ffafvlil UBLI1HM 'ULUAttOOIATBD H0)T COVKRS THK MORNINO PIILO ON THI LOW OOLUMBlAi PRICE FIVE CENTS VOLUME LXI NO. 258 . TORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER i8, 1906 WASHINGTON VAGARIES Fairbanks Friends Think Taft is Petted. ROOSEVELT THE CAUSE President Must Use Best Men At Hand in All Such Crave Emergencies. CLOSEOFA HOTABLE CAREER How Unci Joe Cannon's Memory Servei Him When It Com, to Important Appointments Gowlp at the nation'! Capital. WASHINGTON', Sept. 27,The ad herent, af Vice Pre.ldcnt Fairbanks, Hwrelary Shaw ami other aplrant fur the Republican preidentlal nomina tion have a new grievance agalwit Pre. Went Roowvelt. They nit that in .ending Swetary Taft to Cuba at an envoy of peace tba President ha again detnonntrated hit partiality and that hi. main purpo.e wa. to kp Mr, Taft In the limelight. If It be true that Mr. Roosevelt fig ured that tha Cuban mission might help Taft. presidential chances, It I. only another evidence of hla good po litical judgment. The selection ha. been a popular one anil from all quar ter. come expre.loni of confidence in Mr. Taft'. fair Intention, and great ability. Certainly no other President ever gave an a.piring cabinet minister M many opportunitir. to demonstrate hi. capacity for large affair., and the reentment on the part of Shaw and Fairbanks boomer. I. not without a color of Justification. The only thing lacking to complete their case agaln.t the President la evidence that In doing the thing, he ha. done, Mr. Roosevelt ha. been Influenced by any aecret wish that Taft might be hi. .ueeessor. The ofllclal attitude, of course, la that the President must use the beat Instruments at hand, and that as Taft la best he has been used. The growth of Mr. Taft In popular esteem and confidence I. one of the remarkable things in this remarkable political era. No man of the genera tion ha. forged so rapidly to the front, not even Theodore Roosevelt, nor Will lam Jennings Bryan. Ten year, ago Mr. Bryan was a candidate for the presidency, and Mr. Roosevelt was widely known a. a reformer of the agreive type. Judge Taft had scarce ly been heard of outside the Judicial cir cuit over which he presided in southern Ohio. The ioin)try first became fa miliar with h;s name when President McKinley sent him to the Philippines, and since then hla record has been one of successful achievement. He has been called upon to do things big and difficult and ha. done them well. If he ha. blundered anywhere, the blunder has yet to be brought home to him. The foregoing may cause the writer to be set down a. a partisan of Taffi and no disclaimer Is made. There are all shade, and degree, of partisanship ; and, beside., a denial would do no good. If the charge be made that the writer is a Taft admirer, a plea of guilty Is entered. A man who doe. hi. work unassum ingly and doe. It well,' always Is fit for admiration. The announcement by Lucius N. Lit tauor that he would not accept renom inatlon a. Representative In Congress from the 82nd New York district, I. ac cepted a closing a public career once promising, but whloh went aground. Mr, Lltlaurtir la a glove manufacturer, an able man and a personal and po litical friend of President Roosevelt's. In the House be was a member of the great committee on appropriation, and there appeared to be before him year, of distinction and usefulne... Then came the spasm of reform, with la accompanying probing Into the exec utive department, and especially Into government contracts. One of the thing disclosed was the fact that Mr. Uttaurer, while a member of Congress, wa. selling glove, to the army. There waa a scandal, of course, followed by an Investigation, and Mr. LIUauar was given a vindication. This closed the matter officially, but the acandal would not down. When the chairmanship of the appropriation, committee became vacant, through the elevation to the Senate of Mr. Hemenway, the ..lection of Mr, IJttauer would have been the natural thing for Speaker Cannon to have done. Rut Mr. Cannon went out aide the committee and conferred the chairmanship ou Mr. Tawney of Min nesota. Everybody regarded It a. a matter of course that recollection of the glove contract! had influenced the Speaker, deci.lon. Mr. IJttauer announced bla retire ment folowlng a conference with Prei Ident Roosevelt at Oy.ter Ray and WTahlngtou accept, the theory that the President advised hi. retirement. MANILA STORM BEATEN. MANILA. Sept. 27. Yesterday', ty phoon continue, today and communica tion north and aouth Is cut off. Ample wanting of the .torm was given and there was no damage here. WEBER if AS WAFTED California Multi-Murderer Pays the Awful Penalty. NERVE NEVER FORSOOK HIM Left Two Willi and an E.tate Valued at 1 1 3,000 Murdered Hia Whole Family for the Sake of Wealth Dreadful Case. FOLSOM, Cal., Sept. 27.