THURSDAY. SXmXBEl t, ,w CITY NOTICES. the UMMattt to toade 4 th awt I cur utmcniL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. csrfeg by . l wi NOTCCf OF A3, A. V 12141 BOnCI OF CITEVnOX TO BEPAXf. Tin: MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA. OREGON. NOTKTZ M II IX EST GIVES THAT I 1m MHiet 4 for ijfa Irving imw IfM the Em 8m of Ula ttnwt U th Wert liM ei kif Astoria, m per asBtit roll saolr 126, waa md by m win of the too aMMcfl d ana pyi'.e Mi U lit day of CMoW. IK, fey wrdiBWN amber KSf, twafiraiag i4 asat W.T, that the foflowtog er the BMMt I lb fmm agaiatt 1wb tW - MMMMttt if 4 th aBWUt Ow ing fcy Wh tO Wlti Astoria Company, Th $344.71 Astoria National Bank HM Alderman, Eth .72 Btker, M-firaa W 0. L e SteM, Mary A,... 60 Bradter, TLeodor . 11.50 Boom, Jot, B, E- I2i Bowtby, J. Q. A M Cow!, Geo. L 13 Chalmers. Jate J3fl Du5t, Kate 616 Davldsot, Mssri A. IM Edward, Job P....... 3-32 ruiw. j, j 7j CdT. It A. IM Eamawcd Lumber Co 240.06 Harris, & B. IM Ingletoa, BmU tM Hughs, Louisa B M 3Brj, Mary B. 7J Johnson, Peter tM KendalL F. P.. 164 Leahy, John 1.04 Lewi E. C 3 74 Leahy, Johanna 1-02 Morris, Witor B 879 Megter, Mina A . 2858 Miller, Lela Baker 8.80 Moon, Fr4 H 7.63 Msber. Anna B .72 Manning Bros...... 2.97 Nfcbobx, Charles 52.98 Osborn, K 6.72 Russell, Mra 67- firewa, C 8. , St 77 FiaveL (lew. C 47 41 f1tet, Katie 47.44 rtl Nellie 47.4 HWr, EJka J M1 CdJ Fellow. LAB. Ata lJT.ll Paritrr, C PaJier, H NOTICE IS HEREBY CIVEX, THAT tbm CbnaiMi Omacil f tU Ctfy of Atoria drlart4 iU drtitciiutioo and iaustk-w t rrpair CvtnwUl itrwl frota ta Eaat Ua of Xiati atnwt to IU mt 11a of FmtrUvcU atrwt Said rvpair taa3 tmait of rtmot ieg a.1 U L. Mj y trpt Mkia& from raib to curb, B-... Mil I iadtudiaf tlx rmwisft, ad btiwwa Rrtfwa Treat On 1 Xlfltk and Tet atrwU, ttfmlgaUnlBf Troj Ia4nr, In 1772 0p th lUisra m aa t hnsg tk ttrwt Vaa IXin Iarrttirwat C 1MJ2 fl th rtabliaa! frada, as4 fllliaf ia S i kina RI IjilaU Co. 5171 rttrr mfmaary to do aad o rt- V.j or of tba focn maL j pUnlicj; tka atwrt on tb xkUa OWT AVDKRSO.V. ,trtii. from th Eaat Mna of Nints Al)tor and P" Utrwt to ta Wert Una of Fourtaaath Datd AtVnria, Ofoo. Sptmbf 20. ,twt vita rood armnd r!Ww 6r lam- JSt ber 4 inca In tokks tr 12 lnia ia width. AO oil material tbat ia auit- bm iot na ra rrfainnf rrwia i t takm awar and stored It 50TICE OF CTTEHnOH TO TMP80VE NOTICE 13 HOtOT GIVEN, THAT tb Cosiiboii Otttfil of Om Otj of Ai tori kaa dUrd its dtrnniaatioii aal inUntkia to improTt 3rd atrwt from a point rijbt fct aortb of tba eantr lint of Exba& ttrat' to a point cijrbt feet fratb of tba wnUr lin tba u- trbtendrnt of atrteta at tba tana it takes tip by tba eoatnurtor, and that 'hirb it wortb!eaa iball ba remorvd if thm contractor at kit own tipenat and not dumped under tba road war, and tbc decking on aaid atreet at tba in tertertloa of Commercial atreet and VVAXTEIV-SAL1M KN, MANY MARK l!00 to 4 ISO per mtmlk. Son evea B. Stork efc-aa; m Kft latitat, far fruw old orrbarda. Cah adtaaced weekly, (bone of territory. Addrra Vahiaetw Nuraerjr Ctm)ranr. T'tpemab, H'abPgt.o I 25 tf WANTEI-TWO SMART BOYS TO Wm tb priatiag bttiaeaa. Apply Honing Aatoriaa. tf WANT EI A CHAMBERMAID AND dining room girL Addrett Attorian. 22 tf SITUATI05S WASTED. drafting paper and purely Umad In bookt of ot awre lb a thirty page to tbe book, and at wore tbaa tit are ttoat to tbe pg. Eid to ttata term of paymeat and time reoguirtd to fur itb tame. Hid to be Sled with tb County Clerk on or before Tuetdty. Sept. 23, 1906. Court rtme tba right to rejrt any or all bid. Uy order of tbe Oonty Court J. C CLINTON, County Clerk. A.tona, Oregon, Sept. 19, 106. SI Bt FOB 8 ALB, FOR SALE 149-ACRE RANCH. IM prored, located at Snn. For par ticular! In-julre of Robert Wbidby, Sll Harrinoa Ave., or Ralpb Slop, 8tnn. XCSSES. MBS. JtlLlUI DA VII (laU of I'ortUad) Graduate Nura Royal London (Eng.) HoepKaL Maternity mvhm raaueeteA 17ftb6t. LAUNDBILl Bott, Higgint 4 Co. 5-75 Beed, Maria A.... .72 Swanton, P. E , 1.63 Smith, A M tM Smith, Asm 3.00 Trenrhard. C J 10.78 Talbotr, Oma 72 Vertcburen, Chaa 2JJ9 Wilton, William. Ettat of 5.73 Welch, Nanny B 1L50 Welch, Jamea W 88 M Welch. Jobs W 14.52 Welch, D. H 1250 Wood, Sarah F..., 13-96 Wilton, Joie M 66 mitehouta, Vmxj J U2 Wbitehouae, Cto. R. 1J2 Walker, Mary M 3.M By order of tbe common council. 