THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, i9ofl. FINANCIAL. - Fin National fiaoi REiORT OF THE CONDITION Or i lit 51 At Astoria, ia the Stat of Oregon, at tfa do of business, Sept. 4th, 1900, RESOURCES. Loan and Discount! , .$438,032.1? Overdrafts, secured and un secured 4.M9.TS t. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 25,000.00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 500.00 Bonds, securities, etc 45.090.00 Other real estate owned .... 3,000.00 Due from National Ranks (not reserve agents) 110,424.18 ime from state Hank and linkers 97,133.30 Due from approved reserve agents 170.377.TS Cheek and other cash items 894.531 Notes of other National Banks 30.00 Nickels and cents Lawful money reserve in Rank vii! Specie 192,000.00 coemption iund witn u. s. Treasurer (K rr cent wren. lation 1.250.00 Powder, 2 Packanes make nearly a uaiion. Costs 2a Cents 8tir the contents of one package into a quart of milk and frees. No cooking or boating, no eggs, au. gar or flavoring to add. Everything bat the toe in package. UCiniOOKFUX CITY NOTICES, j9 i f-JsLTT) ICECREAM S Flavor. lnarkftM. Iiwv,iirpTBU u urn DUU1 u. Appnina 07 wr mod VoauaiMlantrs IW Ccacst Pare tmi Cs U K T. ABSCESS. Total 1,055.923.92 ABSCESSES, with few exceptions, are 289.2! indicative of constipation or debility. W. H. Harrison, Cleveland, Miss., writes, Aug. 15, 1902: "I want to say a word of prsise for Ballards Snow Liniment. I stepped on a nail, which caused the cords of my leg to con tract and an abscess to rise in bit knee. and the doctor told me that I would have a stiff leg, so one day I went to J. F. Lord's drug store (who is now m Denver, Colo.). He recommended a bottle of Snow Liniment; I got 50c sue and it cured mv leir. T U frayed by special asement upon the lots, lands and premise benetltted by the Mime, which lots, Iund ami prcin U are Included in the special asses incut district including nil lots, lands and premise so benefitted to wltt Lot 7 and 8 in block 37; lot 5 and 0 in block ; M 1, 2, 7 and 8 In block IS2; lot 1, 2 7, and 8 in block 78; lots 1 and 2 in block 83; lot- 3 and 4 in block S2: lot 3. 4. 5 ami 0 in UUn-k 70; lot 3, 4 V and 0 in block 53, all in that part of the City of Atori n laid out and recorded by Jolm MH'liire and extended by Cyrus Gluey, in Clatsop Count v, State of Oregon. OI.OF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. 9-18 t NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. CITY NOTICES, HELP WANTED. LAUNDRIES. LIABILITIES. Capital stock said in ? 100,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undiided profits, less expenses and taxes paid .... 29,663.23 v... .... ' . 1 . National Rank nt ,,t. ww "n,ra' ln worl"- "' Undine 2S 000.00 8 Blor. sen Due to Stat Banks and Bank- er W-43 Heavy draft mare will grow a grade .ZT ;-,7J-0, l!raft "cry year that will sell uu& .viii bh vi i Demand certificates of de- readily at from ?,5 to $200 when three posit 206,358.33 924,19656 year old. These same mares when i . . . .... ired to a light horse, w.Il breed colts iul"1 i,uoo,.re th.t ,.Hn frnm s., . lnn . r. .-,. m I nor?e breeder m the we-tem states t c c nArjAM k. are turnint? their attention tn mntp A.f aj aj uviuvu vkjuivi vt sun awo I -" Btmed bank, do solemnly swear that the j because the latter mature more quick w" uw:juv is iiuq w kvuo ucofc ui iv ana generally bring hisrher prices. S. & GORDON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of September, 1906. C A. COOLIDGE, Notary Public. Correct Attest: G. C. FLAVEL, J. WESLEY LADD, w. f. McGregor, Directors. Pain from a Burn promptly Relieved by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A little child of Michael Straus of Vernon, Conn., was recently In great pain from a burn on the hand and as cold sppliwtion only increased the In- narams!i.-n. Mr. Strauss came t Mr. James X Nichols, a local merchant for something to stop the pain. Mr. Nich ols ssys: "I advised him to use Cham hcrlain'i Pain Ttulm n4 . fl. ... REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE plication drew out the Inflammation and gave immediate relief. I hare used this liniment myself and recommend it very often for cuts, burns, strains and lame back, and have never known it to disappoint." For sale by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. Astoria Nationa 1 Bank at Astoria, in the State of Orejron, at iue nose oi Business, sepi. n, mm. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $390,568.90 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 5,713.14 V. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12,500.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds . . 600.00 Bonds, securities, etc 43,406.65 Bankinc house, furniture and fixtures 4,000.00 Othr real estate owned 8,233.41 Due from State Banks and bankers 3,412.54 Due from approved reserve agents 197,071.12 Checks and other cash items. . 14.090.99 Notes of other National banks 390.