The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 22, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    I . : 1 -
Will reveal the whole story of the goodness and the
delicious flavor of Chase and Sanborn's
It will plead more eloquently than we can hope
to. Try a pound.
Oikwlti Mill ekt.
Haw ouvtalr poiUli at Svtnsoo's,
Orkwltl Repairs Blcyclaa oa
Orkwlti sella Tom Cod Siokri by tb
Pell R Scully, Notary Public, at
Scully's Cigar Store, Any old hourl
Ie Crsam made from full cream, ISo
per pint, Special price for lodges and
ehurchea, at Tagg'i confectionary. 7-19-tf
Tba ttry bat board to b obtaintd la
tb dty ia at "Tb Ocddant Hotel"
Ratta vary raonabl.
Bow Do I look.-To mMy see your
a"f aa others st you. get one of tbot
atw atyla mirror at Hart' Drug 8tori
all prim. A saw supply Juat rwlved.
HoUl Irving, eornar Franklin avanaa
and Elettntb atrt. European plan;
bttt rooma and board la tba dty at res
aonabl prioaa. tf
Constipation, bowel Irregularity, bead
ache, dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad kid
neys, rheumatism, disorder incident to
sedentary Ufa, positively cured by Hoi-
Jlster Rocky Mountain Tea, the great
Horace For Hawail.-sta!U for 20
nor- and tw0 cowa are being built on
tba main dwk of the steamship Hllon
Ian, which U .liluM to unit for the
Hawaiian Wands, tlny. TIms animals
ere Mug shipped by jamP, M.ueen,
oi Honolulu, who hue 'iit several
In Oregon buying them, They
were aeeured jn the eastern part of the
tat.! Mr. M'tyfrn line been buying
iiorw ami cows on the pacific Coast
for years, and taking them to the Inl
and to place (in the market, Hereto
fre hia dealing on the eoat have been
tumlf with the California stoekralsera.
II , satisfied with hia exper
lew in Oregon that he dceiai he will
probably make all future purchases in
tliln state,
Of the Astoria Regatta Name
Their Aidci.
Preparation! for the Event Swinging
Kignt Along-County Fair Prize
Named by Chairman Bowlby
Invitatloni Going Out.
Publish Irrigation Report.-Coplea of
the report of A. P. Stover, irrigation en
gineer of the Department of Agrieul
tur. on "lnvetgatinn of Irrigation
Practice In Oregon." have been received
by local commercial lilies, Mr. Stover
include in hi report the amount of
rainfall In the various sections, allowing
wher Irrigation Is moot needed and how
method are being employed at present
to obtain It. The work was undertaken
at the request 0f Coventor Chamberlain,
who aked the department over a year
ago to aign an officer to the task.
S3 cent. Frank Hart, druggist.
Chinaman Arretted. Last night Sher
iff pomeroy arrested a Chinaman by the
name of Wong Tay on complaint
a fellow countryman. The trouble aroe
over monetary matter, and the prin
cipala have several timea almost come
eat American remedy. Tea or Tableta!1" Mm T,, ,n'PIlflt chargea Wong
'If IA ...... At. a
inj nq ami. linn in me mm 01
$.10 wa furnished by Hop Hing Lung
to Insure the defendants appearance in
the justice court this morning.
School Board Meeta. Lat night the
school board met in Superintendent
( lark's office in the eity hall, and tran
acted aome business relative to the
school' interests. Miss Amy Holmes
and Miss EleiTon were choen as teach
er for the coming year. They will
tench In the Alderbrook school.
Meet Tonight. This evening In the
council chamber of tba city hall the
charter commission will attempt to hold
it regular meeting. The last two time
which meeting have been called, have
reunited n the lack of a quorum so that
no meeting could be held. It la urged
that all members of the commission
endeavor to attend this evening.
Why don't you bava your work done
by na and we do boos lining, wall
papering, houae and alga painting. We
ose and recommend tba Heath dt Mllll
gaa prepared palnta. For over two acore
years It baa been recognlted aa the
atandard paint of America. Coma and
let oa figure with you. Tba Eastern
Painting & Decorating Co, 38s Com
tnerclal street, tf.
X. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, does all
manner of taxidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tresa making a specialty and all work
guaranteed. tf
raid me rne. .Justice Uoouman was
called upon to judge an assault and but
tery case yesterday, aa between two of
the demi-mondaines from the other
side of the city, and promptly assessed
the aggressor in the sum of (12, which
f lie paid on the spot, and went about
her affair,
The Greatest Entertainer in the.World
5 VS-
-1 ?7l'
1 I
inc. rnunuonarn
When you hve finished your "daily grind" and assumed peaceful
repose In your home there la nothing that will bring so much good solid
comfort, cheerfulnen, and happiness, not only for yourself but the whole
family, aa the Ediaon Phonograph.
f-Y 1? To "vlnce you of the absolute superiority of the new
J? lx.ilJaWEdiaon Phonograph we will glaflly demonstrate thia ideal
home entertainer In your own residence absolutely free. A full and com
plete assortment of records on hand.
