WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER u, ijofl. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. t V Latest Quotations In the Portland Marked Oomattte Market RsporU Corrsctsd laoi Day Glrtng tfa Wholsaale Priei trf Cemaodltlta, Firm Product ant vg. " . PORTLAND, flopt, 10.-Mr, Ncttcr, of Klalwr, Wolf & N(-ttr, y thl morn tog that rHirU coming In from thl llnlft roitrfrnlnjj tlis Imp wiip are quite conflict liur, In 'mm localltlm much lljihtnr ylrlj than flgnmil upon l Mug bulhl, whllo from lirlKlilorliij liK-alltiit will come along ri'pott that th crop u running uver lat year welilit. I n Art tli clrrunmUn. the firm referred to li Inclined to think that It etliiit made soiii ilnyn bjjo will aland rcvUlon hn hnrve.l I IIiiMuhI, The tlrm' report frnm Washington hop dUtrli'U woulit "m'piii to I'M 1 1 for lowering the ntlmst for- t tint Mule, a th ravaga of th ml spider arc Mid to I iiiuiIi greater than wnt fig urd on t Aral, Thi I a fair pro' peel, however, that the yield lit the Vaklma ''Ulrltt will run over the e. timate and in that roar the thin yield (lowlier may l made up. One fc. tur of the Washington report l that In several largr yard liter I evidence Of cateleM rultivatlon, the growth of weed In some m- nrarl.v choking out the vine and ftiniUhing excellent lured -Inn placet for pla. Tht tgg maiket continue quite strong and while iS cent la quoted by moat Wading commuaion noun, there are here and there to be found firmi that same WlflOc for flrat-elaaa candled food. Receipt were tomewhat better thl morning, but th market U by no Biean oreraunplled. Poultry remain steady with very good receipt, though a Withy demand keep the itockt from accumulating. Grain, Flour, Feed. Wheat - Walla Walla, 64c j Valley, fl7c; biualvin, C9f red, 02c. OaU-Whlte, r.300 gray, K2.00. Corn-Whole, f2"i cracker 128 per ton, ltr!rynrelng, I22.); feed, 21j rolle.l, 22ft3. Kye- IUW per cwt. Itmkaheat 138.00 per ton. FlourHard wheat patent, 94.10) straight, $3.18) graham, 360 rye. ISOOj whole wheat flour. 3.7 B) Valley flour, MSOSSeSj Dakota. l4.30flJ.80j But em nre, IS.eOi PHIsbury, W Mi Corralli. 13.70.' Mlll.turTs-Mlddliiig. 225 chop, 15 bran. 110; borU, 117. Hay-Valley, timothy, ll(S:12.50j Eastern Oregon, !3?flfl; clover, I'Sj cheat, 7.508! alfalfa. 111. (.pain bag Forrlgn and domestic. Produce. Jtut tenountry creamery, 5c; city creamery. f23j tore, 15,c; butter fat, 2itc, Poultry Old rottcr, 80ej l3aUc, frver and groiler, MM 15 hen, lie; DomeeUo fruit StrawbsrrlM. local, 1.7o2.28 orate i apricot, $1.60 2 oraU) peach, ll$!.28 boat plume, 155 (BU0 boi cberrloa, 75cTbl.2J crate bulk, affiCo per lb goossberrN, e7 lb oumute, IOo lb) red raspberries, 8IPo per Ibj Loganberrlri, $U01.7o orate. Vegetable. Pot toe Fancy, old, lOipSci ordl- Bry, In oountry, 40 (J 50c j jobber' price, 80($08o per 100 lb nw, llfjljo per lb. Cabbage Per lb, l(3)2c cauliflower, M01.2S per doieni anrgu, Walls Will, $1.00 crato fancy local, 4045o m doten buncheat paraley, 28o down) hothouae lettuce, 8Oc($tl,00 box) bead, 28o doieni lncb, i$6 lbj oucumbori, local liotbouM, 7ftc(1.00 doteni Cali fornia, $1.40 box artichoke, flOo per doaeni rhubarb, 33o lb i pea, 46o brana, OlOci garlic, lOci red pepper, dry, 202ac Chile. 