0L0F ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge, Dated Anuria, Oregon, September 20, 1906. 9 20-10t of Grand Anu to tba width of twenty Twelfth atreet. or from tba Weet line feet through tba center thereof and on h tba Eaet Una of Twalfta ttreet. thall tbe eUbliabd grade. Paid Imprw be turfaced on three tide, aiaed and meat ehal! eoaaiat of gradlnf aaid etmt jj jried an4 opoa aaid croeainge when to tbe eeteblibed grad- U the width rrpaked a coatine of ElatUe of twenty feci through the eenUr there- Cooked Apbalt to tba depth of 1 of. and macadamizing aaid atreet to tae lacbet ibail bt plawd, and rolled with a width of eixteen ft through the center bot pjJt Roller, to pretent tmooth thereof with cniW rock o macadam KTihei Mi4 upbait to ba apread upoa to tbe depth of eight toebet when thor- htertertion on the ttreet deckinff. ougbly rolled and with a tlx Inch crown Ia mtttri 0f dfrUjj iwproBiBt in tae center meteor, ana tta jrrtae..-,, u to the when tbe macadam it placed aball be ,M nflctioM therefor to be to a depta of eigni mcne new w prepared by tbe City Surreyor a here- etablUbed grade. inefter nroridMl ml eeneral ordinance In matert of detail aaid improrement Ko 190, and 4n mtUr ot conrtrurtlon .ball be constructed according to tbe t(j4 dra!nlt fcmni necMry to g,,,. plant and srincauooa wereior io oe th(! impront Mfe or iubttantial prepared by tbe City Surreyor at here- thtU u iom hj th t,. wh,th. inafter prorWed and gel ordinance tf r notf tbout extra cbarife. No. 1901 and any matter of construction na tfct w,u cf ron. and drainage found necettary to make ,troHBg u!d improvement thall be de- the improvement aafe or rabtUntial ffgyed by ipedtI MMMB)t HJK)n th aball U don by tbe contractor whether Ufld$ tn(J premiiM UBtntVii bj tpecifled or not, without extra charge. tu tM ,oU kmlj imJ That the co-tt and expentea of eon- ,,.. ,n,,,., , ,s. tn.:m, ... .tructing id improvement aball U de- LMment dittrlct Including all lota, frayed by .pedal a.tetment upon tHe. to. lots, Undt and premlte, benefitted by u tht XorthwMt w. WANT I3 LADY DESIRES TO DO washing for gentlemen; leart cl4bet at Cerya I j very barn, on Exchange treat, and they will be promptly at tended to. FURBISHED B00XS. FOR Ri'T R E-t SON A R L E- ITR ttitbed room, private family. Inquire 724 Exchange. 9 26 tl WANTED TO RENT tN FURNISHED houe of 5 or 6 room, centrally lo cated. Addrett J 20. Attoria. 9 27 tf LOST AKD FOTJffD. IXiUND-I-ADVS BELT AND It'RSE. Owner can bav tame by railing at thla office, proving property and pay ing for thit advertisement. tf CITY 50TICES. 20633 and 20C33. after tbit date. Interest !!! ceae It)R SALE -STEAMBOAT HULL FtR 1 cbmp, 00x40, good cabin, rtutlea lat .'ear, perfectly tonnd. Aldrv A. 11. T-'i N. 6th 8U Portland, Ort. 9 26 it BOARDING. WANTED By gentleman, board la a private family, centrally located. K., Atlorian. 9 13 It BUTTON HOLS AT TBI BACK. Your experience with it hat bo doubt lead to much vexation, poaajhly pro fanity. Broke your fingernail trying ta pry It up fritm th nerk band, tht You won't bar that that experience If you tend your thlrtt to ttj w tart yon Ihle trouble, and danger of tearing tht hirt Try m and tea, TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth and Dais Sta. phont 1991 JAPANESE GOODS. TBI HYDE Boom with or without board 1 rite raaaonable; good accom modation for trantlent. 