7 Bra-. '7 USLItHIt ruiUAttOOIATlO PNItt RICORT COVBRS THE MOANINQ FIILO ON THI LOW! ft OOLUMM. VOLUME LXI NO. 250 ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, J906 PRICE FIVE CENTS ixw iivi in iti ii i, in ni v i MANHATTAN HAPPENINGS Interesting Incidents of Dally Occurrence. TOLD BY AN OBSERVER Ota Bengo, the Congo Pigmy Creates Interest In Zoolog deal Garden. PUSHCARTS HINDER TRAFFIC "Big Tim" Sullivan Dodges Gambling Law by Taking Parties to Sea Bank Clerki Get Jok on W. R. Hearst, t NEW YORK, Sut. 23.-Th New York Zoo at present bai on ithnd a. Cuuua livirmv. a mild-mannered and clean lilt of ebony humanity, which Di rector Iloruauav ia vary anxlon to have tome benevolent person adopt When Profeor Samuel I. Verner. Af rloan explorer, asked the Zoo to keep the liltle man for liim om time ago Director Hornaday thought OU Ben ra. (or that wa the pygmy's name, would make an Instructive exhibit, and o he placed biro In the cage with the orangoutang, Hohong. The pair soon became fat friends and chattered to- irether bv the hour. Then the trouble began. Minlatera from the rural dis trict began to nd in protest against the exhibit, and delegation of indig nant black citizen In high hats called upon Director Hornday and demanded that hi ebony charge be removed from the monkey bonne. So Ota Renga got the freedom of the Zoo, He wa of a pleasant temper, but, apparently, de void of fear, and the attendant have had a nervoua time keeping him from being gored by the big elk, eaten by the lion, or killed by poisonous rep tiles. Then, too, whenever the crowd oa Wie eight of Bcngn flitting about the Zoo ground they will give a yell of "there' the wild 111011," and soon a bowling mob I chnaing after tho lit tle fellow, tearing across the lawns and flower bed, leaping fence and climb ing tree. At these manifestation the pygmy U not greatly perturbed. Though he is a cannibal he always re malna gentle and polite. Prof. Ver ner first met Bcnga on the occaalon of a banquet given to the explorer by a friendly Congo tribe. Benga waa to be the roast, but Prof. Verner saved him by purchasing him unslaughtered. A certain treet on the edge of the financial (Harlot, ordinarily jammed with traffic, ha been torn up for cv eral week and complaint made to the city have apparently brought no result. A few daya ago a great rain shower turned the street Into a big awlmming pool, and the clerk In a big national bank on the block, which bad auffered from the chnotio condition of the thoroughfare, painted a big sign on.l eiiw.l- It n nn tll lIlOrA flf tll6 lake. The sign react-) "This 1 munici pal ownership the city owns the atreet." Crowd paused to grin appre ciatively at the legend and they were more amused when a big automobile rounded into the streets, hit the- pool with a splash and came to a dead top. Few persons In the crowd, however, realized that the machine belonged to W. R. Hearst, high prlet and exponent in general of the municipal ownership Idea, It's great to be a Sullivan In New York, because then you need not give heed to the rules and codes that gov- GOMPERS' OWN REVIEW. Of Hi Recent Bitter Fight Agalnat Lit tlefteld of Maine. WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. In the Oc tobor number of the "American Fader allouist," the official organ of the Amer ban Federation of Labor, President Gompera review hi campaign against Representative Llttlellcld and give hi organisation credit for a reduction of Littleflflld' majority. He lay the fight wa made on Littlefield because of hi bitter and relentless antagonism toward the best Interest of labor, and not be cause he wa a Republican or becauxe hi conspicuous opponent was Denuc eratle. The charge is made that com metclal, railroad and shipping trust poured money into the Maine campaign In Littlefield' Interest, (tamper also pay III respect to Cannon, Taft and other Republican who assisted little field In hi campaign and conclude by aylng: "The recent campaign In Maine ha shown how great are the force aligned against the Interest of the peo pie, and It ha also shown that labor need only to lead the way and ail good citizen will aid In tho noble and patriotic work." . FIGHT WITH OCTOPUS. CHICAGO, Sept. 2S.-A dispatch to the Tribune from Mobile say! "A Ave hundred pound octopua wa caught yesterday by a flhing party In Mississippi Sound and killed, after a struggle that lasted eight hour. The octopus towed the boat, stern first, ten mile. It wa finally killed with rifle.' HEARST AT BUFFALO Will Probably Be Nominated for Governor Today. JEROME HAS NO SHOWING Temporary Organftation Effected Yes terday in Leia Than Half and Hour Lively Session Looked for To daySurprise in Reserve. RUFFALO, K. Y., Sept. 25.