THURSDAY, 0CT0BE2 il, 1900, THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. BAR, BAY AND RIVER Notch Higher Than the others is our j line of clothes for men. l LITTLE BETTER" "For Sale" Advcrtisermnt Brings Fleet Collecting Oft the Columbia Results. River Bar. MARRIAGE PROPOSALS IN BULK CASCADES AND FIVERT0N IN HUMAN mm IT A 11 sncasw r " Person! Document Fails to Evidence Claims to Modesty and Intelligence Claimed in Summary of Cnarma, CHICAGO, Oct. 17.-EliMbth Magie, the young Chicago stenographer who decided that typewriting at $10 a week was "helL as she expressed it, and offered to sell kerself at auction to the highest bidder, it not washing her own shirts this week. According to a per sonal letter, not intended for publica tion, which ahe sent to her mother in Washington, she ha received aa ocean of "bids" to her "For Sale" advertise ment, which did not get into the adver tising columns of the Chicago because of the alertness of a "front counter boy," which resulted in her get ting all the space she wanted and start' ing oa the front page of the newspa per instead of in the want ads on the 18th page. One bid is from a n illion aire. The letter to her mother fol lows: "Dear Folks at Home There' something doing. I am in it Things, are coming my way. By one fell-swoop I hate arrived. I can have anything I want, from foreign titles to $100,000 in cash; place as servant ; dime museum freak, or star. I hare marriage proposals by the bushel from men who have discovered in me their affinity; publishers want me to write books; newspapers- wsnt my service ; everybody wants my picture. I have been interviewed by dozens. I have laughed over some letters and cried over others. An auctioneer sent me his card. Wasn't that a joke? But I bave cried over letters Jrom poor girls who are having the same bell time to lire aa I had. Alliance Down En Route to Coot Bay San Buenaventura Clean for San , Francisco Melville Dollar Sold Nicomedia Reported. The following Teasels were reported outside the Columbia bar yesterday at 4 p. m.: The British ship Glenalvon, from Antwerp; a four-masted schoon er, (thought to be the Churchill); the German steamer Eva, from Mororaa to load lumber at Portland, for the West Onutt; the sea tug Samson (returned from Gray's Harbor, where she towed a four-masted schooner), and a large steamship, presumably the Xicomedia. I The British ship Strathtillan, from I San Francisco, under previous orders papers 1 Portland for grain, for European de livery, received diverting orders off the heads at San Francisco, and went on to Seattle, where she will load out ward. -This, on account of the grain handlers strike at the Oregon metrop olia. She arrived at Seattle Mondav last. The steamer Alliance came down from Portland yesterday forenoon and took on about "5 tons of freight here, most of it from the Can dock and went to the lower harbor for an early shoot to ea and Coos Bay. The Aragonia is still in port and like ly to be here when her sister ship, the Nicomedia, from China, comes in. It is said the latter vessel was sighted off the heads yesterday. The steamer Cascade was the only vessel that took the chance of crowing in over the Columbia river bar yester day. She went directly on to Port land. 11 1 m-m&mm u&mkafr I i f 1 J! ! 1 a II II IV copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffhcr fcf.Manc than the others has been our motto and it has landed us In our present enviable position-that of FIRST in our line, The all wool security that we offer our customers is made pos sible by the fact that we sell Hart, Schaffner &Marx clothing The most perfectly tail ored and cleverly designed clothes in America. P. A. ''UNCOMMON CLOTHES" Clothe Boufht Hers Pressed Fit Any Tims You Wish sod ta often as Yob wish. STOKES um aon't worry about me, ciearies. learner Lurline touched at her I am the same old girl-out for honor, dock j, titj yMterday morning at trnm and a square deal au arouno. ru 3:30 0.clock end cot away at 5. This tand by my document, but I won't . amounts for the fact that she did not vouch for interviews. Yellow journals' how up here yesterday evening. are ine aamnaest liars ia ue worta. Just see how much lingerie they made ont of nothing but a ten cent gauze undershirt. I have received some ex cellent expressions of commendation and appreciation from those who read ily understand. Upton Sinclair, author of the 'Jungle,' says that my letter is wonderful, and that I bave the mak ing of a revolutionist "I am not washing my shirts this week, I bavn't time." Lovingly yours, ELIZABETH. Morning Astoriaa 60 cents per month, delivered by carrier. The steam shin Melville Dollar has been sold and her place in this trade will be supplied by the steamer John C. Howard, a thousand-ton lumber car rier. """""" The barkantine Paramit went up to Portland on the hawsers of the M. j. Henderson yesterday morning. The steamer Oklahoma fastened on to the French bark La Perouse yester day and took her up to the metropolis. The steamer . Tiverton has arrived Simington Dry Goods Co. VALUE QUALITY COURTESY LADIES' SMART FALL COATS at prices that ought to satisfy anybody. mfM'l Mm Just arrived by express yesterday direct from our New York buyer ' a lot of 50 Coats in the latest creations. Beantiful Long Coats in the swell black embroidered chiff on and broadcloths, tailored in the latest styles, elegantly trimmed with embroidery and braid in front and backs, cuffs and collars trimmed to match and fancy buttons, a smart, dressy coat. Prices range