THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1906. THE MORNING ASTOMAtf, ASTOMA, OREGON. ABSOLUTELY PURE Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely from grapes, refined to absolute purity, is the active Principle of every pound of Royal Baking Hence it is that Roval Baking Powder renders the food remarkaole both for its fine flavor and healthfulness. No alum, no phoph&te-wh!c!i are the DiinciD&l element of the to-calledcheap . ici; j bakmg powders -and wnicn are aenvea frosi bones, rock and sulpburio acid. , ROVAl 9AKINA WWOH CO., NIW YtMt PORTLAND MARKETS Utest Quotations in the Portland Markets Complete Market Reports Corrected Iaa Day Giving tn Wholesale Prices ! Commodities, Farm Product and VS Uale. . ' PORTLAND, Oct. 10.-According to the views of eoms hop dealers, as ex presed tbli tnorninfl there it no good reitoQ why tb local market should not t In better sbspe. So n.any low-priced contract were tncuied early in tin season that it seems dlllkult (or buyers to realise that present condition amply Justify much better quotation than ia given to day. London quotes Pacific Coast ho at 6 pound 8 hilling, which certain ly means wow than 13 ocnts here. Of course, it la well known that Ore gon yield got a black eye through re porta of damage to tbo growing crop, and it will require an examination of samples Eat and abroad to reassure the big deaIoff and brewer. . , Grain, Flour, feel v Wheat-WaIla Walla, flScj Valley, 67cj blustera, 00c; red, C2c Oats-White, 123.00 j gray, $22.00. Corn Whole, $27 1 cracked. (28 per ton. v- ; v Barley Brewing, 122.00; feed, $21 tiled, $22g23. - " Rye S1JJ0 per owt Buckwheat $30.00 per ton. Flour Hard wheat patent, $9.00; .... tv., titt. .h.m tt iin. v 45 nfli whole wheat flour. $3.75 1 Valley flour, $3.403.03j Dakota, $5.305.60j East rn rye, $9.40; Plllsbury, fO.20 Corvallis, $3.70. v Mlllstuffs Middlings, $2425j chop, $15; bran, $15; shorts, $16. ' May Valley, timothy, $1112.80; Eastern Oregon, $15 10; clover, $7 7.50; cheat, $77.GO; alfalfa, $U. Grain bag Foreign and domestic, 8 3 4c, ' ,' ' Produce. PoultryOld roosters,, 910oj beoi, 14 Wc; fryer and broiler, 141 lSki dressed chicken, 15)0Ci geese, live, 810c; dressed, HHcj turkey, young, 2021e dressed, 1821ej ducka, old, 14c; Spring duck, 1314cj pigeons per down, $1.00(Sli5; sqtisbs, $1.752. Cheese Young America, 14113o; Orecon full cream, flats, 13ii, Me. Egg Oregon . ranch, 20(Sfc30cj East era. 2527i Butter Country erearaery, 2fl27c elty creamery, 30C atore, 1515cj but ter fat. 281c. ? Honey Dark, 10cllcj amber, 12 ffl 13c; fancy white. 1415c Cheese Young America. 141 15c j Oregon full cream, flat, 131014a Preih MeaU and Fish. Frli Meat Veal, medium, 75 to 100 lbs., 7i8e; 100 to 150 lb., 77e 150 to 200 lbt, o6c 200 lb and over, 4 6cj pork, 88c; heavies, 78cj beef, bull, 23c cow, 4i8ici steers, Se 6o; mutton, medium tixe, 77 large, 56c; Spring lamb, 88o. Clams Hardshell, per box, $200; ra tor claim. $2 per box. Fish-Halibut, Belli black cod, 7c ; baia, per lb., 20c; herring, 5c; flounder, io; catfish, 9c; Uver smelt, 0c; ahrlmp, 10c j perch, 5c; sturgeon. 10c ; aea trout, 12lcj greylings, 80; sllversldes, 50c, Coffee Mock 2428e; Java, fancy, 2(1 32c; Jaw, good. 2024cj Java, or dinary. 