20c lb; green onion, l2o doien buncbee; green corn, 40c doaen) canUloupe. special, $1.S0(2 pony crate, $0.60i37 egg plant, 40o lb. Onlont-New California, red. lil! roU, 7Sc(g$1.28s UtU, $I.602 radl.he 1291So dozen bunchea. Tomato Mexican, 2TI,225 Mll i''l. $2r2.28 local. 28 lb) Sumrmr uaah, I1.2S box. Frert Meat and Flih. Frh meat-Vl, medium, 74 to 100 II. lift 7c 100 to 180 lb, (?.0ci 150 to 200 11. 6Slc) 200 lb and over, 30;4o) pork. (8ci heavle. 7(S8ci beef, bulla. So) cow, 4icpes tt. er. fi(J6tjj mut ton, medium Ue, IHa; Urge, 5'! 8c; Spring lamb, 8ig8o. Clam Hardahell, per box, 12.00) raor oktm, $2 per box. Oyter-8hoalwater Bay, per gallon, $2.00 j Olympia, per sack, $5.00) Eoatern trantplanUd. $1.00 per 100. FUh Oraba, per down. $1.50) Shoal- water Ihy oyater, per tack, $400) oy.ter, gallon, $2.28) halibut. 6c black cod, 7cj Uia. per lb. 20ej herrinf, 5c) tloumler 5c catfUh. Ooj ellver smelt, 7c) shrimp, 10c p. rch, 5c j tturgeon, 9c i trout I2rj black beta, 23o; chlnook almon, Po; steelhead, 8c; thad, 4c. Sugar, ack baal fiolden C $4.43) extra C $4.55) powdered. $5.15) patent cube. $3.30; cane, D. O., $5.05) fruit uigar, $5.05) beet sugnr, $5.85) C. & H. bheet, $4.05) barrel, cwt. 10c kegt, cwt, 23c) le, cwt 60c advance over sack U.I. (lea o lb If paid for in IS days). Coffee Mocha 24g28c Java, fancy, 28($32o Java, good, 20$24c Java, or dinary, I720c) Coat RJca, fancy, 18 20ci Coata Rica, good. 1218c; Ar- buckb-a, lOfte per lb t Lion, )4!c per lb) Columbia coffee, 14lc( Salvador, Hi 18c Itlca Imperial Japan. No. 1. $3.85 1 Southern, Japan, 8c) broken, 4c) bead, fancy, 7oi bead, choice, Clo. Salt-llalea of 75-2, bale, $1.60) bale of 00-3, bale, $1.00) bale of 40 4. bale. $1.60) balea of 13-10, bale, $1.80) bag, 50c; fine, ton. $12.00) bag. 60 lb, genu ine Liverpool, ton, $18.00) bags, 60 lb, ground. 100a. ton. $0.00) R. S. V. P. 10 5 lb cartona, $2.23) R. 6. V. P, 24 3 1b carton, $1.76) Liverpool lump, ton, $10.50. Ilean-Small white, 4lo; large white, 3c; pink. 3lcj bayou, 4Joj Lima, 61c) Mexican red, 6c. NuU-Walnut. No. 1. oft eholl. 17c) N'o. 1 hard (hell, 10c; Chile, 13c; almond, drcited chicken, 14ft. 13c) K,,fe' ''.! 17 18ci fllberU, 16c ItratlK Iflc) pe Bfillci diced, IKffllic; turkey, live, eana. 13r31Bc hickory, 8c ) Virginia jva- V lfllTcj drewed, 1720r; duck, old, nut. 8c) Jumbo Virginia peanuts, 8e; )minal, aprlng duck, 1K&12JC) pigeon, Japaneee peanuta, Be; chestnuts. lUlian, t $l.00(il.23; xriunba. $1.732. He; cocoanuta, doien, 8500c. 1 f i It -r . Honev-nrk. 10ir311ci amber, mS uuva oii-tamornia. ,ht gaoon, e-.ii 13c fancy while, 1415. Checxe Young America, 1414Jc; Oregon full cream, IliUa. 