The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 22, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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lbs Committee on Street and Public
Way, th Superintendent of Strut
and th City Purveyor, hav filed a oar
tlflcat of t (to completion of tit tin
Jirovement of Fourth street, from the
touth lln of Ator itrret to th louth
rail of the Astoria end Columbia River
Railroad tnuk, by 1)111 and Young iU
contractors, In accordance with general
ordinance nutithrr 3247 end the contract
therefor. That union objection ar
fildl against the lame, the tame will b
accepted by ordinance at the next
regular meeting of the Common Coun
cil. -S'.. ;
Auditor and ol'Ho Judge of thf City
of Astoria.
Itated Astoria,, Aug'u 21, 1900.
.. . ; i W': ei-ae.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria ha declared it determination
and Intention to establish the grede on
Grand Avenue from the st line of
Third Street to the went line of Mc
Clure' Astoria so that ld grade, when
to tahllshed, will be on the following
elevation above the b of grade, a
At the Intersection of Grand Avenue
and Third Street t 236 feet above the
base of grade.
At the Intersection of Grand Avenue
and Seoond Street at 260 feet fthov the
t of grade, and at the Intersection
of Grand Avenue and the wt line of
McCur' Astoria at 295 feet bov the
bane of gride. The ttreet (hall be
level from north to outh and between
the poInU deirnaUd eat and wet
on a (trnlght and even dope.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of A tori.
Atorl, Oregon. August G'h, 1900,
tb Common Council of the City of
Astoria ha declared Re determination
and Intention to establish the grade on
Hume Avenue from the south line of
Commercial Street to the south line of
Duane Street, to that said grade when
eo established will be at the following
elevaliona above the base of grade
a established by Ordinance No. 71 of
the City of Atorlat
At the outh line of Commercial tret
at 00 feet above the be of grade.
At the north line of Dutne Street
at 100 feet above the bae of grades.
At the south line of Duane Street
at 103 feet above the base of grade,
and between said place designated the
street shall be upon a atralght and even
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
A'torla, Oregon. August 0th, 1000.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria ha declared It determination
and Intention to establish the grade on
Franklin Avenue from the west line
of Fourth Street to the west line of
Third-Street, o that said grsde, when
ao eitablUhed. will be upon the follow
Ing elevations above the base of grades,
At the went line of Fourth Street
at 108.3 feet above the base of grades,
At the Intersection of Franklin Aven
ue and Third Street at 221.0 feet above
the base of grades, and that between
said point above designated, said street
shall be on an even lope.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
Astoria. Oregon, August 0th, 1900.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria has declared Its determination
and Intention to establish the grade on
Third Street from the north line of Ex
change Street to the outh line of Grand
Avenue so that said grade when so es
tablished, shall be at the following el
evation, to-witi
At the north line of Exchange Street
at 100 feet above the base of grade.
At the south line of Exchange Street
at 103 feet above the base of grades.
At the intersection of Third Street
and Franklin Avenue; at 221.0 feet
above the base of grades, and ot the
Intersection of Third Street nnd Grand
Avenue at 235 feet above the base of
grades, nnd between said points above
designatocd the street shall be upon an
even slope.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
Atorla, Oregon, August 0th, 1000,
the Common Council of the City of
Aitorla ha declared It determination
and Intention to r-tbllsh the grade on
Harrlton Avenue from the Em line of
Ninth ttreet to the Weit line of
Sblvly' Astoria o that aid grade
when to established will be t the fol
lowing elevation abov the bat ; of
grade, to-wlti
At the interaction of Harrlton Ave
nue and Ninth ctreet t ft. above
tli ba of grede at the North line and
t 102.5 ft, above the ba of grade
it the South line at the Intersection of
Harrison Avenue and Tenth atrect
131 ft. abov the ba' of grade at the
North line and 134 ft. above the bee of
grade at the South line, at the Inter
tectlon of Harrison Averiue and Eleventh
street at CO ft. above the bene of grade
at the North Hue and 102 feet above the
ba of grade at the South line. At the
Interaction of Harrison Avenue with
Twelfth street at 139 ft above the base
of grade at the North line and at 137
ft. ebove the base of grade at the South
line) at the west lln of Shlvely'e As
torla, t 107 ft. above the baie of
grade. Between ld point above
deaignated the street shall be on an
