FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER n, i9o. . THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. YORTLAND MARKETS latest Quotations in the Portland Markets Coma lata Markat Seporta Car reeled Eaa Day OMng tb Wboleaale Prices of Commodltiaa, Farm Product and Vtg UWM. PORTLAND, Sept. 2(WTIiera art no Important feature In th nop market today. A fw eales are mentioned of smalt lota and one Inn announeea the flrt order- from Clilna to thl market, The reopening of lnilni e delayed much later thl acmnn than for yr pat. Probably the chief eauae for this lack of activity I1m In tin uncertainty of what may develop In the next few dy. Dealer would aeera to be wait liijf for a pronounced move by one of ;he!r number before starting in to ' l L - ciran up m remaining crop not ron traded for. Soma sample vlnea have been received from lowland yarda alnce the rainy apell and while the condition la aald to be bad, Judging from the pe elmen vines, it la not thought the bHgtit rover any great eitent. Grain, Floor, Feel Wheat-Walla Walla, Oioj Valley, BTcj bluetrm, dk-j red, &2e. 0tVhlt, 23.00j gray, 122.00. Corn Whole. 7, ortcker 28 par tea. ParleyTlrewlng, $2100 1 feed, 21 ; rolled, ttt2J. Itya l. W per cwt. Iluckwbea 1138.00 per ton. Hour Hard wheat patent, $3.90; atralght, 3 35,- graham, $.160) rye $3.00; whole wheat lour, U7I Valley flour, SJO(33.eS Dakota. W.SfXJJ.M, Ft. am rye, $5.40 1 MlUbury, IOJOj Oorrailla, $3.70. Klllatufra-MlddUngt, $24f2S; chop. $IS bran. Ilflj tborta, $17. Hay-Valley, Uuiothy, $ll12.Mj Eastern Oregon, lfi($10j clover, $78j cheat. $7JH)(38 alfalfa, $11. Grain bagt Foreign and domeatle, $ 3 4c. Prodaoe, Butter Country creamery, 2flJ26c city creamery, 30c; atore, 1518cj but ter fat, 28c. Poultry Old rooatra, 80cj hens, 13ll4o j fryera and groller, 14c; dressed ohlckena, 13 1 5c geese, live, 8ltej dreeaed, llllCi turkeys, live. 16dl7ci dreaaed, 17aoc ducka, old, nominal) eprirtg ducka, llI2oj pigeon, per down, $I.OO1.25 equaba, $1.75 2. Money-Dark.. lOKJllej amber, IS 13o; fancy white, Mle. Cheeie Young America. 14I5c) Oregon full cream, (lata, 13i14e. Kgga Freb Ongutt ranch, 2727ie; Eastern, 2425c. Fruits, 2C0 1U, 6eic 200 lb and over, 34oi pork, H81o) lieavlea, 78ej beef, bulla, Soj cowa, lofic aUera, Cflj mut ton, medium site, 77i!j large, 66oj spring lambs, 88Jcf s; y Clama Hardshell, per box, $2.00) raxor clama, $2 par box. Oyster-Bhoatweter Bay, per gallon, w.wj OlympU, per aack, $5.00 Eaatarn transplanted, 11.00 per 100. : Flh Crab, par doacn, U0f Shoal watar Day oysters, par aack, 4.00i oyster, gallon, $2.29 1 halibut, 6oj black ood, 7oi bait, per lb, 20of barring, Sot ftoundere 6c catflih. Bcj illvet amelt, 7ici ahrlmp, 10ci perch, So sturgeon, 9c sea trout, 12oi black baaa, 25c cblnook almon, 0ci steelhead, Scf iliad, 4c Bauaage Portland nam, 18o par lb; minced ham, 10cj Summer ,choica dry, I70 bologna, long, 7ej welncrwurst, I0d liver, Soj pork, 0c blood, Sot bead- ebaeae, IBJpj bologna eauaage, link, 6o. Lard KetUe-rendtredj Tierce, Hc tab, llioj 00a, lllcj 20a, llc 10i, 2c 9a, 12t Standard pure, Tlaws, 10cj tuba 10o, m, lOfci 20a, lOJoj 10a, 11c, St, 14a Compound. Tle, 7icj tub. 71c SOa, 7c, 10a, 9ic 6. Cknnad aalmon Co;umW Klver, 1-lb UUa, l.M, lib Ulla, f2.1V), fancy, lib (lata, $2 .00 1 lb fancy flaU, $1.25j fancy l ib ovale. $2.75) Alaaka UUa, pink, 00c ) Ml, $l.45 nominal, 2a, UH, $2.00. Cereal food KoiW oaU cream, 901b aacka, $7.00 j lower grwde, $S.60flJO; oatnaeaj, atl cut, 60-lb aack a, $8 bale; 10 lb aacka, $4.25 par bale) oaUncal fgmirul), 601b aaka, $7 .60 per balei 10- lb aaoka, $4 per balei