SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER i, 190ft 2 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established i7 Published Daily Except Monday by TEV J. S, DELLIMGEK tOhtPAHY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year $" 00 By carrier, per month W WEEKLY ASTORIAN. B, msil, per yew, In slant's.. 11.00 filtered u wooI-1m nitt July SO. MOS, t th poalooV. t Attoti. Or ron, aoder th set of Con-ru ol Marco I, IS. arOnW for th deUwnn of Ths loin imurrouAXtorftbar rmidMiin or ptoce of butfM to made by poul rd or tfcrourt ttk?bow. Any IrrmuUrlty in o Brery thouW to ouMrfkietr irportri to tb office of puUkikm. TELEPHONE MAIN Mi. tt. Ctly Of AUrt- Ofllrtal rP" of CUtsop county and AT STAR TODAY!! TliU aftmom at the matiiuv and tin' evening jwrI'iMiiaiV nt the Star thm tor. will th tt opportunity to wit w the ten hijjh "lita vaudeville that has ever teen een in Astoria. The performance I unurpe,l by any thing on the Paetrte Coat in it line, iin.l no one should overlook the chance 1 to it. lli'inemter that this after noon anil evening i the last time you will have to witness this great performance. WAS A VERY SICK BOY. But Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. "When my boy was two ear old he had a very sever attack of ten el com plaint, but by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Choleht and Diarrhoea Remedy, jwe brought him out all rijiht." ays Maggie Hirkos of Midland. Mich. This remeilv can be depended upon in the most severe cases. Rven cholera infan tum i cured by it. follow the plain printed directions and a cure is certain. For ale by Frank Hart and leading Druggist 4. 'T a WEATHER. 4 Oregon and Washington Fair and warmer. THE COMING TRANSPORTS. In the navigation of the air we are apparently i nan era of brilliant ideas and a certain amount of successful ex perimentation. The newly-tried meth ods of regulating the levels of balloon travel, the novel devices for controlling balloon speeds and the increased ef ficiency of the steering apparatus in dirigible balloons are but a few of the features of recent important progress made with this form of airship. Riht here in New York Doctor Thomas and others make little more of an all-day or all-night trip with the big gas bag than others do of a similar automobile outing. Perhaps the most interesting among the successful trials of the past few days has been in the aeroplane field the field to which scientific minds are prone to look for great results. It it the flying machine rather than the floating car that, after all, engages most of the mechanical skill now de voted to air-navigation problems. On Sunday a preliminary test before Ca nadian, and American scientists gather ed at Brantford, Ontario, was made of Alexander Graham Bell's wireless aero plane with Captain Anglemire of Chi cago as the navigator. The motors of the aeroplane were worked by a wire less current Biipp'.v and are said to have worked perfectly. The machine rose about a couple of hundred feet, made a complete circle and returnred to a safe rest within a few feet of the point of departure. Toiiay it is pro posed to give the wireless another Ca nadian test in a fl'ht ltveen London and Toronto. Should this lie success ful, we mav expect wireless motor pow er to assume a place of '.'neatest im portance in the methods and means to solve the problem of the anxiously awaited Hying machine Ex. 6 '"" ISN'T IT QUEER? It is a conscious fact tha the men whose names have been linked with big Chicago properties and enterprises are dead and their millions now in the hands of their wive, and daughters go unrepresented. Both P. D. Armour and P. D. Armour. Jr., are dead, but their wives are alive, Marshall Field who owned more property than any other merchant in the world is dead. So is Marshall Field, Jr., but their wives are alive. Pullman and his sons are dead, but their wives are all alive. Potter Palmer, another of Chicago's rich men, is dead, but Mrs. Palmer remains. Mr. Cooper of the great department store of Siegel 4 Cooper, is dead, so is A. M. Rothschild, E. J. Lehman, proprietor of the "Fair," is dead, but his wife . is pushing the business harder than ever. Charles Xetcher of the Boston store is dead, but bis wife is rapidly enlarging the business. Both Car'on and Scott of the famous firm of Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co. are dead. UPRISING IMMINENT. ST. PETKRsni'KC,. Aug. Sl.