1720c; Cotta Rica, fancy, 18 20c; CoaU Rica. good. 1218c; Ar buckla, 10o per lb; Lion, 14!e per U; Columbia "coffee, 14!c; Salvador, 111 15c. , . Oyster Shoalwatcr Bay, per gallon, $2 per sack. $380 Toko Point, $1.60 per 100; fresh canned, $0.50 per dozen qarUt Olyropia (120 lbs.) $5; do per gallon, $2; do per quart cana, per doavl en, $0.50. 'Lard-Kettle-rendered; Tierces, lljo tub, lllo; 50. Ulcj 20. llloj 10s, 12o; 5. 12lcj Standard pure, Tierce. 10Jo; tub lOlej 50a, 101c; 20, lOJc; 10.. llcj 5s, 181c. Compound, Tierce, 71c; tub. 7Jc; 60, 7!c; 0.91ci 5a, 916. '"("'"' ' Vegetable, " ' . Cabbage Per lb, 2o cauliflower, oo 1.10 per doaonj parsley, 25c per dozen 5 hothouse lettuce, $1.251.50 box; head, 40o doten; aplnncli, 35c; cucumber, local hothoue, 50c per box; artichoke, 0073o per doren; pcag. 45c; bean, TIDE TABLE, OCTOBER AWrtWITO inn ..Hi-...-'.-..,,:.. UOoj garlio, 10c; red pepper, dry, '10 (5).25cj bell, COo box; green onion, I2AJ dozen bunches; jfreen corn, 12t15; dojten; celery, Ofllfie down bunch; tf p't( 1020o lb.; okrs, $1.75 per bsx. Potato New, In country, 7680 per owt.) sweet potatoei, 23o lb. Onion New, $1.25 1.50, ' Melon Cantaloupe, $11.25 per orate; watermelon, 76$I.OO per ewt; casaba, $22.60 doen. , - Turnip Per ack, 00c$1.00 car rot, $1.00111.225, beets, $1.25; radish es, 2115o dozen buuclies. .. Fnilti. Tropical fruit' Banana, 5c per pound; pineapple, $3.004.60 per dot en; lemon, fancy, $6.00 7.00$ choice, $4.75 6; grape fruit, $4.505.00 crate; limes, 75c$l0 per 100; pineapple, $3 5 per doien. '' Doines tlo fruit Apples, common, 40 75c fancy, $1.001.25 box; crapap pie, tl1.25 crate; figs, 85e crate j grapes, 6c$1.60 crate; peaches, 85c $1; plums, 4050o box; prune, '40 50c box; Bartlett pear, $115 box; qulnc7, 75c$l box; kuckleberrle, 10 12e pound j cranberrie, $9 barrel.' Candied peel Citron, 10-lb boxes, 25c lb; 6-Ib boxc.25cj Jmon peeh 10-lb boxes, 15o'lb; 5-lb boxes, 15lc; orango peel, 10-lb boxes, 15o lb; 51b boxes, ISle. ... Grocenei and Provisions, Provision Ilain, to ilz. 14lc; ham, plcnio 101c; bacon, regular. 181c; bacon, fancy brwkfait 20c t dry lt side, Ulcj back dry salt, 11 l-4c, s P;kled gwwl llckled pig' feet 1 barrels. $5; -barrel, $2.73; 15-lb kiU, $1.25 pickled tripe, l-barrels. $5.00; i bam!, $175; 15-lb kit $155; pkkled pigs' tongue, i-bamls, $0; 1-barrel. $3; 15-lb kit $1.50; pickled lambs' tongue, 1 barrels, $9; i-banels, $5.50; 15-lb kit. $2.75. . ' . ' Salt-Bale of 75-2s, bale, $1.60; bale of 00-3. bale, $1.60; bale of 40-4. bale, $1.60; bale of 15-10, bale, $1.60; bags, 50c; fine, ton, $12.00; bags. 60 lbs. genu ine Liverpool, ton. $18.00; begs, 50 lbs. i-ground. 100. ton, $9.00; R. 8. V. P, 20 5 1b cartona, $25; R. S. V. P. 24 $-tb carton, $1.76; Liverpool lump, ton, $19.50. . ?. , ' Nuts Walnut, No. 1. soft shell I7e ; No. 1 hard shell 16c; Chile, 13c; almonds. 1718o; Alberta. 16c; Brasila, 18c; pa ean, 13115o; hickory, 8c; Virginia pea nuts, 60; Jumbo Virginia peanuts, 8oj Japan peanuts, 5c ; chestnuts, Italian, 14o; ooooanuta, dozen, 8690e. Oliv oil California ,per gallon, $2.75; quarts, per ease, dosen. $7.25; pint. 2 donn, $8JK; i-plnta 4 doaen, $9, Canned salmon Columbia Rlvsr, 1-lb tall, 1J5; 21b Ults. $2.50i fancy. 1 -lb flata, $2.00; 1 lb fancy flaU, $15; fancy Mb ovals, $2.75; Alaska tall, pink, 90c; red. $1.45; nominal, 2s, tall $2.00. Cereal food Rolled oats cream, 90-lb sacks, $7.00; lower pade, $5.506JS0; oatmeal, ateel cut, 50lb aacics, $8 bale; 10-lb sack, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 60 lb sacks. $7.50 per bale; 10 lb sucks, $4 per bale; split peaa, $4.50 per 100-lb Mck; 25-lb boxes, $1.25; pearl barley, $1.75 per 100 lb; 25-lb boxes, $115 per box; pastry flour, 10-lb sacks, 82.60 per bale. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $5.95; Southern, Japan, 53c; broken, 41c; bead, fancy, 7c; head, choice, flle Oil, Lead, Eta. Coal oil Pearl and astral oil cases. 19o per gallon; water white oil, iron barrels, 131c; wood barrel, lfllc; eocene oil, eases. 211c; elains oil, cases, 271c; extra' star, cases, 221c;. headlight oil cwea 21o; iron barrels, 151c. Benzine Sixty-three degrees, eases. 20c; iron barrels, 151c ' Turpentine In case, 80c ; in wood barrel, 83c; in iron barrels, 79c; in 10 ease lot. 85c. ' Linseed oil Raw, 5-barrel lota, 47cj 1 barrel lots,' 48c; in ease, 53c, . Boiled. 5 barrel lots, 49o; 1 -barrel lots 60c; in eases, 550.'.' r:i' Gasoline Stove gasoline, case, Hie; iron barrel, 19o; 80 degree gasoline, Commn9lii Monday, Mar 14 ' " STEAMER TELEGRAPH Win Make Round Trip fmay tteopi fcuudHy, between. Portland Astoria and Way Voru- High Water. Dsts. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Tlmrsdny Friday . . . . . i , Saturday SUNDAY . Monday . . Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday Friday . ... Saturdliiy , SUNDAY , Monday , Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday.. Friday . ... Saturday i SUNDAY Monday . . Tuesday . Wednowloy Thursday Frklay .. Saturday . SUNDAY Monday . Tuesday . Wednesday .. I! .; 21 .. 31 .. 4 .. 5 .. 0 .. 71 ...8 ,. 9 ...101 ..11 ..12 ...13 ..14 ..lflj ..201 ..22 . .231 ,:24 ..2.11 ,.2rt ..27 , .281 ..20 301 AM. him. I ft. 0:20 liOOl 1:45 2:231 3:00 3:40 4:201 6:15 6:17 7:27 8:33 9:2H 10:10: 10:58 16lUi37 ,.171 0:40 1:34 2:23 3:17 4:15 5:18 Mi: 32 7:48' 8:53 9:47' 10:33 11:12 11:47 .31 0:17 8.21 8.1 7 7.6 7.0 6.(11 6.21 5.9 5.8 6.9 6.31 6.8 7.6! 8.1 8.8 ,.-.. 8.5 8.4' 8.0! 7.0 7.1 6.8 6,8 6.9 7.3 7.0 8.01 8.2 8.41 7.7 P. M. h.m. 'ft. Low Water. .A. mTT P.M. 12:10 12:.61 1:22! 1:52 2:22 2:52! 3:27 4:05 4:50 5:48! 6:58 8:12 0:18! 10:17 11:00 11:58 12:15 12:63 1 1 331 2:15! 3:01 3:52 4:621 6:01 7:23 8:42 9:51 10:47 11:35 i 12:19 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.3 8.1, 7.9 7.6 7.3 7.0 6.8 6.0 7.1 7.5 7.9 8.3 9.0 6.4 9.5 9.5 9.2 8.7 8.2 7.7 7.3 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.7 8.6 Monday . . . . Tuesday Wednesdby . Thursday .. Frhlay . Scitunday . . . SUNDAY . Monday , . . . Tuesday . Wednesllay . Thursday , . . Friday Saturday I.. SUNDAY . . , Monday Tuewlay . , . . Wednesday . Thursday . ' . Friday . .-. . . Saturday :. . . SUNDAY . . Monday . . . . Tuesday Wednesday i Thursday . Friday Snturday .., SUNDAY .. Monday Tueeday , . . Wodnosday . . Date. Th in. I ft. I h.m. j 0-,30 7:13 7:47 8:23 8:57 9:31 10:08 810:17 3.510:52 0110:53 3.011:43 1 2 .3! .4 .,10 ,.11 ..12' ...131 ..14 ,.J5 ..16 .,.17 ..18 ..19! ..20 ..21 .,22 . ,23 ..24 ..25 ..201 ..271 ..281 0:15 6:51 7:231 7:65 8:27 9:00 9:30 11:50 0:42 1:47 2:51 3:47 4:37 5:22 6:05! 6:50 7:35! 