesterday made everl cah gift 1 to servant of the Snge family out 01 ' the fort inn of lmot 100,000,000 left to her by her ke luiUitd, who did not make them any bequesta. Charles Bum, the ccabruan, who hat served the family for forty years, re ceived a cash present of 12.000. Will lam Bos, hi son. aim received $.',000. Three female servants of the house. hold, all of whom have record of long service, each received 12 000 and the caretaker of the Sage town house on Fifth Avenue was given 11.000. .Mrs. Sage is building a ROOD cot tage for Charles Bo near the stable at Cedar Cross. TILLAMOOK RAILROAD. Survivors from the Long Key cane are Rescued. Horri- NORFOLK, Oct. 25. Counting min utes which seemed but few, between them and death, having seen one of their companiona driven mad by suffer ings, and throw himself into the sea. five men adrift on a small bit of wreck- Cititens of Tillamook Celebrate Break ing og Ground. TILLAMiK, Oct. 23.-The long promised railroad into Tillamook I an assured fact and the people of the coun. ty today celebrated the breaking of the ground fur the raclfic Railway A Navigation Company. At the termina age, driven ashore from the Florida grounds eat of the citv. Mavor II. T. . . . . ii f i-i ASSESS CORPORATIONS. State Tax Commissioners of California Increase Tax. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 25. Accord ing to the report of the state tax com mission which has been in Berkeley for the past three days finishing its 'final renoit for submission to the Legisla. ture, the corporations of the state will be assessed on their gross receipts and not on their net earnings. This kind of taxation has been taken out of the hands of the counties and hereafter the Statu of California will exercise the right of taxing the public service util ities throughout the state. This tax will support the state, and local prop erty tax will support the county. The commission also recommends that the assessment of real property shall be based on the actual value of the property in question. The commission also favors a low tax rate. MUST HAVE BEEN DRUNK. S. A. G1MRE 543 Bond Street, Opposite Fischer Bros. Man Falla Four Hundred Feet in Mine and Escapes Uninjured. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. While hunt ing on a mountain side near Potts ville, Pa., yesterday, Joseph Schroeder fell 400 feet into the 'air shaft of an abandoned coal working, says a special to the World. A companion, William Kalbach, went, for help, but it was many hours before Schroeder could be brought to the surface. Schroeder was found to be little the worse for his tumble. Though bruised from falling from ledge to ledge in his descent, n6t a bone was broken. He was saved b the crooked character of the shaft. His escape is said to have been the most extraordinary in the history of the an. thracite region. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE showed, at the battle of Austerlitz, he was the greatest leader in the world. Ballard's Snow . Liniment has shown the public it is the best Liniment in the world. A quick cure for Rheuma tism, Sprains, Burns, Cuts, etc. A. C. Pitts, Rodessa, La., says: "I use Bal lard's Snow Liniment in my family and find it unexcelled for sore chest, headache, corns, in fact for anything that can be reached by a liniment." Hart's drug store. , coast in the recent storm, were picked up by the British ship Heatherpool, which arrived here today from Liver pool. , They with 150 others, were aboard the houseboat number four at Long Key when the great hurricane struck. When the houseboat dashed into the piers, six men were lashed to two timbers together npon which they existed until they were rescued Oct. 10. STREET CAR COLLISION. X . Seven Persons Seriously Injured in Chi cago. CHICAGO. Oct.' 25. A defective roil was responsible last night for a street car collision in which seven persons were seriously injured. Two of them may die. The crash occurred on the Ashland Avenue line at 39th street. The bad rail was on the south bound track, causing the car on that track to col lide with a car going in the opposite direction. Charles Stadtman and Mrs. Ethel McDowell were seriously hurt and may not recover. IMPORTANT DECISION. Governing Time to be Railroads. Used by he 'CTIICACO, Oct. 25. A dispatch to the Record-Herald from Austin, Texas, says: . "The state supreme court yesterday rendered a decision that solar time and not railroad or standard time, must govern legal proceeding. The case was one involving a valuable tract of land. The jury had brought in a verdict three minutes past midnight as measured by standard time, or fifteen minutes be fore midnight by solar time." lt"tt broke the ground, and speeches were made by prominent men