EIF Yy PEW Ml WO ILL K And Besides it Is the Dressiest Coat to be Found In Fact An Ideal Coat for This Coast We Have the Largest and Host Complete Line Ever Shown in the City PRICES $13.50 TO $30.00 clo,hcWMMd P. A. STOKES Public Confidence In Our GrentcHt Asfict gwr nni utinAnuuubnnt urit'o Hasulo Doin ill Kinds of Busi- no$ on River. FRENCH SHIP LAENEE DUE Northland team Down and Out for San Frsncisco W. F. Cannes En Route to Bay City Undine , Here on Special Trip. The steamer Hassalo, like everything elte on the river, It driven day and night to accomplish her engagements lor freight moving, and the did not get away for the metropolis yesterday until very nearly noon. Parser Harry Blancbard will leave her on her arrival t Portland and begin his two weeks' lay off. He bat earned it , all right, long with all the rest of the river men this season. The steamship Baraeouta will be down from Portland on Friday morning next, en route to San Francisco, and hat a big billet of freight awaiting her on the 0. R. 4 X. pier here. KILLS HIS ABUSER. BENEFIT OF PAROLE Louis Bixby Gets i Suspended Sentence in Court. WIFE AND MOTHER AID HIM The French thip Laennee should be down from Portland, en route to Eu rope, having left the metropolis yes terday forenoon. The schooner W. F. Garmes is due down from Portland, on her way to San Pedro. She is lumber laden, of course. The steamer Xorthland arrived down from Portland yesterday morning on her way to San Francisco, and got over the bar on the afternoon tide. The steamer Tiverton arrived in from from Ban Francisco yesterday and went directly to the piers of the Tongue Point milla, for another of her big load's of lumber, for the Bay City. The steamer Sue H. Elmore left out yesterday afternoon at 3:50 o'clock, headed for Umatilla. The steamer Undine came down yes terday morning on an extra run to the Young's River country, returning to the city last evening, and picked up the Lurline's regular business for Port land, leaving u pabout 9 o'clock. Cripple Assaulted by Enemy Draws Pis tol and Fires. VALLEJO, Sept. 1& One of the most sensational murders ever committed in this city was that of lal evening when Antone Aetley was shot three times and kilted by Bastlo Moro. The shoot ing took place on Georgia street at 7 p. in., when the leading thoroughfare of the city was crowded with people. and was exciting to a dejrre. Astley, who is a native of Greece, but who is married and has lived in this city for twenty years, knocked down and trampled upon Morb because the latter had had a son of the murdered man arretted for burglary. A short time ago Moro suffered a broken leg and I- still crippled from the accident. After Astley had kicked nim several time, sioro arose to nis ne piling of two devoted kins ,. . .. , . . . , . women n ue circuit courx yesieruav hts inside pocket, fired four shots at bis assailant. Three of the bullets mornin bJ on",'inff to do ia the took effect, while the other flew wide off placing of Louis Bixby in the list of its mark and scattered the crowd. parole prisoners of the State of Oregon. Officer Fmer was nearby and he hur- je WB, Mon Jtulj), M(.Bride, of the ried to the scene and arrested Moro, ., . . , . . . , . . . . upper court, on a charge of larceny of t-CSaV) Jl V lit PIUVRvlll If CajeVQ It Ullt til WILL ABANDON PLANT. Bench Warrant Issued for Defaulting Defendant Several Caset Set for Hearing Court Adjourna Until Friday Morning jffxt hand. Astley died half an hour later. Moro is now in the city prison, but it is not believed that he will ever be brought to triaL RU5 AWAY FROM HOME. CENTRALIA. Wash., Sept. 18.- Tommy McDaniels and Lawrence Wall, two small youngsters, ran away from of it, a gold watch and tM in cash from his chum and room-mate, Barnard John son, the act being committed some weeks ago in this city. On his appear ance in court yesterday be entered a plea of guilty, admitting that he stole Corn Products Refining Company Will Close Old Plant nd Build Niw. NEW YORK. Sept, ia-The Times publishes the statement that the Com Products Refining company has taken steps to meet the heavy competition in the West The concern bai decided to abandon the existing Taylor street plant in Chirago anil one In Peoria, which It has been demonstrated cannot be operated economically In the light of new competition. In fact the only plant in the section which will be con tinued Is the oe at Waukegan, which has been brought up to late. To re place the plans abandoned, plans have been prepared for a large elallihment j at South Chicago, which will cover 50 acres of ground and have a dully capa city of 50,000 bushel of com. With the Waukegan plant this wilt amount to more than one-half the company's present eruhing capacity. The new plant will be ready iu about two year. One of the officers of the company said that in addition to the new works works in South Chicago, the company intends to build a new plant either at Peoria, lit., or Pekin, Five million Hoi tara has been estimated as the cot of the South Chicago plant alntie. ASTORIA GROCERY PHONE, MAIN Mi. St3 COMMERCIAL STRUT. ECONOMY FRUIT JARS THE MOST ECONOMICAL AND CHEAPEST JAR IN THE WORLD AS IT WILL PAT FOR ITSELF IN THE FRUIT IT WILL SAVE. MADE IN PINTS, QUARTS AND HALF-GALLONS. Of 8TR0N0 CLEAR, WHITE FLINT GLASS WITH THREE-IN. WIDE MOUTH OF SMOOTH SURFACE, PERMITTING THE PRESERVINO OF FRUIT WHOLE OR IN LAYERS. Fresh Fruits of All Hinds GRAVENSTEIN APPLES.... FANCY ITALIAN PRUHES.. PER BOX t.oo ..PER BOX.. .50 FOR PALACE HOTEL. SAX FRANCISCO, Sept. 18.