B THE MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER ifc ,M MD Dl)lCH CLEANSER . CHASES DIRT Makes Everything "Spick and Span." INSECT ENGINEERING PSATS OF THC CARPENTtR BEt AND TH6 TUMBLE8UQ. Boraxo Soap Powder For Toilet, Bath and Nursery, per Can, 25 Cents SOLS AGENTS FOS BAKERS BARRINGTOIf STEEL CUT COFFES A. V. Sleep Like l Top Don't lie awake with the remedy at your elbow. To banish wakeful ness, nervous starts, bad dreams to sleep soundly and waken re freshed -take Beechams Pills Sold Everywhere, laboxctlfla andttc MANY NEW PROJECTS. Santa Fe Company is Improving and Shortening Line in Anion. SAX FRAXOSCO. Sept. 18.-Under the expansive policy of President Rip ley the Santa Fe ha begun to forge ahead with its many new projects and is now trying to improve the main line The route in Arizona is the center of attraction. The company has under process of construction a cutoff from Daggett on the main line to Wicken burg. The line is commonly known a the California 4 Arizona road, but is known to be under the control of the Santa Fe. When this line is completed many miles will be saved and the ser vice will be greatly improved. The Santa Fe is also considering the construction of a line from Silver City, X. M, to Winkleman, Ari. This will give the train on the main line of the Santa Fe an opportunity to go around some of the worst tunnels and grades on the road and would not make anv material difference in the mileage. By so doing it would pave the way for a through route over the Santa Fe to i Galveston. BIG TIME AT CONEY. Three Hundred Thousand New Yorkers Visit Pleasure Resort. I The lia tie la Kxvert Orv4lccr-WoBdrrl Skill ml lldr mm the Urt Strata That HI ElulU W.h Will Boar. Long before man bad thought of the aw the aaw fly bad used the same tool mad after the sain fashion and used In the same way, for the purpose of making allta lu tbe tranche of trees o that abe might bare a secure place to deposit her eggs. The carpenter bee, with ouly th tools which nature- has given her, cuta a round hole, the full diameter of her body, through thick boards and so makes a tunnel by which she can have a safe retreat la which to rear her young. This tuniblebug, with out derrick or machinery, rolls over large masses of dirt many times her own weight, aud the aextou beetle will In a few hours bury beneath the crouud the carvusa of a comparatively large animal All these feats require a de gree of Instinct which la a reasoning creature would be called engineering skill, but none of Uiem la as wonder ful at tbe feats iierformed by the spi der. This extraordinary little animal has tbe faculty of nronolllin? hoe threads directly agalnat the wind, and by means of her slender cords she can FLEISHER'S KNITTING YARNS 28 Cis. SKEIN iiiiiii'-iiiii Of llOii Greatest Cloak and Walking Skirt Values in Astoria NEW YORK, Sept. R-It is est! mated that 300,000 persons visited Co ney Island last night and helped to make the opening night of the Mardi Gras carnival the greatest ever known there. From end to end Surf avenue! haul up and suspem! bodies which are was streaming with banners and bias-1 many times ber own weight. ing with the lights. Long strings of J Some years ago a paragraph went tbe electric bulbs made a glittering firm- mQ' 01 XM ln wnlcn w" anient under which the great crowds B,p,der i if. unfortunate mouse, ralatng It from tbt surged to and fro. ground and leaving It to perish misers- iurre Mas panwe who noais ana a oiy oetween neaven and earth. Would king and queen were crowned with me- J be philosophers made great fun of tbe diaeval solemnity and ceremony, The ement and ridiculed It unmerciful- merrymaking continued into earlv f7 1 k.now not now tTVtt ' w". but I i v . ... , "at It might have been tree. crowds cease to shower confetti. Good van In th tt e v.- v.w ...... (MUnpr nrevnilp.! vn HinnM, iliAr I Antant...t ..tl.. i .. . II ., - - .vug., ......1 .H.uun.u tuitik vuuftv m ucr roreaus were some instance of roughness in na actually raised It some distnnce the horse plav. Getting the crowds Irom m Rrouud, aud this, too, In spite !,., . . ti ... . or me struggles of the rentile. which ! ........ v ., j',iuf-m. i iiunuus was allv to wait for hours before they could get B -i , ... I , r - v. tuniuvviiuA uiu mis comparatively small aud feeble In sect succeed In overcoming and lifting ! I up oy uieeiiauicaJ means the mouse or the anake? Tbe yolutloii Is easy I enougu ir we only give the question a uttie tnougnt. The spider In furnished with one of efficient mechanical linnle- We have just received a new lot of walking skirts for fall aud winter wear Every uc wand attractive style is rep resented hereThe latest novelties in Plaids, Blues, Blacks, Greys and mannish effects The best skirt from the lead ing manufacturersPerfect fitting and we guarantee every garmcut-rauging in price from $3.50 to 15.00. In our Cloak Department you will find the best styles in coats and rain coats at prices that will convience you wc arc entitled to your patronage. into cars bound for Brooklv hat tan nnd Man- Children's Plaid Dress Goods 21 Cts- Yard K) YARDS OK XKW 1'LAID URKfM GOODS for (.'hilderu's school die- on ol Monday, Tuesday and Vediitday at a tempting low price. Wool mixed material. lvig are rptodut;tion of the bet $1.00 vnliif-34 Inches wi.