The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 27, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Guaranteed Pure and Fresh
35c per Gallon
Orkwiti covert umbrtJIaal
Iftv touvenlr potl at Svtnaoa'a,
Dell a Soully, Notary Public ai
Scull y'a Cigar Slort. An old hour I
WantedLady eahlr. Apply Imper
ial RaUaurant. 0 23 tf
Tba very bait board to ba obtained la
tba dty U at "Tba Occident Hotel"
Ratei Ttrjr reaeoMbla,
For Rent Nicely furnUbed front
room and board In private family. 208
Dood St. tf
How Do I look. To really tee your
a'f aa other aea you, get one of tbo
aw atyle mlrrort at Hart' Drug Store 1
all price. A new tupply juat rw-lvad.
Hotel Irving, comer Franklin avenue
and Eleventh afreet luropeaa plan;
beat rooma and board la tba dty at rea
Moabla prioea. tf
Wanted Two thouaand dollars j gilt
edge eeeurtty, from anyone who thlnka
7 per cent ia better than S per cent.
Call at No. 430 Commercial atreet. tf
Ten Pounda Wet A ten-pound boy
boy waa born yeterday at 9 o'clock
a. m. to Mr. and Mre. Wirfred H. Gros,
at 738 Exchange atreet. Both mother
and eon art doing will
For Quiet Game The Aatorla Bil
liard Hall at 433 Commercial atreet, baa
Juat opened up for buelneaa. For a
quiet and gentlemanly game of bil
liard vinit thla up-to-date etabllh
merit. Cigar stand In connection, tf
Horning Aetorian, 60 cnU per tnontL
delivered by carrier.
Order in Probate Judge Trwnchard,
ulttlng for probate matter yesterday.
made an order in the sutate of Jacob 1
Uelfel, deceaaed, directing the adinlni- j
tratrlx io aell certain realty ltclong-1
Ing to the eatate, to pay the claim of
John Ihhn In the sum of $400, and
tba accrued ooata of administration. The 1
order applies epeellloally to lot 11, ll k
23, Bhively'a Atorla, though several
other parwl are involved in the order
of sale.
, Sepulture Thla Morning Alt that I
mortal of the late Otwar Morton will be
committed to the grave thla afternoon,
the funeral amice being held at
(iittt-e, Episcopal, church, promptly at
1 o'clock p. m., the rector, Itcv. YV. Hey
mour Short, conducting the ritimlj and
to which all friend of he famlty are
reueted to attend. Sepulture will
take place at flreenwond cemetery and
will be private.
Marriage Permita-Omnty Clerk Clin
ton yesterday UmicJ marriage llcetine
In favor of the following named young
people 1 Mr. Walter V. Conner, of Port
land, and Mlaa Mary Wlnnifred Mile,
of thla city 1 and Mr. EH Ice C. Hunt
and MIm Nettle Vann, both of Clatunp
county. The former couple were made
man and wife, at the hour of 3 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, at the home of
their frlende, Mr. and Mr. T. F. Lau
rln, on Fifteenth atreet, Rev. W. Sey
mour Short, rector of Grace Eplcopl
church, performing the happy rltea. The
newly wedded pair left on the evening
expreaa on an extended tour and will
make their future home In the metropo.
Northahora ' txtenaionf-purlng the
present week oontractora will be In
vited to look over the ground to be
traversed by the extetudon of the I.
ft, k X, line from Ilwneo to Knappton,
Viinb preparatory to bidding on the
work, Final location have been made
and deed are now being aecured to
right of way, A force of nusn ha
been put to work near Cook' landing,
grubbing the right of way preparatory
to letting the grading contract. The
extenaion of the I, It, A N., a liar
riinan property, will be done by the
Columbia Valley . Railroad, a the pre
liinlnarle are being attended to by of
ficial i,l the hitter corparasion. Ul
timately tliin line will be extended east
ward from Knappton to a point near
KeUo, where it will connect with the
Ifarrlmun Hue to the Sound, The first
ection of the work will be 16 mile
in length. It animated ct I $300,
0K), A large part of the new line will
be built through rock and the work can
be carried on about all winter. It I
expected to have the exteiwion com
pleted by next Spring. '
The Greatest Entertainer in the World
W fFM 'ill
lHf 101
When you hava finished your "dally grind" and assumed a peaceful
repose in your home, there la nothing that will bring to much good solid
comfort, cheerfulness, and happiness, not only for yourself, but for the whole
family, aa the Edlaon Phonograph.
ITU ITU To convince you of the absolute superiority 01 xne new
J JXEHf Edison Phonograph we will gladly demonstrate thla Ideal
home entertainer in your own reaidence absolutely free. A full and com
plete assortment of recorda on hand.