-Con- tract for all the structural steel r. k. .-.: i- .I.- , : . t ! : v. u . v. rr.J,,U8 fwd f(jr th ww JUU n thi. it because he was de-perately in need Centralis on Sunday and anxious par ents are now looking for them. The boys are thought to be headed for Port land. The Wall boy has been saving money for several months and before leaving home tool! a diamond shirt stud belonging to an older brother. The McDaniels boy "soaked" his father's watch for $2, borrowed more money and had his week's wages. The boyt are about 14 years old. The Wall boy is a very polite, red-headed little fellow and makes friends easily. McDaniels has! been a chore boy and shiner around the Commercial barber shop, and is also a pleasant little chap. HEAT WAS TERRIBLE. VICTORIA. C., Sept. 18. Tapanese paper report distressing experiences of the sixth regiment of the third division on route march from Nagoya to Chiru. In all 800 soldiers were incapacitated by heat, of whom 200 were sent to hos pitals suffering from sunstroke. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Alaska, Wrangell Strait, page 92, Danger Point Buoy, 8, a red first-class spar, reported adrift 27th August. Will be replaced as soon as practicable. Ilig wife and mother and young son and daughter were all present and as 1 soon as he had entered his plea, both women, who hold such close union and dependence with the unhappy man. begged the court to show him all the mercy possible under the law and their entreaties were augmented by the kind ly interposition of District Attorney Allen. Judge Mr-Bride heard all that could be offered in the premise, and then quiet ly sentenced Bixby to two years in the penitentiary, and immediately put the parole feature of the statute in force in the case, and directed the sher iff to enforce the sentence at any time be found the defendant drinking, ca rousing, frequenting saloons or in any manner conducting himself in an un seemly fashion, ordered Bixby to report to him in open court once a year, and then turned him over to his overjoyed family. city have been awarded with the as surance that the material will be de livered within four months after the specifications have lteen placed in the hands of the Eastern manufacture. The expedition in the delivery of this ma terial will, it Is believed, permit of the building being finished within two years. NEGRO SHOOTS WAITRESS. BKATTI.K. Sept. IH.-A special to the Poet-Intelligencer from Startup, Snohomish county, tells of a murder and suicide In which Kit'le Merton, waitress, was shot and killed by Jack Applcton, a colored man, who had been working as a barber at Snohomish. Appleton had been paying attention to the waitress for some time, but she rcjMed his suit. He paid all bills at Snohomish and came to Startup. He met the woman In the street and fired at her point blank. She fell dead. The negro then shot himself. But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Ramsey, "When my boy two year old he had a very sever attack of bowel com plaint, but by the um of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we brought him out all right." says Maggie Hlckox of MMland, Mich, This remedy can be depended upon in the most sever eases, Even cholera Infan turn Is cured by It. Follow tht plain printed directions and cur la certain. For aat by Frank Hart and Leading Druggists. tep Morning Astorlan, 00 cents per month. Delivered by carrier. MILL PLANT BURNS. URIAH, Cat Sept. 18.-Word has lieen received that the Gualala Mill plant is in ashes. The mill, cookhouse, machine shop, roundhouse, and one lo comotive were lost. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss will approximate $200,000. The property had only recently been sold to the E. K. Wood Lumber Com pany of Puget Sound. WANT PASTOR RETURNED. ROAST COFFEE TO SUIT ALL TASTES AND POCKETBOOKS REGATTA BLEND The Beet 25 Cent Goffee in Astoria F. & S. SPECIAL Superb Cup Quality for 35 Cents NOB HILL The best Roast Coffee that Money and the Best of Brains Can Produce. No Expense Spard to Perfect this Coffee, 40c Lb. ARABIAN EXTRA A Fair Coffee for 20c Pound FOARD STOKES CO. Astoria's Greatest Store CKXTHALIA, Wash., Sept. 18.