THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER i, 'IX'l WOMEN'S W0E& CITY NOTICES. Astoria Women Are Finding Relief t UqticE OF MEETING OP BOARD Or Last. EQUILIZATION. It does seem that women have more than a fair share of the aches and pains NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT that afflict humanity they must "kcepl special assessment nmr 13(X made tin," inuat attend to duties in spite of for the purpose of fraying lh cost constantly aching backs, or headaches. I and expenses of Improving 11th street dissy spells, bearing down pains; they street, from the North line of Harmon must atoop over, when to stoop mean avenue to Uie North line of Kensington torture. They mut walk and bend and avenue, haa been filed with the Auditor work with racking pains and many I and Police Judge, and numbered ape aches from kidney ilia. Kidneya eauselcml assessment roll number 130, and more Buffering than any other organ of I that the committee on streets and pub the body. Keep the kidneya well and lie way has been appointed a commit- health la easily maintained. Read of a tee of the council to ait with the board remedy for kidneya only that helps and of assessors to examine, comet and cures the kidneys and is endorsed by equalise the same, and that Thursday, people you know. I the first day of November, A. D. 1QP0, . Mrs. John Close, of 230 Commercial at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. In the street, Astoria, Ore., says: "I just as council chambers in the city hall, baa ardently recommend Doan's Kidney Fill been fixed as the time and place of the now as I did some three years ago, I meeting of said board of equal nation All objections to said assessment must be presented in writing. OLOF ANT'FRSON" Auditor and Polk's Judge of tb City of Aatonal Dated Astoria, October 13, 1900, .. I0-13-10t when they relieved me of a severe at tack of backache and kidney complaint. acted so promptly and effectively as Doan'a Kidney Pills which I procured at Charles Rodgers drag store on Cora' mercial street My belief is that if this medicine fails to five relief to anyone suffering from kidney troubles, I NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF thert is nothing else that will relieve.! EOUILIZATION I cneeriuiiy, recommend uowa juu ey Pills to aU troubled a I was.1 For sals by all dealers. Pries 80 NOTICE IS HEREBY RIVEN, THAT cents. Foster-Jfflbuni Co, Buffalo, N. I special assessment number 131, made Y, sole agents for the United State, 'or the purpose of defraying the cost Remember the name Doan' and I and expenses of improving Bond street take no other. I from the west line of 0th street to the west in of McClure's Astoria, has been The ehaffeurs who drive Emperor I fited with the Auditor and Police Judge Willism's sntomobiles must be to-1 and numbered special assessment roll tal abstainer. He insists on traveling I nnmber 131, and that the committee on at a speed of not less than forty miles streets and pnblio ways has been ap an hour, and therefore wants ehaffeurs I pointed a committee of the wiarfl to upon whom be can absolutely rely. i t with the board of assessors to ex amine, correct and equalize the same, ADVICE TO HOUSEWIFES. and that Thursday, the first day of November, A. D. 1906, at the hour of No home is o pleasant, regardless of 2 o'clock p. m, in the council cham- the comforts that money will bny,- as I trs in the city hall, has been fixed when the entire family is in perfect I as the time and place of the meeting health. A bottle of Orino Laiative I of 'Mid board of equalisation. All ob- Frait Syrup cost 60 cents. It will cure I jections to said , assessment must be every member of the family of consti-1 presented in writing. CITY NOTICES. pation, sick headache or stomach trou ble. ; Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate cough and expels the cold from the system, as it is mildly laxa tive. It is guaranteed. Do not risk taking any but the genuine in the yel low package. Foley's Kidney Cure will ears any case of kidney trouble that is not be yond medical aid. T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated Astoria, October 18, 1900. 10-lS-lOt BAND CONTEST. The person returning the largest; num. ber fo Jose Vila cigar bands to the undersigned by October IStb will receivs a- box of 25c Jose Vilas free to the next largest one box 12 Jc. Jose-Vilas. Ssve the bands. Victor Miller, corner Ninth and Bond streets. s-w-f. Unprecedented Success of i. in m THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR Whn 1 known t ,roughout the United if ".TfJiStatea on account of ninra't-'!" wonderful cures. No poisons nor drug used. He guaran tees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble. Tbeumatism. nervousness, stomach, liver, and kidney, female com plaints and all chronic diseases. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. , THE C. GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1621 First St., Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the Astorian The American Collection Agency No fee charged nn 1 e s collection i made. We make col lections in all parti of the United State.' 413 Kansas Are. TOPEKA, KANSAS. . ANTHONY P. WILSON, Attorney I; s shf 1 IE: NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED Properties and Business of all kinds sold quickly for cash in all parts of the United States. Don't wait. Write to day describing what you" have to sell and give cash price on same. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Business or Real Estate anywhere, at any- price, write me your requirements. I can save you time and money. DAVID D. TAFF, THE LAND MAN 415 Kansas Avenue. TOPEKA, - KANSAS. NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUILIZATION. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT special assessment number 132, made for tie purpose of defraying the costs and expenses of improving Bond street fro mtfce East line of 6th street to the West line of 9th street,-in McClure's Astoria, haa been filed with the Audi tor and Police -lidfie and numbered special assessment roll number 132, and that the committee mi streets and mih J r , r . has been appointed a commit tee of the council to "it with the board of assessors to examine, correct and equalize the same, and that Thursday, the first day of Novemlr, A. D. 10C. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., in the council chambers in the city hall, has been fixed as the time and place of the meeting of paid board of equaliza tion. All objections to aid assessment must be presented in writing. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated Astoria, October 18, 1906. 10-18-10t NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUILIZATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT special ases-imcnt number 129, made fop the purpose of defraying the costs and expenses of Improving 7th street from the South line of Niagara Ave- nue to the North line of Bay Avenue, s been filed wiUx the Auditor and Police Judge and numbered special as sessment roll number 129, and that the committee on streets and public ways has been appointed a committee of the council to sit with the board of as seasons to examine, correct and equal ize the same, and that Thursday, the first day of November, A. D. 1806, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m, in the council chambers in the city hall, has been fixed as the time and place of the meeting of said board of equaliza tion. All objections to said assessment must be presented in writing. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated Astoria, October 18, 1906. i 10-18-10t ELECTION NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the 12th day of November, 1906, primary nominating election for the city of Astoria will be held, at which the following named officers will be nominated, and that on the 12th day of December, 1906 a general election for the city, of Astoria will be held, at which election the following named officers will be elected, to-wltt One mayor of said city for the term of .two years from the first Monday In January, 1007, One City Attorney of said city for the term of two years, from the first Monday in January, 1007. Two Councltmen for the first ward for the term of three years from the first Monday in January, 1907. One Councilman for the third ward for the term of three yean from the first Monday In January, 1907. That the polls for said prlmarviPom- inattng election shall be opened at the hour of 12 o'clock, noon on the 12th iay of November, 1906, and remain open until the hour of 7 o'clock p. m., that day, at which time they shall be closed. And that ths polls for said general election shall be opened at ths hour of o'clock a. m. on the 12th day of December, 1906, and shall remain open until the hour of 8 o'clock p. in, that day, at which time they shall be closed. That the following registration and polling preclncta and voting places therein are hereby established, and the following named persons are hereby ppointed as Judges and clerks- of said polling places and for said primary nominating election and general elec tion, to-witt Registration and polling precinct No. shall Include all that portion of the city of Astoria lying west of the west tine of McClure's Astoria, If extended sufficient distance north and south to Intersect the north and south' boun dsry lines of the city of Astoria, and the polling place for said precinct shall be Suoml hall and the fudges of elec tion for said precinct shall be A. Me Pharland, Henry Heinonen and Charles Wilson and the clerks shatt be Frank Norberg and John Carlson. Registration and polling precinct No. 2. In ward No. 1, shall Include all that portion of the city of Astoria lying be tween the East line of said precinct No. I, of said ward, and the center line of 8th street In said city