THURSDAY, OCTOBER it, iqo9. Tins MOltXLVG ASTofllAN, ASTOllIA, OREGON. "JUST RIGHT" ' TO TEMPT TUB APPETITE, . "MARTIN'S M NEW YORK "CREAM CHEESE" "" ' - r 1 1 A MEW SUPPLY JUST RECEIVED. 25c the i pound ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT. TERSE TILES Of THE Orkwiti ovn umbrella I D1I t. Scully, Notary Public at (Scully Cigar Stora. Any old hour I 9 1 in Tha rtry beat board ( U obtained la tbt dty It it Tb Oeddtot BoUl Ritti very reasonable. . , For the Beit sick or aeeidant Inaurance, od the xpular plan, aa A. R. Cyrut, agent, 424 Commereiad St. if Columbia and Victor Oraphophone and U tbt latent reaorda at Chicago price, for aala by A. R. Cryus,,424 Commercial Bt, t! How Do 1 look. To ial)y ee your "'f aa other you, get mt of tho mw atyla mirror at Ikrt'a Drj 8 tore j all price. A ww supply Juat rueuivad. Bear In Mind liat Erickwn, tha nur eryman, always baa the latest bloom cut-flower, abruba, and ornamental tree, etc., etc., at hie downtown es tablishment, on Bond atreet, juat west of Ro, Hlggln & Oompany grocery. 101fl3t All Interested Welcome The regular bulne meeting of the W. C. T. U. occur thl afternoon at 2:30 p. m. In the basement of the Baptist church. Any one Interested In th work la cor dially Invited to attend. Began Work Yeaterday Dill 4 Young yeaterday morning commenced the emttractd repair on Bond atreet between Forty aecond and Forty-fourth street, heretofore arranged for by the council. The work i altogether on the treat le and conUt mainly of redecklng Commctdal Saloon Tlila popular place, altuated at 609 Commercial atreet, k up-to-date in every particular. The oholeoet of winra and all kind of li quor can be procured here. Beat qual ity cigar. Billiard table la connection. If you can't come In pereon, call up rhone 1231 Main, ' tf Do You feel alcepy and not a bit like working In the afternoon t Per hap It'a becaue of the kind of lunch you're eating too heavy an dtoo bard to digest. Why not try the Palace restaurant on Commercial street, where all the baking I done In thone famou alow-prooeai oven, which turn out light appctialng, wbolcorne thing f You'll aave money, too. '811k Shirt Waiita-Mr. M. M. Kee fer will make them for $ I 50 for a abort time. 680 Commercial atreet. 1012-71 Hotel Irving Steam-heat. If you are looking for a coiy, comfortable room fur tha wlnUr, tea u at esse. One aulta flrt floor vacant. Telephone Main 601. M-12-tf "Jack" arid ' Bl Tumor-fl, C. Ful: ton, of tlila city, i tho owner of a line, blooded pointer, "Jock" by name, and the log ha been incapacitated from limiting liming the pieeiit season, j,y reason of n extraneous growth in hi right flank, much to hi,fnd hi mas ter dieomfort' Yesterday afternoon lh J. A, Fulton went to the Llowflyn irenrxila wliei "Jack" ha "been rusti eating for several day, and performd an ojierittiou on him, removing a two-and-a-balf-pound tumor from bl side, ami now the animal In getting along flWly, lie v. Ill pay the doctor'a fee in pliwuwinU lnr on. Talking about thta operation on "Jack" suggest the fur ther fact that the, neenMrity . for an "op era ting tablo" at hi kennel ha o Im pressed Ed. Llewelyn that ho ha framed one up, andjjae it arranged for regular bualnc, with atraj.a, bandage, tool, blood-gutter and an the neces sary paraphernalia and it will be put In rvlce whenever occasion require, lie 1 J1 It yesterday ami atrapped Hilly Hume's "Hmiidge" on it juat to we how In would Wok "in action," and Oniric, A. Coolidge, who happened to be there, with a camera, snapped the whole affair and got a fine picture of tlifl grewMime establishment. 4 ? , Not Until tha aotb An error crept Into tlieim column yetcrday morning, wlicr it wa announced that Judge Tliomaa A. McBilde would convene tho clrcnilt court her on Monday morning next. It ahould have read on Monday, the 2!tb. Inatant jt one week later. Wedded Yeterday-Yeler.iiiy , after noon, October 17, at 8 o'clock, in the parlor of the Oriel Houae. Itev. Sey mour Short, rector of Grtn-e Epiteopnl rhiirch, aolemnlzed the wedding of MK Cri Jobnmin of tbU city, and Mi Km ma OwfTey, of Svenen. Friendly Surptiae The Ladle of the firand Army, In regular convention at their Jlojvlj atreet) hall lt evening, were happily urprlwd by a leaiitiful .lunch of coffee and cake deftly throat upon them by Medamei W. G Shaw and A. A. Doulaj ami It ia needle to ay wa enjoyed to it uttermoat "bit and aup." 1 Nelon-Britt in Atoria A spirited act of rllme, illutratlng tvery phaae of the Kelaon-Britt mill at iiavncia, now on at Mie Waldorf and drawing irreat