SvensoiVs Book . Store
All Among the 'Cranberries J. M. Ar
thur, the well known merchant of Port
luud, waa in the cify yeterdie amlin
courite of a conversation with-'1 rjort
er for the Atorian, aaid he had Jnt
come over from hi cranberry ranch
buck of Ilwaco, and was eager to e
cure 100 or more picker for the very
abundant crop of that fruit prevalent
on the northhore marhe this aeason.
He and hi partner, l)orey IJ. Smith,
have from 1.200 to 1,500 boxes yet to
pick and are paying 60 cent per oox.
There are eighty people now on the
ma'rihe who are making from $2 to
$3 per day at the bnlne and more
are needed a fast a they can be got
ten. The work will last from three
weeka to a month and all -convenience
will tte supplied on the ground for
those who deaire to come and a postal
card dropped to Mr. Smith, car of the
".Breaker" hotel, will put that gentle
man in touch with those who may go
there, and be will be on hand to ahow
them to the ground and help arrange
for their comfort.
Eigner-Hbuck Nuptials At 8 o'clock
last evening, in the presence of a large
and se'ect circle of friend, gathered
at Grace Episcopal church for the happy
occasion, Mr. Willinm Albert Eig
ner and Mi Edith Jane Houck, both
well known younir Astorian, were made
man and wife, according to the beautiful
ritual of the Episcopal church, Rev. w.
Seymour Short officiating. The decora
tlona In the church Incident to the hap
py event were elaborate and beautiful
and consisted mainly of vari-tinted Au
turn leave and all the bloasoma of the
season In dainty array and apt lc
atowal. The pretty bride was attended
by Miss Louise Lecman of Portland,
and the groom had the service of Mr.
W. R. Hume; the unher, who cared for
the vlsitlnc contingent, being Messrs
Roliert McUan, W. F. Gratke, L. E.
Howe and Oorge Steven. Mis Car-
r,ie Short presided at the oran in her
ciitninnrv brilliant way, and after the
ceremony, the bridal party adjourn!
to the Grand Avenue home of Mr. aim
Mrs. R. G. Prael, when a dcliphtful
reception vn tendered to Mr. nnd Mr
Treasury Enriched The crew of the
bark Homeward Bound wa paid off
here Tuesday and they at once start
ed out to do thing. The "hard silver
wa soon changing hand at a lively
rate, and croat quantity of "Jerdmand
DeSnto's water" from the fountain of
youth was consumed. Before very great
damage wag done, however, seven of
the merry party were rounded up by
member of the local police force and
nlaced in the city jail, where v they
could cool off a little and reflect on
their conduct. When brought before
Judge Andcron yesterday afternoon,
the septet waived examination and
were released on bail of p eacnA ai
a late hour Inst evening they had not
put in an appearance, so it is surmised
that the money is a good as the city's.
Farewell Banquet A an evidence of
thn hiirh esteem in which he is held by
his many friends in this city, Carl
Pnmdi who ha represented Mcvenhau
sen & Company, of Germany, in the
fish industry this summer, was ten
dered a banquet last night at the
Kluvenhauscn cold storage plant at Ai
tnnna. Mr. Funch will leave for Ger
many today and it is probable that he
will rcturn to Astoria next year in the
anll.n onnacitv. Mr. Funch was very
popular herc. and it is sincerely hoped
that he will be located hero agam next
Af lh Hnsnital A fow more unfor
v r
tunntes were received at St. Marys
itnl vaaterdnv. Among the num
ber ore Rev. Father Water, rector of
St. Mary' Catholic church, who is
,.iii,.nlk- ill: the little daughter of
Captain Smith, and Mrs. Iliggins, of
Kasel, who accompanied her baby,
which is suffering from some cause
. i i a.
that the doctors are unable to acier
muwiMJUz Cream of
Sole Agents in
Fot these Hats
Quality is the test which brings good dressers to Wise's Store.
Of course most stores nowadays proclaim the virtues of quality
but we let our goods speak for themselves In these piping
times of Peace, of Plenty and of Prosperity cheapness has no
magic for the Wise buyer Quality is our goal. Quality is
our standard.
mine. All of the other patients are
doing nicely, especially Mr. Wilkinson,
who waa gored by a vicious bull about
ten day ago.
J. R. Simpson of New York la a
business visitor in this city. '
Mr. and Mr. T. B. Kail of Tacoma
are pleasure seekers in tbia city.
W. A. Patton of Sacramento la look
ing after hla business interests in thla
city. ,
H. N. Gerber of Sacramento is in
the city on a brief business visit.
Geo. King of Portland la an Astoria
business visitor.
