The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 22, 1906, Image 1

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    VOLUME LXI NO; 222
4 '
Labor Unions Fight His
' Return to Congress.
New York State Democrat and
Republican Have Inter
Party Strife.
People AU Likt Congressman From the
Twenty-first District But Be It
Not Popular With Senator
WASHINGTON", August 21 (Special.)
K the unions succeed In putting Lit
tlefleld out of buIne, It will be i
suflU-icut triumph for their first year
In politics and they can afford to loe
their other conflicts. AU the Influence
of the administration and all the pow
er of I he republican organisation is back
of LittleflWd am) he has a wide margin
of republican votes to go on. Should
be be defeated, no congressman who an
tagonUes the unions will ever serure
a seat; and, under such circumstances,
not many congressmen would antagonize
them. Is it possible, then, that we may
come to have a government of the
union, by the unions, ami for the
unions. Oh, well, Is the retort, It might
as well be that wsy as a government of
the trusts, by the trusts, and for the
trusts. And no one seems to think It
worth while to ask where the common
m ii come In, the every day consumer
who neither a labor unionist nor a
trust magnate.
Both Parties Are In Luck.
In New York State both the demo
crats and republicans are playing in
great luck. The democrat a are lucky
because the republicans are fighting
among themselves, and the republicans
are lucky because the democrats have
Inter-party strife.
The democratic conflict, of course, Is
lietween Hearst and nntl-Nearst fac
tions, with the gubernatlonal nomlna
tlon and control of the party machinery
n the prizes. In this fight, however
there Is involved the Issue of Hearst's
doctrines, something that affects the
welfare of the people, and the struggle
can be viewed without repulsion. The
New York republican fight, on the other
band, would seem to linvc nothing back
of it other than the aorded ambitions of
two men, the question of whether an
Odcll or a Iliggins shall bo boss. It 1
a pitiful issue upon which republicans
are asked to battle, nml it is a pitiful
choice of evls wheh the party has.
Situation In Ohio.
From. conditions In the empire state
it Is a relief to turn to Ohio and find a
spot wheer cournueous manhood and
high-minded statesmanship seem actual
ly to be prized. In the Twenty-first
Congressional District, in. which is em
braced most of the city of Cleveland,
Congressman Theodore E. Burton is a
candidate to succeed himself. Mr. Bur
ton is not popular, politically, with
Senator Dick and the other powers that
control the Ohio republican machine,
but he is popular with the people of
the twenty-first district. Dick and the
machine' powers would gladly defeat
Burton if they dared try, but for the
sake of their own skins they have to
keep hands off.
Not only Is Mr. Burton popular with
his republican constitutents, but the
democrats like him equally as well.
Two years ago the democratic candi
date for congress withdrew, In ordor
Unit Burton might have a clear field,
there being fear that he wonld be
knifed by the republican machine and
possibly defeated. After looking awhile
t New York, doesn't that seem a
queer thing for the democratic candi
date to have done? Again this year,
Mayor Tom Johnson and other leading
Cleveland democrats advocate the prac
tically unanimous return of Burton by
refraining from making a democratic
nomination, while still other democrats
would like to oe Burton placed on the
democratic ticket.
And how ba this man Burton secured
smh a hold upon the confidence and
affections of lila people! Chiefly by do
Ing as he has seen It, and refusing to
play panut politics. Burton Is erudite,
Independent snd fearless. There Is noth
ing blatant about his Independence, but
he never hestlates to apeak his mind
In s quiet, scholarly wayj and he never
seems to think of political conse
queiiccs to himself. In the House of
representatives he Is chairman of the
committee on livers and harbors snd
Mleves the people's money should bs
expended on internal improvements
rather than In preparation for war. H
Is conspicuously opposed to naval ex
travagance. This fact, together with
the fact that he favors tariff revision,
has operated against his advancement
in the houe, but It hasn't prevented him
from winning the respect of every mem
ber of that body, from Speaker Cannon
down to the mot obscure first-termer.
He likewise has the confidence and re
spect of President Hoosevelt, although
he opposes some of Mr. Roosevelt's pet
Some of these days, when the republi
can party in Ohio la relieved of the in
cubus of bosslmn. Theodore Burton will
be sent to the United States Senate,
where he properly belongs snd which
august body he would ornament.
