SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER o( I9o, THE MORNING ASTORIA N, ASTORIA, OREGON. Wta r r n J ' 0 1 1 r i y c l. ulniu GOG u OG nnnnn nnnnn UGGVJU G UUUUvU i 1 1 ii 1 1 ii if i I I I ii ii ii 1 1 i i ii n i LJ J UUU t PI bi Mi Mi Tt WEN At C. H. COOPER'S HAMMOTH STORE 4 2f Worth of the very best merchandise made will be sold regardless of cost. In order to realize and close this stock out as soon as possible goods will almost be given away. We must sell it out. This stock consists ol High Class Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Etc., Etc. It is unnecessary to quote prices as the same will be marKed so ridiculously low that it will be a ' scramble to get them. We especially call your attention to our New Fall Line of Clothing just re ceived during last week that will be sacrificed. era D i I II H I & I ivii H T All Merchants Desiring' to Purchase Goods in Bulk will please Call from 8 to 9 A. M. 529-533 .Commercial Street ASTORIA, OREGON Store will be Closed on Monday and Tuesday, September 17th and 18th to Prepare for this Great Sale Watc "0. t for the .116 F o 8