The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, September 19, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    ttvtHMrai&Qi-taatnr u4m
Martin's New York
Is Made from Full Cream, Is Strictly Pure
and is the Best By Test
Orkwiti cover umbrIIl
Ifsw souvenir poiUU t Svenson's.
Dell I). Souily, Notary Public at
Boully'e Ogr Store. Any old hour!
Tb vtry best board to be obtained lo
tb city U at "Tb. Occident Hotel"
RaUs very raoaabl.
For Rent Nicely furnumed front
room and txiarU In private family. 208
Bond St. tf
Methodist Church Library Is Aus
piciously Started.
Delivers Initructlve Addreie to Young
Men oa Character Building and Sucr
ceit Large Number of People
MU Anna Campbell baa returned
from the eat and will return teaching
piano. Phone lied 2441,
Bow Do I look. To really your
'f a other you, get one of tliomt
new atyle mirror at Hart' Drug Store i
It price. A new upply juit received.
Hotel Irving, comer Franklin avenue
aod Eleventh afreet. European plan;
beat room and board la tb dty at rea
sonable priosa. tf
On the Road John Tuhrman, of Fin
land, filed hi declaration of In tout ion
in the matter of hi American cltueen
whip, with County Clerk Clinton, yesterday.
Have you en the latent entimental
song, "Dreaming of Day Gone By." by
lUldor Llllena of Astoria! On aale at
J, N. Griflla'. 91J-7t
For Quiet Game The Astoria Bil
liard Hall at 4.13 Commercial street, Im
jiint opened tip for business. For
quiet and gentlemanly game, of bil
liard visit thl up-to-date establish
ment. Cigar stand In connection, tf
Commercial Saloon Thle popular
place, aituated at 900 Commercial atreet,
1 up-to-date lo every particular. The
eholcett of wine and all kind of li
quor can be procured here. Beat qual
ity cigar, Billiard table In connection.
If you can't come In person, call up
Phone 1231 Main. tf
Body Found YestciMny morning the
body of Alfred OuMafson, the young
man drowned a week ago Sunday by
falling overboard from the launch
Zephyr, wa picked up off Harrington'
point by Charles Davis. The body was
taken to the Altonna Cannery dock and
later removed to thi city by Coroner
Pohl, pending arrangement for the
burin!, which will probably take place
To Form Cbu Ml Maude Van Du
en, who accomplished such successful
piano work the past two winter at
8t. Helen Hall, under teacher from'
European school, will form a dust of)
a limited number at her home, 030 Har
rison xtivet. Those contemplating in
the future a course at the Hall will be'
placed In Its line of work. Teacher
from the Leipslc Conservatory and the
Royal Conservatory of Berlin, and pu
pils under master of the piano are
ueh are employed by the manage
ment of fit. Helen' Hall.
At Hi Post Again Deputy County
Clerk (J. L. .1. Zlegler is t his post at
the court house again after his trip
to Kurope, to the gratification of his
many friends In thi city and county.
Mr, Zlegler report an Weal time in
Germany during the whole of his lour,
and bring the tang of contentment
with him. Mrs, Zlegler and the chil
dren, who have lieen sojourning in the
old country for the pat year, returned
with him and all w in fine health and
Die im Portlands-John Wilson, a
former well known reident of Atoria,
died in Portland last Monday of general
debility, at the age of 84 yearn. The
deceased was a native of Finland, and
had resided In Astoria for more than
30 years. The body was brought to
thi city yesterday from Portland and
the funeral will take place this after
noon at one o'clock under the auspice
of the Finnish brotherhood, of which
order the decead wa a member. The
Interment will be In Greenwood.
Ust nlfiU the Firt Methodist
church wit the scene of exercise mark
ing the (iM-nlng of the new library and
reading room, which I to be hereafter
one of the permanent institutions of
The principal speaker of the evening
wa U. ft. Senator Charles W. Fulton,
who )ioke on the upbuilding of charac
ter and the essential qualification for
true success. The senator spoke es
pecially to the many young men pres
ent, emphasising the idea that it i not
worldly wealth which count o much
nowaday, as the pro-session of a strong
and upright character.
"The world recoinilze the man of
strong determination and character, the
man who ha overcome the difliculties
in his way and never swerved from
the ritfht. It Is such men," he said,
"who attain true sucee."
Mr, Fulton was inclined to look upon
riches gained by Inheritance alone, as
more of a curse than a blessing, though
he said that such was not alway the
case. The mon born to wealth, he sold,
was inoiJ ant to prove a failur in
life than he who attained riches by
hard work.
It is only by striving and persever
ing that the full measure of ucees
can be gained. It la the resistance, and
County Falr-On October aoth, the
farmer residing in the Grays river sec
tion will hold a county fair, at which
time it is their Intention to exhibit the
finest of their farm products. The fair
will not be confined to farmer of the
(iray river district alone in the matter
of exhibits, but any one who wishes can
bring In an exhibit. The fair is to be
but the first of what will in the future
I an annual event, and will assuredly
lie a complete success.
