WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1908. THE MORNING ASTORIAK, ASTORIA, OREGON, PORTLAND MARKET Latest Quotations In the Portland : Markets t; ?s ' ' Cotnplite Mrkt Rtporti Correct laoa Day Olring the Wboleaale Prlci ul Comnoditlei, Farm Produce ana Vg PORTLAND, Sqil, ).-Thcra I prac t (rally nothing over yrtlerday'a report fro mtlie hopyard to aultl today. I'ick lug U proceeding rapidly, according to advice from ths different growing nc tlon. At to daman, there are con dieting report from lowland tocall Ilea, but a a general thing Hie crop will he little Injured front Hie rain of last week In upland district. Sample coming In of hopi cured lie for the raliotorma ara milt up to grade, and dealer, at a rule, eaprem tha opinion that the balance will come along In tatltfactory condition. The opinion, of course, l hacd on present condition and with the provlio that weather keep right until cod of her vaat. There waa a tale on aample yettcr- day of a amall lot at 131c. but for the time living no great amount of bind neaa la looked fur until next week, when a fairly accurate estimate ran be figured out of the Oregon, Wah Ington and California yield. Grain, Flour, Fata. Wheat-Wait Walla, Mci Valley, 07c ( bluatem, (Jttcj red, 02o. ' Oat While, 23.00j gray, $22.00. , torn unoie, fill ortrkar fZa per ua. Barley brewing, $22.00; feed, 2lj rolled, 2223. Rye 1.60 per cwt Buckwheat 430.00 per ton. , FlourHard wheat patent, (4.10; txaight, $3.48 1 graham, 3M rye. 8.00; whole wheat flour, $3.78) Valley flour, M.603.0a, Dakota. $3.J0a.Mj Eatt. "rn rye, 13.40) Flllabury, $010 j Corrallls, U.70, t Millstufft--Middilng, 2425: chop, 15 bran. 10 tborta, 117. Hay-Valley, timothy, U 12.50 j Eaatern Oregon, $18(316) clover, 78j cheat, 7.808t alfalfa, 11. Grain bagt Foreign and domestic. Produce. ; ' v Butter Country creamery, 231 80; oity creamery, 23; atore, IS 18ci butter fat, 20a Poultry Old roottera, 80cj hent, 131 Met fryert and groiler, 14c; drented chlckent,- 14($18cj geete, live, 8llej dretsed, Ull0i turkey, live, 1617cj drced, 1720e; duck, old, nominal) tprlngduck, 11(2120; pigeon, per doinn, $1.00(gl,25; tquab. $1.75(52. Honey Dark, 10llcj amber, 12 13oj fancy white, 14 15c, 8!9o per lbj Loganberrle, $1.60(1.70 orate. Frert Meat and Flib. Freeh meat Veal, medium, 78 to 100 lit, 07o) 100 to ISO lit, 0Pift 150 to 200 11 0plvi 200 lb and over, .14o pork, 8(38c) beavlet, 78oj beef, bulla, 80) cowt, 4l(!(2f(i) tra, Clflc'i mut ton, medium iIm, 7$7cj large, 06oj Spring Iambi, $S8io, v s . Clam Htrdthell, per box. $2.00) rtior clam, $2 par box. Oyter Sboalwater Bay, per gallon, $2.00) Olympla. per Mck, $3.00 Eaatern transplanted. $1.00 per 100. , , Flub Crab, per dozen, $U0) Shoal- water Bay eyatora, per tack, $4.00) oytter, gallon, $2.28) halibut, fiioj black cod, 7o) bat, per lb, 20c ) berrln;, 8ci flounder So; catfith, 0c) IWer (melt, 7 Jo 1 fhrlmp, 10c; p-rch, 6c j iturgeon, 9c j a trout 12cj black baa, 25c j eblnook olmon. Die) tteelhead. Scj (bad, 4c. Bautage Portland bm, 181c par lb) minced bam, 10c; 8ummer .ebole dry, 170) bologna, long, 7oi welnerwunt. lOo) liver, 6c pork. 9c; blood, 8c; bad- eheeae, 12o; bologna tautage. link, 0c. Lard Kettle-rendered 1 Tierce, 11 to tub, 110) SO, lllc) 20. life; 10, 12c; St, 12jc) Standard pure, Tleroea, lOJcj tub 101c, SO, lOioi 20, 10Jc) 10a, lie) 6, 161a. Compound, Tierce, 71c 1 tub, 7! 