extended a sufficient distance North and South to intersect the North and South boun dary lines of said city and the poll ing place for said precinct shall be En gine House No. 1, at the corner of 7th and Commercial streets, and the judges of election for said polling place shall be P. J. Goodman, C. C Utslnger and Isaac Bergman, and the clerks thereof shal be Paul Badolett and F. J. Car nay.". , ' Registration and polling precinct No. 3, in ward No. 1, shall include all that portion of the city of Astoria lying between, the East boundary line of pre cinct No. 2 of said ward and the cen ter line of 12th street if extended sufficient distance North and South to intersect the North and South boun dary lines of said city. The polling place for said precinct shall be the hall in the A. O. U. W, building and the judges of election for said precinct shall be C. W. Springs, L. E. Howes and B. F. Alien and the clerks shall be A. Le berman and Max Pohl. Registration and polling precinct No. 4, in ward No. 2, shall include all that portion of the city of Astoria lying between the East line of precinct No. 3, and the center line of 21st street in said city extended a sufficient distance North and South to Intersect the North and South boundary lines of said city and the polling place for said precinct shall be at No, in the Central Hotel, and the judges of election for said precinct shall be, Geo. Nolarid, W. E. Schimpff and A. Schernackau, and the clerks of election shall be D. T. Gerdes and C J. Trenchard. Registration and polling precinct No. 5, in ward No. 2, shall Include all that portion of the city of Astoria lying between the east line of said precinct No. 4 and the east line of J. M. Shively's donation land claim extend ed a sufficient distance North and South to intersect the North and South boundary lines of the city of Astoria and the poling place for said precinct shall be Engine House No. 8, and the judges of election for said precinct shall be Harry Jones, Al Leinenweber and L. Larsen and the clerks shall be Thoa. Davis and E. Manulla. Registration and polling precinct No. 6, in ward No. 3, shall include all- that portion of the city of Astoria lying East of the East boundary line of pre cinct No. S, and the polling place for said precinct shall be the Mess House near McGregor's Mill, in Adair's A toria. The juduges of election for said precinct" shall be L. Agren, F. C, Reed and John Engberg, and the clerk's shall be T. C. Fredrickson and Ole B. Olsen. The judge first mentioned shall be the chairman of the judges of the poll ing place for which he Is mentioned. Each elector of the city shall vote only within the precinct in which he is registered. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated at Astdria, Oregon, OctnJber 10, 1906. 10-10-10t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. HELP WANTED. WANTEDSALESMEN. MANY MAKK $100 to ,$460 per mouth. Some even muse. Stock clean; grown on ltwr vatlim, far from old orchards, Cash sdv-anced weekly.. . Choice of territory. Address Washington Nursery Company, Toppenish, Washington.1 9 23 tf MISCELLANEOUS, WANTEDTRAVELER, FOR ESTAB- li-dird house, $12 per week. Expanse advanced. lteferences. Address, with stamp, Jos, A, Alexander, Astoria, Ore. 10 17-31 WANTEIV-INSTALUI ENT COLLEO- tor for merrltam!ie accountsj good salary and expenses. Address Globs Company 723 Chestnut St, Philadel phia, Pa. 101U-3t NOTIOK TO rURCHA8ERS-ALL parUet atje hereby warned not to purcha any property im in the nam of Michael or Nancy Nowlen. as! hold a claim of $23,000 agalnat ths etate Ind this must be settled before legal title can pas. J. T. NOWUCN. Astoria, Ore f't. 13, 1906, B0ARDIN0. THE LIYDX. Rooms with or without board) rates reasonable fxal accom modation for transient, 14th and Commercial WANTED-niKL WANTtt) FOR (JEN eral houe work. Good home and Steady position for satisfactory person. Apply 346 17th St. 1010 tf FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT REASONABLE FUR nished room, private family. Inquire 724 Exchange. 26 tf WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED house of S or 6 rooms, centrally lo cated. Address J 20, Astoria, fi-27-tf FOR RENT FURNISn ED ROOM IN private family. 677 Exchange. 9 29 tf FOR RENT. FOR RENTSTORE BUTLDINO AT Aldsrbrook, with shelving, counters. bins, etc.; wareroom and barn. Good living room up stairs, fins opportunity for right party. Rent, $25 per month. Inquire at 109 12th St. 10 13 tf LOST AND FOUND. LOST-A GOLD BADGE, ST. AN drew's Cross with erown V. K, on reverse side; Elinor N. Carmichsel Five dollars reward will be paid for iU return to Mrs. Julius Davis 175 0th 8t. 10-7-tf LOST LADIES' GOLD WATCH ON Commercial street between 12th and 17th streets; return to this office and receJrs a reward of $3.00. 