Illinois Democrats Ignore
Bryan's Wishes.
Refuse to Ask Sullivan's Resig
nation and Endorse Bryan
Against Desire.
Delegates Grow Wrathy in Fierce War
of Words and Blows Are Ex
changedThompson Bitterly
Arraigns Sullivan,
Tammany Leader Will Oppose
Jerome for Governor.
Calls Him "Political Panhandler, In
tellectually Sterile, Socially Vul
gar and Morally Obtuse" Wins
With Money; Not Ideas.
NEW YORK, August 21. -Charles V,
Murphy, lender of Tammany Hall today
said he had not observed any sentiment
n Tammany for the nomination of Dis-
rict Attorney Jerome for Governor by
the democrats, but there was, he said,
plenty of sentiment for Hearst. Murphy
declared he was not committed to any
candidate, but it was the rule of Tam
many to be guided by the sentiment of
the organization and he would be guided
by it in the state convention. Murphy
said the Tammany delegntes would be
bound by the unit rule.
District Attorney Jerome gave out a
statement, In the course of which he
says, It Is no surprise to find Murphy
practically declaring for Hearst, The
only reason for his taking an active
part In politics this year is to carry on
tlie flglit of Inst year, which was a fight
to five the parties and the people from
the domination of such political pan
handlers. "Birds of a feather flock to
gether," Jerome said, "and when a per
son Intellectually sterile, socially vul
gar, anil morally obtuse, Insults the
decent people of the state, irrespective
of party, by seeking the nomination of
a political party, by advancing do!
lars, not Ideas, and by methods akin to
the blackmailer, no thinking person
could doubt where Murphy could be
SAN FRANCISCO, August 21.-Pas-
aenger trollic Manager Fee - of the
Southern Pacific Company announces
that in view of the great demand for
laborers on the Pacific Coast, the com
pany has decided to make a rate to
the coast states of $31 from Chicago and
$25 from Missouri Riven points,
I'KORIA, August 21.-By a rote of
laid to 573 the Illinois democratic
state convention today tabled the re
quest of William J. Bryan for tbe resig-
. nation of National Committeeman Sul
Despite the fact that Bryan had de
clared he did not wish to be endorsed
unles Sullivan was repudiated, the con
vention declared him the one and only
man, capable leading the democratic
party to victory in 1908. The endorse
ment of Bryan and the tabling of the
motion, calling for the resignation of
Sullivan came at the close of the most
exciting ses-ion of the convention, in
which there were several fights and
throughout which confusion reigned
The committee on resolutions declined
to report, a plank calling for the resig.
nation and a debate followed the mo
tion made in the convention by Judge
Thompson, calling for Sullivan'a resig
nation. It had been agreed. that each
side waa to have 45 minutes in which
to present its side of the cae and
Thompson Was the first to advocate
the cause of Bryan. He allowed his
feelings to carry him somewhat to an
extreme and aroused the hostility of
Sullivan a friends by the unsparing
manner in which he dealt upon the last
democratic convention at Springfield.
He strode tip and down the platform,
his face white with wrath and his form
shaking with the intensity of bis feel
ings. His caustic criticism finally lost
him the ear of the convention and ho
might never have been able to concludo
his speech if Sullivan had not personally
requested quiet. Sullivan, who follow
ed Thompson, and who was the first
speaker in hi own behalf, declared that
the ear of Mr. Bryan had been poisoned
against him and the demand for his
resignation sprang from his personal
enemies." Great feeling was displayed
on both sides during the debate, and
many personalities of a disagreeable
liaracter were indulged in by the var
ious speakers. The end came when ex-
Senator Kern moved the tabling of tho
resolution. The convention nominated
a candidate for treasurer, superintend
ent of public instruction, and three
trustees for the State university,
The platform adopted, while dealing
mostly with State issues, also favors
government wonership of telephones and
telegraphs, and denounces the recent
congress for its surrender to the meat
trust, railways and Standard Oil Com
pany; the eight-hour law; the anti
Injunction law and the election of sena
tors by direct vote of the people.
Cuban Insurrection Gain
ing Very Little.
New Torkerg Start Movement to Secure
Money For Harbor Improvement.