aplit peaa, $4.50 per 100-Ib aack 231b boxea, $15; pearl barley, $4 75 per 100 )b 25 -lb boxea, $155 per box i paaty flour, 10-lb aacka, 2 50 per bale. Vagetablea. (VbUge Per lb. 2cj caulillowcr, ix (i.D pr doen; jiaraley, 25e perdoenj hothoute li'ttuco, $1.251.50 box; head 40c down; aplnaeh, 86cj encumben, local hothouac, 6)c per box; artlchokea, 8075c pen down; peaa, 4fg5c; beaua, fiftfc; Rarllc, 10c; red pepper, dry, 20 (l25c; bell, fiOc box; green onlona, 121c ilncen bunchea; green corn, 2i($15c; down; celery, 05(S85c downj bunchca; egg plant, 10(320c lb.; okra, $1.78 per box. Tomatoca25c; green, 2 tier, Oregon, 25o box; Summer aquaah, 60c box. Potato New, in country, 7flP0 per cwt.) ewcet potatoea, 2J(13o lb. Onlona-Xew. $lj5(im Melona-Cantaloupa, $11.25 per crate; watermelona, 75 $1.00 per cwt; caitaUi, $2(32.60 dor.en. Turnip Per aack, 00c($1.00;' car rota, $I.001bl.226; beet, $155; radiah- . 12 15c down buuchei. Ooffeo Mocha 242Ss Java, fancy, 2fl32c; Java, good, 2024e; Java, or illnary, 1720o; CoaU Rica, fancy, 18 20e; CoaU Rica. good. 1218c; Ar bucklca, 10o per lb; Lion, 14 !o per lb; Columbia coffee, 14!c; Salvador, 111 15c Bcana Small white, 41c; largo white. 31c; pink, 31c; bayou, 4c; Umaa, 61c; Mexican rede, Sc. Rico Imperial Japan, No. 1. $5.95; Southern, Japan, Slot broken, 4c; head, fancy, 7c; head, choice, Ola Salt-Balea of 7S-2a, bale, $1.60; bale mit u. m. n.. . of 80-3. bale. $1.00; bale of 40-4. bale, Nshaappln. $4.505 per doten, lemon.. 'l ;" faX'T. Wl cnol, $56.60; itandajrd, $4.6oboxj orangea, faacy navel. $4 iMi Med. aweeta, $3.754.00 box) grap fruit. $44.50 crate) lime, 76c per 100, Domeatlo fruit Strawberrle. local, 1.752.25 orate; aprlcota, $1.60I eraU; poache, $11.23 box; plum, 1.25 1.50 box; chcrriea, 76cTM.2o crawj bulk. 4flc per Ibj gooaebcrrica, 07o lb; auxranta. 80o lb) red raapborrioe, 89o per lb; Loganbwico, $1.601.75 crate. Frert MeaU and Fish. Freah meuU Veal, medium, 74 to 100 Iba, 017c 100 to 150 lba, 601cj 150 to 60c; fine, ton, $12.00; bap. 60 Iba, genu ina Liverpool, ton, $18.00; bag, 60 lba, 1-gronnd. 100a. ton. $9.00; R. a V. F, 20 6 1b carton, $2.25; R. 8. V. P, 24 3-lb cartona, $1.75; Liverpool lump, ton. $19.60. Nuta Walnut, No. 1. toft shell. 17e; No. 1 hard aholl 16c; Chile, 13c; almond, 1718c; filberU, lflc; Brazil, 16c; pe cana, 13118c) hickory, 8c; Virginia pta nuta, Bo; Jumbo Virginia peanuta, 8c; Japane peanuU 6c; chcatnuta, Italian, 14c; cocoa nut, doccn, 8590c, Ollvo oil California ,per pllon, $2.75; quart, per cae, dozen, $7.25; pint, 2 TIDE TABLE, SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER, ioo. High Watoj:; i" A. M. P. M. Date. TjjTm.iirfbsrrftr Naturday Saturday . Sunday , . Alonday , lucaday . 'Wednaadar fl'liuraday . I'rtday Saturday , Sunday .. . Monday , luoauay . Wednoaday IhurBunT . Friday . .. Saturday , Sunday . .. Monday . , I ueaday , Wednesday niuraday . Friday . . . faturdiiy . lunday ; . Monday . . trdnesday jFrldny , . Mftturaay . Sunday , . 1 1 2 3 4 ,,,.6 8 9 101 11 121 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 2S 23 , 24 25 . ..,.20 27 281 201 3Q 12:12 11:53 12:50 0:39 8.7 1:24 1:20 8.0 1:67 2:00 8.2 2:30 2:40 7.7 3:05 3:21 7.3 8:40 4:03 6.7 4:16 4:63 6.2 4:67 6:60 5.7 6:45 7:01 6.0 6:44 8: IB 6.6 7:48 9:25 0.0 8:61 10:17 6.5 9:60 11:00 7.1 10:42 11:40 7.6 11:30 12:16 0:10 8.012:63 1:01 8.7 1:30 1:47 8.0 2:08 2; 8.3 2:47 3:26 Y.8 8:30 4:23 7.2 4:20 6:29 6.0 6:15 0:47 6.2 0:23 8:12 6.3 7:38 9; 25 6.7 8:65 10:21 7.1 9:03 11:07 7.611:00 11:45 8.0jll:47 7.6 8.8 7.8 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.2 7.6 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.2 7.1 7.3 7.6 8.0 8.4 8.2 8.0 8.9 9.0 9.0 8.9 8.6 8.2 7.9 7.7 7.7 7.8 8.1 8.2 SEPTEMBER, xgo6. Low Wator. Date. Saturday SUNDAY .2 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 6 Thursday 8 Friday 71 Saturday 81 SUNDAY Mondav 101 Tuesduy 11 Wednesday 12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 Saturday . ......16 SUNDAY 10 Monday 17 Tuesday 18 Wednesday 10 Thuroday 20 Friday 21 Saturday . 