Queen Kelhcr, of the Astoria regatta,
has named the following ladies a her
Navy" and each and all have. signified.
their coiiwnt to serve tlie'daTnly aover
eign through the three ua of pfeaeure
that will mail her, and their, reign j
and it f needles to say5, We 4qu-n,
the city, and the vUitlng thousanda in
attendance, will rejoice In the gracious
and courteous ministrations of thia
accomplished group
The Mle lta Drain, Kllen Nolan,
(iertrude Upshur, Lola Foard s Lura Mc
Fa rU ne of Tacomaj Martha Foard,
Ktvda Foard, Sally Cray. Louisa Gray,
Margaret Taylorj Maude Kahles, of
Portland; Mis Keichel, of Oermany:
Mi Irene Himington, Ethel Gerding;
Helen Dawson, of Florida; and France
Admiral F. D. Kuettncr, of the Re
gatta, has named the following staff,
to serve during the furthcoming festival:
Vice Admirwl Frank L. Parker,
Vice Admirals, retired Oswald West,
Ralem; Walter Robh. Astoria,
Retired Admirals Charles V. Brown,
AMoriai A. X. Smith. Portland.
Commodore, and chief of staff Chas.
McDonald, Portland.
Hear Admiral Captains Toiler, Port
land; Byrne, Atoria; Gregory, Astoria;
Richardson, Astoria.
Commanders George W. Brown, Port
land; S. C. Morton, Knappton; C. W.
Halderman, Astoria; J. H. Burkhardt
Portland; Geogre R Waltera, fialem;
Dr. Frank McKeon, Astoria; W. It
Hume, Astoria; Charles Stinger, Port
land; J, A. Clock. Portland; Charles
Callendep, Astoria; Kelson Troyer, A
toria; John Fox, Astoria; T. Laurin,
Astoria; F, Vaughan, Astoria; . Frwnk
WoodfleM, Astoria; B. 0. Prael, A
tiria; C. If. Ahercrombie. Astoria;
David Dunne. Portland; A. M. Williams,
The Dalles; E. L. Crow, The Dalles; Dr.
Smith. Salem; Frank Hughes, Salem;
D. Gilliert, Salem; Captain Bailey,, As
toria; Al. Waddell, Portland; F. H.
Ransom, Portland; It, Vr. Holder, Port
Chairman J, Q. A. Bowlby of the
County Fair department, makes known
the following lit of prize, and their
basis, all of which will be of decided
interest to hundreds of Clatsop' farmers
and florists:
Slowly perishable products for cxliibi
tion should 1 delivered to the commit
tee by August 28-20, and quickly per
Uhable products by the morning of tho
Exribits in each class will lie placed
together under direction of the attperin
tendent in charge.
A plate of apples, pears, op peaches
shall consist of four specimens.
plate of plums, prunes and like
sited fruit shall consist of 10 specimens.
Best collection of farm products grown
on one farm In 1000, not less than five
varieties, $5.00.
Diplomas will lie awarded for the fol
Best collection of apples, not less than
three varieties.
Best plnte of apples, of any kind.
Best plnte of pears, any kind.
Best plate of primes and plums, any
Best plnte of peaches, any kind.
Best plnte of quinces, any kind.
Evergreen blackberries, best plate.
Loganberries, best plate.
Lawton berries, best plnte.
Strawberries, best plnte.
Raspberries, best plate.
Wild berries, best plnte, each kind.
Best collection, not less than five
Cabbage, two largest and heaviest
Cauliflower, two largest and heaviest
Celery, best three bunches.
Brussels Sprouts, best two bunches or
Best rutabagas, lurgest, two speci
Best table turnips, six specimens.
Best table beet, six specimens,
Best tll carrots, six spt j',viens,
Best table pnrsnips, six specimens.
Best table onions, six specimens.
Best tuble rhubarb, eight (talks.
Whenever You Say So;
Not Only Once or Twice
Eight Salesmen, Two Tailors, Besides Prompt and
Gentlemanly Attention to All
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Best table squash, three apecimena.
Field squash, largest.
Field pumpkin, largest.
Best specimen of wheat ia the straw.
Best specimen of oats in the straw.
He Made It Good Nathan Horton, an
employe of the Kelly Lumber Company
at Warrenton was arrested on a war
rant issued out of Justice Goodman's
court, and the case was called, but the
larceny charge,-, predicated upon the
Best specimen of barley in, the atraw. taking 0f certain time checks from the
Largeat assortment of grasses:
Timothy, best specimen.