of tha county. A large crowd gathered to cel ebrate the long-delayed event, which Is to give Tilltunook county railroad con nections with the outside world and which will rapidly develop the wonderful resources of the county. The railroad oullt arrived Tueiday from HilUboro and work will be commenced on this line of the road immediately. READ ALL THE ADVERTISEMENT ABOUT PAINTS AND PAINTING, THEN COME TO US; WE ifAVE A REPUTATION GAINED BY TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF GOOD WORE) WE CANT AFFORD TO DO A SIN GLE UNSATISFACTORY JOB. Wt USE MATERIALS THAT OUR EXPERIENCE HAS TAUGHT US ARE Till MOST SAT ISFACTORY AND WE STAND BACK OF OUR WORK. WI ARE RIGHT HERE IN ASTORIA, WHERE YOU CAN GET AT US IF ANYTHING GOES WR0N0. B. F. ALLEN G SON iiH.,I"cw ST0R COB. nth AND BONO STREETS. I This to You ! I A YOUNG MOTHER AT 7- "My mother has suddenly been made young at 70.. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspepsia bad entirely disabled her, until six months ago, when she began taking Electric Bitters. which have completely cured her and re stored the strength and vitality she had in the prime of life," writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick, of Danforth, Me. Greatest restorative medicine on the globe. Sets Stomach, Liver and Kid neys right, purities the blood and cures Malaria, Biliousness and Weakness. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Trice 60c. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers' drug store. MARRIED COMPLAINANT. SIMPLIFIED SPELLING. New York Educational Committee Dis cuss Question. NEW YORK, Oct. 25. There was a war of arguments liefore the board of education committee on text books and supplies when the committee gave a public hearing on the reports of su perintendents in favor of the simpli fied spelling board's list of 300 words in the public schools. Professor Bran der Matthews, chairman of the sim plified spelling board, was present to plead fop the use of the shorter forms, while the opposition was lead by Dr. Rotifer Johnson, author and diction, ary maker. Decision was reserved. STORAGE BATTERIES. We sell the Northwestern Storuge Battery, the very best on the market for automobiles, gasoline launches, etc We have the finest and most complete charging plant for storage batteries. Recharging and repairing done. Expert wormanship. R, R. Carnithera, electri ed supplies, 542 Duane street. , t.f. Senator Simpson Weds Woman Who At tempted to Shoot Him. OAKLAND, Oct. 25.-Stat Senator M. W. Simpson, who was on trial for a felony charge, made by Miss Isabelle Davis, a telephone operator at Alameda, this morning was married to Miss Da vis by Superior Judge Harris. The pros ecution of Senator Simpson will now cca?e. Several months ago Miss Davft attempted to kill the senator by shoot- Ing at him. DANGER FROM THE PLAGUE. There's grave danger from the plague of Coughs and Colds that are so preva lent, unless you take Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Forest City, Me., writes: "It's a Godsend to people living in climates where coughs and colds prevail. I find it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures La Grippe, gives wonderful relief in Asth ma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. 50c and (1.00. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers' drug store. Trial bottle free. $135.00 Flat Profit 1 1 1 I have a New $31500 Piano that is yours on the spot for $180.00. Address Astorian. New Printed, Post Cards Both scenic and Comic, Also in Leather, Hand Burned Shaded, and Col ored, Usual Prices, See The Show Window. J. N. GRIFFIN Books Music Stationery NO STRIKE IMMINENT. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2.r).-fienoral Manager Calvin and General Superin tendent Palmer of the Southern Pacific deny the report thnt any strike is im. mincnt in any branch of the company's service. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Boars tho Sigmicro cf The Art of Fine Plumbing has progressed with the development of the science of sanitation and we have kept Mce with the Imrjrovementi. Have you I Or la your bathroom one of the old iashkned, unhealthy kind f If yoa are still using the "closed in" fixtures of ten years ago, It would be well to remove them and install In their stead, inowv white jjtoadkstf' Porcelain Enam eled Ware, of which we have samples displayed In our showroom. Let ui quote ' you prices. Illustrated catalogue free. I, A. Montgomery, Astoria. .1 Weinhard's LAGER BEER.? &e GE C. F. WISE, Prop. M Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Hot Lunch at all Hours Merchants Lunch From 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p ml as Centa Corner Elevent h and Commercial ASTORIA OREGON 1