22 SUNDAY , ......23 Monday ..24 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday , Friday . . Saturday , SUNDAY . .25 20 27 28 29 A. M. P.M. h.m. ft. h.m. j fJL 6V68p.3 0:00 "2.6 0:40-0.4 6:64 2.2 7:10-0.2 7:35 1.0 7:53 0.2 8:10 1.7 8:27 0.8 8:47 1.6 8:68 1.3 9:27 1.6 9:28 1.910:07 1.7 10:05 2.510:62 1.7 10:47 3.1 11:42 1.8 11:33 3.5 0:40 1.812:33 4.0 1:42 1.7 1:60 4.1 2:48 1.5 3:07 4.1 3:45 1.1 4:08 3.7 4:35 0.7 4:60 8.2 6:20 0.4 5:43 2.5 6:00 0.3 6:22 1.8 6:41 OSt 7:00 1.2 7:19 0.4 7:43 0.7 7:50 0.6 8:28 0.4 8:40 1,2 9:15 0.3 9:28 1.810:18 0.3 10:17 2.511:08 0.5 11:14 3.2 0:18 0.012:25 3.6 1:33 0.7 1:48 3.8 2:48 0.0 3:11 3.5 3:53 0.4 4:19 3.0 4:48 0.3 5:14 2.4 6:30 0.3 5:50 1.91 doccn, $8.50; i pinU 4 down, $9. Flgo-WhlU, lb, 07oi black, 07o, Date Oolden, 60-lb box, 7o; l ib package, 8oj Fard, 15-lb box, $1.40 box, ' m' 'J"... Candled peel Citron, 10-lb boxei, 26o lb; 6-lb boxee, 25c; lemon peel, 10-lb boxei, 16c lb) 6-lb boxes, 151c; orange peel, 10-lb boxea, 18o lb; 6-lb boxes, Mo- . ., , : Provlnlon Ilam, to aize, 14ic; ham, picnic 101o) bacon, rcguUr, 181c; bacon, fancy breakfast 20c i dry salt tides, Xlftcj back dry aalt, 11 l-4c P'ckled i,xd Pickled pig' fe-i 1 barrel, $6) 1-barrel, $2.76) 181b kit, $1.25; pickled tripe, 1-barroU, $8.00) ! barrela, $2.76; 15-lb kit. $1.26; pickled pig' tongue, 1 -barrela, $6; 1-barrela, $3; 15-lb kiU $1.60; pickled lamba' tongue, 1 barrel, $0; J barrel., $5.50; 15-lb kiU, $2.78. OIL Lead, Eta. Coal oil Pearl and astral oil ease, 19c per aallon i water white oil. iron barrels, 131c; wood barrela, 16lc; aocen oil, ote, 2Uc; aLUna oil. case, 271c; extra star, caaea, 22 lc; headlight oil oci 21c; iron barrels, 15lc Benerne Slxty-ttirea degree, ease, 20e; iron barrel. 151c, Turpentlae In eaaea, 86c; in wood barrela, 83c; in iron barrela, 79c; in 10- oaaa Iota, 8flc Llned oil Raw, S-barrel lota, 47c; 1- barrel lota, 48c; in oasea, 63c. Boiled, 6- barrel lot, 49c; 1 -barrel loU 60c; In eaaea. 68o. Gasoline Stove gasoline. oaa, 241c: iron banal, 19c; 80 degree gaaoline, caaee, 38r; iron barrela or drums, 27c ; 72 degreee cases, 2Clc; iron barrels, 20c; engine distillate, iron barrel, 9c, Led Strictly pur whIU lead and red lead in ton loU, 7cj 6001b lota, 8o) It than 600 lbs, 81c Wiro nails present baaa at $2.60. Rope Pure Manila, !4fo; aUndard, 131c) Siaal, lie; Lie brand Sial. 10c Flop Choice, 1908. lftl2c; prime. ionc. Wool Valley 22 (5 25c; Kaatern Ore gon, 1822c aa to ahrinkage. Mohair Cboioa, 28 30c Tallow Prime, per lb, 34c; No. 2 and grease, 23tc FoathertOecwe, white, 35 40c; geeaa, gray or mixed, 2830c; duck, white, 16 20c; duck mixed, 12018a. Caicar aagrada (Chittlm bark) 21 4o. Oregon grape root Per 100 Iba, $34. R-wtx Oood, clean and pur. 21 24c per lb. Hid Dry i No. 1. 16 lba and up, per lb, 1819o; kip, No. 1. 1820a accord ing to tlM) dry aalted bulla and aUga, one-third lea than dry flint; low grade, 23o per lb lest; aalted, ateera, $0 lb and np, I0llc; under SO lbs, steer and cowa, 910c; Ug and bulla, 7c; kip. 13 to 30 lb. lOo per lb; real 10 to 14 lba, 11c; calf, ander 10 lbs, ll12c; green .unsalted. lo per lb less: sheep skin, ahearlinga No. 1 2530c; abort wool, No, 1, 4060o each; medium wool, No. 1, $1.25(3:2 each) murrain pelta, 10 to 20 per cent leas) horae hides, aalted, $1.00(S2.50, according to aize; dry, ac cording to aize, $11.60; colts, 25 50c each; Angora, wooled. 