crowda nightly. Tha picture are clear and perfert in detail and realtUtlo to the point or eeurane u one la wltnelng the original amp. No finer moving pictures were ever brought to Aatorla, Weather Doei Not Count No amount of bad weather can Interfere with the Un ''J -.. - .a 9. - i ' people who have made up their minds to enter the realm of marriage, and In thia behalf there were two Hcenoee ia sued yeaterday by County Clerk Clin ton, one to Mr. Carl It, Short, of Port land aad Ml. Bertha Veernteeg. of Snatldoi and the other to Mr. Carl Johnaon of thl city, and Ml Emma Coffey, of Svcnsen. HOT DRINKS SANDWICHES We Have Always Prided Ourselves With Having the Best Goods in the City, and Selling at Prices as Low as the Lowest,'Uur Stock is Always i'resn and Clean,. When Buying Our Stock Quality is always our first Consideration. We invite you to call and inspect our stock. JOHNSON BROS. GOOD GOODS. WE ARE GOING TO TH 12 DANCE ARE YOU? - . . . . . , At Skamokowa, Oct 20, 1906 ' i:ci:li knt hand of shvkn pieces Boat leave, Calendar Dock at 4:30 P. m., touching at Altoona, Brook- field, and way Landings, returning nc . GENTS, i.oo. LADIES FREE. For Twenty Thouaand and Coeta A 'iit wa filed In the eirduit court of Catsop county yeaterday by Attor ney A, M. Smith, of tbt city, in be half of liCtti I), lfeaton, a againat the Oiegon Tlmlier & Luinlwr company, at Clifton, for compewat ion for dam age, in the sum of fcOKX) and the coKt of the action. Hi'iiton allege that he it Incaitm-itated for life by reaon of hi obedience to order received, while, nerving that company aa a aec tioii forcrtmn, on It logging railroad near Clifton, in September, 1009,.' by driving a motor cction-car over 'the railway line, after night-fall and crash ing into a line of Ioging-cara left on t open nillwnyr without light or sig nal of ny kind, to warn anyone of their proximity. He broke hi leg and wn tor and lacerated and rendered lielpte for life by the accident which, it I claimed, waa wholly chargeable to the neglect of the defendant company. Bowling Conteit The first of a ae rie of bowling game between Mack Swain and Peter Gevurtc waa pulled off at the Wigwam at 4 p. m. yeaterday, and according to eye witneee reult- fxl in ' acore of 118 to 7, In favor of Bwain and the huge amuement of the pei-tator. who were enthuaiaatic, Mr. Oevurti waa handicapped by hie disin clination to H go of the ball when throwing it, while Mr. Swain'a effort led the alley boy to demand a bat tle ahip turret at hi end of the house. xpcri tvi!' determine the snsount of damage done to the building, while the owner of the remnant of parapher nalia will endeavor to get a rebate on hie licence. Owing to Mr. Swain'a alze it wilt be impossible to prevent the second game of the series to be played today at 3 p. m. Practice Game Tonight The' Astoria football tenm i in prime fettle for it Saturday etifWment on the Eugene gridiron and will indulge In it final prai-tiro game thl evening on the A. F. (. ground, and all who desire to see it aw welcome. The boy will leave for Eugene tomorrow evening and will go prepnif'd for a battle-royal nnd con spieuoua victory. Manager R. E. Elver of the new Atorla theater, evince hi public spirit by assuring the boys that on their return from the game, win ner or losers, he will reserve a cou ple of boxc for the team on S;unday evening next when the "College Widow" occupies the boards at that popular house. Fifty Initiates There was something doing at Astoria Court, Ko. 8. Forest era of America, Inst night, when the local officer, aided and aWted by A. rtrauer, O. T. S., F. -T. Bourgeois, J. P. G. C. R,, and A. B. Dnlgity, G. C. It., of the grand court staff, initiated art even fifty of Astoria's innocent citi zens. They will impress twenty -fire more at the next regular meeting, and no limitations have been set beyond that. Thore was any amount of fun along with the serious and beautiful work oif the ritual, and it may be said, in passing, that the local court is pro gressing most satisfactorily. ' Well1 Known in Astoria Little Ber tha ITnhn, the' child vwho was burned do bodly in Colville. . Washington, six weeks ago, that she died on Tuesday Inst, was well known in this city where she visited with her mother, Mrs. Ger trude Unhn, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bergman, ast spring, and by her beauty and intelligence won many friends, who deeply sympathize with the stricken mother in her terri ble bereavement. ' Notice The Municipal League will meet tonight at 7:30 in the police court room, city hall. g. M. LORNTSEN, - ' president. CLOTHES BOUGHT" AT WISE'S PRESSEli : FREE OF CHARGE AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE ' Wise Never Imitates, MADE TO WEAR j Henry J. Brock's Union made Glothing. ' Made by well paid, well fed and well satisfied.! union men that's why' .true uuion men like to buy them. Wise Never Imitates. I , . . 