THURSDAY, AUGUST tj, 1904. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON BIRTH QF TM moon . t . h i ITHE foOMNG AST0MAN LUNA. WAS FLUNQ OUT OF THE SARH " INTO SPACE. .. A ... ... . I ....... ,. ..v . w,.,.v-,.,;...-, . . t 2 2 2'2'J? Ike Once Filled, Perhaps, tk GrMt bit in Now Ucrnplrd br the rclo Orrnn I.ntrat Idvaa of Science mm to Condition! Our Satellite. Millions of years ago the earth was not the land bound, sea swept globe 0 familiar to us, but n liquid mass on which floated crust some tlilrty-flvs miles thick. At that period, says tho Strand Magazine, it turned on Its axis nt a constantly Increasing siieed that finally shortened the day to three hours. When that terrinc velocity was ob tained 5,000 cubic million miles of mat ter were hurled off by the enormous centrifugal force,, and our moon was born. The cleaving of so large a body must have loft some scar ou the earth's surface. It has accordingly leen sug gested that the great basin now occu pied by the racifle ocean was once filled by what Is now the moon. Our moon has the distinction of be ing the largest of all planetary sat ellitesso large. Indeed, that to the Inhabitants of Mars it must appear with the earth as a wonderfully beau tiful twin planet Because the moon rotates on Its axis la exactly the same tttn that it re volves around the earth we are des tined to see little more than one hemi sphere. 60 slow is this rotation that the lunar day Is equal to fifteen of our days. For half a month the moon la exposed to the fierce beat of the sun; for half a month it spins through space la the densest gloom. " Smaller In mass than the earth la, the moon's attraction for bodies must be correspondingly less. A good ter restrial athlete could cover about 120 feet on the moon In a running broad Jump, and leaping over a barn would be a very commonplace feat. A man In the moon could carry six times as much and run six times as fast as he could on the earth. Although separated from us by a distance that at times reaches 253,000 miles and is never less than 222,000 miles, we kuow more of the physical formation of the single pallid face that the moon ever turns toward us than we know of certain parts of Asia and the heart of. Africa Towerful tele scopes have brought our satellite with in a distance of forty miles of the earth. Physicists have mathematically weighed It and fixed its mass at one eighth of the earth, or 73,000,000,000, 000 toUs. Tb muoa presents aspects without any terrestrial parallel. Rent by fires long s.'nce dead, its honeycombed crust seeuis lite a great globe of chill ed slag. Cratere ere not uncommon oa the earth, bet in number, site and structure they bear for the most part little resemblance to those of the moon. A lunar crater Is not the mouth of a volcano having a diameter of a few hundred feet, but a great circular plain twenty, fifty, even a hundred miles In diameter, surrounded by a precipice rising to a height of 5,000 or 10,000 feet, with a central bill or two about half as high. Water cannot possibly exist aa a liquid, for the temperature of the moon's Burface during the long lunar night to probably not far from 460 degrees below the lero mark of a Fahrenheit thermometer, and the at mospheric pressure is so low that a gas under pressure would solidify as It .escaped. Ice and snow are the The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 yours, 1ms borne tho signature of and has boon made under Ills per- tyffif-j" . ' sonal supervision since Its infancy. 3j JCUC4M Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations wul Just-aj-gHHlMare but Experiments that tritle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt CCNTAUM (WH, TT auMUY .TWIT, NEW VORN IITI, torms, then, which "lunaf water must assume. Because of the present paucity of water the moon's atmosphere is so ex ceedingly rare that startling effects are, produced Ferbaps the most strik ing Is that of the sunrise. Dawn and the soft golden glow that ushers in terrestrial day there cannot be. The sua leaps from the horizon a flaming sickle, and the loftier peaks Imme diately flush Into light There Is no azure sky to relieve the monotonous effects of Inky black