The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 21, 1906, Image 1

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Bryan Will Go for Austra-
laln Tour Soon.
Astute NebrasKan Wilt Remain in
America Few Weeksj Then
Leave Country,
Democratic Campaign Leaden Aniloui
Concerning What Iuuea Bryan
Will Make Paramount Gov
. ernment Ownership Point.
WASHINGTON, D. C, August 20.
SpcII.) The announced purpose 0f
'Air. Brysn to take a malt a port a
may I possible in this year campalgu
i a severe disappointment to Chairman
tirlgga anj the member of the Dem-
scratie Congressional Camjtalgn (Jom
mlttee, They had hoped Mr. Ilryan
would make eechet in practically
every doe district and were counting
largely on hia popularity to etithuie
the Democratic rank and lite.
Mr. llryan'a policy haa the approval,
however, of tho of bit friends who
are looking Iteyond this year's contest
to the larger stake of 1W)8. The Bryan
Itoont hnn grown to it preeiit propor
tion, with .Mr. Bryan on the other aide
f the world. Thing have been pro
greing very nicely, so nicely, indeed,
that men like Bailey, of Texas, who
have never ton friendly to the Ncbras
knn, concede hi uominutlon two years
hence. What good purpose U to be
nerved, therefore, by Mr. liryan't return
and participation in the campaign! If
hia nomination he already assured, it Is
not necessary for Mr. Bryan to do any.
thing to push the boom along. And with
him here nmkliig daily speeches, there
would always be prewnt the possibility
of mime untoward occurrence that would
give the boom a aet-back.
Bryan to Auatralia.
And ao, there wa relief and satis
faction when the word cnino that after
a few week in America, Mr. Ilryan
would again act anil for a long voyage
to AiiHtralla, No arrangement of things
ould have been better. After a long
absence during which hia popularity
ha had tremendous growth, Mr, Bryan
returns, receives the plaudits of his
devoted followers, makes graceful no
knowledgmcnt, and sails away again
giving to absence a second opportunity
to make the Democratic heart grow
fonder. Thus, both to Br. Ilryan and
the Democracy, are spared the petty
annoyance of daily contact, the criti
cisms that come of dose scrutiny, and
the depreciation that every man, no
matter how great he is, must suffer
when the people aro in constant hearing
of his voice,
It is a trite saying.but a true one,
that familiarity1 breeds contempt. And
by other aspirants for presidential hon
ors, Mr. Aryan is envied ns a lucky
nihil. Were the circumstances propltous
more of them, no) doubt, would1 tgo
abroad. Maybe Mr. Bryan's success
will make it the fashion for presidential
seeker to go a-travelling, in order that
the peoplo may regard them through
the telescope rather than the micro
scope. WW Make Few Speeches,
It is known of course, that Mr. Bryan
will make a few speeches during his
brief sojourn it home, and it is expected
those speeches will be the Democratic
slogans in this year? nmpaign, There
is naturally keen "nnVty, therefore, as
to what Issues I Mr; Bryan will make
paramount. It Is the hope of most
eastern Democrats that he will come
out strong for revision of the tariff,
and put the soft pedal on other policies
for which the Nbiaskan Is known per
sonally to stand, -
Especially "anxlnua are the eastern
'conservative" as to what he may say
on the subject of government owner
ship of railroads. That Mr. Uryan la
personally la favor of this policy I
well known, but there Ik hop that hi
may not pi ess it at this time, lie
tweeit the attitude of Mr. Uryan on this
question and the Democratic struggle
in New York there is Intimate relation.
If Mr. Bryan eome out strong for gov
ernment ownership, thera will be noth
ing logically left In New York but the
nomination of Mr. Hearst. Should Mr.
Bryan make tariff revision paramount,
it would largely take the wind out of
the Hearst sails, because tariff revUion
has had no conspicuous place In the
i learnt preachment. On the other hand,
the remarkable growth of Mr. Hearst's
gubanatorial boom, standing as be doe
on a government ownership platform.
may convince Mr. Bryan that the time
is ripe to declare that policy as a car
dinal Democratic doctrine.
Radical Policy Wanted by Some.
Itndical Democrats everywhere are
are anxious that Mr. Bryan shall come
out flat-footed for government owner
ship and declare that he will atand or
fall by that policy. They argue that
such a course would be the best of poll
tic, and their argument has a lot of
sound logic back of it. The situation,
as t appeal, to the radicals, is about
at follows) In 1800 and again in KMX).