14th and CommerrUl. HOUSE MOVERS. FREPRECKSON BROS.-Wt make pecfalty of bout moving, carpenter contractor, general Jobbing; prompt at tent ion fo all order. Corner Tenth and Duan. tf Attoria, Ore, TH0AM3 DEALEY. CUv Treasurer. Sept. 22, 1306. 9 23-10t MC3IC TEACBEB. WANTED -THREE MUSIC PUPILS Inquire at Attoriaa office. ; NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the anement made for the Improve went of Duane ttreet from the went line of 10th tret to the went line of 6th atreet, at per aement roll num br 127, wa male by an order of the common council due and payable on the It day 0f October, 1906, by ordin ance number 3293, confirming ttid at aet'nient roll, that tbe following are tbe names of tbe pertont against whom tht anernent it made and tbe amount owing by ah, to-wits Astoria Saving Bank $174.76 Boeling, V 136.73 Boellng, S'phia 136.72 Boellng, Kliza D 136.71 Board of Commlstlonert of Clat sop County 762.69 Cleveland, S. 1 21.87 Duncan, J, H 21844 Pcllman, Joseph 820.85 Fltvel, Mary C 974.43 Flavel, Geo. C 70.99 Flavel, Katie 70.99 Flavel, Nellie 7099 Holden, Emma Rudd 174.76 Jordan, Henry Wordsworth 174.77 Montgomery, Almerin 78843 Tarker, Charle L 87.53 Rogtri, Trust Co 543.03 Bohr, Chat. H 84.19 Itogcrt, John 1 336.78 Rpellmeler, nenry , 59 44 Sherman, Saran C 40.12 Troy Laundryi Inc 349.62 By order of the common council. 0L0F ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge. Dated Attoria, Oregon, September 20, 1906. 9-20-10t NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TOAT the assessment made for Improving Tenth street from the South line of Commercial street to the South line of Exchange street, at per assessment roll number 128, wat made by an order of tht common council due and payable on the 1st day of October, 1906, by ordin ance number 3294, confirming said as sessment roll, that the following are the names of the persons against whom the same, which lots, lands and prem joes are Included in the special assess ment district including all lota, lands and premiees so benefitted to wits Lot 7 a rut ft in block 37: Iota 5 and 6 in Mock 38; lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 in block 62; Iot 1, 1 7, and 8 In block 78; lott 1 and 2 in block 83; lots 3 and 4 in block lot 3. 4, 5 and 6 In block 79; lots 3, 4, 5. and 6 in block 53, all in that part of the City of Astoria a laid out and recorded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney, in Clatsop County, State of Oregon. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Attoria. 9-18 9t NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe Common Council of the City of Astoria has declared it determination and intention to improve Franklin ave nue from a point tteven feet Went of the center line of Fourth street to a point eight feet East of the center line of Third street by grading said street to the established grade to the width of 20 feet through tbe center thereof, and macadamizing said street tn the width of 16 feet through the center thereof. Said improvement shall be made by grading said street to the width of 20 feet through the center thereof to the established grade and to sub-grade of eight inches below the etalilinhed crrade to the width of 18 feet through the center thereof, with six-inch crown la the center nd by macadamizing and filling in said street to the width of 16 feet through the center thereof with crushed rock or macadam to the depth of eight Inches when thoroughly rolled. In matters of detail aaid improve ment shall be constructed according to the plant an dspeclfieationt therefor to be prepared by the City Surveyor as hereinafter provided and general or dinanoe No. 1901 and anv matter or construction and drainage found neces sary to make the improvement safe or substantial shall be done by the con tractor whether specified or not, with out extra charge. That