NKVVt YORK, August 21 (Special.)-
J he various commercial bodies of New
York are beginning u manifest w,nsid
erable Interest in the movement recent
ly started by the National Rivers and
Harbors Congress for larger Congres-
sional appropriations for waterway im
provement. New York's commercial life
depends ujion the excellence of her port
facilities, and although millions have
been spent on their improvement, many
more millions are needed. The publics
tion this week of the annual report on
.1... .nii.Au . .1.- i. i .
which is urgently needed to relfeve the GOVERNMENT IS ACTIVE
congestion of shipping In the East river,
show that in 20 years only 00 per cent
of tbe work has len completed and
that at the present rate of appropria
tion it will not be finished before 1920.
In tbi matter it is pointed out here
that the interest, of the Atlantic and
Pacific Coasts are identical, for at pres
ent Congress is more disposed to favor
improvements to the Mississippi Valley
section on the tirourul that these are
U tter vote-getters. Tbe best solution FIGHT. IN HAVANA PROVING
of the difficulty, as many prominent men
have expressed it. is in a more liberal
policy of national aid to the rivers and
harbors of both coasts, such as is being iMurget8 Clash With the Government
One Thousand Rebels in Pinar
Del Rio Region Constitu
te Only Menace.
urged by the waterways organization.
in Havana Province, and More
Fighting Is Expected Rebels
Capture Town of Guinea.
RENO, Nev, August 21. The mining
town of Johnsville, Plumas. County. Cal,
waa nracticallv wint mil. r.t
yesterday bv fire. T. live. W August 2I.-Indications to-
snd 25 buildings were destroyed. The ni8ht re taat tbe revolution in West
two men killed, Patrick Gorman, an old I em Cuba has practically reached Its
resident of Pukaki county, and Ivan Vo- maximum. The coverriment and nm,i
favnt.ij ucueis iuo uiutement nag re
ceived about all the accessions it will
be likely to gain and the promptness of
the government in arresting suspected
leaders and plotters in Havana and else.
where, and in sending reinforcements to
the disaffected nrnvin h hA an
Jury IS Selected in Land Fraud excellent effect in strengthening public
Trial, confidence and overawing sympathizers
with the movement.
On the other hand despite the peace
able quietude in the Finar del Rid
CASE re?,on' throughout the day, the fact
tuan 1000 insurgents there, are tendin,
to concentrate upon towns inadequately
guarded, makes the situation grave. As
Mays, Jonea snd Sorenson J" ,7t V Z L"T "
is Worst L. . ... '
mi pKrpnieu or iui. uie nerve, mere
have been rumors of fights in Pinar del
Rio province today, but none have been
confirmed. There waa some fighting to
day in Havana province and more is
hourly expected. It is reported the town
PORTLAND, August 21. With the of Guinea, 20 miles south of Havana was
completion of the jury in the United tms evening peacefully captured by a
States district court todav in the Mna 01 insurgents.
of the United
Trial of
Opens in Earnest Case
of AU Land Frauds in
States against State
Senator Franklin P. Mays, former State
Representative Willard N. Jones and SAN FRANCISCO, August 21. The
George Sorenson once a deputy sheriff in coroner's jury summoned to hold an
Multnomah county . the trovernmenl inl"Mt over the body of Fred Mullinix,
forces cleared it. .l.ol-. .Minn A i.. the -vm,n mnn hot footPa(I n
. - Ocean Beach over a week ago today re-
the opening argument of Fmncis J. turned a verdict charging Fred Peterson
Heney, special assistant to the attor- with firing the shot, and that McAuliff,
ney general, echoes were heard of the Mears and Westwood, the three boys
battles that are past, as well as mut- "miPr arrest Rs Accomplices, were guilty
terings of the battle that is at hand. of R8sistinf? him- During the inquest
Heney spoke for only an hour and a Peter9t" broke down and cried. West
half, but during tlt tim. ni.tli! w00d showed signs of emotion. After
clearly and definitely the alleged whole- the inl"est the four young men were
sale fraud, which the government forllln,1y charged with murder.
charges the defendants and others plan
ned to make it the victim of; an at
tempt which if the government is right,
makes any other of the frauds in this
state or in fact all of them put together
look puny in comparison.
