The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Established U79.
Publish Daily Knept Mondiy by
By nail, per year.. ,.$7.00
By carrier, per month........ .60
B, man, per year, In advaac.. 91.00
Entered u rad-rlM nattar July
HUMS, at the pwtofllca AKort. Or-
OTOrMn for th. deilwmn of T Moan
dm urrowu 10 eftiwr iwfckma r pio of
bml.mii m be atad hj poMal oars of
ttyouffk. tatoivhoa. Any b-rwRularity la d
kmy attonid b mtwlftety ntpunwl to Um
pGk ot pubUeatfcw.
Official twppr of CWUop county and
theCliy orAatori.
Western Oregon, Western
Wa.-ington Probably; bowers,
wanner Interior.
Eastern Oegor., Easiern Wash
ington, Idaho Fair and warmer.
The latt to land the American girl
it Mr. T. P. O'Connor, wife of the
Irish M. P. This panegyrist finds
American women bewitching in their
delicate yet dashing beautr, and in
their girlhood, particularly at the age
of seventeen, altogether lovely. No wo
men of any continent, in Mrs. Connor's
opinion, can compare with ours.
Thus the tributes continue to come.
Of all risiting celebrities who nave com
mented on the American girl none save
only the Gaekwar of Baroda has named
her but to praise. The Daisy Miller
days are past and forgotten.
But why all these bouquets for
American womanhood and not even a
solitary bontonniere for the American
man? Is H not he who by ranking her
only a little lower than the angels and
respecting her slightest wfch has made
ber what she is? He pays the golf
club dues and the riding-academy bills
which give the American girl her splen
did physique. The bunch of violets in
ber corsage is his gift, as are the gowns
which make her the best dressed of
women, the jewels she wears, ber mat
inee seats and cabs and ber summer
at the seashore. In what other con
tinent are there such husbands and
Out, of the profusion of compliments
for the American girl, which have be
gun to cloy like over-indulgence In
chocolate creams, a few should be
spared for the American man who pro
videg the wherewithal N Y. World.,
The minister of a negro church in
Richmond cave out a funeral notioe
one Sunday a follows t
"I have to announce to you, bredren
and sisters, dxt d funeral of da only
surrivin son of d late Thomas Pinker
an his widow, Martha Jane Pinker,
both deceased, will take place an' come
to occurrence on, Tuesday next at 13 in,
noon precisely, -"An
I have to say, bredren an sla
ters, dat contributions for cwrryln' out
dat funeral will be in order an' accep
tationa, or else de funeral cant takt
place, txcepUn and save only as a
plain burial; fo' Samuel Pinkers has
got jet money enough to bury himself
without any obsequious ceremonies,
such as he deserves." Harper's Week-
' O
Dont for a moment imagine that you
can beat eity money gamblers at their
own game, and you a Hundred or a
thousand mi lea away. There I no abort
cut to great-riches by way of the
buvkftt mm. Instead of betting on
corn or wheat or potatoes or cotton or
hay, raise good crops of them, and you
will com a great deal closer to touch
ing elbows with prosperity than you
could in a thousand years by follow
ing the stock market.
Don It fail to oil your wagon axles
often. There is a heap of humanity
in axle grease.
Adel "Collet Widow Abounds
Great Characters Well Played.
A play containing no stellar role, but
many requtring equally artisUo treat
ment, is the roost difficult sort of a
play to cast, but Henry W. Savaa baa
managed to corral for this season's
western tour of "The College Widow."
an ensemble which ha regards as the
best he has yet been enabled to aeoure
for George Ade's clever comedy. Not
withstanding that there are quite nu
merous good things that have become
staple favorites in the amusement menu
within the last year, the one that atmnda I
of the Ky world of Paris. lie threat
en her with exposure, and la eeM '
Intense power and atlioe, In which alis
bejis for pity and tel's ot her years
of penitence and remorse, the faol i
revld that "DanM" Is her son, and
the mother stand at twy, fighting for
her chilJ'e happiness, striving to avert
from him the bitter onmHiuenoes of
her wrong-doing." forced "to do so hy
"Montjoie." she reveals to "Daniel" the
secret ot his birth and eeks to fT"'1
him into disowning her, but the son
proves his manhood and the nobility of
hi nature by taking his mother lis hit
arms aivd vowing t defend her against
all the world. Cora King fiwalft will
appear as "Felicia," a oharatr calling
for the greatest depth of power and
passion, of emotion and pathos, and the
other parts In the play will ho carefully
Oats are Mid to hare originated in
Northern Africa.
The better the farmer, the better the
farm, the better the neighborhood, the
better the world.
a y 4 " r y " .