even (lope.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria,
Astorfa, Oregon, Auguit 0th, 1000.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria ha declared It determination
and Intention to establish the grade on
Melbourne Avenue from tb aouth line
of Ttylor Avenue to the touth Una of
Columbia Avenue, so that the grade of
said street when to established (hall
be at the following elevation above the
bs of grade aa established by ordi
nsnce No. 71 of the City of Astoria,
to-wit I
At the south line of Taylor Avenue
at 20 ft. above the bas of grade on
the East and alo west line of Mel
bourne Avenue. At the North line of
Alameda Avenue at 73 ft. above the
base of grade on the tt line and 70
ft abqv the , base of grades on the
west lln of Melbourne Avenuej at the
South line of Alameda Avenue at 70
ft. above the base of grade on the
East lln of Melbourne Avenue and at
61 ft. above the bete of grade on the
went line of Melbourne Avenue; at the
north line of Columbia Avenu at 117
ft. above the has of grade on the east
line of Melbourne and at 120 ft. above
the base of grade on the west line of
Melbourne Avenuej at the center line
of Columbia Avenue at 122 feet ebove
the bas of grades on the eat line of
Melbourne Avenue, and at 125 ft. above
the base of grade on the west line of
the Intersection of Melbourne and Co
lumbia Avenue will be at the center
line of Columbia Avenue at 130 ft
above the bate of grade on the east
line of Melbourne Avenu and at 140
ft above the bast of grades on the west
line of Melbourne Avenue, at the South
line of Columbia Avenue at 140 ft. above
the base of grade on the South eide ot
Melbourne Avenue and at 142 ft. above
the base of grade on the west line of
Melbourne Avenu.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
Astoria, Oregon. August 0th, 1000.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria has declared its determination
and intention to establish the grade on
Columbia avenue from the east line of
Lincoln Avenue to the West line of Mel
bourne Avenue, to that the grade when
so , established will be on the following
elevations above the base of grades,
On the North half of the ttreet at
the East line of Lincoln Avenue at 105
ft. above the base of grades, and in the
center line of the street at 110 feet
above the baee of grades on
the North side of the ttreet and 110 ft
above the base of grades In the center
line of. the street; at the Southwest
corner ot Block 10 at 132 ft. at the
North line of the street, and 134 ft. In
the center line of the street) at the
East line of Melbourne Avenue at 117
ft. above the base of grades on the
North line of the street and at 122 ft.
at the center line of the street; at the
West line of Melbourne at 120 ft. above
the base of grades at the North line
of the ttreet, and 125 ft. above the base
of grades at the center line of ths
street, and on the South half of the
street the grade shall be as follows :
At the East line of Lincoln Avenue at
the South line of the ttreet at 112 ft.
at the center line of the ttreet 110 ft.
at the west line of Lincoln Avenue, at
the South line of the street 112 feet,
nd at tli center line at 110 ft. above
the bas of grade, and at th South- i
west corner of Block 19 la Taylor A
totfia at 130 ft above the base of
grade at th South lln of Columbia
Avenue and 134 feet t th center lln
of Columbia Avenue. At th East lln
of Melbourne Avenu at 140 feet abov
th bt of grade on th South lln
of Columbia Avenu and 133 ft, abov
th bas of grade at the center line of
Columbia Avenu at th west line of
Melbourne Avenue, 142 ft. at th South
Una of Columbia Avenue tnd 140 ft.
ut th center line of Columbia Avenue.
Auditor and Polk? Judge of the City
of Astoria.
AHoila, Oregon, August flth, 1900.
' 8-9-lOt
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria has declared its determination
and intention to Improve the intersec
tion or crowing of Bond street and Oth
street, Ha Id Improvement shall be made
by grading said eroding to the estab
lished grade and outside of the sidewalk
area to 12 Incehs below the established
grade, a construction of sidewalk cor
ners, the sidewalk corner on the east
side to be cement and on the wet side
wooden comers, and the street shall be
filled in and macadamised to the depth
of 12 Inches with crushed rock when
thoroughly rolled and the portion of the
crossing occupied by the track of the
Astoria Electric Co.' street car tract
and one foot on each side of the rail
thereof shall be macadamized by it at
the same time. In matters of detail
said improvement shall be constructed
according to the plans and kpeoiflcatlon
therefor to be prepared by the City
Surveyor as heheinafter provided and
general ordinance No, 1001 and any
matter of eonsmietioi) and drainage
found necessary to make the improve
ment safe or ubtantlal shall he done
by the contractor whether specified or
not, without extra charge.