1313o. KgRS-Fresh Oregon ranch, 2528e. Fruit. Tropical fr.ilt ttananaa, 6c per lb; pineapple, $4.50(38 per doreni lemon, fancy, $0) choice, $5p.80j atandurd, $4.50 lioxi orange, fancy navel. $4 4.50; Med. sweets, $3.784.00 box) grnpe fruit, $44.60 omte) llmea, 78o per 100, , quarts, per cn doren, $7.25) pinU, 2 doscn, $8.50) I plnts 4 dozen, $0. Pig Whit, lb. fl7c) black, 67o. to 20 per cent lea) horso hides, salted latM flolden, 001b boxes, 7o) Mb $1.50(5:2.50, according to slzej dry, ao- ProvUlona nam, to sic, 14ot hams, picnic, lOlcj bacon, regular, 18c) bacon, fancy breakfast 20c i dry salt tides, lllo) back dry salt, 11 1-tc ritklawl goods-Pickled pig' fact, 1 barrels, $3) -barrels, $2.76) 18-lb klU, $1.25 1 pickled trip, barrel, $6.00) 1 barrels, $2.78) 15 lb kits, $1.26 j pickled pig' tongues, barrel, $8) t-barreis, $3) 16-lb kit, $1.00) pickled lambs' tongues, ibarreli, $9j J barrel, $8.60j 15 lb klU, $2.76, 8auga Portland bm, lSlo per lb) minced ham, lOot Summer ,cholce dry, 17io) bologna, long, 7oi weinerwunt, 10c) liver, 6c i pork, 9c ) blood, 6oi head cheee, I2i! bologna auage, link, 6c Lard Kettle-rendered) Tierce, Hie tubs, lllo; 80. lllo; 20, life; 10. 12c ) 6, 12ic) Standard pure, Tierce, lOioj tub lOicj 60s, 10ic) 20s, 10o) 10., llo; 5, 18ic. Compound, Tierce, 71cj tubs, 7Ici 60. 7!c) 10. $ic 6. Sio. Canned salmon Oi'umbla River, 1-lb Ulle, 1.86) 2 lb tall. $2.60) fancy, l ib flat, $2.00) i lb fancy flaU, $155) fancy Mb oval. $2.78; Alaska tall, pink, 00c; red, $1.45) nominal, 2, tall, $2.00. Cereal food Itollml oats cream, 801b sack, $7.00) lower grade, $5.50 6.50; oatmeal, steel cut, 50-lb sacks, $8 bale) 101b tack, $4.25 per bale) oatmeal (ground), 601b aacka, $7.60 par bale) 10- Ib ack, $1 per bale; split peas, $4.50 per 1001b aaok) 251b boxes, 1125; pearl barley, $4.75 per 100 lb 25-lb boxes, $1.23 per box; pastry flour, 101b sacks, $2.50 per bale. Oil, Lead, Ete, Coal oil Pearl and astral oil cae. 10c per gallon) water whit oil, iron barrel, 13Jc; wood barrel, 10c; eocene oil, cse. 21ic elaioa olL caes, 2"ic; extra star, cases, 22 lc; headlight oil oo e 21c; iron barrel, 16ic Denzlne Slxtythr.e degree. eae 20c; iron barrel, 15i& Turpentine -In caea, 88c ) in wood barrels, 83c; in iron barrel, 7Be; in 10 case lota, 85c Llneed oil Raw, S-barrc lota, 47c, 1 barrel lota, 48c ) in ces, 63c. Boiled, 6 barrel lot. 40c; 1 barrel lot 50c; la cane. 65c. Gaoline Stove gasoline, caae, 24 c; iron barrel, 19c; 88 degree gasoline, case. 33c j iron barrel or drums, 27c ) 72 degree cases, 2flcj iron barrels, 20c; engine diitillate, Iron barrel, c Id Strictly pure white lead and red lead In ton lots. 7c; 6001b lota, So; less than 600 lbs. 8ic Wire nails present base at $2.60. Rope Pure Manila, 14lo standard, 13ici Sisal, lie; lle brand Siaai 10c IIops Choice, 1906, 11 ft 12c ) prime. 