30c lb 1.50; goat, common, 1520o each. Seel Clover, red, per 100 lb, $13.50; do mammoth red. $16 60; do Alayke. $16.00; do white, $18.50; alfalfa, $15.00; timothy. $5.60; English rye, $8.00; IUlian rye, $8.50; Kentucky bluegrasa, $13.00; Bromus Inermia, $13.00; orchard grass, $14.75; red top, $12.00; yetcbe. $3.50; field peat, $3.00. Building MateriaL Lime $1.50 per bbl; imported cement, $3.75 per bbl; California cement, $3.80 per bbl; wood fiber plaater, $14, net, per ton; plaster of Paris. $3 per bbl; plaster ing hair, 31c per lb; firebrick, $42.50 per M; Ore clay, $20 per ton meUl ktfc 1925o per yard. Common rough, per M, $13.00; dl-1 mension sizes, $12.09 14.00; sidewalk and street, $10.0012.00; stepping, j $30.0032.00; flooring, $15.0032.00; j rustic, J18.0028.00j coiling, $18.00 28.00; finishing, $18.0028.00; partng blocka, $14.00; laths. $2.00258; cedar j shingles, $2.10. j . . , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Acts on j Nature's Plan, I The most successful medicine are ; those that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. Take : it when you have a cold and it will allay the cough, relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the secretions and aid nature in restoring the system to healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a oold to result in pneumonia. Price 28 cent. For sale by Frank Hart, and Leading Druggists. Parker House Oregon Restaurant NEW AND FIRST-CLASS DINTNO ROOM. ALL THE BEST THE r MARKET AFFORDS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Corner Ninth and Aator street. Phona Black 2184. NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED Properties and Business of all kind aold quickly for cash in all part of the United States. Don't wait. Write to day describing what you hive to sell and give casn price on aame. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Busineit or Real Estate anywhere, at any price, write me your requirements. I can save you time and money, DAVID D. TAFF, THE LAND MAN 4S Kansaa Avenue. TOPEKA, . KANSAS. The American Collection Agency No fee charged nn leas collection la mad. We make col I lections in all part of the United SUtea. 413 Kansas At. TOPEKA, KANSAS. ANTHONY P. WILSON, Attorney Unprecedented Success of DR. & GEE M THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR O Who i knowc w throughout the United ?J Claim. Anmn n hi wonderful cure. Kb poison nor drug used. He guaran tee to cure caUrrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nerrousneaa, etonmeh, liver, and kidney, female com platnta and all chronic diaeaaea. SUCCESSFUL H0MX TREATMENT. If you eannot eall write for symptom blaak and circular, inclosing 4 cents in sUsnps. . THE C. GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1621 First St, Corner Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the Aatorian ONE Or AMERICA S FASTEST STEAMERS Commencing Monday, May H STEAMER TELEGRAPH Win Make Round Trip Dally Except Sunday, Between. Portland, Astoria and Way Porta a.r i TIME CARD Steamer Telegraph from Portland to Astoria. 1-eave Portland 7-00 a- m- Arrive Aitorla....... ...1?00 p. ru. Steamer Telearaph from Astoria to Portland Leave Astoria . 2:S0 p- m Arrive I'ortlnnd -S.