P. F. Tozier, U. S. R. C. S, in reg
istered at the Occident.
Mrs. A. L. Gurthers of Sound Bend, is
visiting friends in this city for a few
Aug Bynny of Rocburg, Wash., is
in the city on business.
T. L. Eckstrom of San Francisco is
looking after business interests in this
J. II Arthur and son, C. B., of Port
land, were business visitors here yes
terday. They left up for the metrop
olis on last evening's express.
J. It. Darling and wife of Ontario are
spending a few days in Astoria.
W. W. Yale, a resident of Portland, is
spending a few days in this city.
Norris Staples,, who has been visit
ing his father in the vicinity of Spo
kane, returned home yesterday.
Rev. arid Mrs. L. J. TrtimbuU left
esterday for Arizona, where they will
take up their future residence.
Mrs. O. B. Estes and daughter, Miss
Frances, left yesterday for McMinn
ville. Miss Frances is enrolled in Mc-
Minnville college, and goes to taKe up
her work for the ensuing year.
C. O. Gray of the Paw Co Coast fctcci
trust, was in the city yesterday en
route to Gcarhart Park from Portland.
Ha was accompanied by Mre. Gray.
Oregon Is Not Fairly Treated in Matter
of Reclamation Fund.
Word cornea from Pendleton indicat
ing that the second day at the Morrow
Umatilla District Fair was a good one
in point of attendance and interest dis
played. The feature of the day was
the Irrigation and Development League
meetings, at which many prominent
men spoke. Senator Fulton waa perhaps
the chief speaker of the day and spoke
for half an hour on the National irri
gation fund. He used plain terms of
displeasure at the treatment Oregon
had received in regard to the distribu
tion of the reclamation fund.
"I do not charge any one with bad
faith," said the Senator, "and it may be
that we ourselves have been to blame
for not making proper and intelligent
demands for use of money within the
state, but it is a 'fact that the state
of Oregon has not received what it is
entitled to from the reclamation fund."
The Senator went on to Bay that it
would be wise and was the duty of Ore
gon people to demand of the government
their dues. He .told of the policy not
to increase the fund other than from
the proceeds of the sale of public lands
and said Oregon should insist on se
curing proper recognition, now that the
time was ripe and the money was in
the Treasury.
Jewels and Jewel Work Astoria has
another establishment where those who
have jewelry and watches and all
things in that line to repair, may take
them with, confidence in their being
well an dthoroughly handled at the
hands of a skilled workman. Frank J.
Donnerberg has opened a handsome and
complete shop at No. 110 Eleventh
street, and will be glad to meet and
serve al lhis old friends and such new
one, s desire his service. He was with
Mr. Seymour here for three years and
is equipped to do the finest of work
in his line.
John O. Fitch and wife to Olaf
Settem, warranty, 50x70 feet
on South end lot 1, block 22,
Port of Upper Astoria ..$ 400 (
Deaf and DumbOfficer Houghton of
the police department, last evening
picked np a good looking bid, of 18
years or thereabout, who waa begging
on the streets by means of a printed
card setting forth his infirmities and
soliciting alms. He was taken to the
city hall and made comfortable for the
night and will be turned over to the
county court today for subsequent and
proper disposition. It i very unusual
that persons so afflicted are foundbeg--ging,
and it is afe to assume there is
something besides mere inclination
compelling this lad to such a recourse.
He is bright and tidy and deserves a
better "steer" than that of a beggar.
Hia name ia Clarence Mackey. !'
Clearing Fishing Grounds Dick Mey
ers, the submarine diver, and the pile
driver, J. A. Munroe, have been at
work since the close of the fishing sea
son, clearing away the obstacles in
some of the most prominent gill-netting
or drifting grounds. The diver and pile
driver respectively are employed by a
club of gillnetters, and the work of
snag pullinir progresses at a rapid rate.
They have been working near Desdemo
na sands and within the past month 123
old piling and 51 snags have been re
moved. There still remains much to be
done, and the work will be continued
for an indefinite length of time.
Good Work is always appreciated.
Frank J. Donnerberg, the up-to-date
watchmaker and jeweler, will repair
your watch and do it right; carries a
full and complete line of watches, jew
elry, opera glasses and umbrellas. 110
11th St. 9-27-tf
Boys Call at S. Danziger &
Co.'s Store for a Free Sam
ple Copy of the
The "American Boy" Magazine
HERE'S OUR OFFER: With every boy's
suit at $5.00 or less we will give free of charge, a
six months subscription and with every suit at
$6.00 or over one years subscription to the "Amer
ican Boy." Tell the boys about it.
Astoria's Greatest Clothiers
v fly