TUESDAY, OCTOBER t), tgoO, THE MOHNING ASTOIUAN, ASTOltIA, OREGON. HADE BY THE BEES "WILD ROSE HONEY" The delicious flavor, The fresh taste and inviting appearance all go to show that it is perfectly ; Pure and Wholesome" Try it, you will auraly llk It! Sample Jar ,,,,11111 linn tiinB cents Pint Jar .....is evnti Quart jar jo eenti ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOal GOOD THINGS TO BAT. EKsaraesrrssss TERSE HIES 01 1 Orkwiti covera unibrellael Dell a Scully Notary Public at Scully'e Cigar Store. Any old bourl Tht vary bait board to U obtained in tht city la at "Tba Occident RotaL Rates very reasonable. For tha Beit alck or aeeident tnaunanoe, on tba popular plan, m 1 R. Cyrua, agaot, 424 Couimarelal St tf Columbia and Victor Gmphophonee and all tba Uttt raeorde at Chicago prleea, for aala by A. R. Cryua, 424 Commercial 8t. tf It Won't Coat Anytbing-To look at our wall papera, and it may euggest a now and original traatmant fop your noma. B. F. Alton k Son. 10 21 2t How Do 1 look. To really tea your a'f aa other eee you, at one of tho aw atyle mlrrora at Haii'a Drug Stores It price. A new aupply ut revived. Licensed to Wed County Clerk Clinton yenterday liuad a marriage 11 eenee in favor of Mr. Enient Ferehan and MIa Bertha Newman, young peo. pie of the Jewell district. Hunting Pbeaaanta Lieutenant Coo. per of Fort Stevene and County Sur. ' veyor Aitbuery left for the Willamette valley yeterday morning to bunt pheaant and epeet to be absent about 'one week. Soma aay that elty girla art poor, Ig norant thinga. Soma of them eannot tell a bona from a cow, but they do know that Holllatar! Roeky Mountain Tea la one of tb greataat beautiftera known. Tea or Tablets, W eanta. For aala by Frank Hart. Commeidal Saloon Tbta popular place, altuated at BOO Commercial etreet, la up-to-date in every particular. The choicest of winea and all kinda of 11 quora can be procured ban. Beat qual ity eigara. Billiard table in connection. If you can't coma In person, call up rbone 1231 Main. tf Do Yon feel alcepy and not bit like working ia tha afternoon I Per hapa it'a because of the kind of lunch you're eating too heavy an dtoo bard to digest. Why not try tha Palace 4 rVminwnlnl .treat- where all the baking la done In thoae famoua slow-process ovena, which turn out light appetlxlng, wholeiome thlngat YouU aave money, too. The Greatest Entertainer in the World ef.,ll 10. II , vx vaur AMv repose in your home, there is nothing that will bring so much good solid comfort, cheerfulness, and happiness, not only for yourself, but for the whole family, as the Edison Phonograph. PLAYS ANYTHING, EVERYTHING, ANY TIME. Unpp To convince you of J? Edison Phonograph home entertainer in your own residence absolutely free, a iuu ana com plete assortment of records on band. , AGENTS FOR THE VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS. JOHNSON BROS. DEALERS IN EDISON AND VICTOR PHONOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES. For Rent Modern furnialted house, ltione Blacks 2454. 10-19-3t Hotel Irving Steam-heat, If you are looking for a coiy, comfortable room for tha winter, fee ui at once. Telephone Main 601. 10-12 If Begliter Today The registration book for the city elect km will be opened this morning at 0 o'clock and an opportunity for all legal votera to reglnter and d'clr their politic-. If they waait to vote at the city elec tion. Soon Be Home Will Benolt, aon.of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benolt of thia city, who for the pat four yean, ha aerved his country in the federal navy and I now on duty on the .Wisconsin, en route to Bremerton navy yard from San Francisco, will aoon he home, miirh Ut the pleaaure of bia kiniiuen and friend. Canine Ariatocrat The ranks of As toHa'a awell dogs li to receive a dis tinguished addition In a few daya. (Iiarlea L. Houston, now In the East, having purchaed and ihlpped here to the care -of Ed. Llewelyn, a thorough bred English pointer with pedigree that tope nearly anything on thia coaat in length and quality. I - On to Portland TTon. and Mra. Louis J. Simpson, of North Bend, (of which city Mr. Simpson ia tha mayor) were passenger for Portland via the atcamer Alliance yesterday, lie la making a ahort business trip to the metropolia on mattere of a private nature and will probably return on the aarne vea eel next Thursday, ' Farmera Complain Farmera from the viclnlly of F.lMe complain that . the pre neiit road leading from the main mad to the J. C. Relwwon place haa not been completed, although the work waa to have been finished by the first of September. It la the only route the farmera have coming over the burnt ride, and they will probably aend a communication 4o the county court at Ita next meeting, asking that the pro. vialona of the contract lie complied with. - HOT DRINKS SANDWICHES Mflj erind" and assumed a peaceful the absolute superiority oi we new we will gladly demonstrate this Ideal r-" m Ji 'i "The College Widow" A fine bouaa greeted