-Adolph We bei, the murderer of his father, mother, brother and sister, who wa. hanged here today, went to the .caffold gamely and kept his nerve until the drop wa. sprung. Shortly before the hour of execution, Attorney May', message from Sacra mento was read to Weber, It aaid that atl hope of Interference by the gov ernor wa. oone. "That settle. It," re plied Weber. Ju.t before the straps were adjusted, Weber was asked if he wished to make any statement and the nn.wer comprised the last words ut tered by himi "No, I have no state ment to make; no writing to leave be hind, and no statement to make regard ing the disposition of my body," Shortly after his hand, were .trapped and the march to the scaffold began. Weber', .ton wa. light, hi. body erect and his head held high. He faced the crowd In the death chamber without flinohlng. Not a muscle quivered. His frail, lithe body wa. straight a. a sap nllnir and with cool, calculating eye he measured the center of the trap and stepped upon It. Ho wa. very pale and once or twice took a deep breath, a. If norving himself for the final ordeal. There wa. no flinching,, Lieutenant Prlirmore placed the noose over hi. head, Weber inclining his body a. if to as sist. A. the knot waa fixed Weber made no sign or movement. The black cap wa. ad lusted and In the twinkling of an eye Warden Lamphrey pulled the lever and sprung the trap. Weber shot down a distance of eight feot.'lii. neck being broken by the fall. The body brought up with a audden jerk and then hung lifeless for a few geoonds, whereupon the attending physi cian, tolled off the pulsation, of his heart. At 12:40, foarteen minute, after the (Continued on Page 8.) GALE ON GULF BFJEXICfl Tornado of Unprecedented Fury Raging in South. PENSACOLA IN IT'S PATH Lake Pootchartrain way Above it's Normal Level Flooding New Orleans. PROPERTY LOSSES FEARFUL So Far at Can Be Ascertained the Lou of Life i. Small on Account of the Storm Warning! Which Were Sent Out. LOUISVILLE, Sept. 27. The tropical hurricane, which.ha. been churning the water, of the Gulf of Mexico and do ing immense damage along shore and far Inland, is, tonight, whipping iti way through Alabama In a northeasterly di rection. Report, received by the Asso ciated Press do not Indicate any loss of life, but the damage to property is enormous. All wire communication Is disar ranged. Mobile, Biloxl and Moss Point not having been heard from for over 24 hour.. The los. to railroad! 1. large and at Pensacola the property and .hip ping damage la reported at $3,000,000. New Orleans furnished the .ubject mat ter for numeroua wild rumors during the day, but authentic report, from there tonight Indicate that while there i. large property lo.s, there i. little or no los. of life. Nothing ha. been heard from the .hipping which 1. attempting to ride out the storm on the Gulf of Mexico. PENSALOCA. Fla, Sept. 27.-The worst .ea-.torm and hurricane on the Gulf since Pensacola was awept away one hundred and seventy year, ago, began last night and la still raging. Many house, between the city and the navy yard are under water and many persons are being carried to points of safety In boats. The damage I. esti mated at three millions, and every build ing In 1'cnsaloca is damaged. iae streets are strewn with wreckage, a. i. the water front, where for mile, vessels are piled on the wharves, or where once the wharves stood are masse, of debris. Big iron steamers are lying high and dry up in the city, where the tide was never before known to reach. There i. no street car traffic and communica tion with the outside world is cut off. This dispatch i. being carried to Flo maton, Alabama, for filing. It is feared that great havoc and loss of lif will be shown when the reports are all in. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 27. All ef fort, to penetrate even the edge of the Btorm-swcpt district east and north of here are fruitless tonight. From Lake Catherine eastward, along the Mississip pi Sound, the town, are much exposed, many of them being on the brink of the sound, across which, the wind has a long Deanlte the anxiety toniiAt, there is a general belief that few, if any, lives are lost. This la Dasea on fact that the coast inhabitant, had two days' warning of the approaching storm. The water, of Lake roncnarirain, which for the past two days have been five feet above the normal level, caus ing a serious overflow in part, of New Orleans, art) now receding. ATLANTA. Ga.. Sent. 27. The re port from Pensacola is to the effect that the wind Is still blowing hard. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 27--A tropi cal hurricane has been driving the water of the Gulf of Mexico in shore for the past 18 hour., with wind, of 46 to W mile, an hour. The storm has not abat ed early this afternoon. Great los. of prorty, but no los. of life had been reported up to this) time. Nevertheless, irreat apprehension wa. felt for the safety of towna on the Gulf coast, which were cut off last night from communication with New Orleans, This apprehension wa. increased by several narrow escape, from drowning reported during the day. The first meager detail, to reach tin. city from outlying district, told of ha voc wrought by Lake Ponchartraia on the outlying portion, of New Orleans, the lake having rien about five feet because of tha Incoming water.. All railroad, telegraph and telephone com munication was cut off. The roadbed of the Louisville &, Nashville was ub merged at Lake Catherine, an Inlet from the gulf five mile, east of here. The New Orleans 4 Northeastern Railroad reported that their trestle over Lake Ponchartraln wa. under water for a distance of 15 miles. Queen & Cres cent train, were prevented from enter ing the city by the rise in the lake. NEW ORLEANS, Sent. 27. Passen gers arriving from Macon state that while the train stopped there a hotel collapsed, killing two people. This storm is general all over the gulf tier of states. WASHINGTON, Sept, 27.-Repeated effort, to communicate wun rensacoia by wirole.8 today and tonight have prived fruitless. CLEVERLY CAPTURED Joe Day, the Portland Does Fine Work. Sleuth NAILS THIEVES AND BOOTY Follow. Negro Morgan and Hia Mistress to Chicago and Close, in on Them and Anton Friti'a Money. PORTLAND, Sept. 27. After a chase half way across the American Continent Detective Joe Day hag at last discov ered the thieves who were responsible for the robbery of Anton Frit on the step, of the White Temple a few weeks ago. The climax of the chase came this morning, when the Portland detec tive walked Into the First National Bank of Chicago, and, after giving bonds, attached $5,000 which the thieve, had deposited there for .afe keeping. There is still $4,400 unaccounted for, but part of this is probably in a safety deposit vault in Chicago, which Detec tive Day has not yet had time to in vestigate. Considerable of the stolen money, however, was used by the crim inals in their flight. Anton Frita was the victim of a care fully planned game, concocted by two colored criminals, Harry Morgan, an ex-convict, and Clara Adams, a woman known by the saccharine title of "the Candy Kid." Both are under arrest at Salt Lake City, and will be brought to Portland. . CHICAGO. Sept, 27. Detective Joe Day, of Portland, today caused the ar rest of Clara Adains, a colored actress, known as "the Candy Kid," and Harry Morgan, colored, at Salt Lake City. They are wanted in . connection with the robbery of Anton Fritz In Portland. Wbile Morgan was in Chicago before go ing to Salt Lake City, there was a plot to murder him in a hotel and secure the stolen money he carried. The plot was unsuccessful through the confession of a negro friend of Morgan's, LEAGUE WORK YESTERDAY. At Loa Angeles Lo. Angeles, 3; Oak land, 1. At Fresno Fresno, 3; Seattle, 6. At Oakland Portland, 2; San Fran cisco, 1, TAFT'S TASK IS Intervention Plainly t&e Issue Now. PALMA IS PROSTRATED Unfairness and Treachery Only Too Apparent Among Revolutionists. AN HOUR MAY DECIDE ALL General Funaton Has Arrived at Ha vana Taft May Proclaim a Provi sional Government This Morn ingNothing Else Probable. HAVANA, Sept. 27. The Moderates tonight decided to make a final effort to perpetuate the authority of the Pal ma administration, by determining to reject the President', resignation when Congress meets tomorrow. The American Commissioner had, al ready determined to intervene, but lave agreed to await tomorrow's - develop ment., as they are anxious to afford the Cubans every opportunity to work out their own salvation. Palma steadfastly refuses to with draw his resignation. In answering President Roosevelt's personal request that he remain at the helm, Palma re plied that he felt that any further sac rifice on hia part would be useless, and not at all consistent with hi. dignity to remain in office. Brigadier-General Funston arrived here today on the ateamer Olivette. He refused to discuss his mission to Cuba or the prospect, of American interven tion. The General, who was greeted by the Secretary of the American Le gation, will remain on board the steam er until late in the day. Even were it possible to induce Palma to continue in office, the .ituation would still remain complicated and American intervention will be the most probable outcome. The American Com missionenj have little confidence in the seriousness of the politician, who, to a man, have been insincere throughout the negotiations. This being the case, nobody is inclined to doubt