10llc Wool Valley 2226c Eastern Ore gon, 18(S;22o aa to shrinkage. Mohair Choice, 28f 30c Tallow Prima, per lb, 3($4cj No. 2 and grease, 22c. Feathera Oeese, white, 3540c; geese, gray or mixed, 25(5, 30c; duck, white, 18 20c) duck mixed, 1215& Caacara aagrada (Chittlm bark) 2 4c Oregon grape root Per 100 Iba, $34 Bewx Good, clean and pure, 21 24c per lb, HidiDry: No. 1, 18 lbs and up, per lb. 18ll)ci kip, No. 1. 1820o accord ing to size; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third lcs than dry flint) low grades, 23c per lb leas; salted, steers, 60 lb and up, 10(3 11c; under 60 lbs, btecra and cows, 910c; stags and bulls, 7c; kip, 15 to 30 lb. 10c per lb; veal 10 to 14 lln, 11c; calf, under 10 lbs, U12c) green ,unaltcd. lo per lb less; sheep kins, shearling. No. 1 25 30c; short wool, No. 1. 4000c each) medium wool. No. 1, $1.252 each) murrain pelts, 10 DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU NEED SHOES FOR THE RAINY SEASON THAT HAS NOW MADE ITS APPEARANCE package, 8c; Fsrd, lS-lb boxes, $1.40 box. Candled peels Citron, 101b boxes, 25o lb) 5-lb boxe. 25c; lemon peel. 101b boxes, 15o lb) 61b boxes, lSJo; orange peel, 10-lb boxes, 15o lb) 51b boxes, I6ic TIDE TABLE, SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER, 1908. High Water. A. M. Date. Mnturdny Sutiirduy 1 Sundny , 2 , Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 6 Thursday' 0 Friday 7 Rnturdny 8 Sunday 9 Monday , ' 10 Tuesday H Wednesday '2 Thuiwdny , 13 1'Vidav 14 Saturday 15 Sunday 18 Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday , Friday . . . Raturdny . Sunday , . Monday , . Tuesday . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday . . Saturday 29 Sunday 30 17! ....19 . ; . .20 ....21 ....2a . . . .23 . . . .24 .". . .25 . . . .20 ....27 ....28 P. M. h.m.lft. h.m. I ft. '." 12:12 7.5 11:53 8.8 12:50 7.8 0:39 8.7 1:24 8.1 1:20 8.0 1:67 8.2 2:00 8.2 2:30 8.2 2:40 7.7 3:05 8.2 3:21 7.3 3:40 7.0 4i03 6.7 4:18 7.8 4:53 6.2 4:67 7.5 6:60 6.7 6:45 7.3 7:01 6.6 0:44 7.2 8:18 6.(1 7:48 7.1 0:25 0.0 8:51 7.3 10:17 0.5 0:60 7.6 11:00 7.1 10:42 8.0 lli40 7.0 11:30 8.4 12:15 8.2 0:10 8.0 12:53 8.6 1:01 8.7 1:30 8.0 1:47 8.0 2:08 9.0 2:U 8.3 2:47 9.0 3:26 V.8 8:30 8.9 4:23 7.2 4:20 8.6 6:21) 0.0 6:16 8.2 0:47 0.2 0:23 7.0 8:12 0.3 7:38 7.7 9:25 0.7 8:55 7.7 110:21 7.1 0:03 7.8 111:07 7.011i00 B.l 11:45 8.011)47 82 SEPTEMBER, lnoft. Low Water. Date. Kiitiirdnv 1 SUNDAY 2 Monday 3 Tuesday Wednesday . . . . . Thursday Friday Saturday 8 SUNDAY 0 Monday 1( Tuesday 11 Wednesday 12 Thursday 13 Friday 14 Saturday 16 SUNDAY 10 Monday 17 Tuesday 18 Wednesday 19 Thursday 20' Friday 21' Saturday 22 SUNDAY . 