the line troupe offering George Ade'g "The College Widow," ut the new Astoria, on Sunday night butt, and the lust mini present went away, pleased to the limit. To 'aeggrngate the individual merit of the iat would be to deal at length' with all the forty-odd peo ple presenting It, and apace forblda more than a general summary. The play, primarily, I delightful. It I full of snap and color and wit, and there U not a dull or idle moment In the four long aeta. ' One'a Intercut is kept on feather-edge every moment, even when the curtain a down, when the liveliest and happiest dieuHion en alien a to wliat ba appeared, I pend. Ing, ami i to come; and aa the play la Intenaely' modern and American, it rapture everybody, despite all preju. dire or disinclination. Nothing better nor brighter baa been offered in this city for years and the aplondid essence of the piny Iowa absolutely nothing at the humid of a single' pluyer In the big .group.' ; , . , . ;'.,.- ' Police Court Tlie forfeiture In the police' cout yesterday afternoon amounUid to $100. of which amount $173 wa from gambling fine. Otto Bench left a flve.dollur deposit and C, Wlilmy left ten. 17. Beach plead giHy to being siirehaged with booxc; said he wa aorry, and aa he had been In the Incubator ainco Saturday, Judge An Vron fined him $.1 and remitted the fine. Albert Andcrann appeared on a charge of lming an idle and dissolute pernon, having no visible meana of sup port. He! denied the allegation and de fied the police force. The evidence showed that he had tieen officiating a Itootttar for1 a stud poker game the past two month, but he claimed to have worked at longshorelng in Portland laitt July." The court aseed him $40 with a proviso, if he would leave As toria, he tuid owe the eiy tliat amount. He will be given a tie ticket for Portland thia morning. Death of Mra. Hilla-Mr. A. IT. Hill, a pioneer resident of Sveniten, died at her residence Sunday night after - an (line's of several years. Mra. Hills came to ClaUop county with her hus band 20 years ago and located on a farm near Svenaen, where they lived continuouitly. Her husband died four yeara ago. She waa well and favorably known in Astoria, where she had many frienda. She lea vea two sons and two daughters to mourn her loess Arthur and Georga Hills of Svenaen, Mrs. T), P. Ross .of Astoria, and Mra. I. T. Lemmcnt, of Akron, Ohio. The funeral will take place this morning from the familv residence, and interment will be in the Knappa cemetery. Astoria is Good Enough Fred lien hart, well known as one of the popu lar clerks with the old Foard 4 Stokes Company grocery here, returned from Coos Hay points yesterday on the steamer Alliance. Mr. Ixtihartl says Astoria ia good enough for him. lie cava there is an artificial boom on down there, with real estate values excess. ivcly Inflated and current prices for ev erything in strict proportion everywhere thiiiir in strict proportion everywhere and all predicated on a railway three year away. Ho docs not think the farming' nor dairy acreage anything to cam pa re with Clatsop in scope nor quality, and is well satisfied to return and remain here, Killed in Logging Camp Word was brought to this, city yesterday morning that Alvan Hinkella, a native of Finn land, and employed by the Pacific Log ging Company, of Peep River, -was in. stantly killed Saturday afternoon. He was assisting in loading logs on the cars, when a log rolled down and pinned him between it and another log. It wan one of those unforeseen accidents that cannot be avoided. He was bur. led at the Deep River cemetery yes terday. We Want to Lease a Modern Store- building. The Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, now located at 684 Commer cial ftrect, desires to meet owners of property on Commercial street between 11th and 14th, who are contemplating building or who might have property to rent. Wo need ft building about 40 foot front with .modern plate glasa win dows, suitable lease at a good rental for desirable location. Father address Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Port land, Ore., or call on our manager In Astoria. A Gold Romance One of the most realistic illustrations of the gold.min. er' dangerous and romantic career, .ever seen in an epitomized way, is now on exhibition at the Waldorf concert hall. These moving pictures nne replete with all the essential and vivid elements of camp life and the perils the miner faces and overcomes in his plucky and .deter mined search for the alluring metal. They hold the onlooker breathless with lively interest until the last film on tho 700-foot string is displayed, No one can afford to negloct this oppor tunity to see this fine Bet of views now on at. the Waldorf. - CLOTHES BOUGHT . Wise Never Imitates. Henry J. Brock's ; Union made Glothing. : Made by well paid, well fed and well satisfied union men that's why true union men like to buy them. Wise Never Imitates. HERMAN WISE BEHIND EACH ARTICLE SOLD IN HIS STORE Summer Resort