That the costs and expenses of con
st ftietinV said Improvement shall be
defrayed by pecial assessment upon the
lots, land and premiss benefitted by the
same which said lots, lands and premises
are Included In the special eessment
district including alt lots, land and pre
mises so benefitted to-wit; Lots 7 and
8 In block 11, lots 5 and 0 in block 12,
lot 1 and 2 In block 22 and lott 8 and 4
In block 21, all In that part of the city
of Astoria laid out and recorded by
John McClure and extended by Cyrus
Olney, in Clatsop County, Oregon.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria ha declared it deteminatfon
and intention to improve Harrison Ave
nue from the West line of that part of
of the City of Astoria laid out and re
corded by John M. Shively to the center
line of 10th strct. Said improvement
shall be made by grading said street to
the full width thereof to the estab
lished grade thereof.
In matters of detail said improvement
shnll be constructed according to the
plans and specinV-ition therefor to be
pivpnred by the City Surveyor at here
inafter provided and general ordinance
No. 1901 and any matter of construction
and drainage found necessary to make
the improvement safe or substantial
shall be done by the contractor whether
specified or not, without extra charge.
That the costs and expenses of con
structing said improvement shall be de
frayed by special assessment upon the
lots, lands and premises benefitted by
the same which said lots, lands and
premises are included in the special as
sessment district including all lots, lands
and premises so benefitted to-wit: Lots
numbered 5, 0, 7 nnd 8. in block 00, lots
numbered 8, 0, 10. 11, 12, 13 nnd 14 in
block 91, lots 5, 0 7 and 8 in block num
ber sixty-nine (GO) lots 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 in
block 02, lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 0
and 7, 'in block 03; and lots 1, 2, 3,
and in block 04 nil in the part of
the City of Astoria laid out and re
corded by John McClure and extended
by Cyrus Olney in Clatsop county, State
of Oregon.
Auditor nnd Police Judge of the City
Astorin. 8-22-0t.
Special Assessment Roll No. 127, made
for the purpose of defraying the costs
and expenses of improving Dunne street
from the West lino of Tenth street to
the West line of Sixth street, has been
made by the Board of Assessors nnd
filed with the Auditor and Police Judge
nnd marked nnd numbered "Special As
sessment Roll No. 127;" and that the
Committee on Streets and Public Ways
of the Common Council ha been ap
pointed a special committee of the Coun
cil to sit with the Board of Assesors as
a board of equalization to consider,
review, equulize and correct said as
sessment roll and that the 8th dny of
September, 1000, ot the hour of 2 o'clock
p, in., In th Council Chumbci In the
j, J.i, .'.h..l.i.jj !fiijji".i 1 1 1 i.ii 1 . ii 1 1 m.m.ii..M
City Hall has been fixed a the time and
place of said meeting of said board of
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria
Special Assesment Roll No. 126, made
for the purpose of defraying the cost
and expense of improving Irving Ave
nue from the east line of Eighteenth
utrcet to the Wet line of Adair' As
torln, lin been made by the Board of
Assessor and filed with the Auditor and
Police Judge and marked and numbered
"Special Assessment Roll No, 128;" an!
that the committee on Street and Pub
lic Way of the Common Council has
been appointed ii special committee of
the Council to it with the Hoard of
Aeom as a board of equalization to
consider, - review,' equalize and correct
said assessment roll and that the 8th
day of Septenibef, 1000. at the hour of
2 o'clock p. m., in the Council Chambers
in the City Hall has been fixed as the
time and place of said meeting of said
board of equalization, at which time all
objections to said roll will be consid
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria
the Common Council of the city of
Astoria ha declared it determination
and intention to repair Commercial
street from the East line of Ninth street
to the West line of Fourteenth street
Seid repair shall consist of removing
all the old street decking from curb to
curb including the crossings and be
tween Ninth and Tenth street straight
ening up the stranger so as to bring
the street to the established grade and
filling in where necessary to do so,
and by replannig the street on the
existing stringers from the East line of
Ninth street to the West line of Four
teenth street with good sound yellow fir
lumber 4 inches in thickness by 12
inches In width.