. . t
t' i "
The automobilist doesnt own the
earth or even the roads, though he too
This Is to certify that all druggists
are authorised to refund your money if
Foleye Honey and Tar falls to eurt
your cough or cold. It stops the
cough, heals the lungs ami prevent se
rious results from a mid. Cures ta
grippe cough and prevents pneumonia
and consumption. Contain no opi
ates. The grtinlne is In a yellow pack
age. Rtfune substitutes. T. F. Laurln,
Owl Drug Store,
T. F. Laurin, Owl Drug Store.
A noted dentin dnlarea that the bet
poJMtible preservative ftr the teeth l
the nightly washing with a bruh and
a bit of pure soap preferably vJiite
rastilc. 'Half the dentin In the
country would be driven out of the
but I liens," he asprts, "were this sim
ple denning to become nnlveral or
even general among the people.
as "Matty McGowsn, in "The College!
Henry E. Jones of Tampa, Fia.,
often acts aa if he had a fee simple In pre eminently among the suecees is
both. A George Ade's delightful "College Wid
ow." The demend for tin's typical Amer
ican comedy this season is so great, that
some cities have been necessarily slight
ed in the intinerary arranged by Man
ager Henry W. Savage, So that this
city is fortunate in being located on
the line of travel chosen for Mr. Sav
age's fine organization company,
which, by the way, is said to have been
selected with greater care than any Mr.
Savage hag organized.
Rabbits caue an annual loss in Aus
tralia amounting to $65,000,000. Science
proves helpless in trying to annihilate
the pest.
' 0
Three points in favor of ducks are
they grow faster than chickens, are
less likely to take disuse, and are
practically vermin proof.
A cheap war to fatten eeese is to ;
feed them chopped turnips or other veg
etables at this season of the year. Corn,
or corn meal in addition, makes an
excellent diet.
Probably the largest corn crop ever-
grown was produced a few year ago.Oonid adopted a baby
by Cspt. Z. Drake, of South Carolina, I the secret to himself,
He tinoduced 22S bushels mi on
James Blacklalder, a trusted employe
of Col. Gould for over ten years, hns
proven himelf to be a conxpirator and
; hypocrite. Some years before Colonel
girl and kept
Having grown
in one season.
bvSutrul young lady, hs? hand
is eagerly sought in mnrriapre by a
treat mnnv admirer. She tlnallv sc-
. . ... ,EO
Have you bought cockerels for breed- ce JiM.k w'arburton, a dashing younij
ing purposes next springt Dont put it j southerner, whose father was a great
off too long. If you wait until the j f riend f the cnei-,. The secret of
last minute, the beat will be sold and her birtn end tdoption, however, is told
you will have to take the "leavings.'1
One hundred and sixty bushels of oat
to the acre is the product of a hun
dred acre farm near Garfield, Wash
this season. At 32 cents per bushel, the
returns from that oat crop will be
quite a good-sized sum.
According to the bulletin of progress
published by the California Promotion
company, September hag been a not
able month in the progress of San
Francisco toward recovery from the ef
fects of the big fire. Railroads enter
ing the State report .that traffic has
increased enormously, both on colonist
and tourist tickets. Labor supply is
atill inadequate. The population of the
city is placed at 370,000. Cost of liv
ing, excepting rents, is about the same
as before the fire. During September,
1,050 building permits were issued.
Bank clearings reached the amount of
$198,712,503.47. In September, 1905,
$168,329718.22, showing an increase of
18.04 per cenfl. Thirty-five thousand
men are doing construction work and
thousands more could be used. It is
unfortunate that there are inadequate
school facilities. Every school build
ing in the city is crowded to the lira
its, and there are 15,000 more children
ready to enter. In the rehabilitation of
the various departments of the munlci
; pal life the schools appear to have been
'overlooked. It i a matter of real im
portance that the children should be
sent to school, and temporary -quarters
should be provided as soon as possible.
On the whole, the recovery of the
city is reassuring, and if capital would
not wage war on capital by raising the
club of exorbitant rents, thus driving
back the large and email business con
cerns, the rehabilitation of the city
would progress faster in spite of the
jyolitical conditions, which produce a
far-reaching sense of distrust among in
vestors and citizens. S. F. Bulletin,
Don't worrry about the terrible mis
takes the man across the way makes
in doing his farm work. Help him to
do better if you can; set him a good
. 0
The names of about ten thousand
boys between the ages of 14 and 19
are carried on the government pay roll.
Most of them are employed as special
delivery messengers.
to her accepted lover, and I overheard
ent health due o Foley's Kidney Cure,
I tried doctor and all kinds of kiilnry
cures but nothing did me much good
until I took Foley's KMney Cure. Four
lot tie cured me, and I have no more
pain In my back and shoulder. I am
03 year old, and suffered long, hut
thanks to Foley's KMney Cure I am
well and ran walk and enjoy myself. It
I a pleasure to recommend It to th
needing a kidney medicine." T. F.
Laurin, Owl Drug Store.