At Portland Portland 0, Oakland 7.
At Oakland Los Angeles 4, San
Francisco 5.
SPRINGFIELD, August 21. The re-
CHICAGO, August 21.-John Alexan-
SAMARA, August 21 The command-
et of the Borissoy regiment was today
attacked nt his residence here. The
murderers escaped after saturating the
body of their victim with alcohol and
setting it on tire. .
publicans in state convention today der Dowie said last night that all nego
nominated a treasurer, superintendent tiations between himself and Wilbur
of public instruction, and three trustees Glenn Voliva for settlement of the
of the Illinois university. The conven- Zion City tangle have been declared off.
tion was marked by harmony and good Dowie issued a statement last night in
feeling. The presidential boom of which he says
Speaker Cannon was given an enthus- "All attempts at negotiations have
iastio endorsement by today's conven- ended in failure. I made a clean cut
tion. The mention of the speaker's name proposition but Voliva and his adherents
brought the convention to its feet and refused to consider it4 Then I offered
there was enthusiastic cheering. Out- to consider a proposition from them, but
sides of the endorsement of Cannon and it was twice stated that they had none
Senator Cullom for re-election, there to offer. Hence: negotiations are closed
was little of general interest in the and there is nothing more at this time
convention proceedings. ' to say,"
Gothamites Enjoy New Fad of Balloon
ingWomen Learn the Art.
NEW YORK, August 21 (Special.)
Ballooning is the summer fad in tha
metropolis this year. Scarcely a day
passes that someone does not make an
ascent and balloons are continually com
ing down unexpectedly upon one's roof
or in one's back yard. As for the
farmers of Westchester or the Jersey
counties near New York, they have ceaa
ed to be astonished when a gentlemaa
swoops down on them out of the sky
and, stepping out of hi aerial car, po
litely ak for a glass of milk. The
tragic death of Paul Nocquest, the
prominent sculptor and balloonist, early
in the season, apparently did not damp
in the slightest degree the local mem
bers of the Aero Club and followers of
the sport generally. Not a few women
in the city are now expert balloonist.
The only persons who bare abandoned
the spot in the metropolis are a few
professional aeronauts who came to the
city hoping to make a fortune by
charging admission to the enclosures
where they made their ascents. Inas
much as the crowds stayed outside of
the fence and saw the ascensions free
of charge, the professional fonnd that
their proposed harvest of dollars failed.
NEW YORK. August 21. Pat Crowe
of Omaha, who became well known at
the time of the Cudaby kidnapping case,
and who recently came to this city, was
arrested last night, charged with being
a suspicious person and taken to police
headquarters. The police, however, were
unable to find a record of a case for
which they believed be was wanted an-i
released him.
Valparaiso And Aconcagua Pro
vince Suffer Heavily.
Abarca, Limache, and Hierro Viejo, Are
Almost Totally Wrecked Llaillai
. Reported Entirely Disappeared -Quakes
Still Continue.
VALPARAISO, Aug. 21-The greatest
damage occurred in the provinces of
Valpraiso and Aconcagua. The town of
Abarca suffered severely. Llaillai is re
ported to have entirely disappeared and
Liamache and Hierro Viejo has been
almost totally wrecked. At Vina Del
Mar three quarters of the houses are
in ruins. The losses in the entire coun
try are estimated at $o0,000,000. The
authorities of Valparaiso have takea
over the feeding of the people and pro
visions are being brought in from the
places not destroyed. The slight earth
quakes continue. The fires have all
been extinguished. More than one hun
dred men taken in the act of commit
ting robbery, have been shot.
Monster Trans-Pacific Liner Pounding
Heavily on the Reef.
HONOLULU. August 21. At noon to-
day the condition of the stranded steam
er Manchuria is said to be worse and
at 8 o'clock tonight she was pounding
heavily in spite of all efforts to assist
A proposition is now being con
sidered to dredge a channel from where
she lies to deep water. This it is be
lieved will be the only feasable plan,
but it is doubtful whether the vessel
will last, long enough to carry it out.
OMAHA, August 21. Secretary of
Agriculture Wilson arrived in South
Omaha early ytoday and visited all the
packing-houses. He intimated that ev
erything was found to be in a satisfac
tory condition.