-The I)emocr,tio state convention tomorrow will nominate a Governor and a full state ticket. In lets than one-half hour today, tem porary organization wa effected, and Lewi Nixon of New York, wa made temporary chairman. There ia a tension among the dele gate tonight end a ttorm may enue tomorrow. According to a consensu of opinion tonight, Hearst will probably be nominated for governor on the first ballot, and W. Stuyveant Cbanlcr will probably be named for Lieutenant-Governor, with John S. Whalen for secre tary of state. All are on the Inde pendence League ticket. Hearst, it is conceded, gained control of three im portant committee at the first session of the convention; the committee on contested seats) the committee on pint- form and resolutions; and the commit tee on permanent organization. The candidacy of Jerome wa prac tically withdrawn today, but some of his supporters are endeavoring to cre ate a sentiment in favor of Justice Gaynor or Adorn of Buffalo. District Attorney Jerome, in his ea gerness to have the anti-Hearst Dem ocrats of New York, concentrate on a single candidate and beat Hearst,- ha practically shelved himself as a Guber natorial aspirant. Whether this man will be Gaynor, Adorn, Sulzer, or a dark horse is uncertain. Hearst has already scored an organization point in the se lection of Lewis Nixon, Tammany man, as temporary chairman. A statement from Murphy seems to Indicate that Hearst has Tammany lined tip, but Tammany hat not caucused. The antl Hearsts meet tonight. Hearst is to be the first man nomisated. District Attorney Jerome' candidacy was praotloally withdrawn today at an (Continued on Page 8.) HAVANA SOON BE AMERICAN This Evidently the Rea , Flan In View TAFT ADMITS FAILURE Thousands of Marines and Sailors and War Supplies Going Forward Daily. WAR DEPARTMENT ACTIVE Peace Cmmiition Can Do No More- Secretary Taft Utterly Diigusted With Preiident Palma and the Method! Prevailing There. WASHINGTON, Sept. 25.-Fifteen nunarea more American marine were ordered to Cuba today by the Navy Department. Thi action wa taken following the receipt of dlspatche from Taft, Indicating that he had little hope of an amicable settlement of the trou bles In Cuba, In addition to the marine 2,000 blue jacket will be ent to Cuba. There are already in Cuba 1,200 marine and over 3,000 bluejackets. Bid were opened today at a num ber of western points for several thou sand horse and jack, to be shipped to the army within the next fifteen day. Unlimited supplies are available at a number of eastern depots. Every bureua of the war department Is hum ming with the work of preparation for any eventuality that may arise. The practical failure of the United States peace mission to Cuba became evident this afternoon when Secre tary Taft and Assistant Secretary Ba con declined to keep their re-engage nicnt with President Palma on ac count of the uncompromising conduct of the Cuban President during the morning. Secretary Taft expressed disgust with the methods of the Cu ban government and said he had about given up hope of peace without Inter ventlon. At the same tune, be ex pect nothing more from the rebels, who have become mere plundering out laws, according to hi latest advices, Secretary Taft intimates that force alone will end the aquabble. The battleships Indiana and Ken tucky will sail for Cuba tomorrow mom ing. The Cuban republic tonight stands on the verge of the second period of Amer' lean intervention. The moderate party which six week ago was in absolute control of every office in the island, national, provincial and municipal, is tonight determined to abdicate from everything and compel the United States to Intervene. In fact, every government, official, from Palma down, is sincerely anxlou to foroe Intervention, rather than yield to the terms offered by the liberal par ty and those In arms against the gov ernment. The liberal leader characterize the conduct of the government as treason to the republic, while Taft regards it at an unwarranted and dishonorable at tempt to force tho hand of the United State and Into intervention. It is still just barely possible that Roosevelt, through Taft and Bacon, may yet ar range to establish the liberals in con trol of the Cuban government, but this is regarded as only the remotest sort of possibility. With either party installed in power, there still would remain a condition of deplorable dissatisfaction) and wuiutest, (Continued on Pnge 8. DEVELOPERS III SESSION. Organization Will Endeavor to Ri lioooo to Advertise Northwest. WOKANK Sept. 25,-Tbe