2 THE MORNING ASTOIHAJf," ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST u, loop". THE MORNING ASTORIAN EatabUthed tljj. ' Published Daily Except Monday by Tllk J. S. DELLIHGIE cOKPAKY. SUBSCRIPTION SATES. By mail, per year By carrier, per month. ;.oo .60 WEEKLY ASTOSIAK. Bt m$0, per year, is advance. .11.00 Kntcred at wrond-clM matter Jaly SO. IMS, at tbe poctofflc at Aatorta. ure ton, audar U act of Congreaa ot afcuva t, Isra. V0nln for the deilwnnc of Taa Hoax muroiua loHUxr raMaoo or place of borfM naj ba made br postal oard or tbrougb teJecbona. Any Irregularity to d Uwcy tbouM be tanwUaleiy reported to the offiocof publication. TELEPHONE MATS Hi. tba City of Aatoria, Official pawr of Clatsop county and 0000 00000 0 0 00 0 0000 0 EDITOSAL SALAD. 0 000000000000000000 WEATHER. Oregon, Washington, Idaho Augut showers. QUITE NORMAL, THANE YOU! The affected solicitude of the Oregon lan as to the mental status of tbe edi tor of thu paper in his recent dealings with tbe grave question of the perma nent and genuine improvement of the Columbia river and its bar, is no sort of answer to the argument laid down, that Portland is diametrically and sel fishly opposed to the actual deepening of the sea channel on that bar. Sneers and jeera hare ever been the "dernier resort" of the man and paper that dare not face the music, and the big sheet is, apparently, no exception to the rub. Is Portland honestly in favor of a 40-foot channel from the sea to the river side of tbe Columbia bar! That is tbe question we want answers 1 without equivocation or frills of any sort! We want an answer that will stand in the record of her future deal ings with this vital issue, minus all sophistry and double-dealing and nar row prejudices. That's what we want! And while the Oregonian, or any of its compeers, shall propound the plain statement desired in that connection, we urge a nequally honest response to this problem: If the 0. R. & N. can haul grain 140 miles to the Puget Sound ports and pay a joint-rate to the North ern Pacific, why can it not haul the staple 100 miles to Astoria and pay the joint-rate- to the Astoria & Columbia River road? Jf, as the Oregonian has declared, the building of the Hill lines down the north bank of the Columbia, ensures his terminal the advantage of the common point rate on wheat, why has As toria, with a good railroad for the past eight years, been denied that commercial benefit! There are several other pertinent things to be asked before the last of this is heard from, and Portland and her press may as well be decent about it. If it be a sign of insanity to insist on an equitable deal in the commercial development of the state, then we con fess ourselves "away off," but for the time being we will exercise what little gumption is left us and cling to our text. Alxjut the nicest way to acquire good complexion and keep gxnl health to belong to a walking chih. If there int one in your nWgliborhoiHl start one, Several walking clubs thruuuhout the count ry are pursuing health ami hapj ne-s afoot. The member pledge them selve to walk at lean 400 mile year. At this average of a little over mile a day anybody with feet should be able to live up to the regulation. Once a ween me members take a cross country tramp of from five to thirty miles in company. Generally their sum nier vacation includes a walkins trin through some section of country worth seeing. All tbe club members are said to be good looking and possessors perfect health, which is a recoramenda tion, besides the very strong one that thi is a good deal more accessible source of fun to the average person than automobile and yachts. . 0 Many stories have been told about the long telegraphic meiwges sent by worn en, as if the feminine mind were in capable of expressing itself concisely, How fale and slanderous such an im pres-ion is is well known by the fol lowing incident. A gentleman went to London on business. A he left he said something to bis wife about buying her a new dress. Just before starting home ward he wired to his wife: "Which shall I bring you a diamond ring or a nlk dress t" The reply was concise and ex plicit "Both." : 0 Another western millionaire has mar' ried a humble hotel maid. It was love at first sight as she twirled a feather duster with careless grace in the corri dor. This infatuation of our capitalists for the hotel help is a theme to which only a Whittier could do justice The American heiress, however, is not on record as marrying a bellboy or a por ter. She doesn't care so much for 1 uniform as for- a title. o The paramount object in the culture of the grape in most parts of the world has been the obtaining of wine. The extent of this will be surprising and hardly believed by those not acquainted with the statistics. Thus, for instance, there are annually produced on tbe globe over 4,000,000,000 gallons of wine. Of this amount the United States pro duces only about 50,000,000 gallons. 0 It is said that the hides of the Ameri can live cattle sent to England to be killed and eaten are by prearrangement all sent back across the Atlantic, there to be tanned and maybap reshipped to England as leather or in boots and shoes. 0 A New Orleans recruiting officer finds that cigarette smoking and late hours have unfitted most of the young men of that city for military service. There are some other important things that cigarette smoking and late hours unfit young men for. 0 Maxim Gorky says it is not the torch of liberty but the dollar that is blazing in the hand of the statue on Bedloe Island. Perhaps this is Maxim's way of insinuating that we have money to burn. NEW MILL STARTS UP. CKXTRAUA, Wash., August 21.