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 818.30 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie $69,605.75 Legal tender notes.. 289.00 69,894.75 Certainly romebody with political as piranon h o0ir.: to be "put off" at Buffalo. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 625.00 Total $751,324.80 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 35,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid 14,652.82 National Bank notes outstand ing 12,500.00 Individual . deposits subject to check. .$359,937.57 Demand certificates of deposit 48,546.45 Time certificates of deposit 230,687.96 639,171.98 SPRAINS. S. A. Read, Cisco, Tex., writes. March 11, 1901: My wrist was sorained an nadiy by a fall that it was useless; and after using several remedies that failed to give relief, used Ballard's Snow Lini ment, and was cured. I earnestly rec emmend it to any one suffering from epraiuB. uivg jjrjg store. sep NOTk'K IS ntvRKHY ttl.VKN THAT the Common Council of the Citv of Astoria has declared its determination and intention to improve Franklin ave nue from a point feet t of the center line of Fourth street t point eijjltt feet East of the center line of Third street bv vradini; sai street to the established grade to the width of 20 feet throuiili the center thereof, and macadamizing nid street to the width of Id feet throuirh the center thereof. Said improvement shall be made bv grading said street to the width of 20 feet through the center thereof to the established grade and to a sub-grade of eight inche below the established grade to the width of 16 feet through the center thereof, with six-inch crown in the center and by macadamizing and filling in said street to the width of 10 feet through the center thereof with crushed rock or macadam to the depth of eight inches when thoroughly rolled. In mutter of detail naid improve ment shall be constructed according to the plans an dspecinYatinn.t therefor t be prepared bv the Citv Survevor a NOTICE OF Imreinafter provided and general or dinance No. 1901 and niiy matter of construction and drainage found neces sary to make the improvement safe or substantial -lull be done by the con tractor whether specified or not, with out extra charge. That the costs and expenses of con strueting said improvement shall be de frayed by special a.-ement upon the lots, lands and premises benefitted by the same which said lots, lands and premises are included in the special as sessuient di-trict including all lots, lands and premises so benefitted, to-wit: Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block 52; Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4, in Block 78, in that part of the Citv of Astoria as laid out and extended by Cyrus Glney, in Clat sop county, State of Oregon. OfF ANDERSON. NOTICE OF Auditor and Police Judge of the Citv of Astoria. 9-18-Ot essment district including all ht land and premise o bciiclltted, to wit i Commencing at the Northwest cor. ner of Lot 8, in Block 23, In that part of the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by John McClurr, and extend ed by Cyrn Olney, and running thence Hast through the middle of Block 25, 39, 38 and 37, lu MeCliire'a Astoria, and tract "A" of MeC'Iure1 A-torla a laid out and molded bv the Astoria Real Katate A Exchange Company, to the Northeast comer of Lot 5, In ald tract A," and running them South along the Fast line of said Tract "A" ami also the East line of Block 136 in that part of the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by John M. Shively to the Southeast comer of said Block 'M in said Shivelv' Astoria, and thence running West along the South line of said HliK'k 136 to the Southwest corner me west une of said mock Kill to a point where the West line of said Block 1 30 would tie interoeeted by the South line of Lot 4 In Block rt2, In that part of the City of Astoria laid out and recorded by John Met'lurc and extended by Cyrus Gluey, if extended Kist on straight line, and running thence West through the middle of Block 02. 61, 60 and 26 In.MeClure's Astoria to the Southwest corner of Lot One (!) in Block 26. and thence running North along the East line of Ninth street to the place of beginning, and containing all lots, lands and premies within the said above described district, which in cludes all lands lot and premise ben efitted by said improvement or repairs. Ot-GF ANDMHSOV. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. O H M jWANTEIV-TWO SMART BOYS TO - Q learn the printing burin, Apply DUTT0W H0LS T Tns Morning Astorlan, tf , ""T. ,. . Vour experience with It lias no doubt " " - '" lead to much vexitlon, possibly pro. SITUATIONS WANTED. faulty. Broke your fingernail trying to pry it up from the neck band. hr WANTEDLADY DESIRES TO DO You w.w't have that that experience If washing for gentlemen; leave clothe you send your shirt to usj w save yo at Cwwry". Livery barn, on Exchange thU tri)ubl-) wJ j of iwU ' street, and they w.Il l promptly at- ifcrt T , t0- TS0Y LAUNDRY; ( ' - ' Tntn and Duan St. Phone iooi LOST AND FOUND. .... ..... .. im'NI PICKED IT 2 I'APEIW OF SEASIDE ADVERTISEMENTS. Big Meh and 1 paper of Small Mesh 11 1 ,,,, Net, found outside of Scara bough hill; New building, New Furniture, 100 Room owner can have same bv calling at the . mm A Sc,,diavfan Cannery ..Id proving ,op; COLONIAL ROTEL . L1NDKLEY A SON, PropMeUr FURNISHED ROOMS. Modem and fp-to Date 11 EleeWo light, hot and cold water; FOR RENT Front room to tni per- free bu to ell train. Rats. 12.00 per on, down town. Apply to No. BHfl ly d up- Exchange atreet. tf SEASIDE. . OREGON. .. ..! 1 ...... " ""a BOARDING. JAPANESE GOODS. Room, with or without board. INEXPENSIVE rate reaionabte; good accotn- modatlon for tranalenU. 14th JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM and CommercUl. BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, BAND- MADE, TABLES, STANDS. CHAIRS, HOUSE MOVERS. " WHATNOTS. B00ECASES, 8HELY. specialty of house moving, carpenter, contractor, general Jobbing; prompt at tention to all order. Corner Tenth aad Duane. tf RECEIVING CITY. BIDS BY MU3IC TEACBER, WANTED-TIM! KK MCSIC I'lTILfi iniuire at Atorin offJc. Yokohama Bazaar 623 Commercial fit. Astoria. U0TELI MANDOLIN LESSONS OIVKX-MRS C D. Stewrn, 127 Seventh street. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO REPAIR. DRESSMAKERS NOTICE IS HEREBY WEN. THAT up to the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., on Monday, the 24th day of September, 1906, the Committee on Street and IV.l t! sj - . . I m.. V, v, uwmmgn l ouncu DRESSMAKING - Jlesdame Hawk A 01 me vuy or Astoria, win receive sealed Smith, 519 Duan tree Phone Red iild for Improving Bond street from 2325. jf a point 15 feet west of the Kat line of 42nd street to the West line of 44h treet, a ordered Improved by ordinance 3275, approved on the 21st dav of Augut( 1906. The right 1 reserved to reject any and all bids. J. ir. iiansen, P. A. STANGLAND, J. J. ROBINSON. Cmomittee on Street and Public Wavs. PROFESSIONAL CARD). ATTORNEYS AT LAW. RECEIVING BIDS BY CITY. CHAS. H. ABERCR0MBIE, Attorny-at-Law. General Petitioner. Notary Publlo. Room 33-3-Phon Main t05L Page Block, Cor. Commercial k 12th St, F. D. WINT0N, Attorney-at-Lav. Practice in all United State and CITY NOTICES. NOTICE. There is money in the citv treasurr to pay all warrants endorsed prior to Sept. 5, 1905. Interest will cease after this date. THOMAS DEALEY, City Treasurer, Atwna, Oregon, Sept. 11, 1906. -12-10t Total $751,324.80 State of Oreffnn. Conntv of f?latnn. si L George H. George, president of the aoove-named name, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GEORGE H. GEORGE, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me lins llLh day of September, 1906. M. C. MAGEE, Notary Public Correct Attest: GEO. W. WARREN, A. SCHEMNECKAU, L. MANSUR, Directors. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE WOOD YARDS. WOOD Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood 1 1 lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone 2191 Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite overs house. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Common Council of the Citv of As toria has declared it sdetermination and intention to improve 3rd street to a point eight feet south of the center line of Grand Avenue to the width of twenty feet through the center thereof and on the established grade. Said improve ment shall consist of grading said street to the establi-hed grade to the width of twenty feet through the center there of, and macadamizing said street to the width of sixteen feet through the center thereof with crushed rock or macadam to the depth of eight inches when thor oughly rolled and with a six inch crown in the center thereof, and said grade when the macadam is placed shall be to a depth of eight inches below the established grade. In maters of detail said improvement shall be constructed according to tlfe p'ans and specifications therefor to be prepared by the City Surveyor as here inafter provided and general ordinance No. 1901 and any matter of construction and drainage found necessary to make the improvement safe or (substantial shall be done by the contractor whether specified or not, without extra charge. That the costs and expenses of con structing said improvement shall be do- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Common Council of the City of 1 " I Astoria declared it determination and intention to repair Commcrvial street from the East line of Ninth street to the west line of Fourteenth street. Said repair shall consist of removing all the old street decking, from curb to curb, including the crossings, and between Ninth and Tenth streets, straightening up the stringers so as to bring the street to the established grade, and filling in where necessary to do so, and by re planking the street on the existing stringer from the East line of Ninth street to the