60, 7c; to. .Jej 6, Sk& Canned aalmon Co'umbla BJvor, 1-lb Ulla, 1.85) 2 lb Utl. $2.80t fancy. Mb flat, $2.00) l ib fancy flat, $128) fancy Mb oval. $2.78) Aletke Ulla, pink, 90c ) red, $1.45) nominal, 2, tall, $2.00. Cereal food RoIW oata cream, 901b ack, $7.00) lower jrrede, 15.50 8.50; oatmeal, tteol cut, 60-!b aack, $9 bale) 10-Ib tack. $4.28 per bale) oatmeal (ground), 60 lb tick, $7.60 per bale) 10- Ib aacka, $4 per bale) tpilt peaa, $4.50 per 100-lb ck) 251b boxea, 1155) pearl barley. $4.78 per 100 Ibtj 25-lb boxra, $128 per box; putry flour, 10-lb tack, $2.50 per bale. Vegetable!. Potatoea Fancy, old, 40(5 65c j ordi nary, in country, 4050ej Jobber' price. J0f?flflo per 100 lb) new, 1 1 (3 1 to per lb. Cabbage Per lb, Hgtcj cauliflower, II (3 li5 per dotenj aaparagut, Walla Walla. $1.60 crate fancy local, 4045c per dozen bunch; paraley, 25c dozen; hotkouae lettuce, 50c (5 $1.00 box; bead. 25a dozen) tplntch, 35o lb) cucumber. local hotboute, 75c($1.00 dozen j Cali fornia. $1.40 box ) artichoke. 00c per dozen; rhubarb, 3$31o lb; pea, 45c; bt'ana. 910cj garlic, lOcj red peppera, dry, 2025c) Chile. 20o lb; green oniona, 121o dozen bunchea; green corn, 40o dozen; canteloupea, apecial, $102) pony crate. $6.807) egg plant, 40o lb. Onion New California, red, llllc roU, 75c$1.23i beete, $U02; radiihee l2115o dozen banche. Tomato Mexican. $2Tb255j Mittit Ippl, $2(32.28) local. 25 lb; Summ.T aiuaah, $1.28 box. Sugar, aack batit Oolden C. $4.48; extra C $4.85) powdered. $8.18) patent cube, $3.30) cane, D. O., $5.05; fruit tugar, $5.05; beet tugar, $5.85) C. 4t IL bbeet, $4.05; barrel, cwt. 10cj keg, cwt, 25c; boxet, cwt, 50o advance over tack litnit (In io lb If paid for in 18 daya). Coffee Mocha 2428ci Java, fancy, 2032c) Java, good, 2024ej Java, or dlnary, 1720cj Cot Rica, fancy, 18 Cheete-Young America, 1414tcj j20") CoeU Rica. good. 1218c) Ar V Oregon full cream, (lata, 13131c. Kgga Freeh Oregon rancb, 2520c Frnlta. Tropical fruit Banana. 60 per lb: pineapple, $4.605 per dozen) lemont, fancy, $flj choice, $56.B0 atndard, $4.80 boxj orange, fancy navel. $4 4.80 1 Med. tweet, $3.75 4.00 box; grape fruit, $44.50 cwtej llmet, 75o per 100, Dometlo fruit Strewberrie, local. $1.762JJ5 crate j apricot, $1.602 crate; peache, $1(31.25 box) plums, 1.28 1.80 boxj cherrie. 75oibl.25 crate-, bulk. 40o per lb) gooieberrirs, 07o lb; currant, 89o lb; red rnapberriee, buckba, lClo per lb; Lion, 14jo per lb; Columbia coffee, 141c; Salvador, 111 15& Beam Small white, 41o) large white. 31o) pink, 3C) bayou, 4joj Lima, 61c; Mexican red, Sc. Rice Imperial Japan. No. 1, $5.95; Southern, Japan, 6)0; broken, 4Jcj head, fancy, 7c; head, choice, 01c. Salt Bale of 73-2, bale, $1.00; bale of 00-Ss bale. $1.60; bale of 40-4. bale, $1.00; bale of 15-10, bale, $1.00) baps. 50c; fine, ton, $12.00; bag, 60 lbt, genu ine Liverpool, ton, $18.00; bag, SO lbs. I ground, 100. ton. $0.00) R, S. V. P 20 0 1b carton, $2.25; R. S. V. P., 24 3-lb TIDE TABLE, SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER, 190O. High Water. A, M. I P. M. Date. Saturday , , Saturday . Sunday . ., Monday . , Tuesday . . Wednesday Thursday 0 fruiay 7 Saturday 8 Sundar 9 Monday lflj Tuesday 11 Wednesday 12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 Saturday . Sunday , . Monilay . , Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday . Friday , .. . Saturday . Sunday ', , Monday , . Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday .. 29 pun. I ft. jh.m. fit. 15 10 17 18 ....10 20 21 22 .....23 24 25 ....20 27 28 0:31) 1:20 2:00 2:40 3:21 4:0.1 4:63 6:5(W 7:01 8:18 0:25 10:17 11:00 11:40 0:101 1:01 1:47 2:W 3:25 4:23 6:20 0:47 8:12 0:25 10:21 11:07 Sunday . 