SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER t, 1908. THE MORNING ASTOUIAN, AfjTOHI A, OREGON. NEW THEATRE AL HOST FINISHED ONE PIANO NUMBER WITH EVERY $5.00 PURCHASE ORDER NOW Bartlett Pears for Cann ng TODAY $1.25 THE BOX HANDSOME PLAY HOUSE NEARING COMPLETION WILL OPEN FOUR WEEKS, FROM LAST NIGHT THE OPENING PLAY A FINE ONE, f ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT. TILES Cf I II Orkwili w( ikt. tf. Ntw souvenir postal it 8vnoo'. Otkwlli Rtpalri BlcycU otic. 00 short fell M. Scully, NoUry HcuIljrV Clgr iStor. Any public, ti old hour I Ic Cram mad from full ortwin, 15c por plut. Special price for lodge ml ehurchr. tt TiKlf't confotlonry. 7-10 tf The very tt board to bt obtained la th. city U at "The Occld.nt Hotel Rat et very reaionabl. How Do I look.-To really set your' "'f otlinrn o you, got on of tho rw tyl mirror t lUrt'i D.-ug Btorei II price. A nrw nupply Juil r.c.-lvwl. tf. Hotel Irving, corntr Franklin avnut and Eleventh itioet. European plan; bit room and bord In the dty it rea sonable prlo, tf Regatta Aftermath If the "Antoria T wolf Hi Annual" .11,1 nothing el, It inspired Imlf down young people hcrr-utMiiit to couple up their live and fortune, n the bllful state of matri mony, witness the three following iviiwii Issued In their behalf by County Clerk J. C. Clinton yrterdyi Mr. Waller 1. Wci nml MU Clara Knapp. Iny in the s-enie supplies mi J oilier no of Krinppn t Mr, Charles Kirkkala nml 'i"r!i nn, wl muke the Installation Mi Anna K, Katcll, of Astoria; Mr. on hi return. He hn already elect rl John Peterson and Ml Anna itu l ml the house for a thousand lights and f Clntp county. big th-board la a iiiouiiiiient to hi own lwonal skill. He will (mint all ,V a dicing for lore,, bruise and mmy for hl Mng " rt H. K, Klvrr, lessee and manager of tlie new Astoria tlieater, Informed a r iur(er lift evening that the new play I house at tlie corner of Kxchunjfc. , and Iwelflh street steadily anpfoaoh iug completion, and i Mug dipalchd with the tit most care amj good (althjn. tlie l,vlc and quality of ,lti Jdiiyluig. The house U entirely framed up, en cloned and ready for the plasterer, the stage, the gallery, the stairway are all In statu iim, and the finishing work will lie((ln thl week. Mr, Elver will have for l'ortlnnd In a few dav to burns, ( tin inln-rlit ln' Salve i all that ean 1 dfired. It in soothing and hl liiK In It effect. It allaya the pain uf a bum almost Instantly. TliU naive In 11 Uo a certain rure fr chapped hands and disease of the kln, J'rire. 'W cent.. Tor mile by Trniik Hurt and ba:!tiijj ilrujftjUt. iep Khe 1. the pink of prettinea. Girl b rarvful of your complexion. Son ihoulj bellevi In "mak up," Tak Hot inter Koclcy Mountain Tei "tavet making up." Tea or Tablet, J3 conta Frank Ilari. t TJ!" I pay no t I pay no rent, (Hten buatod without ft cent; Hut a king among men - from dlneaw I'm fr, 8lnc taking Itwky Mountain Tea. Frank Hart. Mirrled Yteidy Waller I.. Went of thi I'lly nnd Mi Clara Knapp of Knappa were married In the parlor of the Atnr Houie at 3:30 o'clock p. m, on Saturday. Sept. 1, 100(1, Ilev. Win. 8. Oilbert ofllclating. Why don't you have your work done by ui ind wo do bouse lining, wall papering, houae and lign painting. Wc um and recommend the Heath & Milll gan prepared paint. For or two icore year It ha been rerognlted a the atandard paint of America. Come and let ua figure with you. The Eaatern Painting ft Decorating Co., 365 Com mercial afreet. tf. Do It Tomorrow 