shad ows and dazzling white expanses. The son gleams tt fierce splendor, with no clouds to diffuse its blinding light All day long it la accompanied by the weird zodiacal light that we behold at rare Intervals. Even In midday the heavens are pitch black, so that, despite, the sun light, the stars and planets gleam. with a brightness that they never ex hibit to us even on the clearest of moonless nlghta at sea. They shine steadily, too, for It is the earth's at mosphere that causes them to twinkle to our eyes.. In the line of sidit it in impossible to estimate distances, for there Is no such phenomenon as aerial perspec tive. Objects are seeu only when the rays of ,the sun strike them. At times there may be observe! spots which darken after sunrise auu gradually .disappear toward sunset Thoy canu't leciiuseTl ty iJhflCTOws, for shadows would be least visible when the sun is directly overhead. They npjvar most quickly at tho equator nul invade the higher altt tudes aftt a lapse of a feT days. Iu the polar nylons they have never been seen. What are they? Orjranlc life resembling vegetation, answers Pro fessor Pickering of Harvard, univer sity, vectatlou that flourishes luxuri antly while the sun shines and withers utnfcht. A single day. It may be urged. Is not sulficiejitiy loas for the develop ment and decny of vegetation, but six teen hours on fiis moon is little mora than1 half an hour on the earth; a day lasts half n month and may be regard ed as a miniature Season. The expressions "Halleluiah and "Amen" are s:iid tj have been Intro duced Into Christian worship by St Jerome n Ik-mi A. P. 390. ... Owuim U 4fcff Ml w triewr. nCTTHEtVMSCKMICilD). ?5iiisTi,o.t'"'2 MEN AND WOMEN. Cm Blf fomnDitaral diwh.rK,lDB.RifDticia(, Irritation, or ulcor.llou. of mo. co til membran... PainltM, .ml not utiiu gnt or polooui. Mold by Draclla. or r.nt in pUin wrnpr'. br rxprm. prpid, 1" 1.00. nr t I..UI1 12.7J. Circuit! muI ou iim.' Y ohhf Field. IS OUR FIELD, AND WE COVER IT. Our field is the district tributary to the mouth of the Columbia River. We pene trate into all the outlying districts, into lumber camps and isolated neighborhoods. The business of these places belongs to you, and it is worth going after.. .Space in THE MORNING AST0RIAN is reason able; contract for some and let these out siders know that you are still in business at the old stand. You may have a "grouch" but that won't get business; forget it. Let the people know what you have to sell; they may "forget" or have "forgotten" c5?e MORNING ASTORI AN THE ONLY PAPER ON THE LOWER ' COLUMBIA HAVING ASSOCIATED . PRESS SERVICE (IIP La The supplying of aiiy want that majr arise in domestic or commercial life may be readily and quickly accomplished at a nominal cost by the publication of the want in the 44 Want Ad." columns of the Morning Astorian. A necessity which may arise for buying pr selling horses, carriages, furuiture. pianos, ical estate, sewing machines, bicy cles, safes, watches, jewelry, typewriters, or thousands of other articles, can be met at once by the insertion of a suitable adver tisement in the morning Astorion. To secure help cf any sort, or situation of any kind, to find lost articles, to secure board or boarders, lodgiug or lodgers, borrow money, obtain any kind of security; any of these wants may be supplied by using the "Want" columns of The Morning Astorian. Rates For Classified or "Want" Advertisements ONI INSERTION ONI CINT WORD THREE LINI3 THRU SATS, 30 CI NT! Count Six Words to Lisa. to Cents a 11ns) wMk. "SITUATION WANTED " For the btnaflt of persona out of employment, ads unto tat head of "Situa tion Wanted " will be printed tan days fres of eharga. EXLP WANTED. WANTED SECOND GIRL; MUST PE neat and competent. Apply 383 14th treet. 9-21-t.f. WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN PRIV ate family of 3. Inquire at Attoriaa oilice. WANTED -A FIRST-CLASS SALES- lady. Apply at Simlngton Pry Cood Company. t.f. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED YOUNG MAN WANTS work learning the con feet ionery trade, with room and board. Addrea "V. K.," Astorian oflke. 