30ll:45 8.7 8.0 8.2 7.7 7.3 0.7 0.2 6.7 5.0 6.6 CO 0.5 7.1 7.0 8.0 8.7 8.0 8.3 V.8 7.2 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.7 7.1 7.0 8.0 12:121 11:63 12:50 1:24 1:57 2:30 3:05 3:40t 4:15 4:67 8:46 0:44 7i48 8:51 9:50 10:42 11:3(N 12:16 12:53 1:30 2:08 2:47 3:30 4:20 6:15 6:23 7:38 8:55 9:03 11 -.00 11:471 7.6 8.8 7.8 8.1 8.2 8.2 8.2 7.0 7.8 7.6 7.3 7.2 7.1 7.3 7.8 8.0 8.4 8.2 8.0 8.9 9.0 9.0 8.9 8.0 8.2 7.9 7.7 7.7 7.8 8.1 8.2 SEPTEMBER, 1906. Low Water. A. M. Date. Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday , . Tuesday , . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . ... Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . . Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday . Friday 1 .. Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . . Tuesday , . Wednesday Thursday , Friday . . , , Saturday , SUNDAY . Monday . . . Tuesday . . Wednesday Thursday , Friday . .. Saturday . SUNDAY . 1 ..... 2 3 41 .... 6 61 7 8 .... 9 ....10! 11 12 .....13 ,....14 ....15 ....10 ....17 ....18 ....19i ....20 ....21 ....22 ....23 24 ....25 ....20 ....27 ....28 ....29 30 h.m. I ft. 5:58 0:40 7:19 7:53 8:27 8:63 0:28 10:05 10:47 11:33 0:40 1:42 2:43 3:45 4:35 5:201 0:00 0:41 7:10 7:59 8:40 9:28 10:17 11:14 0:18 1:33 2:48 3:53 4:48 5:30 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.8 1.3 1.9 2.5 3.1 3.5 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.1 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.0 1.2 1.8 2.5 3.2 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.31 P.M. ft! h.m 0:09 0:64 7:35 8:10 8:47 9:27 10:07 10:62 11:42 12:33 1:60 8:07 4:08 4:50 5:43 0:22 7:00 7:43 8:28 9:15 10:18 11:08 12:25 1:48 3:11 4:10 5:14 5:50 2.0 2.2 1.0 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.7 1.7 1.8 4.0 4.1 4.1 3.7 3.2 2.6 1.8 1.2 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.5 3.0 3.8 3.6 3.0 2.4 1.9 carton, $1.76; Liverpool lump, ton. $19.60.' ' . Nut Walnut, No. 1. aoft htll. 17cj No. 1 hard hIL 10c) Clille, 13c; almond, 1718oi filberU, 10c)' Brazil, 10c; pe can, 13J 15c 1 hickory, 80 ) Virginia pet nutt, 00 Jumbo Virginia peanut, 8c) Japan peanut, 6c j chi ttnuU, Italian, 14c) cocotnutt, dozen, 8690o. ,: ' Olive oil California ,per gallon, $2.76) quart, per cat, dozen. $7.25 1 plnU, 2 dozn, $8.60; I plnt 4 dozen, $9, 1 Flgs-WhlU, lb. 07c) black, 07c, Date Golden. 001b boxet, 7c 1 Mb packages, 8c) Fard, 181b boxet, $1.40 box. f i; ,' -f1' I . v Candied peel Citron, 10-lb box, 26c lb) 6-lb boxes, 25o; lemon peeL 10-Ib box, 15o lb) 81b boxet, lBicj orangt peel, 10-lb boxea, 15c lbj S-lb box, I6I0. Provision Ham, to lz(, 14c; bam, picnic lOlct bacon, regular, 181c; bacon, fancy breakfast 20c: dry talt tidM, lllc; back dry talt, 11 l-4c Pickled good-Pickled pig' f:t 1 barrel, $5; 1-barrel, $2.76) 15-Ib kiU, $1.28) pickled tripe, 1-barrelt, $6.00; 1- barrela, $2.78; 13-lb kite, pickled pigs' tonguet, 1, $0; 1-barrel, $3) 16-lb klU $1.60: nlckled UmU' toniruet. 1 Urrela. $9) 1-barnlU, $5.50; IS lb klU, $2.78. OIL Lead. Eta, Coal oil Ptsrl and aatral oiL eatet, 19o per gallon; water white oil, iron barrela, 131c; wood barrel, 18iej eocene oil, cote. 2Uc; elaiue oil case, 270) extra (tar, caeea, 221c; headlight oil ooe 21c; Iron barrels, lSje. Benzine Sixty -three degree, catee, 20c ; iron barrel, 161c Turpentine In catea, 860 j in wood barrel, 83c j In iron barrel, 70c; in lo cate lot. 85a. Linseed oil Raw, 6-barrel lota, 47o; 1- barrel lota, 48c j In catee, 83c Bolted, 5 barrel lot. 49c; 1-barrel lota 60c; la eatet, 680. Gatollne Stove gaaollne, oat, Hlo; iron barrel. 