the costs and expenses of con strticting said improvement shall be de frayed by special assessment upon the lots, lands and premises benefitted by the same which said lots, lands and premises are Included In the special as tessment dMrict including all lots, lands and premises so benefitted, to-witi Lott 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 52; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, In Block 78, In that part of the City of Astoria at laid out and extended by Cyrus Olney, In Clat sop county, State of Oregon, OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor nnd Police Judge of the City of Astoria. 9-18 Ot ner of Lot 8, in Block 23, In that part of the Citv of Astoria laid out and recorded by 'John McClure, and extend ed by Cyrus Olney, and running thence East through the middle of Blocks 23. 69, 68 and 57, in McClure' Astoria, and tract "A" of McClure'e Astoria at laid out and recorded by the Astoria Real Estate A Exchange Company, to the Northeast corner of Lot 5, In said tract "A," and running thence South along the East line of said Tract "A" and also the East line of Block 136 in that part of the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by John M. Shively to the Southeast corner of said Block 138 In aaid Shively's Astoria, and thence pinning West along tbe South line of said Block 138 to the Southwest corner thereof, and thence running North along the West line of said Block 136 to s point where the West line of said Block 136 would be Intersected by the South- line of Lot 4 in Block C2, in that part of the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by John McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney, if extended Eatt on a ttraight line, and running thence West through the middle of Blocks 62. 61, 60 and 26 in McClure'e Astoria to the Southwest corner of Lot One (1) In Block 26, and thence running North along the East line of Ninth street to the place of beginning, and containing all lots, landt and premises within the aaid above described district, which in cludes all lands, lott and premises ben efitted by said improvement or repairs. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. 9-18-9t NOTICE OF RECEIVING BIDS BY CITY. NOTICE IT HEREBY GIVEN, THAT up to the hour of 2 o'clock p. m on Monday, tbe 17th day of September, 1906, tbe Committee on Streets and Public Ways of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, will receive seated! bide for the Improvement of the cross ing of Bond street and 6th street, as ordered Improved by ordinance o. S290, approved on the 6th day of Sep tember, 1906. The right it reserved to reject any and all bids. J. H. HANSEN, P. A. STANGLAND, J. J. ROBINSON, Committee on Streett and Public Ways. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN-MRS Q D. Stewrrt, 127 Seventh street. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING -Medmes Hawkt A Smith, 619 Duan stree. Phon Red 2323. tf. PROFESSIONAL CARD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Common Council of the City of Astoria bat declared it determination and intention to construct a sewer along the West side of Thirty-sevepth street In Adair's Port of Upper Astoria from tbe North line of Duane street to the North line of Commercial street Said sewer shall be constructed of vit rified terra cotta sewer pipe 14 inches CHAS. B. ABERCR0MBIE, Attorney-at-Law. General Practitioner. Notary Public. Rooms 35-36 Phone Mais 2951. Page Block, Cor. Commercial t 12th St. F. D. WINT0N, Attorney-at-Law. Practice In all United State and Stat Courta In Oregon and Wishing ton. Notary Public. Phone Main 941. rooms 2 and 3, Logon Building, corner in diameter and on the proper grade to Commercial and Sixteenth street oppo- admit of sufficient drainage, and in sit O. R. A N. Company dock, matters of detail said sewer