convention of the Pacific Northwest Commercial elulm opened here today with delegate from Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana lieing prewnt. Tom Richardson,' of Portland; Sena tor Ankeny, of Walla Walla; G. B. Dennis, of Spokane; Frank B. Cole, of Tacoma; I, A, Nadeau, of Seattle; C. C. Chapman, J. J, Browne and N. W. Durham, were the principal speakers. Judge W. O. Speer of Butte wa made permanent chairman and C. C. Chapman permanent secretary. The convention decided upon a permanent organization consisting of three vice-presidents from each of the four states who shall serve a an executive board, one of whom 1 to be elected president. The object are declared to be the fuller developmnt of the Pacific North watt and the Inducing of immigration and the investment of capital. The new organization will endeavor to raise one hundred thousand dollars for the purpose of advertising the whole Pa cific northwest, and not any particular city or section. TOO BOLD FOR APPREHENSION. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 2.1-Joseph Cucla, an Italian, was shot and killed while driving along North Main atreet thi afternoon, by an unknown man, who, mounted on a bicycle, rode up be hind Cucia and fired three shot into his body. No clue Is obtainable as to the Identity of the assassin. SARATOGA IS READY For the Great Convention of State Republicans. PRELIMINARY WORK DONE Governorship Seem to be Swinging Be tween Hughes and Brace, With the Former in the Lead Formal Opening This Morning. SARATOGA, Sept. 25. The first aea sion of the state Republican conven tion, though short, was harmonious and comparatively uneventful. The proceedings were interrupted at one stage, by some excited individual, who shouted out that Hearst had "sac rificed fifteen million dollar." He was promptly ejected by some nearby del egates. A resolution offered by Charles An derson (colored) deputy collector of in ternal revenue ( deploring race hatred and omb law "at home and abroad," was amended to include, specifically, anti-Jewish rioting in Russia, and then was adopted. Neither Piatt nor Depew,who have attended every Republican Honveution for tho past generation, were present today. . The delegates seem to be at a loss regarding the. nominations for the gov ernorshin. Lieutenant Governor Bruce and Charles E. Hughes being about , the only candidates spoken of tonight, but conditions may change before the con vention gets down to business tomor row. The name of Timothy I. Woodruff. ex-lieutenant governor, Is looming up as a possible candidate for governor. He ha a strong up-state following, that cannot be well ignored. ENDORSES THE ACTION. CHICAGO. Sept. 25. The city coun cil last night passed a resolution com mending and endorsing the movement to establish United States postal sav incs banks. The resolution cites the wrecking of the Milwaukee Avenue State bank as one of the reasons why such . a law should be enacted, and urges the representatives of Chicago in congress to assist in the work of es tablishing these banks, by their influ ence and votes. STEW B SY Left New York Yesterday for Chicago. GUILTY BUT NOT ALONE Will Openly Accuse All Who Aid ed Him to Wreck the bank of itV Millions. HAPPY IN HIS HOME-GOING Hia Son I Entirely Devoted to the Wretched Father Extradition Haa Bien Waived Old .Man Meas ured by Bertillion System. NEW YORK, Sept. 25. Paul 0. Stensland, the self-confessed embezzler of funds from the Milwaukee Avenue State Bank of Chicago, of which he was president, U tonight on hia way to Chicago, ready and willing, he says. to admit his guilt, but at the same time determined to accuse others whom Ee "cTalm aire equally guilty of wreck ing the institution, and it attendant losses of millions of dollars. Today he waived extradition and appeared pleased with the prospect of getting back to Chicago. He spent a sleepless night, and this morning was almost in a state of collapse, but as the day wore on his mental and phys ical condition wag greatly improved. "Discomfort of a nignt m a narrow and bedless cell, which wa experienced by Paul 0. Stensland, the former pres ident of the Milwaukee Avenue State Bank, of Chicago, who was returned from Morocco last night, a prisoner on the charge of wrecking that institu' tion, was followed today by additional unpleasant details of police examina tion. Stensland waa lined up at police head quarters with a score of alleged pick' pockets and others who had been ar rested during the night, and was sub' jected to the customary examination by the detective sergeant. This ordeal over, he wa removed to the identification bureau, where he was