Mr. Bryan was condemned for certain
railroad preachments, Since then', a
Republican president has taken up most
of those radical preachments, adopted
them aa hit own gospel, and forced
them upon his party as good Republican.
gnsper." The result f tremendous popu
laifty for Mr. Roosevelt and public
conviction that those policies hav
better, certainly aa good, chance of be
coming law with Mr. Itoosevelt at the
helm as with Mr. Bryan, In other
words, Itoosevelt has stolen Bryan''
thunder. The thing for Mr. Bryan to
do, therefore, 1. to get some new thun
der, and the most promising atmos
phere for that commodity is government
ownership of railraod. Mr. Roosevelt
has not gone that far, and there is no
hnnce that he will go that far within
he next two years.
And the radical believe that the
people will remember that the things
with which Mr. Bryan scared them in
lfWfl and 11)00 are now generally ae
cepted a sound policy and will not take
fright when the "conservatives" shout
"wolf" at government ownership.
Destitute Chileans are Be
ing Cared for.
Italian Arrested on Suspicion of Being
in Plot to Kill Fallieret.
MV 10KK, August 20. A cable
dispatch to a morning paper from Mar
seilles, ay:
me pouce yesterday arrested an
Italian anarchist named Cirillo Frances,
a bootmaker, on suspicion of being in a
plot to assss-inate Resident Fallieres
on his approaching visit to the Mar
seilles exposition. When Frances's
lodgings were searched the police found
43 ounces of fulminate, 38 lead screws,
and other bomb accessories, all of whicft
had been brought from Italy.
The arrest wa the result of the re-
ceplt of an anonymous letter, describing
the plot, which had wide ramifications
and It Is believed to be connected with
the arrest of the Italian on the Franco-
Illinois Democrats to En
dorse' Nebraskan.
Dispatches Indidate Casualties h frmieJ tl,e time of the Will Not Ask Sullivan's Restena
Ml... kl.t . ... s imn m. the lives of King Alfonso and A. 5
Were Not So Urge as at
First Reported.
(jiieen Victoria at Madrid. Tbia Ital
ian was released by the French police
lor warn oi evidence out was expelled
from the country.
tion as National Com
Property Damage Estimated at Be
tween Two and Three Thousand
Million Seacoaat Lifted in
Places By Quake.
The earthquakes In Chile have ceased.
the resultant fires have been extinguish
Ifew York Citizens Treated to "Seal
Western Roundup" by Police.
NEW YORK, August 20 (Special)
New York was treated to what the
newspapers called a "real wild western
roundup" the other day when some
steers, which were being conveyed across
the harbor to a local abattoir, broke
loose In the livestock boat and jumped
into the water. A passing municipal
ferryboat put out a lifeboat in which
ed, and the people of the two states and "'"dents lassoed some of the floating
citlea of Valparaiso and Santiago are
beeves and towed them ashore at Bat-
Some Democrats Would Demand Sulli
van's Resignation as Bryan De
sires, Other Would Keep
PEORIA, III., August 20.-Whether it
pleases Jura or not William J. Bryan
will be endorsed as the next presidential
Cuban Authorities Discover Plot to As
sassinate President Palma.
NEW YORK, August 20. A cablo
lisputch to a morning .paper from
Havana, says that following the arrest
yesterday of several prominent men in
conniption with an alleged conspiracy tj
ossasHinate President Palnm and over
turn the government, Speaker Frcyre
had a consultation with President
Palnm last night, and decided to sum
mon an extraordinary session of the
house this morning to discuss the up
rising. The dispatch adds
"Numerous bands are joining Pino
"A suspicious looking schooner is off
1'lnar del Rio."
"All the coast roads from Havana
are closely guarded. Many motorists
who attempted to leave the city yester-
dny were turned back.
"The rebels have seized the mails of
the steamship Consolation,
The government has established . n
censorship over press ditspntches andal!
telegrams are delayed. The officials
maintain silence as to the situation."
BOSTON, August 20. Among the
passengers on the hite Star line
steamship Cymric, which arrived yes
terday from Liverpool was n large party
of English surgeons, physicians and
physiologists who are on their way to
Toronto, where the annual convention
of the British Medical Society is about
to open. The party was headed by Sir
.Tames Barr of Liverpool, Immediately
after leaving the steamer they took a
train for Toronto.
taking organ)! steps to relieve the ter7 b"In. here P& of the democratic party by
Buffering, car for the wounded and bury . charge of the animals. Some of the state convention of the Hlinofc
the dead. The period of succor has ar- tlwm v. ke gin and democracy which will be called to order
rived. DispaUhes received fron, Chile . - - tomorrow. Bryan ha. stated that under
today, tend to show that the tint esti- " - , .