According to the Cnite! State Fish
Commission, Miourl is the greatest
frog producing state In the Union. Ex
perts employed In an Investigation of
the bet methods and best places of
frog propagation have found Missouri's
climate best adapted to frog raWng,
with that of Arbamws second.
or boy, man or woman, Is quickly out
of pain if Bucklcn's Arnica Salve U ap
plied promptly. O. J. Welch, of Te
konsha, Mich., says: "I use It In my
family for cuts, sores and all skin in
juries, and find it perfect." Quickest
Pile cure known. Best healing salve
made. 25c at Clias. Rogers drug store.
A petition seven miles in length and
containing over 600,000 signatures, is
to be presented to the British parlia
ment next session asking that a bill be
pawwd prohibiting the vivisection of
Northern people should make no com
plaint against the South for having
separate schools for white and colored
childme, for the color line Is being
drawn in school work In many places
in the North.
"rell,' he sard, "I've taken a powder
for my headache, a pellet for my liver,
and a capsule for my gouty feet. Now,
what puzzles me, id how do the things
know the rlht place to go to after
they get inside?"
Cheerfulness is a tonic, a nerve food,
a beauty potion,' a re-jiivenator and
transfiguring agent for all the troubles
of humanity. Habitual cheerfulness is
but a step removed from habitual hap
piness, and to be habitually happy
means to get the best out of life no
matter what happens, to surmount
troubles in the easiest manner, and to
help and encourage all with whom one
comes in contact.
by Ulackladder, Chagrined at the loss
of his employer's daughter, he plots
her ruin and forges papers on the Col
onel, How well he succeeded is best
told by witnessing a performance of
"The Convict's Daughter," at the new
Astoria Theater on Saturday, Oct. 20.
The plot is indeed a startling one, and
full of surprises and sensational effects.
Indeed, It is one of the big melodra
matic successes of the season.
Tonight tjje Mack Swain Theati
Company will prenent a powerful emo
tional society ; pky, entitled "Felicia; 1
or Her Atonement," a story of a wo
man's transgresnions and final expia
tion. "Captain Daniel," of the French
army, Is in love with , "Edith the
daughter of "M. Godefrey.' He pro
poses for her hand and is accepted, even
though he diseloHcs the fact that he Is j
a natural son a man without a name.
"Madame Dubois," whom "Daniel" be
lieves to be his aunt, comes to the
home of the Godefroys, to arrange the
marriage settlements, and is recojfnlzed
by "M. Montjoie" an old friend of the
family, as "Felicia," a woman who fif
teen years before had reigned as queen
showed, at the battle of Austcrlitz,
be was the greatest' leader in the world.
Ballard's Snow Liniment has shown
the public it is the best Liniment in
the world. A quick cure for Rheuma
tism. Sprains. Burns, Cuts, etc. A. C.
Pitts, Rodcssa, La., sayss "I use Bal
lard's Snow Liniment in my family
and find It unexcelled for sore chest,
headache, corns, In fact for anything
that can be reached by a liniment."
Hart's drug store.
London Is the most populous city in
the world. Its Inhabitants, including
those of greater Lopdont number nearly
6,000,000. It has an area of 118 square
milps, thus covering more ground than
New York, Paris and Berlin, all put to
gcther. ;
In most cases consumption results
from a neglected or improperly treated
oojd. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the
most obstinate coughs and prevents se
rioiis results. It costs you no more
than the unknown preparations and you
should insist upon having the genuine
in the yellow package,
T. F. Latirin, Owl Drug Store.
P. GKVORTZ, Manager
ThenackSwai n Theater Co.
presenting tonight tht tenutlonal 5-ict melodrima
Popular Prices; 15c, 25c and 35c
box ornc open inn cuetaih coes up at us mar?.
r! E. ELVERS, Manager.
Only One Night
Saturday, October 20th
The Gaetht Comedy Drama ,
The Convict's
; Daughter ,
Interesting and intcuse throughout
PRICESt 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c
Only One Night
Henry W. Savage Offers George Ade's
Comedy Triumph
; S Tf!c Play Upon Which
All America Has Stamped Indelibly the
Word ''SUCCESS."
N. B. The entire magnificent scenic equipment of
The College Widow is assured.
PRICES 50c to $J.50.
Seats Rkady Saturday at the Box Office
Marine and Stationary Gas and GasollneEngines.
f F. P. Kendall, General Sales Agent,
6a-6fl Front St., Portland, 0rs.
JOHN' FOX. Pres.
F L BIbHOP. 8cretar
INi'lson lW Vic-Prs. and 8npt.
Designers and Manufacturers of .
Canning .Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Complete Cannery Outfits Fumishd. 1
CORRESPONDENCE "SOliCITED, ' Fpot of rotinb Nr'H.
me G EM
C.F. WISE, Prop.
Choice WInss, Uquori
and Cigars
Hot Lunch at all Hours
Merchants Lunch From
11:30 s. m. to 1:30 p .m.
93 Cents
Corner El event h and Commercial