THE MOKNING ASTORI AN, ASTORIA, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ,7 ,w 8 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER CHASES DIRT Makes Everything "Spick and Span." Boraxo Soap Powder For Toilet, Bath and Nursery, per Can, 25 Cents SOLE AGENTS FOR BAKERS BARRINGTON STEEL CUT COFrES A. V. AIJLEN AT THE STAR THEATER. The third performance of "The Side walks of Xew York" at the Star last evening drew an attendance that filled this popular playhouse to capacity be fore 8 o'clock, despite the fact that the play was not scheduled to begin until 8:15. The Swain company is beyond ques tion the strongest dramatic aggrega tion that has ever appeared in this city and the attendance that has character ised every performance testifies to the I .-. r I fjj. GIVES VERDICT FOR PLAINTIFF SEVENTY-FIVE NEW CITIZENS BIO GROUP Or PEOPLE CLOSE IN ON THEIR PRIVILEGES OF NATUR ALIZATION UNDER THE OLD LAW NEW ACT EFFECTIVE TODAY, JURY IN SUPREN ANT-TWILIGHT CASE IN CIRCUIT COURT AWARDS PLAIN TIF THE SUM OF $1,540.77- OTHER MATTERS IN COURT. Bert Frank, with the Mack Swain com pany, now playing at the Star the ter. appreciation of Astoria's theater going public. Mr. Swain in the role of Horace Greengage Dobbins is without doubt one of the cleverest interpreters of bu colic comedy that has ever appeared in the Wet and has already installed himself permanently in the hearts of the pstrons of the Star. Tonight, Barrie's masterpiece, "The Little Minister, will undoubtedly draw tremendous patronage as this is one of the most beautiful and well known plays that has ever appeared on the Pacific coast. Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month. Delivered by carrier. PROPOSALS. The Circuit Court was thronged all day yesterday with friends and others interested in the outcome of the suit entitled Mary M. Suprenant versus Mary W. Twilight, administratrix, and through the long hour of the day, the concern of all was unabated. The matter was submitted to the jury at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon, and that body of citizens was out but twenty minutes, when they returned into court and handed up a verdict awarding to plaintiff the full sura of $1,540.77. as reasonable compensation for the services alleged and proven to have been performed by Mrs. Suprenant in behalf of decedent Brown. In the matter of James Zambarlin versus Frank Mariana, et aL the court handed down an order over-ruling the demurrer of defendant heretofore ar gued; and a further order was made in that case, granting the defendants, the Columbia River Packers' Association, until Wednesday, Sept. 26, in which to answer. Court then adjourned until this morning. LONDON NEWS AND GOSSIP. (Continued from page 1) itself was treated for a long time. The hearty roughness which with Prince Henry was received in America also is something to be avoided by a sensitive soul. The Kaiser's dignity, too, would suffer sadly were he exposed to Amer ican uncouthness, and altogether it is felt in Berlin that it would be better for President Roosevelt first to visit Ormanv. At midnight last night the operation of the old laws in regard to the forma naturalisation of foreign-horn citizens of this country, expired, and all future processes will lie had unler the prnvl sions set up by the late and last Coo gress. To meet the emergencies and avoid the additional waiting and trouble incident to the more rigorous law now in effect, there has been constant string of applicants at the olllre of the county clerk for the perfection of the privilege of eitienhip by those most nearly affected, seventy-five good men and true, have taken the necessary oathes. and paid the customary "V" into the treasury, in this behalf, and the judges, the clerk and the deputies, have had their hands full day bv dav. Some twenty sets of papers were made out and delivered on Monday, another score on Tuesday and thirty-five sets went out yesterday, to the following named people, to-wit: Bernhard LilHwik, Sam son Kroger, Charles Siverson, Arne Walil Olans Thorvik, Filing M. Rortvedt. Ed ward' Engbretson, Eriek Dttbvik, Harvey Movik, Lars Olscn, John Klinger, all natives of Xorwav, Victor Aulin, Henry W. Matton, Vic tor Carlson. Victor Hcinon, Laur