Another Quintette Hon, T. A. Me
llride yesterday, in the circuit court,
formally admitted to American citizen
ship In full, by way of naturalisation
processes, the following named people:
Theodore Josephson, of Sweden; Cha.
Pernu, Henry Navala, Sam BergJ and
Herman Picttala, all of Finland.
The laxative effect of Chamberlain'
Stomach and Liver Tablet la 10 agree
able and o natural you can hardly real
ize that It Is produced by a medicine.
These tablet alo cure Indigestion. For
aale by Frank Hart and leading drug
SfteBest in the Land
(Salted Columbia River Royal
Chinook Salmon and Salmon
Bellies Put Up from Select
Spring Salmon
"is ' "
The School Bell Ring
School Books, Slates, Pencils and
Everything You Need for School
Svettson's Book Store
Some of the nice.t people in
4 the city live in furnished room; .
people are moving at frequent
. intervals. Tell them in a small
ad. how attractive your room
are. If your room are really O.
K., you'll have no trouble In get- 4
ting them rented through one of
our want ads. Try It. 4
then the surmounting of difficulties
whivo tend to bring out the best in
The inheritance tax and the doctrine
that all individual wealth should re
vert to the state upon the death of the
possessor, thus leaving all people alike
to start in life on an equal basis, as
regards riches, Mr. , Fulton said, had
much of wisdom in them, and though
he was not advocating such a radical
course, he stated that the future
would probably sec reforms In this di
rection. The senator's address through
out was listened to with the greatest
attention and at the close was warmly
llcv. C. C. Rarick, who has been the
prime mover iu starting the library
spoke interestingly. The library, though
not large at present, will undoubtedly
grow, and furnish a valuable place for
both old and young to pass many profit
able hours. There, are three table iu
addition to the library where all the
latest magazine and papers are to be
found. The opening last night was
truly auspicious.
Another big shipment of the San
Francisco earthquake books have just
arrived at the Astorian office and are
ready for subscribers. Come early and
avoid the rush.
John T. Shayne Has Conservator Ap
pointed for His Estate,
CHICAGO, Sept. 18. John T. Shayne
has been declared insane by a jury in
the county court and the American
Trust t Savings bank 1ms been ap
pointed conservator of his estate, In
stead of being sent to an institution
he was given into the custody of his
wife, Mnrtha Shayne.
Mr. Shayne for years had been the
head of John T. Shayne & Co., 'State
steet merchants, and he was a loader
in various civic movements. For 1?
months past he has exhibited signs of
mental disorder and his relatives final
ly decided to go before the court and
nsk the appointment of conservatorp.
Disorder from which he suffers is
declared bv physicians to be in the na
ture of softening of the brain and was
caused by overwork.
. .
'JiunattUlSt Cream
Sole Agents in
For these Hats
' 'SEX
Quality is the test which brings good dressers to Wise's Store.
Of course most stores nowadays proclaim the virtues of quality
but we let our goods speak for themselves. In these piping
times of Peace, of Plenty and of Prosperity cheapness has no
magic for the Wise buyer Quality is our goal. Quality is
our standard. '
Mrs, K. Whealdon, of The Dalles, ar
rived here yesterday on a tour.
T. O. Hilbonen of Chicago, wa a
business visitor in Astoria yesterday.
C. D. White, the Blake-McFall paper
man, is in the city on a business trip.
A, I. Strauss of Cincinnati, spent the
day here yesterday on business mat
ters. Miss Una Wilson of Payette, Idaho,
I in the city, a guest at the Hotel
Judge F. J. Taylor made a flying trip
to the coast country yesterday on the
noon train.
Samuel Elmore was a homing pas
senger on the Portland express at 11:35
yesterday morning.
S. L. Jones, the candy man from
San Francisco, was a business tourist
in Astoria yesterday.
J. II. Petheriek, Jr., of San Fran
cisco, spent the day in Astoria yes
terday on a business quest.
T. O. Poxton, of Astoria, has arrived
in the city to resume his studies in
the medical school. Salem Journal.
Henry Fisher of Svensen, came down
yesterday on the noon train to trans
act some business matters.
E. D. Doran, of Portland, arrived
here yesterday on the noon train, and
is quartered at the Occident.
Mr. and Mis. G. H. Meyer, of San
Francisco, were among the host of tour
ists in Astoria yesterday.
Hillas Gentry, the well known en
gineer for the Astoria Electric company,
left yesterday morning for the East,
on a visit to the home folks.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Brooks, of Mem
phis, were visitors in the City-by-the-Sea
yesterday, and were domiciled at
the Occident,
Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Cherry were pas
sengers out on the Seaside train yes
terday forenoon for a day's visit with
Hon. and Mrs. Isaac Bergman have
returned from the northshore ranch,
"Beaver Lodge," with their family, and
taken up quarters in their city home
for the winter.