10-10-31 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NURSES, urn MRS. JULIUS DAVIS (late of Portland) Graduate Nurse Royal London (Eng.), Hospital 17$ Oth St, LAUNDRIES. CHAS. H. ABERCROMBIt, Attorney at-Law. General Practitioner, Notary FubUa. Rooms 33-36 phone Main WJ1, Page Block. Cor. Commercial k 11th Bt F.D.WINT0N, Atterney-et-Law. It act) cos is all United States and State Courts in Oregon sad Washing ton. Notary PubUo. Phone Mala Ml rooms I and 3, Logan Building, corner Commercisl ana Sixteenth, streets oppo site O, R. A N. Company doek. MUSIC TEACHES. WANTED THREE MUSIC PUPILS. Inquire at Aetortaa office. MANDOLIN LESSON'S GIVEN-MRS C D. Stewart, 127 Seventh stmt. H0USX MOVERS. FREDRECKSON BROR-We make 1 peclalty of house moving, earpenWre, contractors, general jobbing; prompt at tention te all orders. Corner Tenth aad Duans. tf OSTIOPATHim. DR. RH0DA C HICKS OSTEOPATH Office Manaell Bid. Phone Black 1041 III Commercial BU Astoria, Ore, DENTIST. FOR SALE. Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dkntist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. FOR SALE 149-ACRE RANCH, IM proved, located at Stenscn. For par ticulars Inquirs of Robert Whidby, 311 Harrison Ave, or Ralph Sloop, Svensen, T PROPOSALS. PROrOSALS FOn BEEF AND MUT ton. Vancouver Barracks, Wn., Oct. 2, 1900 Seals propoitals for furnishing snd delivering freh beef and mutton for six months, beginning Jan. I, 1907, will be received here and at offices of commissaries t Fort Stevens, Ore., Boise Barracks, Ida, Forts Casey, Co lumbia, Flakier, Lawton, Vancouver Barracks, Walla Walla, Ward, Wordcn, and Wright, Wash;, until 10 a. m., Nov. 1, 1906, and then opened. Envel opes containing proposals should be en- dorsed, "Proposals for fresh beef and mntton, to be opened Nov. 1, 1906," and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Lt. Col, George B. Da via. Chief Com'y. Dr. W.O. LOGAN DENTIB1 78 Commercial fit , Hhanahan BniMIni BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie,, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. 8. Restaur ant 1 434 Bond St BUTTON HOLE AT Till BACK. Your experience with It has bo doubt trad to much relation, possibly pro fanlty. Broke your fingernail trying to pry It up from the neck band, sat You wont have that that experience tf you send your shirts to u we ssts yon this trouble, and danger of tearing the shirt Try us and see, TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth and Dusne Sta. rhoni toot JAPANESI C00DS. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, 8TR0H0, BAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS, BOOKCASES, SHUT WO, ITC. Yokohama Bazaar' , 624" Commarelsl 6U Astoria. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND PI Mol In the Northwest PORTLAND, OAK, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE SAVOY Popular Conoert BalL Good music AU are wslsoma. Ces aer Seveatk and As tor. WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIQAR3. Eagle Concert Hall ' (320 lator Rt Ths leading amusement bouse. Agency for Edison Phoncjrrspbs aad Gold Moulded Records. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. CALL FOR WARRANTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL parties holding Clatsop County War rants endorsed prior to July 1, 1905 to present same for payment to County Treasurer's office, No, 433 Commercial street. Interest ceases after this date. W. A. SHERMAN, Treasurer Clatsop County, Ore. Dated Astoria, Ore., Oct. 9, 1906. 10-10-IOt CITY NOTICES. NOTICE OP RECEIVING CITY. BIDS BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT up to the hourSot 2 o'clock p, m on Saturday, the 20th day of October, 1906, the Committee on Streets and Publio Ways of the Common Council of the city of Astoria will receive sealed bids for repairing Commercial street, from the east line of 9th to went line of 14th street, as ordered improved by ordinance No, 3309, approved on the 6th day of October, 1900, The right is reserved to reject any and ell bids. ' JENS H, HANSEN, J. J. ROBINSON, ' P. L, STANGLAND, Committee on Streetsmd Publio Ways. 10-7-4t BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant 612 OommercialSt. Parker House 1 Oregon Restaurant NEW AND rmST-CLASS DINING- ROOM. ALL THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Corner Ninth and, As tor Btreeta. Phone Black 2184. 1 HI 1 1 41S BOND ST, I I ASTORIA, ASTORIA, 0RXG0I WOOD YARDS. WOOD Cord wood, mill wood, boi wood, any kind of wood 1 1 lowest prices. Kelly, ths transfer man. Thone aioi Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house, mm Li I' 'n4 1 vj tti.i;' i'.il For Kidney and Ciadder TrouLUs RELIEVES IN 24 Hours ALL URINARY DISCHARGES Esch Can- ul NarifMIDY) the namefclT Jlewan f counterfeit! fat mis Dysll dni'ti Carries the Finest Lias sf Wines, Liquors N and Cigars CALL AND SEE US "PaleBohemlan LaAerieer,, THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE ; on draught and In bottles t Brewed snder sanitary conditions snd proper, sg-cd right here in Aitorls. S9I North Pacific IS Co. ASTORIA, OREGON.