hihti, Henri Tuohina, Olaf Palo, Matt. Han- talla. Henry Johnson, Axel Jacobson, William Matron, John Raitancn, Evert I.iisannntti, and Aldrick Matt son, n lives of Finland. John Sumtytiist, William Btmm"f oi Russia. , Carl C. Moberg, Carl J. Christiansen Otto Xillson. Erie Nelson, natives Sweden. Henry Friedlander, of Germany; An ton Kuljis, of Austria; John Cnpi. of Greece; Anton Theodoseo. of Turkey. Declarations of intention in the mat ter of American citizenship have Wen just as plentiful all during the week and perhaps, numerically, more so, yes terday's quota in this behalf showing the following lit of names: Ole Stone, Peter Wik, Karl Aase, Ingrall firotting, of Norway; Henry Qauppi, John Hill and Appo Koski, of Finland; Charles and Alex Johnson, of Sweden. MAYOR LANE'S BOMB. Shows Portland Council That Southern Pacific Hai No Title to Franchise. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLIC WORK Of fice Constructs Quartermaster, Ft. Co lumbia, Wash, Sept. 12, 1906. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for extensions to plank roads and walks at Fort Co lumbia, Wash, will be received at this office until 12 m., October 2, 1906, and then opened. Information furnished on application. Envelopes containing pro posals should be endorsed "Proposals for Public Work at Fort Columbia, Wash.," and addressed to F. W. Phis terer, Capt. Arty. Corps. Quartermaster In charge construction, Fort Columbia, Wash. J woe I . Ml. S. A. G1MRE 543 Bond Street, Opposite Fischer Bros, were occupied in riding back to London Never before has organized labor oc eupied so strong a position in the po litical world. Never before have the workers framed their demands with so fair a prospect of having at least some of them granted. Labor boasts a mem ber of the cabinet, fifty-two members of the House of Commons, thirty of whom are delegates to the labor con gress at Liverpool. The government of the day, though one section of the la bor party regards Liberalism as outside the pale, are showing themselves in sympathy with the programme of the congress. As testimony of labor's grow ing influence in national legislation, the Parliamentary committee was able to report that a trades-dispute bill has been molded in its committee stage to meet the desires of the congress; that funds have been voted to deal with the problem of the unemployed; that committee has been named to consider the eight-hour bill; that the workmen's compensation bill will shortly be intro duced in Commons, and that various de partments of the government have shown a hearty desire to meet the just claims, of organized labor. The con gress may well be in good spirits and full of hope for the future. The army has taken up the rough type of soldier on an extensive scale, and great things have been expected of the men' in showy uniforms dark-blue shirt with chain-mail epaulets, breeches, leggings, soft-felt hats and brillian yel low handkerchiefs tied loosely around the neck. A test of endurance between two crack commands, however, dispelled some of the confidence felt in the prow ess of the "frontiersmen," as they are called. !'A march from London to Brighton and return was the task se lected. They were expected to reach Brighton early in the evening, but it was past midnight before the first of the troops arrived, by which time only a small remnant of what had been a large crowd remained to greet them. The return journey was begun after a two nouw rest, ana eleven nours rather slow time for the rough-rider style of "getting there," as it is done in America. The distance covered was fifty-four miles, and the result was practically a dead heat between the contestants, one troop of which repre sented Queensland and the other Can ada. THEY ARE HERE. Another big shipment of the San Francisco earthquake books have just arrived at the Astorian office and are ready for subscribers. Come early and avoid the rush. In a Formal Session The Clatsop county court met in adourned session yesterday, Judge Trenchard presiding, with Commissioner William Larsen In attendance, Commissioner Matson being unavoidably absent. Bids were opened in behalf of the furnishing the county with township plats for use in the as sessor's office in the making up of the realty rolls for assessment; they were as follows: R C. F. Astbury, $8,500; O. Wingate, $5,500; F. J. Nelson, of Ore gon City, $2,050. The bid of the last named was accepted by the court and bis bonds in the premise fixed at $!, 000. The court appointed August Juhrs, supervisor of road district No. 1, and the clerk was ordered to notify F. O. Main, former supervisor, to appear in court and make settlement. He owes the sum of $89 in this behalf. PORTLAND. Sept, 8tl.