J. J. Shea has arrived from Newport
to relieve J, H. Henry at the ticket
case in the A. & C. depot office. Mr.
Henry has entered the service of the
Pullman Car company.
Every part of the mucous membrane,
the nose, throat, ears, head and lungs,
etc., are subjected to disease and blight
from neglected colds. Ballard'a Hore
hound Syrup is a pleasant and effec
tive remedy.
W.. Akendrick, Valley Mills, Texas,
writes; I have used Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup for coughs and throat trou
bles; It I a pleasant and most effec
tive remedy."
Hart's Drug Store. aep
P. H. and S. A. Rinn to Frank
Spittle, warranty, undivided
Block 29, port of Upper Aa
toria 650
Frank Spittle to Minnie R. Heil
born, warranty, undivided i of
undivided of Block 29, Port of
I'nner Astoria ................ 325
P. H. Rinn to S. A. Rinn. war
ranty, undivided I interest in
Block 29, in Port of Upper As
toria 1
W. H. Walker and wife to Peter
M. Carlson, warranty, lots 4 and
5, Subdivision of Block 10 of
Shivelv's Astoria '.. 350
D. Falangos and wife to Manhattan
Packing Co., 300 feet of water
front property in Lot 4, Section
5. T. 8 N R. 6 W 500
The Brandon Players will present
their big success 'The Deserter," to
night at the Star Theater. Tomorrow
night "David Harum" is promised and
on Sunday afternoon and night only
"The Power of the Cross" will be the
All members of the Finnish Brother.
hood are requested to meet at their
hal ltoday at 1 p. 111. to attend the
funeral of our late brother, Jacob Wil
son. . E. GUSTAFSON,
NEW YORK, Sept. 18. A special to
the Times from Pittsburg, Mass., states
that the Aero Club of America is plan
ning the biggest demonstration in bal
looning that has ever taken place in
America. It is proposed to send up
five large balloons here in one day, each
balloon carrying from three to five pas
sengers. The latter part of this month
has been selected as the time for the
Those who will make the ascensions
are A. N, Chandler and H. Harry, of
Philadelphia; II. Clay Green, of the
Lambs club; George 1'. Butler," Beals
C. Wright, Raymond D. Little, Homer
W. Hedge, lo Stebens and Dr. Thomas
and party.
Monday, Sept. 17, our school books
are in together with large and assorted
lines of tablets, pencils, pens, composi
tion books, pencil boxes, ink, rulers.
colored crayons, school bags, book
straps, slates, and all the littl necessi
ties of the school year.
Come this week and get everything
except the books and you oan save time .
Monday. J. N. GRIFFIN.
Miss Olga Landen, Room 6, Pythiaa
Bldg., Commercial St Phone Black 2168.
has moved to 172 Tenth atreet, with a
complete line of new machines. We also
have a few slightly damaged machines at
a bargain. Phone Black 2284. tf.
We sell the Northwestern Storage
Battery, the very best on the market
for automobiles, gasoline launches, etc.
We have the finest and most complete
charging plant for storage batteries.
Recharging and repairing done. Expert
wormanship. R. R. Camithers, electri
cal supplies, 642 Duane street. t.f.
The person returning the largest num.
ber fo Jose Vila cigar bands to the
undersigned by October 15th will receive
a box of 25c Jose Vilas free to the
next largest one box 121c. Jose Vilas.
Save the bands. Victor Miller, corner
Ninth and Bond streets. " s-w-f.
NEW YORK. Sept. 18. United
Nited Senator LaFollette of Wisconsin
begun a week of speechmaking in New
Jersey at Mount Holly yesterday. He
spoke to a large and appreciative au
dience. In the evening he spoke at
Camden. Senator LaFollette is taking
part in the New Jersey campaign in
the interest of the Colby political re
for mmovement.
The pith of life, after all, is a good
feed. The good things of this life are
not as a rule easily found, so that it is
a pleasure to find so close at hand a
first-class up-to-date establishmeent,
whre one gets those good things at
every meal like the Palace Restaurant,
on Commercial street. The home of the
bon vivant. tf
You are wasting your time if you
are waiting for nature to do all the
work. Everybody needs a little help,
so does nature; assist her by taking a
course of Hollistert Rocky Mountain
Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. For sale
bv Frank Hart.
TAMPA, Fla., Sept, 18.-The Tatt
party arriving two and a half hours
late, boarded the government tug, Pick- .
ering, at Port Tampa, and proceeded to
the cruiser Des Moines, which awaited
the party at the quarantine at the
entrance to Tampa Bay. The cruiser
sailed immediately for Havana.