tonight that within twenty-four hours Secretary Taft, by the authority of the President of the United States, will proclaim himself provisional governor of Cuba. While this will not occur except in the face of aomo violent change in the existing situation, Taft is not willing to allow present conditions to obtain for more than one day longer, and un less Palma himself concludes to remain In office, even should Congress refuse to accept his resignation, Taft will hold that the vacancy exists. Everything is in readiness for the landing of marines at almost any mo ment Taft gives the order. Funston ar rived today and went over and approved all the military preparations. The atmosphere at the palace tonight is decidedly gloomy. Members of the cabinet reiterate that Palma refuses to resign in the face of entreaties of his most intimate friends. The President himself has succumbed somewhat to nervous fatigue and everybody regards the wind-up of the administration as imminent. Immediate devolpments depend on the action of Congress tomorrow. The Moderate leaders expect tonight noth ing lcs. than Intervention tomorrow and believe the American forces will flock ashore even before the meeting of Con gress. . The probabilities of United States Intervention in Cuba loom up far stronger this afternoon than at anyi BEGUN previous time. Few people doubt that intervention la close at hand. The Moderate party leader, again demon strated today that they are not willing to actually , begin negotiationa with their opponents and submit a proposi tion regarding the negotiations which merely propose, that they be, broken off when difference, arose. President Palma is In a state of ner vous prostration. He declined today to see even Acting Secretary of the In terior Montalvo. Several servants of the palace are engaged in packing the ' President', personal effect, with the in tention of removing them to the house of President Palma'. son at Vedado, where it I. anticipated Senor Palma will go when he quit, office. Secretary of War Taft and Assistant Secretary of State Bacon early today received confidential reports that the government representatives were acting unfairly and that they have no inten tion to permit a settlement of the con troversy along the line, suggested in Secretary Taft'. proposals to President Palma. The Commissioner, feel that a cri.i. will be precipitated on the con vening of the Cuban Congress tomor row and they are preparing to take hold of the rein, themselves if necessary. WHAT OF THE WAGON? SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 27.-FJght people were hurt, and four seriously, by a street car accident on Oak street here tonight. The car became uncontrollable while descending the Oak street hill and shot down the incline with terrific speed.. At Scott street the car struck a wagon crossing the track. D Shepard, Slayer of Zell, at Prine ville Doubly Charged. ASSAULTED THE VICTIM'S WIFE Second Dreadful Crime Committed in the Home of Murdered Man Awful Story Sent Down from the East ern Plains. PRINCEVILLE, Or, Sept. 27. Furth er developments in the tragedy enacted 25 miles south of here at an early hour Monday morning, in which B. F. Zell, a highly respected rancher, waa shot and killed by Fred Shepard, show that the murderer's fiendishnesa did not end with the slaying of the husband, but that Mrs. Zell was assaulted by Shep herd. The details of the crime, a. brought out at the inquest follow: Shepherd appeared in the sleeping apartments of Mr. and Mrs. Zell about 4:30 o'clock in the morning, armed with a Winchester rifle, and commanded the latter to throw up his hands. Zell requested that he and his wife be given time to dress, in the meantime arising from the bed and edging toward the door, which stood open. When they reached the door hus band and wife ran out, and dashing to ward the barn, ran inside. Oh the left hand side just inside the barn door was sleeping another hired man, an older man known by the nickname of "Da kota." "Dakota" was aroused by Zell who said to him: "He is after us," meaning Shepherd. As Zell and his wife passed "Dakota." Shepherd also passed on into the barn. "Dakota" ran out of the door the three had just en tered and in his bare feet rushed to a camp known as the Johnson place and got five men to return with him to tno Zell home. In the meantime Shepherd had shot Zell and with the assistance of Mrs. Zell had carried the body back into the house. After arriving at the house Mrs. Zell says Shepherd assaulted her and then told her that if she informed on him he would also kill her. Mrs. Zell told the murderer that if he would not kill her and would let her out of the house she would say that "Dakota" commit ted the murder. (Continued on Page 8 ) URDER NOT ENOUGH