-Mnyor Um exploded a bomtahell at the meeting of the City Council this afternoon by during in a message that the Southern Pacific) was Illegally holding its railway franchise mi Fourth street; that it had no right, whatever to the use of this street and that the company should In made to get off or obtain a franchise in the maimer precrlled by the city charter. Mayor I-ane has been delving into musty records and unearthing old grants and franchise for weeks, and he has been assisted In his work by able legal talent. As a ivsult of this Inves tigation, he discovered that the North- em Pacific Terminal company did not have any authority to hold possession of a number of street In the Northern 1'acihV Terminal yards, with which "big stick' he forced the manager of the Terminal company to promise to deed site for an engine-house to the city. Had this promise not been forthcoming, souad of policemen, armed with sledge hammer and crowbar would have been ordered to tear up the track and warehouses which have been con structed In the street In-longing to the city. Us declares that the Southern Pad II ha do right whatever on Fourth street and believe that the corporation can be made to abandon its traffic at the will of the council The franchise out Fourth street was granted to the Oregon Central Railroad Company of Portland IVremlier 30, lsM. There are no provisions whatever in the ordinance permitting this franchise to b ussigned to any other party, although the Oregon A California Railway, which is a branch system of the Southern Pa cific, now own the rottd. It 1 claimed by the mayor that a transfer of this grunt by the original company without consent of the city council of Portland, is illegal and that ti ns the grunt passed out of the hands uf the Oregon Central Railway Company it became null and void. In manv other respects, he said, the provisions of the franchise hail not been complied with. HOME JOURNAL $I.BO Oct. 1st, 1906 IF YOU INTEND TO SUBSCRIBE OR RENEW YOUR SUB SCRIPTION TO THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, COM! IN AT ONCE, BEFORE THE RAISE. UNTIL to P. M SEPT. soTH, WE WILL ACCEPT SUBSCRIP TIONS OR RENEWALS FOR ONE YEAR ONLY (TBI PUBLISH ERS WILL NOT TAKE LONGER) AT OCTOBER FIRST THE PRICE IS ADVANCED TO I1.30 PER YEAR. WE ARC STR CIAL AGENTS FOR THE HOME JOURNAL AND GUARANTEE THESE PRICES. ON SALE ON THE COUNTER AT ijC THE COPY. J. N. GRIFFIN Books Stationery Souvcnlcrs PORTLAND, WIRE AND IRON WORKS ft USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE awf IRON WORK of ALL KINDS. 2M Flanders 8t, PORTLAND, OIL Charter work The charter conimis sion held a brief session nt the city hall last evening, in which they re viewed the work done to date, and made plans for the closing up of other im portant issues at the next regular meeting. The absence of many mem bers and other engagements precluded any very definite work last night. FINNISH MASSAGES. Miss O'ga Landen, Room 9, Pythias BIdg., Commercial St. Phone Black 2105 LEFT SWITCH OPEN. Awful Results of Freight Trainmen's Inattention to Duty. DANVILLE, 111., Sept. 2fl.-Paenger train No. 8 of the Wabash Jtnilrond running from Kansas City to liulfalo, N. Y., known as the Buffalo Mail, and due in this city at 4:52 a. m., ran into an open switch west of Catlin, III., early today and crashed into a 'section of a freight train. All the passenger cars but one were turned over and burned. Four are known to have been killed and several others are missing. Thirty- seven injured are being taken care of at the local hospitals. , the latest reports show four killed. wo missing and between thirty-five and forty injured, when the fast passenger on the Wabash dashed through an open switch and crashed into a freight stand ntr on the sidinir today. The cause of the