23 Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday 20' Thursday 27 Friday 28l Saturday 29 SUNDAY 30 A. M71 P. M. Jh.iir.l ft7)i.m'. ft. "6:58-6.3 6:09 0:40-0.4 6:64 2.2 I 7:10 -0.2 7:35 1.9 7:53 0.2 8:10 1.7 I 8:27 0.8 8:47 1.8 8:68 1.3 0:27 1.0 0:28 1.9 10:07 1.7 10:05 2.5 10:62 1.7 10:47 3.1 11:42 1.8 11:33 3.5 0:40 1.812:33 4.0 1:42 1.7 1:50 4.1 2:48 1.5 3:07 4.1 3:46 1.1 4:08 3.7 4:35 0.7 4:69 3.2 5:20 0.4 6:43 2.5 0:00 0.3 6:22 1.8 0:41 0.2 7:00 1.2 7:10 0.4 7:43 0.7 7:50 0.0 8:28 0.4 8:40 1.2 0:15 0.3 0:28 1.810:18 0.3 10:17 2.511:08 0.5 11:14 3.2 0:18 0.012:25 3.6 1:33 0.7 1:48 3.8 2:48 0.0 3:11 3.5 3:53 0.4 4:10 3.0 4:48 0.3 5:14 2.4 5:30 0.3 5:59 1.9 cording to size, $11.50; colts. 2550e each; Angora, wooled, 30c lb 1.50; goat, common, 1520o each. Seed. Clover, red. per 100 lbs, $15.50; do mammoth red, $10.50; do Alsyke, $18.00; do white, $18.50; alfalfa, $15.00; timothy, $5.50; English rye, $8.00; Italian rye. $8.50; Kentucky bluegrass. $15.00; Bromus Inermis, $13.00; orchard grass, $14.75; red top, $12.00; vctchea, $3.50) field peas, $3.00. Building Material. Lime $1.50 per bblj imported cement $3.75 per bid; California cement, $3.50 per bblj wood fiber plaster, $14, not, per ton ; plaster of Paris. $3 per bbl : plaster ing hair, 3io per lb) firebrick, $42.50 per M; fire clay, $20 per ton; metal lath, 1025o per yard. Common rough, per M, $13.00) di mension sizes, $12.00x514.00; sidewalk and street, $10.00(12.00; stepping, $30.0032.O0; flooring, $15.0032.00) rustic, $18.0028.00) ceiling, $18.00 28.00) finishing, $18.0028.00) paving blocks, $14.00; laths, $2.002.25; cedar shingles, $2.10. As a dressing for sores, bruise and burns, Chamberlain's Salve is all that can be desired. It is soothing and heal ing In its effect. It allays the pain of a burn almost instantly. This salve is also a certain cure for chapped hands and diseases of the skin. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. sep JUST ARRIVED FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN CHARACTERISTIC FALL STYLES SMART DESIGNS That Please the Eye, Lend Comfort to the Fset and Give Perfect Durability. THE BEST MADE Dr. A. Reid'i Cushioned Shoes Inves tigate the quality and be convinced. OUR SPECIALTY LINE Of Loggers' Shoes Guarantees Satisfaction to the Wearer. None Better on the Pacific Coast but a Leader of All. S. A. G1MRE 543 Bond Street, Opposite Fischer Bros. Parker House Oregon Restaurant NEW AND FIRST-CLASS DINING- ROOM. ALL THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Corner Ninth and An tor btreeta. Phone Black 2184. ONE.OF AMERICA'S KASTE8T STEAMERS Commencing Monday, May 14 STEAMER TELEGRAPH Win JIuke Kound Trio Dally Except KUtiduy, Between. Portland, Astoria aud Way Port' 1 j T:t'."M TIME CARD Btenmer Telegraph from Portland to Antorla. Leave Portland....................70 a- m- Arrlve Atorl...... 110 p. m. Steamer Telegraph from A (oris to Portland Leave A'torl ... ..Ji10 p- m Arrive Portland....... .... 