8:18 9:00 10:00 11:03 1:05 2:17 3:31 4:17 .201 5:05 .30 5:47 1.4 .31 0:27 1.7 0,5 0.01 1.21 n.o 2.2 2.0 3.1 3.5 4.2 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.51 1.0 2.4 2.9 3.4 1:17 2:37 3:50 4:271 5:101 5:54 6:37 7:22 8:09 8:58 9:50 10:60 11:55 12:20 1:44 3:02 4:061 4:551 5:401 6:201 0:67 ft. 1.4 1.1 m 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.6 ORB OF AM2R1CA H FaSTKST 8TEAMRH TIME CAUI 1 BKmer Telegraph from Portland . , . ,. . ,to Aslotl. Leave rortlnnd....,.., 7-co m- Arrive Astorls...MMM.M.....,M.l3(M p. m. Mtoamer Telegraph from Astoria to Portland lsve Astoria Arrive Portland,. ,...2M p m jtM p. m MEALH 8AKVED A LA CARTK' HtMimer TolerraDH will toD at wav land. Iiikh botli down and up liver when harlny pometisers to land or by being signalled- Portland Landing Alder St. Dock Astoria Landing CallenJer Dock X. B. SCOTT, Agent, Portland CaUender Navigation Co ageot Astoria. PHONE 2211 MAIN. V U.JSBUJL .ft-..! -UL JUJLJSIJJ.!.. .J.LUI THE MILVAUKEE Tlw Pioneer Limited " St Pan! to Chi cago, " Short Lin Omaha to Chicago. "Sonth-Wsst Limited "Kan City to Chicago. i No train in tba service of any rsil road In th world equals in equip ment that of ths Chicago, Milwaukee A St Paul Ry. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars and give their patrons an excellence of er vie tot obtainable elsewhere. ,;.;."':'';'.'i"..v . i ;.f '"' J ' .' '!:',:: Berths on their deeper ar longer, higher and wider than in similar ears on any other line. They protect their trains by the Block system. Connections mads wltn all trana-eon-tinental lines in Union Depots. H. S. Rows, General Agent, Portland or 134 Third Street, corner Alder. A Ticket "Means mors than your mere transportation if it Is over T To the East 1 4) Ysi Over the f: - ,11 Scenic Route . ! Tte Rock Iaknd operatef new electrfc iightti ittwiag'tootn akeping: car cfajly from San Fr aocuko via Ogien, Sab UkiGty oi Colorado to Chicago. J Thli Utest type of StaneJard Pullman iteeper leaves San Francisco on the Southern Pacific'i Overland Limited, and assures you comfortable, convenient and speedy trip, over - a very interesting- route. 1 Three days each week the Rock Island runs a through tourist sleeper by way of the Scenic '.' Route. ,; y-''y':'': '.'-'y I From San Francisco every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, to Chicago, personally , conducted I Full deUib in tie Rock bland time table and folder tntitUd "Acrou tht ContiiMnt in a Tourist Sleeping Car," t . tear on rtqocK. (General Aent. Rock IsIsAd'FrlKO Lines, 140 Tblrcf St.. PORTLAND, ORE. BEGINNING FEB. 15, X90O THROUGH . TOURIST SLEEPERS ..iX ( i 1 EVEKY DAY HI THE YIAR BETWEEN SEATTLE and CHICAGO via th 4.2 4.0 3.4 2.0 1.7 0.9 02 0.3 -0.5 46 0.4 0.2 0.2 3.7 3.6 3.1 2.4 1.7 IS 0,8 0.5 72 degrees cases, 26lcj iron barrels, 20j ngine distillate, iron barrels, 9& ' Lead Strictly pure white lead and red lead in ton lots, 7!c; 600-lb lots, 80 ; leas than 600 lbs, 8Jc. , Wlrs.oail present base at 12.60. . Rope Pure 1 Manila, 14lc; standard, 13o; Sisal, llcj Isle brand Sisal 10s. , Hops-Choice, 1905. ilTM2o prims, 10llc. Wool Valley 2225cj Eastern Ore gon, 1822o as 'to shrinkage, ; Mohair Choice, 2830e, Feather Geeae, white, 3540cj geese, gray or mixed, 25 30c; duck, white, 15 20cj duck mixed, 1216o. ' Caacara sagrada (Chittim bark) 2) 4c . 0 " .... Seed. . x Clover, red. per 100 lbs, (16.50; do mammoth red, $18.50; do Alsyke, $16.00; do white, $18.60; alfalfa, $15.00; timothy, $5.50 ; . English rye. $8.00; Italian rye, $8.50; Kentucky bluegrass, $15.00; Bromus Inermia. $13.00; orchard grass, $14.75! red top, $12.00; vetches, $3.60; field peas, $3.00. It mean that yon will hsv every luxury and comfort ths utmost courtesy from all employ es a safe trip and nt that will be a pleasure and delight. It is ths Short Line to Chi cago AND BEST AS WILL. Anvthimr vou wish to know about comfortable traveling will be gladly told by. R. V. HOLDER, Gen. Agt, 153 Third S " ' PortlandOre. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. C0. Far including berth and meals, $15; Round-trip, $25. ' Great Kcrthern Belkyay The Comfortable Way" Route of ths famous Oriental Limited , For detailed information, rtes, etc., call on or addresa XL DICKSON, C. T. a, isa Third Street, Portland, On. Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co Effective Sunday, September 9, 1906 Pacific .Time. 26. m. 22. 21. irr. a.m 8.151 8.&- 8-iW; 8.45 8.-IK 8.5M 8.5SI .a a-iu 6.101 9.11 8.M 6.m 6-40 p. m 11-651 12.0A 12.M pin a.m j 7.00 -00 8.10; 9.10 8.23' 9-28 S.IM 10 05 10.35 11-35 - i . 1L35, ll.M :11.5S. 112.30 Lv. ! PORTLAKD I GOBLE RAINIER CLAT8KANIE Ar ASTORIA LV. Lv. ASTORH Ar. ' Ar. WARKEXTOS Lv Lv. WARRENTOX Ar. Ar. FT. STEVENS Lv. Lv FT. STEVENS Kr Ar. WAHRENTttN Lt. Lv. WaRRENTON Ar. Ar. SKAS1DK Lv. Ar. 'h. mp. niip.niia.iu 1 in x in lo!;! 8.2.) 9.4 7.401 8Jj e.101 8.15 5.20 I. DO 0.031 7.5.1' 6.05 7-42! 7.4H 7-28' 727 6.501 4.30 p. 111 i.4510.45 2.20 10.25 2.15 10.25 2.00 10.15 110.14 110.05 10.05 9.30 p m'.m- COJvXECTIONS At Portland, with all transcontinental lines. At Goble, with Northern Pacific Railway Co. At Astoria, with steamers for San Fran cisco and Tillamook and Uwaco Railway & Navigation .Co's boat and-railway. 11 f si IP ASK ANY TRAVELER and he will tell you the Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at Sanlrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, em Cal ornia. O. W. UOBEItTS, Agent. Astoria, Oregon, A. G. D. KERPBLL. Gen. Pas. Agen 8an Frsnoisoo i 3Pr" Li, lot w alrlotiir,. PNiv.Rt. rnabislffa. THE EVANSGHtMlOAL GO. OIHCINilATI,0. J$ NiEtaaKD WOMEN. Ue ltisr f unnatural dl!ichri.-e,innaniuiafcon, irritations or uleoratiom of miiooua mttnbraneg. Paiiileas, and uot aitrm lrnt or hqIrouous. Sold by Dronl or Milt In plnln wI)(, lir expre. prepaid, fT SI 0O. or 5 ImHIoi 2.7. Ciroulai suit su rauuut: Elef trio' Lighted, u" th r.rscv iTrain .'of them air for COMFORT and ELEGANCE. " The ticket office at Portland aS 5 Morrison St., Cor. 3d. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pvesenger Agent PORTLAND. ORECON. ' NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED ' Properties and Business of all kinds sold quickly for cash in all parts of the United States. Dont wait. Write to day describing what you have to sell and give cash price on same. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Business or Real Estate anywhere, at any price, write me your requirements. I can save you time and money,. DAVID D.TAPF, THE LAND MAN 415 Kansas Avenue. TOPEKA, KANSAS. 0 . r- Through . SALT LAKE CITY, COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER Stop-Over Privileges Granted. Choice of Routes East of Colorado Pointa. ' For Illustrated Phamphlete Pio turmg Colorado's Beautiful Scenery writs W. C. McBSTDS, Gen. Agt. 134 Third Street - PORTLAND, OS. The American ' Collection Agency No fee charged iin less collection 1 made. We make col lections in all parts of the United States. 413 Kansas Ave, TOPEKA, KANSAS. ANTHONY P. WILSON, Attorney