-Dis-patche from Saratox state that the peasantry in Volga province are talking of an uprising at an early date, Noth ing, it is said, will satisfy them by a distribution of all the land. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Acts on Nature's Plan. The niost successful medicines are those that aid nature. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. Take it when you have a cold and it will allar the cough, relieve the lungs, aid expectoration, open the secretions and aid nature m restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. Price 23 cents. For sale by Frank Hart, and Leading Druggists. ARBITRATION POSSIBLE. SAN" FRANCISCO, Sept. 1. The out look for a settlement of the car trike is promising. After a length confer ence between Mayor Schmiti and Pres ident Calhoun, the latter announced his willingness to submit all the disputed subjects to arbitration and the oilicials of the carmen's union have is-ued a call for a mass meeting of the member' for tonight to act on Calhoun's offer. It is thought the car men will a'ree to the arbitration propoal. Complete 'Mi$H SUMMER SPECIAL To twrtl our turn rd llnsni will mII ctnttrrxeot llkocut uaprd oe ran Mm cooiplttt wilb Sou to taoroidtr. Regular value 90c Special 50c la eisVrint bt Ball met port offlc or or fnm moai nimed Urn 1361 VA3H.3T,MMLA)0gJ CITY NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HKKF.P.Y OIVKN THAT special assessment roll number 12. made for the purpose of defraying the costs and expense of improving Irv ing Avenue, from the F-st line of ISt h street the West line of Adair's Astoria has teen tiled with the auditor and po lice judge, and numbered special asess ment roll number 126, and that the com mittee ou streets and public nays has teen appointed a committee of the council to it with the board of asses sors to examine, correct and equalize the same, and that Saturday the 8th day of Septemter, A. D. 1901. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. nt. in the council chambers in the city hall, has teen fixed as th? time and place of the meeting of said board of equalization. All objections to said assessment must be piv-ented in writing. OI.OF ANDERSON. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated Astoria, Oreeon, August 2Mb, A. D. 1908 S-31 lOt THE MILWAUKEE - The Plo&Mr Limited " St. Paul to Chi cafO. " Short Lint" Omaha to Chicago. "Sooth-West limited " Kansas City to Chicago, No trains In tha service of any rail oJ in the world equals In equip ment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee St Paul Ry. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining can and give their patron an excellence of ssr vie not obtainable elsewhere. Berths on their sleeper are longer, higher and wider than In similar oars oa any other line. They protect their train by the Block system. Connections mads wlU aU trans con tinental lines in Union Depot. n. 8. Rows, General Agent, Portland or 1M Third Street corner Alder. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. Fare ineluding barth and moal, 15i Round .trip. 2a- Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at Sanrraneisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for Scuth. em Cal 'ornia. (i. W. ROIJEKTS, Agent. Astoria, Oregon. k. Q. O. KERlVEtX. Qen. Pas. Agen' San Franoieeo t Pain from a Burn Promptly Relieved by J CtamDeriam s fain jjaim. A little child of Michael Straus ol Vernon, Conn., was recently in jTeat : pain from a burn on the hand and as cold applii.