THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER it, 1900. ijmwiiiuiiujiji WW, NOW ON DISPLAY We Have Secured the Sole Agency for BUCK'S In Addition to the Sole Agency for vStoves and Flames This Gives Us the Best atid Most Complete Assortment of Stoves Ever Shown in Astoria A High Gracfe Buck's Bucks Wood Heater Heaters But Not High in Price Made in Three Sizes The Celebrated SUPERIOR Hot Blast MADE IN SIZES SJL7ITABLE FOR THE HOME OR PUBLIC BUILDING A Medium Price Buck's Wood Heater A Fuel Saver 7x Ml BUCKS j mm AnOpenFront Buck's Heater Will Make Your Home Cheerful during the long Winter Nights EITHERCOAL OR WOOD The Famous Superior Wood Heater None Better Try One I JsuperiorM AIR TIGHT. The Well Known Superior Air Tight The Result of 70 Years Expedience In Stove Building Made in all sizes t i .i Superior HOT BLAST Our .Guarantee as well as the Factory's Goes With this Heater SUPERIOR RADIATOR A Coal Burner that Cannot Be excelled for the Radiation of Heat fit SUPERIOR iy RADIATOR V SUPERIOR HOT BLAST Sold on Trial Try One Complete House Furnishers