19c; 80 degree gaaollne, cate. 33c ) iron barrel or drum, 27e) 72 degn-e cases, 201c; iron barrels, 20c; engine distillate, iron barrel, 9c Letd Strictly pure white lead and red lead In ton lot. 7!c; 6001b lota, 80; lea than 600 Iba, Sic Wire nail preaent bate at $240. Rope Pure Manila, . I4Ic; atandard, 131c; Sisal, lloj Itle brand Sisal lOo. Hop Choice, 1908, llttl2c( prime, 1011. Wool Valley 22 (5 25c 1 Eaatern Ore gon, 1822o a to ahrlnlrage. .Mohair Choice, 2830o. Tallow Prime, per lb, 3(g4e; No. C and greaae, t21o, . , . , Feathers Geeae. white, 3840c gees, gray or mixed, 2830c; duelc. white. 18 20c; duck mixed. 1215et Caecara aagrada (Chittim bark) 21 (34c , ,v Oregon grape root Per 100 (be, $3 4. Bcetwtx Good, clean and pure. 21 24o per lb. -J ; Hide Dry: No. 1. 18 lb and np, per lb, 1819c) kip, No. 1. 1820c accord ing to tize; dry salted bull and atag, one-third lea than dry flint; low grade, 23o per lb lee; ealted. ateers, 00 lb and up, 10 11c; under 60 lbs. ateera and cowt, 910c; stag aad bulls, 7c; kip, 13 to 30 lbs, lOo per lb; Teal 10 to 14 His, lie; calf, under 10 lbs, ll12c; green .unsalted. lo per lb leu; sheep skins, ihenrlingt No. 1 2630c; abort wool, No. 1, 40(5 00c each; medium wool, No. 1, $1.25(2 each; murrain pelts, 10 to 20 per cent leas; horte hides, aalted, $1.00(5 2.50, according to size; dry, ac cording to aize, $11.60; colt. 2550c each) Angora, wooled. SOclbLSO; goat, common, 1520o each. Seed. Clover, red. per 100 lba, $13.50; do mammoth red. $16.50; do Alsyke, $10.00; do white, $18.50; alfalfa, $15.00; timothy, $5.50 j English rye, $8.00; Italian rye, j $3.50j Kentucky bluegrasa, $15.00) Bromua Inermla. $13.00) orchard grata, ! 78) red top, $12.00; vetchee, $3.50; ! field pea, $3.00. j Building Material j Lime $1.50 per bblj imported cement, j $3.75 per bbl; California cement, $3.50 per bblj wood fiber plaster, $14. not, per ton) plaster of Paris, $3 per bbl: plaster-, ing hair, 31o per lb) firebrick, $42.50 per j M; fire day, $20 per ton; metal lata, ; 1925o per yard. j Common rough, per M. $13.00) dl-; menslon sizes, $12.00 14.00; sidewalk ; and street, $10.0012.00) tepplng, -$30.0O32.O0j flooring.- , $15.0032.00j ' rustic, $18.0O28.O05 ceiling. $18.00 28.00) finishing, fl8.0028.00; paving, blocks, $14.00; laths, $2.002.25) cedar ! shingles, $2.10. j Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Acts on Nature' Plan. The most successful medicine are those that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. Take it when ycu have a cold and it will allay the cough, relieve the lungs, aid ixpeetoration, open tho secretions and aid nature In restoring the system to healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to. result in pneumonia. s price 25 cents. For sale by Frank Hart, end Leading Druggists, Parker House Oregon Restaurant NEW AND FIRST-CLASS DINING 4 ROOM. ' ALL THE BEST THE ., MARKET AFFORDS. OPEN DAY AND NIGnT. Corner Ninth and A tor btreete. Phone Black 2181 ISO!: NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED Properties and Business of all kind told quickly for csh in all part of the United State. Don't wait. Write to day deicriblng what you htv to Mil and give caib price on same. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Buslnes or Real Ettate anywhere, at any price, write me your requirement. I can ave you time and money. DAVID D. TAFF, THE LAND MAN 41$ Kansas Aveni. TOPEKA, - KANSAS. The American Collection Agency No fet charged nn less collection Is mad. We make col lection in an part of the United State. 