Mr. Casper Drilling of Skipanon waa In the city yesterday and states that he has completed bridge 425 feet long from the county road across the lake opposite hia place to a beautiful grove which he Is fit ting up as a summer resort. The grove ig but three-quartere 0f mile from the beach, where the best clam digging on the coast can be found. The grove, has been cleared of underbrush, a dancing pavilion will le erected anr all the conveniences for summer camp era provided. Several Astoriana went down Sunday to overlook the grounds and report it to be an ideal place for picnics and excursions during the cum. mer months. An Humane Officer The Astoria Wo man's club is determined to press the matter of better care and kinder treat ment for the dumb animals of thia city; and to this end has invoked the aid of Mayor ,Wise and Police Commis sioner Laurin, with the result that Con stable Jack Sayre will probably be in. vested with the duties and authority of humane officer. This is a good selec. tion, for it is said Jack has a keen eye and ready hand in dealing for the comfort and safety of overborne dogs and horses, and will do his utmost in their legal defense at all times. Returned from Wyoming C. W. Loughery returned Sunday from a month's visit witu relatives in Wyom ing. His sister arrived from the east and they enjoyed a family reunion. Mr. Loughery tates that his relatives have a large section of land and about 800 head of cattle. lie saw cattle dehorned, branded and bronchos trained. A good bucking broncho ia more valuable in Wyoming than a gentle family horse. While there he attended the state fair at Cheyenne, and witnessed several broncho races, , Nehalem Farmers Several Xehalcin farmers arrived in tho city yesterday, bringing in farm produce, which they disposed of at jrood prices. They re port the roads fairly good for this sea son of the year, and are interested m the completion of the county .road. They say that when completed, it will be no trouble to haul a ton of farm produce over) the road any month hi the year1. Astoria furnishes a good . . ... , ... 1 .11 mi mai-Kct ana wiin gooa roaus, iney win be able to supply the market with all kinds of fnnn produce. Sheriffs Tax ' Sale Sheriff M. I It. Tomcroy and his deputies were very busy all of yesterday disposing of the delinquent properties listed on the tax roll of 1901, at publio sale. By 4 o'clock in the afternoon forty.nine sales had been made (some of them includ. ing several parcels of land each) and netting the county treasury the round sum of $920.00. Many parcels were of the 'wild-cat and worthless variety and no bids of anv aor were received on them. Sheriff Pomeroy filed 120 deeds AT WISE'S PRESSED FREE OP CHARGE AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE ' MADE TO WEAR Now is the Time to Decorate ..... .,- . v. ..- I Your Home. We have a fine line of pictures at low cost that wilT make your rooms look bright. WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL SvensoiVs Book Store 14TH AND COMMERCIAL ST. for lands sold to the county at tha face of the delinquencies, interest and charges. The sale will be continued at the court house door at 10 o'clock this morning. The officers were much pleased at the spirited way and appreciable val ues for which yesterday'a sale was not able. . " Sold Hop Crop Gus Gronell of Elsie arrived in the city Sunday night and disposed of 'his hop crop to Portland buyers. The crop was one of the best ever raised in the Nehalem valley, and Mr. Gronell could have sold for 20 cents, but received only 15 centa. This is the prevailing price for hops at the present time. J$ to he BEEllliHIVe Ue Store for Women Our Mottos "Honest Values for the Least Money." The Astoria public is now planning on buying its table linen for Thanks giving Day and for their winter's use, but before doing so we extend to you a cordial invitation to come and inspect our new stock. We are receiving on Monday's express a two-thousand dol lar consignment of Irish Linens direct from Thomson & Kelly Belfast, Ire-' land, the well known linen manufac turers and finishers. These linens bear a world wide reputation and come in all the latest patterns and newest de signs. Quality the highest and prices the lowest. j- Wise Never I Imitates. Strous B High Art Clothing have a world wide reputation, that's why they are known as high art clothes. ' Wise Never 'Imitates. DANGER FROM THE PLAGUE. , There's grave danger from the plague, of Coughs and Colds that are bo preva lent, unless you take Dr. King's New. Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Forest City, Me, writes: "It's a Godsend to people living in climates where coughs and colds prevail I find it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, cures La Grippe, givea wonderful relief in Aath ma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Con sumption, Coughs and. Colds. 60c and $1.00. Guaranteed by Chas. Rogers' drug store. Trial bottle free. ' Women's Outfitters