shall be INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, ITR0N0, BAND- MAD, JAB LIS, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHATNOTS. BOOKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar 624 Commercial St. Astoria. B0TELS I HOTEL PORTLAND Hetal In the Northwest. PORTLAND, Oftf. WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE SAVOY Populsr Concert Hall. Good music All are welcome. r 8veaU and Attor. Ose- WTNES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Attor St Th leading amusement house. Agency for Edison Phonographs aad Gold Moulded Record. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. NOTICE OF RECEIVING CITY. BIDS BY NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN, THAT up to the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., on Monday, the 24th day of September, 1906, tbe Committee on Street and Publlo Ways of the Common Council of the City of Astoria, will receive sealed bid for Improving Bond street from a point 15 feet west of the East line of 42nd street to the West line of 44th street, at ordered Improved by ordinance 3275, approved on the 21st day of August, 1906. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. J. H. HANSEN, P. A. STANGLAND, J. J. ROBINSON, Cmomittce on Streets and Public Ways. NOTICE. There Is money In the City treasury to pay the following street warrants: Eighteenth street sewer, Grand Avenue to Exchange, Not. 21727 to 21713 inclus ive; Harrison Avenue from 30th to 33rd street, Nos. 2148 and 2149; Exchange ttreet from 23rd to 2 1st, Nos. 20637, constructed according to the plan and specifications therefor to be prepared by the City Surveyor as hereinafter pro vided, and any matter of construction and drainage found necessary to make tbe improvement safe or substantial shall be done by the contractor wbetn- er specified or not, without extra charge. That the costs and expenses of con structing said Improvement thall be defrayed by tpeclal assessment upon the lots, Jands and premiees benefitted by the same which tald lott, landt and premlset are included in the special as sessment district including all lota, lands, and premlset to benefitted, to witi Lott 3, 4, S and 6 in Block 15, and lota 1, 2, 7 and 9 In Block 14, all in Adalr'ePort of Upper Attoria, at laid out and recorded by John Adair and generally known at Adair's Attoria In Clatsop County, Oregon. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. lot i m i OSTEOPATH irri. DR. RH0DA C. RICES OSTEOPATH Office Manseii Bid. Phon Black 1011 171 Commercial St, Astoria. Ore. DENTISTS. Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dkntist Pythian Building, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST 78 Commercial St., Sbanahan Building BUSINESS DIRECTORY LEGAL NOTICES. RESTAURANTS. NOTICE. Bids are hereby asked for furnishing F1RST-CLA8S MEAL nintfton ennntv with n nresent owner-1 r - i e. 1 r i . hip plat book of the entire county with "r ioc; nice caKe, COiree, pie, Or doughnuts, 5c, at U. 8. Restaur ant. ' 434 Bond St. an index to same. The piats to ne made on a scale of ten chains to the inch; also to show the late county roads designated by numbers; also railroad rights of way and all meandered streams or other streams affected by the records. Same shall show town plats in blank and area and also all parts or parcels of land correctly with area, record ref erence, and name of present owner. All plats to be made on cloth back' 4 BWHD BT, f ASTORIA, OREGON Carrie the Finest Line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars CALL AND SEE US "PaieBohemlan laer Beer" THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and In bottle Brewed snder sanitary conditions snd propsny tKed right here in Astoria. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 612 flommerciaJSt. North Pacific Brewing Go. ASTORIA, OREGON.