1'iof. A. I., (lurk, Ujieijnteildrnt of the rity IiikiIx, i wry dcniroiu that the younj. people who have brcn dui-ing tiie vitnilluit pcriml nml want to be ex aiiiliii'd for prnmolion before the open ing of the whool J'ear, ha!l report to I1I111 tiiiorrow, Monday, fnienoon at bi 1 Hire in the city hull, he may -1 rlain (heir want and rnitke pri'pnra- tlon for their rxaminution pnperit nnd the Hutu of iiielioii to be propounded in that U'half, Mr. Carnahan Take HoIdln obe dience to a telegraphic communication from Waohinton, advUing b'm of the ollli'tnl approval of bin bond a collec lor of eulom for the port f Antorla and directing him to aiiine charge ol the pout, (lark W. Carnahan yeaterdny at 0 o'clock . hi., took over that f thv formally, The pii-Kent atnff will crve In the ollli-e and iimpeition de piirtmcnt without change. HOEFLER'S HANDSOMEST SWEET SHOP No Kick Regijtered The county board of 'iimllrntion cloc,l itn .cnnion nt 5 o'clock yeterdny evening with the agreeable recfird that no radical change have liecn demanded in the ncMineut rail. The minor change made for nml ngiiinxt the ollicial ndl, en hance the value nearly 2.000, iimtcad of reducing the reported aggregate. The laxative effect of Chamberlain' Stomach nnd Liver Tablet in no agree able and o natural yon enn hardly real Ice that it i produced by a medicine. These tablet aluo cute Indigent ion. For ale by Frank Hart nnd lending drug giit. The Greatest Entertainer in the World THE PHONOGRAPH W jffl When you have finished your "daily grind" and assumed a peaceful repose in your home, there is nothing that will bring so much good solid comfort, cheerfulness, and happiness, not only for yourself, but for the whole family, as the Edison Phonograph. PLAYS ANYTHING, EVERYTHING, ANY TIME. TWIT IT To convince you of the absolute superiority of the new JP Iviw J- Edison Phonouraph we will eladly demonstrate this ideal home entertainer in your own residence absolutely free. A full and com plete assortment of records on hand. JOHNSON BROS. GOOD GOODS WE SELL ICE 111 in tin line; m fuel mere la no phae of theatrical work in which he doe not excel, having followed the lniiiie all hi life on the hither ide of the footlight, and in pinch, might go on the board and take hi part if b were hard preaacd. The hoiie will lie ready, In every de tail for the initial production on the night of the 29th, to wit, "The Roval Chef," and to give an Me of the char aeter of the primary presentation, the following taken from the Kau Claire, Wi., Leader of a rcut date, i re printed here: "The Royal Chef" j n ucce., that i, it a excellent production at the Grand tout night won from F-au Claire critic that eminent verdict. A large audience greeted their uperb company and from the rle of the curtain until the eon eltmion of the final act, all wa har mony. In one or two Instance the part may have dragged a bit, but these were overhadowed by the act of the player, the splendor of the ncenle ef- feet, the unity of action, the glittering miiica gaiety of the entire presents tion, "It I a butnorefiie of the Occident woven Into the eccentricitie of the Orient. The costume are brilliant nnd 'entyt figure, well poiaed, lively and fltttractlvc; tiuiaic, lyrical in fompnl tion and rendered with precision; cen eiy and Illuminating -effect pleaing In harmony and arrangement, "The book and lyric are by Stod dard nml Taylor; music by Ben M. .lerouic, staging by fill Soblke, The c:ie ii strong. Hcinriih Ijeiiipluuiser, as 'Tlie Itoynl Chef.' is splendidly funny. 