West line of Fourteenth street with good sound yellow fir lum ber 4 inches in thickness by 12 inches in width. All old material that is suit-1 able for use in repairing streets shall be taken away and stored by the su jerintendent of streets as the same i taken up by the contractor, and that which is worthless shall be removed by the contractor at his own expense and not dumped under the roadway, and the decking on said street at the in terseetion of Commercial street and Twelfth street, or from the West line to the East line of Twelfth street, shall be surfaced on three sides, sized and well dried and upon said crossings when so replanked a coating of Elastic Cooked Asphalt to the depth ' M nches shall be placed, and rolled with hot Asphalt Roller, to present a smooth surface; said asphalt to be spread upon said intersection on the street decking. In matters of detail said improvement shall be constructed according to the plans and specifications therefor to be prepared by the City Surveyor as here inafter provided and general ordinance No. 1901, and any matter of construction and drainage found necessary to make the improvement safe or substantial shall be done by the contractor wheth er specified or not, without extra charge. That the cost and expenses of con structing said improvement shall be de frayed by special assessment upon the lots, lands and premises benefitted by the same which said lots, lands and NOTICE IT HEREBY GIVEN, THAT up to the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. on The cL: zrjizr: - - - 1 vm vn am mi Public Way of the Common Council of k. :. .... ... iuuuw sua j, i-ogan jiuituing, corner the City of Astoria, wi rece ve scaled rm..i , j ci . .l . . Commercial and Sixteenth atreet oppo- ... ,., 0. me cross- tIU O. R, A N. Companv dock Inrr Af Hn,1 linn n 1 A.U ... . -l ' ft """n .vievi, null um mreec, ordered Improved by ordinance No. 3290, approved on the Oth day of Sep tember, 1906. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. J. II. HANSEN, P. A. STANGLAND, J. J. ROBINSON. Committee on Streets and Public Ways. HOTEL PORTLAND Tinea. Hotel ln the Northwest PORTLAND, OHf. WINES, LIQUORS AND CI0AR1 THE SAVOY Popubr Concert Hall. Good music. All are waleom. Oar- Bar SrnU and Astor. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS St Eagle Concert Hall 320 Aitor St. Th'e leading amusement house. Agency for F-d(oq Pbonogripnt aad Gold Moulded Records. P. A. PETERSON, Prop OSTEOPATHISTI. DR. SS0DA C. HICXJ OSTEOPATH Office Manse), Did. Phone Black 0t 171 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. . i cm i NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT the Common Council of the Citv of Astoria ha declared it determination and intention to construct a sewer along the West side of Thirty-seventh street in Adair's Port of Upper Astoria from the North line of Duane street to the North line of Commercial atreet. Said ewer shall be constructed of vit DENTISTS. Dr. VAUGIIAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria. Oregon.' Dr. W. 0. LOGAN DENTIST rifled terra cqtta sewer pipe 14 inches 78 Commercial St., 8hanahan Building , . 3t 1 . . . I in uiumeier ano on ine proper grade to admit of sufficient drainage, and ln matters of detail said sewer shall be constructed according to the plans and specifications therefor to be prepared by the City Surveyor as hereinafter pro vided, and any matter of construction NURSES. 46 BOND ST, ASTORIA, OREGON Carries the Finest Line of Wines. Liquors) and Cigars CALL AND SEE US BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. MRS. JULIUS DAVIS (late of Portland) Graduate Nurse Rnval London lEnir.i. and drainage found necessary to make Hospital. Maternity cases requested. the improvement afe or substantial 1"5 9'h St. shall be done by the contractor whetn- er specified or not, without extra charge. That the costs and expenses of con structing said improvement shall be defrayed by special assessment uoon the lots, lands and premises benefitted by the same which said lots, lands and premises are included in the special as- uu.... umnuvv JfiiUdjiiff an 10 LB. I lands, and premises so benefitted, to- doughnut8,5c, at U. S. Restaur wit: Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 15, and ant. 434 Jioni St ion if c, 1 ana s in uiock 14. all In Adair'sPort of Upper Astoria, a laid out and recorded by John Adair and generally known as Adair Astoria in Clatsop County, Oregon. OLOF ANDERSON, FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or BEST to CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the r-ifv nt the viam AwujiiiKUJN, , , : ' Auditor and Police Judge of the City Rising Sun Restaurant. 01 Asiona. lot fil 2 nnmmArr! nlSf "PaleBphemlan LaAer Beer" THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and in bottles Brewed inner unltirv enn,uinn. ..j rwpcii kcu riKiu nere lu Aitorla, North Pacific Brewing Co, ASTORIA, OREGON. '( , - " Wl a1. mu ..uji M"ffl;pgiwBr..