Alsike, best specimen.
Bed Clover, best specimen.
White Clover, best specimen.
Orchard, best apecimen,
English Rye. best specimen.
Italian Bye, best specimen.
Forage Plants.,
Rape, best specimen.
Vetch, best apecimen.
Millet, best specimen.
Best collection potted plants, not less
than six varieties, by professional
Best collection potted plants not less
than three varieties, by amateurs.
Best collection of cut flowers, not less
than three varieties by amateurs.
Best hops on the vine.
Best honey in comb, not less than
three combs.
Best strained honey.
Best ranch butter, one or two pound
Best factory butter.
Best ranch cheese, ranch, not less
than five pounds.
Best factory cheese.
One hundred letters go forth today
from the press committee of the regatta,
invoking the good-will and presence of
the newspaper fraternity of Oregon and
Washington in this jolly season, aud the
other and timely essentials are all un
derway at the hands of the general com
mittee and the sub-committees, 80 that
no hesitancy need by felt for the un
rivalled success of the coming regatta.
Icompany'a office, all payable to bearer,
and aggregating the aunt of 161.05, was
dropped at the instance of the com
plaining witnesa, upon the confession of
Horton, and the return of the money in
open court, ad the payment of costs.
A Legal Warning. Word reached thia
city yesterday that the attorney-general
of the State of Washington has
made a definite ruling In which the use
of loose-leaf books are prohibited un
der the statutes of that atate, in th
iuininnent of the public records. The
ruling reads as follows "The statute
of this sttae call for the auditor to rec
ord deeds and other instruments in
large and well-bound books, and I am
of the opinion that an auditor, under our
statutes as they exist today, would not
be justified in using a loose-leaf record
and index.
To Expedite WorkvThe government
has endowed the local post-office with
splendid special post-office Remington
typewtiter, equipjjed with a 32-inch
carrier for the making up of all manner
of reports, and it will prove of immense
service throughout the whole establishment.
Jenny. Treatment for pimples and
blackheads calls for absolute cleanliness.
Pimples show that the body ia absorb
ing poisonous substances and needs Hoi
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea or
Tablets, 35 cents. Frank Hart, druggist.
Vaudeville Again. Manager P.
Gevurtz, of the Star theatre went to
Portland, yesterday morning, to make
arrangements for a fine line of vaude-
ille to be played hcer during the re
gatta season, and will bring the boat
engagements be can make in this line,
and they are to lie better than any seen
here in a long while. He will also se
cure one, or mote of the finest moving
picture films now on the circuit, and
this line of attraction will aupplant
the Willard stock company for a while,
at least.
haa moved to 172 Tenth street, with a
complete line of new machines. We also
have a few slightly damaged machlnea at
a bargain. Phone Black 2284.
Goes After Hia Ship, Captain Rich
ardson, and hia family, accompanied by
hia brother-in-law, Charles Frederick,
wife and son, of the Paknue, vfe hart
been their guests at Cannon Beach, for
the past two weeks, returned to their
city borne yesterday; and the captain
expecte to leave today, or tomorrow,
for Puget Sound to bring borne the
dandy little Columbine, which baa been
duly repaired at the Moran yards, at
Seattle. They will do considerable work
en route home to Astoria.
Killed Yesterday. At 10 o'clock yes
terday morning Harry Allen, an employe
of the Meserve Brothers Logging Camp
on Gray's river, was crushed by a log
and instantly killed. The unfortunate
young man was "engaged in sawing a
large log, when it suddenly rolled down
upon him crushing out his life. The de-
ceased was a native of Canada and has
relatives living in Manitoba. They were
communicated with yesterday by wire
relative to the final disposal of the re
mains, though no answer baa yet been
Seaside Logging Notes. Word from
Seaside says that the Mooert Logging
Company is using two engines, a Lidger-
wood and Willamette. The timber will
be cut out about October. The logs are
entirely spruce. The Seaside Spruce
Lumber Company, has also opened a
new camp about two miles from Sea
aide, F. N. Mooer is superintendent of
the company's logging camps. Bain &
Kunzler, 0f Seaside, who have been log
ging on Cullaby Lake, have closed down
for the present.
Mornin? Astorian. 60 cents ner mnnth
tf. delivered by carrier.
The doctors used to bleed mankind.
For every III that they could And,
But now they're wiser, said one to me,
And give Instead Rocky Mountain Tea.
Frank Hart, druggist.
Ufye Store
for Woman
Ladies' Fall Suits
We extend to you a cordial invitation
to Our CloaK Department
We are showing the very latest de
signs in Cloaks and Suits for
Fall and Winter Wear