from - $1250 to $25. CO Our benefit sale offers you a splendid opportunity of supplying your coat want at a very low cost. We have a beautiful line of fashionable Fall Coats ranging in price from $6.00 to $30 00. If you need a coat, want a beautiful, smart garment, you can't afford to let this opportunity pass it means a great saving. from San Francisco, and ba berthed at the Tongue Point mills, where she will load lumber for the Bay City. The schooner San Buenaventura ar rived down from Rainier yesterday and cleared at this port for San Francimso, with 200.000 feet of lumber. The oil-tanker Asuncion is still dot ting around on the outalde and will cross in whenever ahe thinks the bar la amenable. The average young woman of today Is buy. Beauty is only another name for health, and it comes to 99 out of every inn who tak Ho!!iter'! Rocky Moun tain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. For sale by Frank Hart. On a Grateful Quest The teamer Al liance, departing hence yesterday, for Coos Bay, bore on her passenger list the names of Mr. Dr. Owens-Adalr and her sister, Mrs. L. A. Pike. Those la lies are bound tfor Empire City, whith er they go to vioit their aed mother, Mrs. Thomas Owens, an Oregon pioneer of that fat-thinning group that broke this interminable wilderness in '43, and now hale and reverend at four score and nine years. Some say that city girls are poor, ig norant thingi. Some of them cannot tell a horse- from a cow, but they do know that Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is one of the greatest beautiflera known. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. For tale by Frank Hart. BLOOD POISONING. results from chronic eonntipation, which 1 quickly cured by Dr. King1 New Life Pills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vigor; cures sour stomach, nausia, headache, dizziness and colic, without gripping or discomfort. 25e. Guaran teed by Chas. Rogers' drug store. 0 ANOTHER NEGRO OUTRAGE., ATLANTA, Oa., Oct. 17.-A special to the Journal from Greenville, S. C, says: An a result of race troubles, Seneca, S. C, is in ashps. The work is al lege dto be that of incendiary nepToes, seeking revenge for the dynamiting of the negro college here last Friday iii!,'ht. The fire started early today and burned rapidly, consuming the entire biminnns section of the town, which has a pop ulation of about 2,000. Sick Headache Cured. Sick headache is caused by derange ment of the stomach and by indlgeHtion. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets correct these disorders and effect a cure. By taking these tablets as soon as the first indication of the dis ease appears, the attack may be warded off. For sale by Frank Hart and leading" druggists. DONE BY DEED Edna W. Wiley to Chris Petersen warranty 3 acre in Section 33. ' T. 8 X. R. 9 W $ 175 Chris Peterson and wife to John Fryer warranty, 3 acre, Sec. 33, T 8 N. R. 9 JV 400 W. C. Smith and wife to L. I Ixx-kard, warranty, lots 12 and 13, block 15, in The Thus 430 Columbia Harber Land Co. to .Madeline C. Kamdy, warranty, ht 5, block 64, in WarrenUm Park BOO W. L. Slangs and wife to John W. Reercs, warranty, 12 acres in Ses. t. T. 0 X, R. 10 W 275 Margasst Brady to F. D. Ilennes sey. euit claim, 1 acre land in Si-e. 21, T. 6 X., R. 10 W 1 Jo. A. Brady and wife, to F. D. Hennessey, quit claim, same pro perty 1 There W. Baxter et ux to Jcsnle A. Berger, warranty, lot 3, block 1, First Addition Gearhart Park 100 Jessie A. Bergen et ux to W. II. Moner, warranty, of n i lot 3, block 1, First Addition to Gear hart Park 2- Tesie A. Bergen et ux to Char lotte JL Cartwright, h lot 3, block 1, Firt Addition Gearhart Park 60 T. F, Cowing and wife to O. von llaten, IfiO acres Sec. 18, T, 4 R. 7 W 2,000 llegiiia Pinachower to Henrietta Straus, lots 0 and 10, block 9,, Irving Heights 10 It is really one of the most wonderful tonics for developing the figure and soothing the nerves ever offered to the American People. Hollister's Rocky Rocky Mountain Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. For sale by Frank Hart. LIGHTWEIGHTS BATTLE. PIIILADEr.PnrA7Oct. 17.-Terry McOovern and Young. Cdrlfott; fought a hard six-round bout hero tonight. When the jronc announced the clone of the battle there was little to choose be tween the fighter. The fight was one of the bloodiest ever witnessed in this city, SUBMARINE STILL DOWN. BTZAETA, Tunis, Oct. 17. Admiral Betue tonight said' it is uncertain whether the. salvagers have located the submarine LuHn or not. Oivers have reached the bottom, but owing to the roughness of the sea are unable to re main below sufficiently long to make a thorough investigation. Fourteen sal vage, vessels now form a cordon around the spot where the Lnlin went down. The divers descend In relays and are displaying untiring energy, , Tonight the sea is moderating and work tomorrow can be commenced under better condi tions. ' ', RECEIVED TODAY A SHIPMENT SWEET APPLE CIDER FANCY WAXEN COOKING APPLES Per Box 65c ASTORIA GROCERY PHONE, MAIN 681. 53 COMMERCIAL STREET. A WATCH SEASON We bave a beautiful lime of watches, in gold filled and solid go'd eases, id scores of styles and patterns, plain and engraved, and our prices are right. My reputation for quality Is your perfect assurance of worth, FRANK J. D0NNERBERG, 11011th St, Grand Ball Saturday Evening', Oct. 20th. LOGAN'S HALL ASTORIA, OREGON Given by Bartenders' Union, No. 142 The public is cordially invited. Admission 50 cents.- Ladies free. The MORNING A5TORIAN 60 CTS. PER MONTH ' '