8 l0-7t. LOST AND FOUND, LOOT FOUNTAIN PENj LAUGHLIN make; Under return to Attoriaa office. S-ll-et. FOUND A LADIES' BLACK JACKET on the trail to Young River; owner can have tame by calling at this office and paying for advertisement, 8-21-tf. LOST-ON NIGHT OF AUGUST 18T1I. on the "Republic," 6 papers of 9J- inch meHh net; new line; leade brandcl T. P.; finder notify Warren Packing Company and receive reword. 8 22-3t, FOUND-100 FATHOMS RIG MESH net; owner call at Union FUliennenY 8-22-3t. LOST-AX ELK WATCH FOB OX eonntv rond between the Allen and Abbott places; finder return to thU office and receive reward. 28-3-7t. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING Mendamca Hawke A Smith, 619 Duane street. Phone Red 2325. tf. B0ASDIN6. THE LEYDB. Rooms with or without board; rates reasonable; good accom modation for transients. 14th and Commercial. WANTED Boarding quarters for a fe male pointer dog. Addresu "L. R., Warrenton, Oregon. ' tf. HOUSE MOVERS. FREDRECKSON BROS. We make a specialty of house moving, carpenters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt at tention to all orders. Corner Tenth and Duane. tf WOOD YARDS. WOOD Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood i t lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man, Thone 3191 Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera bouse. ARE YOU A BON VIVANT? The pith of life, after all, is a good feed. The good things of this life are not as a rule easily found, so that it is a pleasure to find so close at hand a first-class up-to-date establishmeent, whre one gets those good things at eyery meal, like the Palace Restaurant, on Commercial street. The home of the bon vivant. tf PROFESSIONAL CARD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHAS. H. ABESCSOMBIX, Attornsy-at-Law. Gneral Practitioner. Notary Publlo. Rooms 33-34 Phone Mala 2931, Page Block. Cor. Commercial Jt 12th 8t r. D. WINTON, Attorny-at-Law. Practices In all United States and State Courts In Oregon and Washing ton. Notary Public Phone Main Ml. rooms t and 3. Logan Building, corner ! Commercial and Sixteenth streets oppo site 0. R. A N. Company dock. OtTIOPATHISTt. DR. KNODA C HICXJ OSTEOPATH Office UaaseD Bid. Pnoae Black 101 1 171 Commercial St, Astoria. Ore. DKNTItTt. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 524 Commercial 8t Aitoria Oreaon. Dr. VAUGHAN, Dkxtist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTIBl 7 8 Commercial St., Sbanahan Building NURSES. MRS. JULIUS DAVIS (late of Portland) Graduate Nurse Royal London (Eng.), Hospital. Maternity cases requested. Hammond. Oregon. MUSIC TEACHER. WANTED THREE MUSIC PUPIL8. Inquire at Astorian office. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN MRS. C. D. Stewrrt, 127 Seventh street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U, 8. Restaur ant. 434 Bond St. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 612 CommercialSt. LAUNDRIES. BUTTON HOLE AT THE BACK. Your experience with it has no doubt lead to much vexation, posaibly pro fanity. Broke your fingernail trying to pry it up frclm the neck-band, eh? You won't have that that experience if you send your shirts to us; we save you this trouble, and danger of tearing the shirt. Try us and see, TROY LAUNDRY, Tenth and Duane Sts Phone 1991 HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel In the Northwest, PORTLAND, ORL WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE SAVOY Popular Conorrt Hall Good rnuiic. All are welcome. Cor ner 8venU and Astor. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Aator Bt The leftding amusenant bouse. Agency for Fdlson Phonographs aad Gold Moulded Records. P. A. PETERSON, Prof. I Hi I 410 BOND ST, ASTORIA, OREGON Carries the Finest Line of 1 Wines, Liquors and Cigars CALL AND SEE US I i w 0 I "PaieBohemlari LaAcr Beer1' THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and In bottles rewed nder MiilUry conditions 11 propeiiy gl right here In Aitorls, North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGON. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OP BAM BOO, LIGHT,, STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS, BOOKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar 028 Commercial St.. Astoria.