All old material that is suitable for
use in repairing street shall be taken
away and stored by the Superintendent
of ttreett th sam la taken up by
the contractor and that which is worth
ies shall be removed by the contractor
at hi own expense and not dumped
under the roadway. , '
In matters of detail said improvement
shall be constructed according to the
plans and specification therefor to be
prepared by the City Surveyor a here
inafter provided and general ordinance
No. 1001 and any matter of construc
tion and drainage found necessary to
make the improvement safe or tubstan
tial hall be done bv the contractor
whether specified or not, without extra
charge. .
That the costs and expenses of con
st meting said improvement shall be
defrayed by special assessment upon the
lots, lands and premise benefitted by
the same which said lots, lands and
premises are included in the epeoial
assessment district including all lots,
lands tnd premise so benefitted to-
wit: Commencing at the northwest
corner of lot 8 in block 25 in that part
of the city of Astoria laid out apd re
corded by John McClure and extended
by Cymt Olney, and running thence
East through the middle of blocka 25,
59, 58 and 57 in McClure's Astoria and
tract "A" of McClure' Astoria as laid
out and recorded by the Astoria Real
Estate & Exchange Company to the
northeast coiner of lot 5 in said tract
"A" and running thence south along the
East line of said tract "A" and also the
East line of block 130 in that part of
the City of Astoria laid out and re.
corded by John M. Shively to the south
east corner of said block 136 in said
Shively' Astoria and thence running
west along the south line of said block
13G to the southwest corner thereof and
thence running north along the west
line of said block 136 to a point where
the west line of said block 136 would be
intersected by the South line of lot 4
in block 62 in that part of the city of
Astoria laid out and recorded by John
McClure and extended by Cyrus Olney
if extended East on a straight line, and
running thence west through the middle
of blocks 62, 01, 60 and 26 in Mc
Clure's Astoria to the southwest cor
ner of lot one (1) in block 20 and thence
running north along the east line of
Ninth street to the place of beginning
and containing all lots, lands and
premises within the said above describ
ed district which include all lands, lot
and promises benefitted my said im
provement or repairs.
Auditor and Police of the City of
She No, I have been forbidden to
He By the doctor, or by your neigh
bors f
-nwnrr-.niHiTi i.yrn u. r nnrin;rnt-nf'i-:--r-.rTtv-n- n. 'i ' ' r rvl i"T ir"r"tri
The P-ird of Equalization of ClaUop
County, Oregon, will attend at th offlc
of th Otunty Clerk of ClaUop County,
Oregon, on Monday, August 27, 1900,
and daily thereafter until and including
Saturday, September 1, 1906, to public
ly examine th assessment roll for th
year 1900, and correct all error in
valuation, description or equalities) of
land, lot or other properties and It
shall be the duty of all partiet inter
ested to appear at that time and place
for th purpose of correcting any errors
that may appear In said assessment
roB. .- . - ..- , . .
Assessor, Clatsop County, Oregon.
Astoria, Oregon, August 0, 1900.
8-5-28t. (D. & W.)
Th annual meeting of tb stockhold
er of tb Odd Fellows' Land & Build
ing Association will be held on Thurs
day, August 23, 1900. at 2 o'clock p. m
at Odd FeUowt' Hall.
JOHN HAHN Secretary.
The American
Collection Agency
No fee charged un
let collection Ii
mad. W make col
I lection is all part
of the United State.
413 Sanaa At.
new and first-class dintng
room. all the best the
market affords.
Open day and night.
Corner Ninth and Astor btreeta.
Y) , . SPICES, , rf
AHoIurt Purity. RMsrRiYor,
Grt&rtsf Srrefth.fta5orofi!t Priori
Sncceas of
I C- GEE i
(r Who i known
throughout the United
States on account of
is wonderful cure.
No poisons nor drugs used. He fruaran
teat to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and
throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness.
stomach, liver, and kidney, female com
plaints and all chronic diseases.
If you cannot call write for symptom
blank ana circular, inclosing 4 cents in
1G2J First St. Comer Morrison,
Please mention the Astorian
Lewis & Co., Druggists
Full line of drugs, souvenir, stationery,
confectionery and eoda water. Office
of Dr. Lewis at drug store, Bridge street
end of the bridge.