'I'iinces Tcto' i coiiient ill costume. Her voice is good, so are the choruses. The 'liiijah of Oolong i not a finished j-Mit, bill on the whole, acceptable. Lord Mitu i comfortable. Kittly 'O'llciliy,' 'llury I'aker,' mid the 'Admiral Nobles' are meiitioiialilc. "The life scene of 'The Drummer Hoy of the Hiipnhannockn is one of the thrilling piiliircs of the piny." Business is Good The American ship Henry Villaid has been chartered by the Old Oregon Mills and is now en route to the Flitvcl piers. They have also under charter the schooners "llig Honan?n" mid "Two Brothers'' and the Voscmite is due nt their docks on or about the 15th of the present month. It Honored At the meeting of the Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs' convention, held nt Culgary. Albcitn. this week, Chief Kngmcer Foster of this city was unanimously chosen to the oflice of vice president of the organinllou for .the tale of Oregon. CLOTHES BOUGHT AT HERMAN WISE'iS PRESSED FREE Whenever You Say So; Not Only Once or Twice Eight Salesmen, Two Tailors, Besides Prompt and Gentlemanly Attention to All HERMAN WISE Astoria's Reliable Clothier FOR THE FALL TERM. Full List of Clatsop County Drawn Yesterday. Jurors Following i the full list of juror ; drawn by the proper officer under the statute, for service at the coming term of the Hon. Circuit Court, which con vene here on the 17th of September, Judge T. A. McBride presiding! Name, Residence. Ck.upatio 1 lohn F. Christ ianAstoria '.Logger I .lame F. Uardlne Astoria. .". . .aloonman H.ant Christiansen Astoria Butcher Wm. Mdion ...Astoria Merchant Wiliam Kelly ...Astoria Woodysrd Ineob Butt Astoria Laborer I). Malnganiba ..Astoria Merchant Sam Lebeck ....Seaside. Millman Louis Knoblock .Seaside f-Millman J. P. Bain Astoria tontrnctor Wm. Hell Atoria.,... Carpenter (oseph Alley .. Astoria Farmer T. F. Laurin ..Astoria Merchant (ins Rronnel .. ,KI-ie ..Farmer V. C. Hnrdie ...Warrenton. Teamster Sam Klmore .. .Astoria.... Cnoitalist Alfred Babhidge Astoria Engineer I. P. Badnllet ...Astoria.... ....Clerk L, Mansur Atoria Cnpitalist Win, McKeever ..lewell Farmer Frank Bentilla .Astoria '"isherman F. E. Baatovv . . Xew Astori Teamster Chit. J, Andorsor Astoria..... Naherinnn Percy E. Allen . V'lsic ..Farmer Otis Dolph Olney Farmer (1, F. McDennott N'cw Astori , .Laborer .. u. r.nevoiascn vesper inrmer , tr Us without dcav . K. Jenn ....Astoria Farmer Kriek Ilnuke ....Astoria Merchant .Tolin E. Ixignn .. Seaside Laborer Robert MoMath Westnort Farmer BASEBALL TODAY BROWNS vs PORTLAND MAROONS On A. F. C. Grounds at 2:30 P. M. Regatta Queen and Staff and Admiral and Staff Respectfully Invited to Attend. YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS IT DECK AND DOCK NEWS. ') ! sssi The British steamer collier Welling ton crossed in last evening from Ranai mo, B. C, with a heavy cargo of coal for Portland. She went on to the me- An "Astorian" Relative Editor L, C. Tivlnnd of the Moro Observer, nnd a son of Hon. D. C. Ireland, founder and first editor of the Morning A.storiau, was a Regit ttn tourist here yesterday. Funeral Monday The funeral of the Into William Hnggbloin, son of John llngghlnm, will take place tomorrow af ternoon from tlio family residence nt 2 o'clock, Rew Gustavo Rydquist officiat ing. The interment will be In Green wood cemetery. BEAUTY RULES OF THE BEAUTIES. Breakfast early, a little walk, a little talk, luncheon, an hour' rest, and at night Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Frank Hnrt. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. has moved to 172 Tenth street, with n complete line of new machines. We also have a few slightly damaged machines at a bargain. Phone Black 2234. tf. BAND CONTEST. The person returning the largest num ber fo Jose Vila cigar bands to the undersigned by October 15th will receive a box of 25e. Jose Vilas free to the next largest one box 12Jc. Jose Vilas. Save the bands. Victor Miller, corner Ninth and Bond streets. s-w-f. ABSCESS. ABSCESSES, with few exceptions, are indicative of constipation or debility. W. H. Hnrrlson, Cleveland, Miss., writes, Aug. 15, 1902s "I want to say a word of praise for Bnllards Snow Liniment. I stepped on a nail, which caused the cords of my leg to con tract nnd an abscess to rise In my knee, nnd the doctor told me that I would have a stiff log, so one day I went to J. F. Lord's drug store (who is now In Denver, Colo.). He recommended a borne of snow Liniment; l got a 50c size and it cured my leg. It Is the best liniment in the world." Hart's Drug Store. The Italian cruiser Dogalia left for Portland yesterday morning and carried with her the best wishes of all Astor ians, fbn the manifold contributions she made to the pleasure and success of the great regatta. She will visit the metropolis for a week and then go to the Sound cities; but wherever she goes, she will live long and happily in the memories of the people here, The tug Samson left out yesterday for Gray's Harbor, conveying some barges. The steamer Telegraph came down yesterday with sixty people for As toria and took away 160 homeward bound regatta viators'. DONE BY DEED. ATTENTION, F. 0. E. There will be no meeting of the Aerie this Sunday. Regular meeting takes (dace next Sunday, Sept. 0. A. D. CRAIG, Worthy President. STORAGE BATTERIES. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOST SOLID GOLD WATCH, HOW aid movement, $50 reward; return to wormanship. Snvov saloon. tf cal supplies, 642 Duane street. We sell the Northwestern Storage sep Battery, the very best on the market ; for automobiles, gasoline launches, etc We have the finest and most complete charging plant for storage batteries. Recharging and repairing done. Expert R. R. Carruthera. electri- t.f. II. C. Thompson and wife to W. S. Chapman, fifteen lots at Seal Rock beach $1,000 Astoria Abstract, Title and Trust Co. to same company, lots 2, block 131, Shively's Astoria 100 Cnited States to Jonas Unbenau, patent 160 acres Section 31, T. 5, X. R. 8 W Jonas Unbenau and wife to K. H. Murts. 160 acres last above de scribed 600 C. F. Yurgen and wife to Mrs. M. M. Taylor, lots 5 and 6, block 2, in Pine Grove. Seaside 600 Elk Creek & Cannon Beach Land Co. to Theresa Urfur, lot 8. block s 12, Elk Creek Park .......... 75 Same to James Lugg, lots 3 and 4, block 11, Elk Creek Park 150 Same to F. G. Urfur, lots 1 and 2, block 11, Elk Creek Park .... 150 Same to J. A. Urfur, lot 3, block , 7, Elk Creek Fark Sam to O. R. Urfur, lot 14, block 7, in Elk Creek Park Same to A. Kline, lot 8, block 8, Elk Creek Park Same to J. Kline, lot 8, block 9, Elk Creek Park Same to H. L. Coulter, lot 9, block 9, Elk Creek Park 75 75 75 75 75 SPECIAL ROUND TRIP. Excursion rate for Labor Day cele bration, at Portland, Ore., September 3.. The A. & C. R. R. will sell special round trip excursion tickets from As toria to Portland and return on Septem ber 2nd and 3rd, at rate of $2.70, tickets good to return up to and including September 4th. 8-25-6t. 1