--i5 styles to select fiMinVery pretty rotors ai.d rombl f nations. Monday, Tuc day and tt'diiedsv, IP Per yard ',,. " Supply tbe Children for School We Can Help Yon MISSES AND HOYS' HEAVY COTTON KM RED hose, double sides. ! 0 to 10 great special talus, at mis mw price , Hoys' and Girl' Fins Quality Cotton Ribbed lUnt An exceptional value ,,, 2.1o llroken line of Roys' and Children's Otton Ribbed IIe In ! from 0 to 10 on sale at this ery low price , 10c SCHOOLS OPEN AT THE DALLES. THE DALLES, Sept. 18The public hools opened here yesterday with the I the most argesi attendance lor many years. !ome changes have been made in the high school department. Professor Whitney of Tillamook, taking the place of Principal Omutt. Manv members of the high school are not able to enter at the beginnin gof school on account of being compelled to work in the harvest field and on the fruit ranches. WILL GIVE NEW CUP. M. K. 4 T. PAINT SHOP BURNS. oEDAUA, Mo., Sept. 18.-The paint shop of the Missouri, Kansas 4 Texas Railway burned earlv today. The loss is estimated at $100,000. '"O SPICES, (j) vUrrEL.TEA BAKING POWDER, FLAVORING EXTRACTS AbelurePuriry. Rncsr Flavor. CrtircSfraxh.CioioVfTKfi CL0SSET&DEYES5 r PORTLAND, OREGON. XEW YORK, Sept. 18.-King Edward, the Times states today, will give an other yachting cup to American yachts men. The cup will lie tendered to the Jametown Exposition and will prob ably he raced for under such conditions as the Jamestown officials may deter mine. They are likely to invite foitign yachts to the competition. It U intend ed at Jamestown to devote three weeks to yachting. The races wil lie held in Hampton Roads. DAIRY INSTITUTE AT LEBANON. ALB AM , Or.. Sept. 18. A dairy in stitute is being held at Lebanon to day. Eminent authorities on dairying in attendance are Professor E. IL liar rington, of the University of Wiscon sin; btate Dairy and Food Commission er J. W. Bailey, Dr. James Withycombe. director of the Oregon Experimental Station; Professor F. L. Kent, of the Oregon Agricultural College, and Travel mg Freight Agent H. A. Hinshaw. of the Southern Pacific. R0SEBR00K DISCHARGED. AEW YORK, Sept. 18,Frcderick E. Rosebrook, the wholesale produce deal er of Brooklyn, for whom C. E. Bot kin of Winfield, Kan., sought with warrant, charging him with larceny growing out of the trouble in the af fairs of the J. P. Braden Produce Co, was discharged in a Brooklyn police court yesterday on the ground that the evidence was insufficient to send him to Kansas. When Mr. Rosebrook left the court he said he was ready to go to Kansas and face thecharges. BASEBALL PLAYER TO MARRY. NEW YORK, Sept. 18. Announce ment was made today of the engage ment of Hal Chase, the first baseman of the New York American baseball club, to Miss Nellie Hefferman of Bayonne, ST. J. The wedding will take place next April. Chase is a native of California and makes San Jose his home. He is con spicuous among professional! baseball players. S. A. G1MRE $43 Bond Street, Opposite Fiacher Bros. IN DANGEROUS POSITION. HONOLULU, Sept. 18. The latest ad vices from the Mongolia say holds 2 land 3 are filled with water and the vessel is in a more dangerous position than was the Manchuria. lueuui ftuuwu ro eiiirnieers via, a i strong elastic thread. Tbut the thread Is strong Is well known. Indeed, there are few substances that will support a greater strain than the silk of the silk worm or the spider, careful expert- j ment having shown that for equal sizes : the streugth of these fibers exceeds that I of commou Iron. But notwithstanding Its strength the spider's thread would j be useless as a mechanical power if It j were not for Its elasticity. The spider has no blocks or pulleys, and therefore I It cannot cause the thread to divide up ' I run In different directions, bot the ! uixticlty of the thread more than makes up for this and renders possible the lifting of an animal much heavier j than a mouse or a snake. This may require a uitio explanation. I Let us suppose that a child can lift six pound weight one foot high and do this twenty times a minute. Fur nish him with 3T0 rubber bauds, each capable of pulling alx pounds through one root when stretched. Let thoso bands be attached to a wooden plat-; form on which stands n pair of horses ' weighing 2,100 pounds, or rather more ; than a ton. If now tbe child will go to , work and atretch these rubber bands j singly, booking each one up as It Is 1 stretched. In less than twenty minutes he will have raised the pair of horses j one foot i We thns see that the elasticity of the rubber bands enables the child to dl- j vide the weight of horses Into S50 ; pieces of six pounds each, and, at the 1 rate of a little less than one every j three seconds, be lifts all these sepa rate pieces one foot, so that tbe child easily lifts this enormous weight. Each spider's thread acts like one of tbe elastic rubber bands. Let us sup pose that the mouse or anake weighed half an ounce and that oacb thread Is capable of supporting a grain and a half. The spider would have to connect the mouse with the point from which it was to be suspended with 150 threads, and If tbe little quadruped was once swung off his feet be would be powerless. By pulling successively on each thread, and shortening it a lit tle, the mouse or snake mlrfht be raised to any height within the capacity of the building or structure ln which the work was done. So that to those who have ridiculed the story we may Justly say, "There are more things ln heaven and earth than are dreamed of ln your philosophy." What object the spider could have had ln bis work I am unable to see. It may have been a dread of the barm which the mouse or snake might work or It may have been the hope that the decaying carcass would attract flies, I which would furnish food for the engl- leer. I can vouch for the truth of tbo snake story, however, nnd the object of this article Is to explain nnd render credible a very extraordinary fent of Insect englneeriwr.-FollleH of Sciciiff JEJt-R.e;a .1 tailor made underwear made in ' msny weights cotton, hilt, merino, auhmcrt. Tbe bett mide nil the year round" under wear ever offered for fidic, miwe, children. WOMEN'S KNIT UNDERWEAR 69c White, Ecru, and Gray "El ReaI"Underwear,fine ribbed wool medium weight, neatly trimmed and finished. Spe cial at this low price 69c MM Htm" Sole Agents for DRIB'S RUST-PROOF CORSETS Era of Aofla:.. The "era of Actum." n.-bviM rtnr'ni the early days of t!i Itoimii) ("Mnlro' commemorates the great vjctorv -::l;i"d by Octavlus over tho troojis ,f Aroiif and Cleopatra, Jan. 1. B. '. .: it . :u often used anions: the Ror.ii:i:s ';t!i Ir writing and colloquially, ,':st as li England people speak of events as o' curring before or after the.eonqwi't, or as persons In this country frequently refer to events as having happened be fore or after the war. Remnants of Table Linens We have accumulated a lot of remnants in the best quality and patterns of table linens. You will find in this lot remnants in lengths from two to three yards, pieces 60 to 72 Inches wide, in the very beat qualities of fine satin damask Greatly re duced for this sale, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY FURS The best selected line of fur neck pieces In the city Is ready for your Inspection. Buyers will find prices much lower than you have heretofore paid for the same ' 1 1 .. t III . i ... quality, ocieci your lurs now, wniie t us stock is un broken and we will lay them away for you for a small deposit. SilK Special, 69c FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Nineteen inches wide, all pure silk Taffeta a silk you can depend upon -Our regular 85 cent value In white, ivory, cream, black and all colors Special for this sale 09c 65c Outing Gowns, 43c LADIES OUTING GOWNS in a great variety of styles and patterns, made from good outing, braid trimmed at this low price -43c 36-inch Wool Dress Goods 15c Yard 36-INCH LADIES' CLOTH IN COLORS GRAY, GREEN and oxford A cloth for which you have been paying 35?c to 60c the yard. Special for this sale , 15 C 50c Outing Sacques, 39c We are showing an unusually large assortment of Dress ing Sacques and Kimonas in Eiderdowns; mads from the bent lipp'e Eiderdown, Oflo. to $3.00. Our regular 60e outing sacque finished with stitched edges and satin ribbon ties, priced to you Monday A Tuesday, Wednesday, flfj Trade With the Simingtofl Dry Goods Company Because We Save You Money CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. .The Kind You Hays Always Bought Boars the Signature of Bad breath, coated tongue, a languid feeling, Is entirely unnatural. Your A famous Wisconsin woman once said, "All this poor earth needs Is just the art of bcimr kind." Won't aomftluiflv be kind enough to propose Hollister's lazy liver and boweI ne6l tonlo. TH Rocky Mountain Teat It helps to make Dost nothing tonic to every organ is people kind and well. Tea or tablets, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea 3VMti , r, i or Tablets, 35 cents. For sale by Frank For sale by Frank Hart. Hart .