wreck as given by General Man ager Miller was "caused by the crew o the freight leaving the switch open. II ESMi mm I o v 1 The Art of Fine Plumbing progressed with the development of the science of sanitation and we have kept rsce with the imrroiremciMs. Ilsrt youf Oris your bathroom one of tin old fiuhkaod, Dnbea luxl f If too are atCl mini the "closed in' fixtures of ten jrcari ago, k would be well to remove them and install In their itcn!, snowy white batted" Porcelain Ensm eled Ware, of which we have samples diiplayed la our showroom. I-et ui quote you prices. II! unrated cstalugue free. I, A. Montgomery, Astoria 3 SCOW BAY IRON & BRASS ran ASTOIUA, OHIXON IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS j l'p 10 1 i haw; Milt Usi bluer)! I run ; t attention iivm rclrwork IHth nii(l'Frniikllii Ave, Tel. Main 2401 i Sherman Transfer Co. I9ENEY SHERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks ard Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, nosed and Shipped. 433 Commercial 5treet Phone Main12) WELL WORTH TRYING. W. H. Brown, the popular pension at torney of PIttsfleld, Vt., says: "Next to pension, the best thing to Ret is Dr. King's New Life Pills." He writes! "They keep my family in splendid health.' ' Quick cure for Headache, Con stipation and Biliousness. 25c. Guaran teed at Chas. Rogers' drug store. sep 0 BAND CONTEST. The person returning the largest num ber fo Jose Vila cigar bands to the undersigned by October 15th will receive box of 25a. oee . Vilas free to the next largest one box 124c. Jose Vilas. Save the bands., Victor Miller, corner Ninth and Bond streets. s-w-f. RESIGNED HIS PASTORATE. Then Reverses His Decision Because An other Preacher Did the Same. CHICAGO, Sept. 20. The determine tion of "one south side minister to leave his pastorate became known yesterday His reason was the "city problem," the changing character of neighborhoods and the invasion of his parish by more transient ami less church going popu lation. At the same time another south side minister who had decided to leave reversed his decision and elected to stay because he saw a vast work ahead in Diirfvlnir the region of which his church is the center. The minister who announced his res ignation is the Rev. Willard Ilrown Thorp of South Congregational church, Drexel boulevard and Fortieth street, He has been a pastor there for seven years. The preacher who altered his decision to leave is the Rev. Johnston Myers of Immanuel Baptist church, Twenty-third street and Michigan ave nue, chief of the Twenty-second street "Levee." ne had been offered the posi tion of general evangelist by the Bap tist church of America. 4 1 -1.: i ; , IL B. PARKER, Proprietor E. P. PARKER, Manager Ls:IiKLliiiifiif,lld ijl. ' ?j?tiy k - Good Sample Rooms on the Ground Floor for Commercial Men PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN FIRST CLASS LV EVERY RESPECT Free Coach to the House Bar and Billiard Room Good Check Restaurant ASTORIA, OREGON KILLED ELDER BROTHER. Then Hides Under Dead Boy's Bed and Remains in Remorse. CHICAGO, Sept. 2(1. Angered because his brother Henry, two years his sen ior, refused to share a penny's worth of candy with him, Fred Fonter, aged four, hurled a large stone at the for men, striking him m the right temple and indicting injuries' from which the child died Inst niuht. l'icd crawled under the bed in which his dead brother lay ns soon as he saw the result of hi uct, ami up to a late hour Inst night neither the child's parents nor his sisters and brothers had succeeded in inducing him to come out fimi his hilling phice. FAMOUS HORSE DEAD. NEW YORK, Sept. 2(i.-Announce- ment was made today of the death of La Tosca, a famous racing mare, at General Sanford's Hurricane farm Amsterdam, N. Y. La Tosca was the dam of such good racing horses si Chiictaminda, Caughnawoga and Mo hawk II. BODY IS RECOVERED. WICHITA, Kans., Sept. 26.-A ipW to the Eagle from Hennesey, Oklahotnai says the partially decomposed body d a mail clerk by the name of Gamel, of Fort Worth, Texas, who was killed 1 the Rock Island wreck, was recovered at noon today, a mile and a half below the bridge where the aocidcnt occurred. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bo Boars the Signature