measured in ac cordance with the Bertillion system, and later his photograph was taken to be placed on file at police headquarters An early visitor to Stensland's cell was his son, Theodore. The two con versed together until the summons came for the father to appear before the central office men. The former bank president spent a sleepless night and was in a condition of semi-prostration He tottered rather than walked from his cell to ihe various offices, and leaned heavily upon the supporting arm df his son. Stensland during the night told one of the officers watching, him that he wanted to go back to Chicago and would have done so had he not been arrested in Tangier. , "I wanted to straighten out matters." said Stensland. "There is a good deal behind this case, and I want to show the publio that 1 am not the black sheep I have heen painted." SIMPLY AN OPINION. MOSCOW, Sept. 25. M. Shiploff, the veteran reformer, in an interview with correspondent of the Associated Press todav. declared that the only honorable and possible escape from the painful ordeal through which Russia is now passing, and from a blacker future, was the immediate replacement of the Stolypin cabinet by one composed of men supported by public opinion . and the immediate election of a new par liament. ' NOT HIS INTENTIONS. I TANGIER, Sept. 25.-The American legation haa issued a statement that de nies the rumors that Minister Cummer who is leading the American mission to the Sultan of Morocco at Fez, in tends to attempt to create American po litical interest in Morocco.' It con firms, however, statement that Mr. Gummere will set forth to the 8ultan . the difficulties of the situation caused by disturbances similar to those which ; recently took place at Mogador and at Casa Blanca. The statement makes no mystery of the fact that the United States intends to make an effort to do business in the markets of Morocco, and compete, by the establishment of a direct steatnship service between the two countries, in the English and Ger man import and export trade. BRYAN DECLARED PASTY LEADER. HONOLULU, Sept. 24 (10:55 p. m.) The Democratic territorial conven tion in its platform declare that W. J. Bryan is the acknowledged leader of the party. After expressing approval of the Roosevelt administration the home rulers endorsed George R. Carter, the present incumbent, for governor. MRS. LOVETT'S WILL IN TJROBATE. NEW YORK, Sept. 25. In the sur rogate court at White Plains yesterday the win of Mrs. Lavina Lovett, drawn' after she bad passed the age of 102 years, was 6ffered for probate. Mrs. Lovett, who led a life of great fru gality, left an setate valued at f 100, 000, consisting of mortgages and ten bank accounts. Her husband vas the village blacksmith of JTarrytown. ATLANlsAT PEACE Score of Dead, Mostly Blacks, Mark Three-Day Riot GOVERNOR TERRILL ON SPOT City Ia Under Martial Law and What Quietude Prevails Is Enforced Every Saloon in the City Barred Close Situation Better. ATLANTA, Sept. 25. The known dead who have met death in connec tion with the riots here, since Satur day night, number one white man (Po liceman Heard) and eighteen negroes. This, is the third day of Atlanta's race- war, passed without any serious disturbances and following the arrest of 257 negroes at Brownsville and at Clark University today, the feeling prevailed that, at least, peace has been restored by a strong show of authority. Two negroes were killed this afternoon by policemen. Governor Terrell has ordered four companies of militia' into the city as a matter of precaution. The saloons wero closed all day and will be so held until further notice. There is great scarcity of negro labor of all kinds. The total known dead as the result of last night's ani this morning's en counters is seven negroes, besides Po liceman. Heard, and Mr. R. C. Thom son, a white woman, who dropped dead from the excitement of witnessing the shooting of two negro prisoners. LOUISVILLE, Ky.,' Sept. 25.-The Evening Post has received a dispatch from its correspondent in Atlanta say ing that two negroes were killed by whites in the residence section of the city at daylight after the negroes hart made an assault on a white boy. ATLANTA, Ga., Sept. 25. In a des perate battle at close range at Clo rang, between Bicycle Officers Smtth and Maddox and Policeman Oasen, and two dangerous negroes barricaded in a house near the corner of McGruder and Randolph streets this morning, the n&- groes were killed and the police officers had narrow escapes. Officers Maddox and Smith had been notitled that negroes were snooiing m (Continued on Page 8.) (Continued on rage 8.) 1 . .'.,. '..