1 I y - .' ' $ ? .'. i I I to; .- t I ' Y I I I I Tf - ) ! Wise Never Imitates. Strous Bros High Art Clothing have a world wide reputation, that's why they are known as high art clothes. Wise Never Imitates. HERMAN WISE BEHIND EACH ARTICLE SOLD IN HIS STORE PERSONAL MENTION. VJ. Summer was a visitor to As toria from Seattle yesterday. Mr. I. N. Day of Portland ia looking up hi interests in the city today. Clatsop la represented among local viaitor today by Mr. W. G. John.. The Irving I entertaining G A. Aus tin, who i in the city foe a few days. Mr. n. W. Smith of Portland la in the city on businese and is quartered at the Merwyn. , , Mr. W. S. Wallace, a prominent busi ness man of Boston, waa in the city yes terday on business. Messra, D. D. Albrecht and C. P. Ma ginni of Portland arc atopping at the Occident. J. B. Burlin is at the Occident to day, having arrived from, Portland last evening. ' G. R. Emmerson of New Orleans is quartered at the Occident for a few days. . Now is the Time to Decorate Your Home. We have a fine line of pictures at low cost that will make your rooms look bright. WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL Syettson's Book Store 14TH AND CQMIflEBCIAL ST. On Relief Duty U. S. Immigrant In spector R. E. ITussey, of Portland, is in this city, relieving Chinese Inspector George Lamer-, who ie availing himself of the balances of hia annual leave of absence. Inspector Hussey expects to be here for some time to come. Important Meeting The regular quar terly meeting of the parish branch of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Missions will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at Grace church at 2:30 o'clock. Every member is requested to lie present. Rummage Sale The Ladies of the Birthday Club of the Presbyterian Church will open a rummage sale in the regatta headqunrters on 10th street, on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Any one having anything they would he willing to contribute to this sale, plea3e notify any member, of the club. Fine Reproduction If you would see nil the points of the late mill between Battling Nelson and Jimmy Biitt, for the ugnt-weigiit cnampionsnip ai juay-j field, Gal., drop into the Waldorf and witness the ruuv of the living picture film now on exhibition there and cov ering every detail of that fistic engage ment. The realism of the display is only equalled by its positive fidelity to all that transpired during the engage ment, i ' i STORAGE BATTERIES. We sell the Northwestern Storage Battery, the very best on the market for automobiles, gasoline launches, etc. We have the finest and most complete charging plant for storage batteries. Recharging and repairing done, Expert wormanship. R. R. Carruthers, electri cal supplies, 642 Duane street iJ, U6 Store for Women 1 e JV BBBIilSHIVB Women's Outfitters Our Motto: "Honest Values for the Least Money." WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR American Knitting Brand of Women's Vests High neck, long sleeves, colors, cream and pink, hand finished, on sale at this special low price, 75c Luzerne Brand of Women's Vests and Pants Scoured before made, fine ribbed, medium weight, high neck, long sleeves; all sizes and colors, hand finished, at, per garment ...... $1.00 Luzerne Brand of Women's Union Suits Medium weight, high neck and long sleeves, ankle length pants, hand finished at this low price, $J.75 Women's Silh Union Suits Very swell, in all colors and sizes, high neck,vlong sleeves, ankle length pants, hand finished, best values at ...... . . . , . $500 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR American Knitting Brand of Children's Vests and pants, fine ribbed, medium weight, price, per garment, ... . . . . . . . , . 5Qc Children's Derby Ribbed Vests and Pants, fleece lined in pretty mixed tans, all sizes, special price, 25c Awakened hy the Cold this Morning ' Your bedding needs replenishing. Now is a good time to get what you want in the bedding line; stocks wont be as full later. The prices are as low as they possibly could be on the best quality of goods. Cotton Blankets, 45c up. Quilts, $1 to $2.50 Wool Blankets at the Right Prices