9:00 p. m M It ALU 8ARVED A LA CARTK" Steamer Telegraph will atop at way land, lug both down and up river when bavin paueufers to laud or by being lulled- Portland Landing . Alder St. Dock Astoria Landing - - CallenJer Dock E. B. SCOTT, Agent, Portland Callender Navigation Co., agent Astoria. PHONE 2211 MAIN. NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED Properties and Business of all kinds sold quickly for cash in all parts of the United States. Don't wait. Write to day describing what you have to sell and give cash price on same. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Business or Real Estate anywhere, at any price, write me your requirements. I can save you time and money, DAVID D. TAFF, THE LAND MAN 415 Kansas Avenue. T0PEKA, - KANSAS. The American Collection Agency No fee charged un 1 e a a collection i s made. We make col : lections in all parts of the United States. 413 Kansas Ave. T0PEKA, KANSAS. ANTHONY P. WILSON, Attorney Unprecedented Success of DR. I i I THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR ' Who is known .throughout the United A r.1. 1 r uoiai3 on account; 01 Si his wonderful cures. No poisons nor drug used. He guaran tees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness, stomaoh, liver, and kidney, female com- lainrs and all chronic diseases. UCCESSFUL HOME TREATMENT. If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. THE C GEE WO MEDICINE CO. 1021 First St.. Corner Morrison, PORTLAND. OREGON. Please mention the Astorian SHEET MUSIC SALE ANY SHEET OF aje MUSIC HT EITHER SHOW WINDOW OR ON OUR SALE COUNTER IN THE STORE AND ANY TWO COPIES OF OUR 10c EDITION FOR 24c ' J 45C WORTH FOR 140. MONDAY TILL SATURDAY NIGHT. J. N. GRIFFIN Books Stationery Souveniers STARTHEATER Big Success of the Brandon Players In a Four-Act Drama of Southern Life HEART OF KENTUCKY Summer Prices; 15 c, 25c and 35c r The Art of Fine Plumbing hat progressed with the derelopment of the science of sanitation and we hare kept pace with the improvements. Hare roof Or Is jam bathroom one of the old tasbJoaed, unhealthy kind ? If Ton are adflnsJng the "closed in" fixture of ten years ago, it would be well to remove them and install in their stead, snowy white Steads Porcelain Enam eled Ware, of which we have samples displayed in our showroom. Let us quote yon prices. Illustrated catalogue free. I, A. Montgomery, As( i : THE UNION GAS ENGINE COMPANY Marine and Stationary Gas and Gasoline Engines. WE ARE NOW FILLING ORDERS FROM OUR NEW WORKS. WRITE US FOR PRICES AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. F. P. Kendall, General Sales Agent, 6i-66 Front St., Portland, Ore. .' Weinhard's LAGER BEER 7 Uye G 3L C. F. WISE, Prop. M Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Hot Lunch at all Hours ASTORIA Merchants Lunch From 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p an. 95 Centi Corner Elevent h and Commercial OREGON Sherman Transter Co. HENRY 8HERMAN, Manaaer Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucka ard Furnltura Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121