New building. New Furniture, 100 Rooms
LTNDSLEY & SON, Proprietor
Modern and Up-to-Dat
Electric lights, hot and cold water;
free 'bus to all trains. Ratet, (2.00 per
day and up.
Photographer, first -clat work, aatl-
ftctioa guaranteed, si Fourteenth St,
oppotlt Foard k Stoke.
- niniri.mniTniTf-i'rrT -"i-i- -n. t
I- 1 1
Oregon Restaurant
k ifa
Summer Diarrhoea la Children
During th hot weather of th ummr
month th first Unnatural loosens of
a child' bowelt thould hav Immediat
attention, to a to check th disease
befor It bcomet serious. AH that 1
necessary is afew dose of Chamberlain'
Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
followed by a dose of Cator oil tb
cleanse th system. Rev. M. 0. Stock
land, pastor of th first M. E, Church of
Little Falls, Minn, writes; "W hav
used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy for sefveral year
and find It a very valuable remedy, es
pecially for summer disorders in chil
dren." Sold by Frank Hart, leading
druggist aug
Visitor (admiring a beautiful rug on
the floor) -So yonr husband shot thi
tiger himself f A wonder kin.
Practical wife Ye, and worth uch
a lot of money. Lustige Blaettcr.
Unnecessary Expense.
Acute attack of colic and diarrhoea
come on without warning and prompt
relief must be obtained. There it no
necessity of incurring the expense of a
physician' services in such ease if
Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy is at hand. A dos of thi
remedy will relieve the patient before
tb doctor could arrive. It hat never
been known to faiL even in the most
severe and dangerous cases and no fam
ily should be without it. For tale by
Frank Hart, leading druggist. aug
First Lieutenant (at the opera) I
wonder why that little toubrette keep
looking our way while she is singing!
Second Lieutenant For inspiration, of
"Make Hay While the Snn Shine."
There is a lesson in the work of the
thrifty farmer. He know that the
bright tunshine may last but a day and
he prepares for the tbowert that are
liable to follow. So it should be with
every household. Dysentery, diarrhoea
and cholera morbus may attack some
member of the home without warning. ,
Chamberlain'a Colic Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy, which is the best known
medicine for these diseases, should al- ,
ways be kept at hand, ts immolate
treatment is necessary, and delay may
prove fatal. For sale by Frank Hart.
Stomach Trouble and Constipation,
No one can reasonably hope for good
digestion when the bowel are consti
pated Mr. Chat. Baldwin, of Edwards
ville, DL, say, "I suffered from chronid
constipation and stomach troubles for
several year, but thankt to Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets am
almost cured." Why not get a package
of these tablets and get well and ttay
wellf Price 25 cents. For tale by Frank
Hart .leading druggist aug
Visitor I have been much delightel
with Munich.
Waiter Yes, our beer bouse certainly
has very beautiful surroundings.
. ' ,)
Stop That Cough 1
When a cough, a tickling or an irrita
tion in the throat makes you feel un
comfortable take Ballard' Horehound
Syrup. Don't wait until the disease baa
gone beyond control Mr. and Mrs. 7.
A. Anderson, 354 West Fifth street, Salt
Lake City, Utah, write:
"We think Ballard' Horehound Syrup
the best medicine for coughs and cold.
We have used it for several years; it
always gives immediate relief, is very
pleasant and gives perfect satisfaction.
25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold by Hart' drug
Isaacstein (at the charity bazaar to
fair attendant) How much doe a
kiss cost!
Fair attendant Twenty marks?
"Have you any samples?.
Renders the bile more fluid and thus1
helps the blood to flow; it afford
primpt relief from biliousness, indi
gestion, sick and nervous headaches, and
over-indulgence in food and drink.
G. L. Caldwell. Agt M. K. and T. R. R
Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes, April 18,
1903: "I was sick for over two years
with enlargement of the liver and
spleen. The doctors did me no good,
and I had given up all hope of being
cured, when my druggist advised me to
use Herbine. It has made me sound and
well." 50c Sold by Hart's drus store.
When pains or irritation exist on any
part of the body, the application of
Ballard's Snow Liniment gives prompt
relief. E. W. Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan
House, El Reno, O. T., writes, June 0,
1902 1 "I take pleasure in recommend
ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who
sr afflicted with rheumatism. It is
th only remedy I hav found that gives
immediate relief." 25c 50o nd $100.
Sold by Hart' drug stor.