-00 p. m MEALS 8ARVED A LA CARTK" Steamer Telegraph will stop at way land. Iiigibotlidowu anil up river when having pusieugers to land or by being signalled- Tortland Landing Alder St. Dock Astoria Landing Callender Dock E. B. SCOTT, Agent, Portland Callender Navigation Co4 agent Astoria. PTONE 2211 MAIN. raHifciilBr? W WnlKBlBr1 A Ticket Mean more than yonr mere transportation if it i OTcr For Kidney and bladder Troublts Ml RELIEVES IN 24 Hours ALL URINARY DISCHARGES Each Cap the namofV V- J Btuart qfcomtteiftitt For title by nil ilrturitlatt. It mean that you will bar every luxury and comfort the utmost courtesy from all employ esa safe trip and cie that will be a pleasure and delight. It is tha Short Line to Chicago AND BEST AS WELL. Anything you wish to know about comfortable traveling will' be gladly told by. R. V. HOLDER, Gen. Agt, 183 Third St. . Portland, Ore. 1 iMMMMvfvfTvvTvvtttvMvvM'MM 1 ' fPEMIES Often a person is sized up by his appear ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And more often a business house is sized up by the stationary it uses. A cheap letter head or a poor bill head gives a mighty poor first impression and makes business harder to transact. Good printing costs no more than poor printing. The first im pression is half the battle in business. You wouldn't employ a "sloppy" sales man; why put up with "sloppy" station ery, that gives a wrong impression of the importance of your business. Let us do your printing and help you to make that ten strike. The J. S. DellingerGo. ASTORIA, OREGON Several Routes to the East Afforded by Rock Island Lines: ....... . ,. , . ..... , . U Through San Francisco, Lot Angeles, Southern California and EI Paso. J & Through San Francisco, Central California, Colorado and Denver of Colorado Springs. 3. Through Oregon, Idaho and Colorado. 4. Through Washington, Montana, the Dakotas, and St Paul -Minneapolis. 5. Through Washington, Canada and St Paul Minneapolis. Avery good plan fa to go one way and return another ace twrkc aa much country and enjoy the trip twice a much. It will be a pleasure to give you full details. - General Agent. Rock Island-Frbeo Lines, 140 Third St.. PORTLAND, ORE. ! BEGINNING FEB. 15, 1906 i i' through' I TOURIST I sleepers! 1 ! 0'ifjii EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR BETWEEN SEATTLE and CHICAGO via the Great Northern Railway B Route of the famous Oriental Limited For detailed information, rates, etc., call on or address H. DIOKSON, C. T. Portland, Ore. Pain from a Burn promptly Relieved by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A little child of Michael Straus of Vernon, Conn., wag recently in great pain from a burn on the band and as cold application only increased the in flammalfrn. Mr. Strauss came to Mr. Jumeg X Nichols, a local merchant, for somrt hing to stop the pain. Mr. Nich ols stys; "I advised him to use Cham berlain's Pain Balm, and the first ap plication drew out the inflammation and gave immediate relief, I have used this liniment myself and recommend it very often for cuts, burns, strains nnd lame back, and have never known it to disappoint." For sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. ABSCESS. ABSCESSES, with few exceptions, are indicative of constipation or debility. W. H. Harrison, Cleveland, Miss., writes, Aug. 15, 1902: "I want to say a word of praise for Ballards Snow Liniment. I stepped on a nail, which caused the cords of my leg to con tract and an abscess to rise in my knee, and the doctor told me that I would have a stiff leg, so one day I went to J. F. Lord's drug store (who is now in Denver, Colo.). He recommended a bottle of Snow Liniment; I got a 50c size and it cured my leg. It is the best liniment in the world." Hart's Drug Store. sep