4i3KanauAy. . TOPEKA, KANSAS. ANTHONY P. WILSON, Attorney v- 'C5 ZJi.t Unprecedented Succets of W. t II THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR V Who 1 known aL throughout the United y f-j States on account of bit wonderful cure. No poleona nor drugs used. He guaran tee) to cure catarrh, aithma. lung anJ throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, itomaoh, liver, and kidney, female com plainte and all chronic disease. SUCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular, indoaing 4 cents in tamp. THE C GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1021 Tint St, Corner Morriaon, PORTLAND, OREGON. Please mention the Aatorian ONE OF AMERICA'S FASTEST STEAM2RS Commencing Monday, May 14 STEAMER TELEGRAPH Will Make Round Trips Dally Except gundtty, Between. Portland, Astoria and Way Portt- TIME CARD Steamer Telegraph from Portland to Astoria. Leave Portland..- . .."-00 m- Arrive Atyt. . .1M) p. m. Steamer Telegraph from Actorla to Portland Lenve Astoria ......2:30 p- m Arrive PorUand ..9:00 p. m MEALS SARVED A LA CARTE Bteamcr Telegraph will stop at way land, lnpi both down ami op river when having pugHengerg to laud or by being sigualled- Portland Landing - Alder St. Dock Astoria Landing - - CallenJer Dock E. B. SCOTT, Agent, Portland Callender Navigation Co., agent Astoria. PHONE rail MAIN. A TicRet Mean more than your mere transportation if it 1 over (in. It mean that you will hay every luxury and comfort the utmost courtesy from all employ esa safe trip and n that will be a pleasure and delight. It is the -Short Line to C h 1 caft'o AND BEST AS WELL. Anything you wish to know about comfortable traveling will be gladly told by. R. V. HOLDER, Gen. Agt, 183 Third St. . Portland, Ore. ? ''i,'! ;i ,. ?' t . n v i u.'t ,-:. STRTHEATER P. GEVURTZ, Manager Last Week of the Brandon Players TONIGHT A Stirring Military Drama in Four Acts Summer Prices; 15 c, 25c and 35c ' SHEET MLJSC'": ANY SHEET OF 25c MUSIC Df .,. EITHER SHOW WINDOW , OR ON ? OUR SALE COUNTER IN THE STORE AND ANT TWO COPIES OF OUR toe EDITION FOR 43c WORTH FOR 34c. MONDAY TILL SATURDAY NIGHT. J. N GRIFFIN Books , . ..r.:f:,Jstatibtiery Souvettlers : 1 I The Art of Fine PlumWng M hat progressed with the deyelopment of the acience of S i (XP Mnuol we Dare kept oIL yrpA j. j pace wkh the btprorement. , jT a3jXX Hy too? r. pr ia your bathroom one of A? vSfe; SPI l?fef If roa are trJS ndnB the cioaed in" If too are fd3 nlng the "closed in" fixture of ten year ego, it would be well to remore them and install in their stead, tnowy white StaaMavdT Porcelain Enam eled Ware, of which we have lamples j. diiplayed in our ahowroom. Let ut quote J you price. IHnttratcd catalogue free. ?, A. Kon?gcmery, AstoriaJ PORTLAND WIRE AND Mllllf!p USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL WHtE and P i loMMa ntON WORK of ALL KINDS. 263 Handera -J i wirfirTnT iT1 St. WRTTJtXD. OR. SGOf BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS ASTORIA, OREGON SHGN AND BRASS FGuKDERS LAHD AND MARiNE ENOiHEERS Vp-to-fate Saw;!!!!! Slacblncrj'i 1'romrt atlenticn f repair work lSth and Franklin Ave. Tel. Main 2451 Sherman Transler Co. WENUY SHERMAN, Manaeer Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucka ard Furniture Wagons Pianos Mored, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 a u -.l .n.,.,,',, - t II I s si f-t firir."- ifci Good Sample Rooms on the Ground Floor for Commercial Men H. B. PARKER, E. P. PARKER, Proprietor Manager PARKER HOUSE EUROPEAN PLAN FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT Free Coach to the Houae Bar and Billiard Room Good Check Restaurant ASTORIA, OREGON