-The big new mill f the Eatern Railway ft Lumlx-r Company started Monday morning for the first time. The new mill ban been built at an expcuse of over $100,000, and I one of the finest inland plant in the state. Everything in of the mott modern equipment. The only thing that is bothering the direc tors of the company now ia the car shortage, and this is a serious question. A NIGHT CAP Take two fiecchnm's rills on re. tiring and avoid any ill effects from a late meal. Then you will sleep soundly, awaken with a clear head and a high opinion of the great stomach remedy, Beechams Pills Sold Everywhere, In boxes 10c and So, Often a person is sized up by his appear ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And more often a business house is sized up by the stationary it uses. A cheap letter head or a poor bill head gives a mighty poor first Impression and makes business harder to transact. Good printing costs no more than poor printing. The first im pression is half the battle in business. You wouldn't employ a "sloppy" sales man; why put up with "sloppy" station ery, that gives a wrong impression of the importance of your business. Let us do your printing and help you to make that ten strike. The J. S. Dellingei Co. ASTORIA, OREGON eee)4 ?frHB5 FALL PAINT PAINTING IS ALWAYS EXPENSIVE AND YOU WANT TO HAVE IT DONE AS CHEAPLY AS POSSIBLE. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO ECONOMIZE? BY BUYING A CHEAP PAINT AND SAVING A TRIFLE IN TBE BEGINNING OR BY USING Patton's Sun-Proof Paint WHICH LOOKS BETTER AND LASTS LONGER. B, (."ALIEN 8 SON STARTHEATER P. GEVURTZ, Mgr. MR LEE WILLARD AND COMPANY, MANAGEMENT ARTHUR C. FOX. TONIGHT THE GREAT COMEDY DRAMA BY SPECIAL REQUEST A ay Deceiver SATURDAY MATINEE AND EVENING SUNDAY MATINEE AND EVENING, "HIVK'RY IAL REQUEST. "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN" FARM" BY SPEC- Summer Prices, 15c, 25c. and 35c MR. BRYAN'S ABSENCE. We concur heartily in the conviction of the Bryan leaders that his continued absence from the country will conduce to his popularity as a presidential can didate; the farther he goes, and the longer he stays, the more popular will he become; and if time, and distance, and non-participation in the current politics of the nation are to be the guages of his success, Australia is not half far enough nor the schedule of the trip half ' long enough, to do the business. If he will settle in the Antipodes and send back the assurance of his permanent abandonment of all ambitions for office and commercial relations with this country, his popularity will be transce dent, and he can have anything he wants (out there). During his absence the country will endeavor to wriggle along In some desultory fashion, however hopeless, and strive to be good enough io make him glad to say he once lived over here. There are some blessings so Infinitely rare bs to inspire a very dread of their coming, and this Is one of them. Chicago has more prisoners awaiting trial for murder than any other large city in the world with the exception of St. Petersburg and Rome. o It estimated that there are 770,500, 000 postal cards used annually in the United States, while Germany uses 1,161,000,000 and Great Britain 613, 000,000. A ew York man who has failed, in business says he needs half a million dollars to put him on his feet. That amount of cash would put this writer on golden winps. : o 1 When Paul Morton sees the railroads getting soaked $40,000 apiece for re bating he probably notices that things were different when he was in the rail road business. Fifteen million umbrellas are said t be manufactured in this country evpr year. In a few years from now we will be hearing of reunions of people who once Mere incubator babies, o ' ' During the last 20 years nearly 1,000,. 000 hubjecta of the czar have crossed the ocean in search of liberty. , The Angora Goat Society of Kansas City has butted in and will endeavor to popularize goat meat as a table delicacy. SCO! BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS ASTORIA,:OItEGON IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS1 LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS Up-to-Date BawJMill Machinery; Prompt atteDtionlvcn;ic((il. re air work 18th and Franklin Ave. Tel. Slain 2451 F. A. BORCHERT, Prop. D. J. CUMMINS, Mgr. PARKER HOUSE BAR CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Parker House 9th and Astor gas The Art of Fine Plumbing has rvogreMol wiih the development of the science of sanitation fnd ws hire kept Met with lha IniMovemMiti- llm yont Or h tout bathroom one of U OM kiUoorf, oaheaJihy kind f 1 yoo art atO nttng the "closed In" txtara of tea years mo. It woulj be well to remove them ami fnitall In their stead, now white Smk0T font lain Emm eled Ware, of Which we hsve sample! displayed in our showroom, let ut quote jroa prim. Illustrated catalogue free. ?, A. Montgomery, Asforia. m. r-rffTl TM W 1 I 1 l 4 : THE UNION OAS ENGINE COMPANY f) J . : : Marine and Stationary Gas and Gaioline Engines . J WE ARE NOW ntUNO ORDERS rROM OUR 1TEW WORKS. WRITE US FOR PRICES AND ILLUSTRATED j .CATALOGUE. :. P. Kendall, General Sales Agent, 0-M Front St Portland, Or. Weinhard's LAGER. BEERjC First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. C8TA1ILI81IE1) IftWtt. Capital $100,000 J. a A. BOWLBY, PrtsUUnt. fRAXK PATTON, Cashier. 0. I. PETERSON, Vlos Presldsnt. J. W. GARNER, AssUUat Cwhlte. Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid In 1100,000, Bnrpini and Undivided Proflta V&m Transact a General Banking Bonlnwia, Interna pd on Tims Deposit 168 Tenth 8trt, A9T0KIA, OREGON. Sherman Transter Co. I3ENRY SHERMAN. Maoaeer Hacks, Carriages-Baggage Checked and Transferred -Trucke ard Furniture Wagons Planoi MoTed, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 &e O'E C. F. WISE, Prop M Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Hot Lunch at all Hours Merchants Lunch From 11:30 a, m. to 1:30 p jn. a$ Centi Corner Eleventh and Commercial ASTORIA OREGON Steam Cleaning and Dying a Specialty. Special Attention Given to Ladlee Work. All Work Called for and Delivered. 7a NINTH STREET CARL BREON ASTORIA, OREGON. PORTLAND WIRE AND ... IRON WOKlfst J MB va Vh ORNAMENTAL WIRE and IR0N WRK of ALL KINDS. 2(13 Slander. ,iWHAND,0R.