-ations only increased the in- j flamroii hr. Mr. Strains came to Mr.: James N Nichols, a local merchant, for j something to stop the pain. Mr. Nich- j ols siys; "I advised him to use Cham-I terlain's Pain Balm, and the first ap plication drew out the inflammation and gave immediate relief. I have used this liniment myself and recommend it very often for etit, burns, strains and lame back, and have never known it to i disappoint." For ale by Frank Hart l and Leading Druggists, OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM. SEPT. 10-15, 1906 OIT.X DAY AND NKJIIT Immense Display of Farm Products ivuific coast's ;kf.ati:st EXHIBITION of ilOKSKS, I'.VTTI.K, SIIKKP, UOATS, SWIXK, IOl I.TItV .VXD I'KT STOCK DAIRY EXHIBIT SUPBERB Modern Milking Machine iu Operation Daily. Amusement Rare and Exciting Absolute Cure for the Blues SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES W. II. DOWNING, Vre. FKANK V. I1 KIWN, Se'j. EVERYTHING IS SEARCHED. WARSAW, Sept. 1. The police, as sisted by troops last night searched the street railway cars, cabs and passers by. Hundreds of arrests were made. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Plumb cheeks, flu-hed with the soft glow of health and apnre complexion, make all women beautiful, Take a small dose of Herbine after each meal; it will nrevent constipation and heln di- ' gegt what you have eaten. Mrs. Wm. M. Stroud, Midlothian, Tex., writes, on May 31. 1001: "We have used Herbine in our fam ily for eight years and found it the best medicine we ever used for con stipation, bilious fever and malaria." Hart's Drug Store. sep ARE YOU A BON VIVANT? The pith of life, after all, is a good feed. The good things of this life are not as a rule easily found, so that it is pleasure to find so close at hand a first-class up-to-date establishmeent, whre one gets those good things at every meal, like the Palace Restaurant, on Commercial street. The home of the bon vivant. TROOPS NOT NEEDED. VICTORIA. Aul'. 31.-The attorney General's ilepartment does not anticipate the despatch of troops to Habine Lake as a result of the resistance of the In ilium Hiere acainst the police. The trouble is considered over-stated. SPRAINS. S. A. Read, Cisco, Tex., writes, March 11, 1901: My wrist was sprained so badly by a fall that it was useless; and after using several remedies that failed tn trive relief, used Ballard's Snow Lini ment, and was cured. I earnestly rec ommend it to any one suffering from sprains. Hart's Drug Store. sep The Kind You Have Always Bought, aud which ha been in me for over 30 years, has homo tho hiiiaturo of and has been niiiue tinner ins per-JJrf-f-tf Honal supervision ftlne Its Infancy. yttfcAtM Allow no one to deed vo you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitation mid " Just-as-trood"are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants aud Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla U a harmless Bnbstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is l'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pauacca-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAV: the Signature of Si Bears S f an III The KM You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CTUH eOMV. TT U(IV TT. NtW VO ITY. ANY SHEET Of sjc MUSIC IN EITHER SHOW WINDOW OR ON OUR SALE COUNTER IN THE STORE AND ANY TWO COPIES OF OUR io EDITION TOR ' 450 WORTH FOR 14C. MONDAY TILL SATURDAY NIGHT. J. N. GRIFFIN BookH Stationery Souvcnlcrs STAR THEATER Monday, Sept. 3d. Reopening of the LEE WILLARD COMPANY IN "Our Boys" THE MOST CELEBRATED OF AIL ENGLISH COMEDIES. Summer Prices; 15c, 25c and 35c I iN K. The Art of Fine Plumbing pfogrcK-J with the derelopment of the science of sanitation snj we have kcju pace with the Improvementi. Hiw you f Or Is your bathroom one of the old fashioned, unhealthy kind ? If fen sre stffl tulng the "closed in" fixtures of tea years ago, it would he well to remove them snd install In their itead, snowy white ".Stafetaf' Porcelain Enam eled Ware, of which we have iamp!ei diiplayed in our showroom, lt ut quote you prices. Illustrated cstslugue free. I, A. Montgomery, Astoria. : THE UNION OAS ENGINE COMPANY Marine and Stationary Gas and Gasoline Engines. WW APR NOW FIU.INO ORDERS FROM OUR NEW WORKS. WRITE a US rUK l'Kitius nu luuaiXAinu 4, CATALOGUE. F. P. Kendall, General Sales Agent, Oi'UU r lUUii Ui.t 1 W mams, vs v. w einhard's LAGER BEER First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. KSTAIiLISllKD 18. Capital $100,000 Sherman Transter Co. IEENKY SHERMAN. Munaitor Tlflfk. Caningf" HR(rage Checked snd Transferred Trucks ard Furniture Wagons Pianos Moved, Foxed and Shipped, 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121