-.U the last quarterly conference of the Centralis Methodist Episcopal church stronir resolutions were adrmted asking iue court men proceeueu wun me, that Rev. F. S. Pearson, the i.rcsent docket as it confronted him and the pastor in Centralis, be returned to Cen- several matters therein were called up by the attorneys interested and the following orders entered of record in the cases called, to-wit; Margaret Johnson, et al. versus John Haagblom et al., decree granted as prayed for, Nellie E. Parker, guardian, versus Elen Parker; decree granted as per stipulation. Etts Gee versus Syrencua Gee; decree granted as prayed for. Frederick L. Kruse versus John H. Malar et al; judgment by confession entered, Emile II. S. Mulder versus Gertrude L. C. Mulder; decree granted as prayed for. James Zambarlin versus Frank Mar ian! et al; demurrer argued. Fred Reans versus Arthur E. Peter son; motion to amend complaint over ruled and defendant allowed until Mon day, Oct. 1, 1906, to answer. State of Oregon versus Victor Block (oharged with stealing tt gillnct from Andrew Simonson); defendant arraigned and granted until Friday, Sept. 21, to plead. A tench warrant was issued by the court for the co-defendant, Larson, who was out on bail and (ailed to appear in court at the calling of the cane. The matter of If. L. Henderson ver sus E, F. Libke. was set for hearing on the 5th of October:. The State of Oregon versus Gil- bertson, set for hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 2, moo. At this point the court made an or der of adjournment until the hour of 9 o'clock a. m. on Friday, Sept. 28, 1906. tralia for another year. Under Hev. Mr. Pearson's direction, the past quar ter has been the largest In the history of the church. VOLIVA ELECTED, CHICAGO, Sept, 18. Wilbur Volivu was today chosen by the people of Ziou City as leader by the overwhelming majority of 1,911 to 0 over A. N. Hills. The election was under onler of the United States district court. The re sult practically makes Dowie an out east. Dowie refused to recognize the court's right to have a leader elected, and did not present himself as a candidate. NEW SUSANVILLE POSTMASTER. WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. Tames Stevenson has been appointed post master at Susonvllle, Or., vice James Beeson, resigned. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Plumb cheeks, flushed with the soft glow of health and apure complexion, make all women beautiful, Take a (mall dose of Herbine after each meal; it will prevent constipation and help di gest what you have eaten. Mrs, Wm. M. Stroud, Midlothian, Tex., writes, on May 31. 1901: "We have used Herbine in our fam ily for eight years and found It the best medicine we ever used for con stipation, bilious fever and malaria." Hart's Drug Store, aep U)Q Store for Woman 4$ Ghc iLr BEElfSHIVE Ladies' Outfitters ECONOMY DAYS At &f)e Bee Hive BEGINNING TODAY ARE THE STARTING OF ECONOMY DAYS. WE ARE WELL SUPPLIED WITH NEW FALL GOODS AND YOU WILL FIND UNPARALLELED VALUES THROUGHOUT THE STORE. EVERYBODY CONCEDES AND ACKNOWLEDGES US ASTORIA'S FAVORITE STORE. OUR SIMPLIFIED METHODS OF SERVICE MEAN THE GREATEST SATISFACTION TO OUR THOUSANDS OF PATRONS. THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE BUSI NESS CAREER THE BEE HIVE HAS ADHERED STEADFASTLY TO THE PURPOSE OF BETTERMENT IN EVERY BRAND, FA CILITY OF STORE SERVICE IS ABLY SECONDED BY THE BEST AND PROMPTEST DELIVERY SYSTEM. &e Bee Hive Prices THEY ARE THE MIGHTY MAGNETS THAT NO ONE CAN RE SIST.. NO ONE WITH AN ATOM OF ECONOMY WOULD TRY TO RESIST THEM. THE BEE HIVE ALWAYS IS CONVINCINGLY ELOQUENT OF REAL SAVINGS. Yesterday we received by ex press a special shipment of 50 skirts for Fall and Winter wear. The latest Novelties in plaids, Blues, Blacks and Gray Effects; we guarantee perfect fitting in ev ery respect. All the new and at tractive styles. On sale at this ridiculous low n IE price ,. W&t 17 ll New goods for school dresses in all the new and latest plaids I double fold. A large assortment to select from, per yard, so cents. ...wool Trecots In all the new colors, guaranteed to all wool, per yard.... b,23c JU.Hi I I UIHU) for quilts; children's dresses and dressing Sacques, largest assort ment in Astoria and bed-rock prices. The choice new dress goods and silks for autumn are seen at their best now at the Bee Hive.. All fabrics that are new and desir able find a place in our most ex cellent ock and you are welcome to look them over at any time, 46 to 54-inch suitings; new ar rivals; all the latest 1 In shades of Grays, plain, mixed, checked, shadow plaids and stripes. Pure Silk Taffeta A Silk war ranted not to break, per yard, 69c. Plaid Silks in all the very latest color combinations, QQr something new OC Immense assortment rf furs, all new styles for the season, ranging in prices from the cheap hare fur at $1.35, to the elegant fur at $40