. " . .. ... . . . . remilar itiomlanw f hn. .n,i Klwrt'n conditions he does care for the
mates 01 tne casualties ana maieriaii " - - " 1
damace. have been ratlv exaMerated w,i mlin that the riou streets 'ndorsement of the Hlinois democracy,
and the people of Valparaiso are becom- were V1? weI1 derteL The harbor but this will have little bearing on the
ing calmer. Santiago Is coming to tlw luad immtely commandeered some convention and Bryan will be endorsed
rescue of her sister city. Public aub- ""T" ""u " " e irrespective of the fact that he has an
sorlptions have been opened for money, fle,,"8 en true 1t nnnn . . . . . .. .
.hi ... J .,, ,h. Mn; After a short chase the recalcitrant nounced' he d not for the P
is caring for all refugees, who make ni,nal wcre caI'lured' 9ent thcir FV81 f the democrat8 of the stat
their wav across the mountains. The w,y' 8nd were 80011 bein8 nverted in- officially expressed, if Roger C. Sullivan
government is putting down pillage
wherever it breaks out, with the troops.
It is still impossible to reach any cor
red estimate of the dead and injured.
Representations from Chile are most
conflicting. A large section of the coun
try however was visited by the cats
trophe of lust
estimates of the
instances to particular1 localities, nota
lily Valparaiso, and in others evidently
to the entire district, which sufferel
from the shock.
The number of dead In Valparaiso
will doubtless run into the hundreds and
for the entire country probably thou
sands. The property damage is esti
mated nt from two to three hundred
millions. The statement is made that
to so many sides of beef.
of Chicago is allowed by the conven
tion to retain the position of National
Committeeman, to which he was elected
in 1904.
SAN FRANCISCO, Augut 20. Lieu- It is expected that there will be
tenant Colonel Hugh I Scott, former stormy times in the convention, but al
Governor of Jolo, arrived Saturday on debates will lead to the same end, which
Thursday and the cabled m transPort l nomas, from Manila, en will be the endorsement of Bryan. li
e casualties refer in some route to Washington. He is to relieve his frienda are successful in all attempts
ueneral Albert Mills as superintendent to gain control of the convention, he
of the
Military Academy at West
Transport Dock and Supply Stations
Will Be Erected at Fort Mason.
will be approved as a matter of course.
If the men to whom Bryan has said he
is opposed, are successful in retaining
control of the party organization, they
will endorse him, no matter what h;
The friends of Bryan have been posi
tive in their assertions that if the eon-
SAN FRANCISCO. August 20. Word vention does not call for the resignation
every building in Valparaiso has been ,m9 been received from Washington by of Sullivan, they will fight with all their
damaged and the city has been described m"l'y iumuura iu meistrengm against, any resolution enaors-
as "uninhabitable." A commercial crisis Pla"9 for tl,e proposed transport dock ing Bryan. If they are not able to con
is feared and very little business is be- nnd 8uPP'y stations to be erected at trol the convention, and indications
ing done. It does not appear that any Fort Mason have been approved, and it tonight seem to be against them, they
. . . ... . I- 1,4. 1. 1.. 1.1. 1 , . .
in mm, nms nui vuuiiiiciivc i win uc unuuie 10 prevent tne endorse
within the next few weeks. This means ment from going through.
tnnt fcan rrancisco will retain all the Both parties tonight are making
army business and the government claims of being able to check the con
SANTIAGO, Augut 20. Refugees "IlP" service ana mat sfi.euii.uw will vention tomorrow. Sullivan claims he
from Valparaiso declare a thousand , 8Pe,H nere on t,,e work ot construe- win have 80 per- cent. The opponents
eoriwes have been hurie.1 there uo,u claim this statement is absurd. The
and the authorities are taking severe 1,1 connection with the transport dock outlook tonight is that the convention
measures to maintain order. Twenty- B f,erry 8,iP wi" be built nnd a much wil1 sustain Sullivan, refuse to ask his
five pillagers have been shot. desired approach by water to Fort Ma- resignation, do nothing that Bryan asks
I ... 1 11.. T...'1l .
on uiiu me rresiiuo win De provided, and Then endorse him in the most flat
SKA COAST LIFTED. It is computed that it will reouire terinir manner,
about 5 yearsc to build the dock, which
SANTIAGO, August 20. Refugees will be in the shape of a huge capital
from Valparaiso declare the seacoast F, and will be provided with modern
has been lifted at several places notic- mnchinery and appliances.
foreigners have been killed.
ably above its previous level.
CLEVELAND, O., August 20. Ac
cording to a report received here from
the East yesterday, John D. Rockefeller
has under consideration a proposition to
endow a -home for chorus girls to the
CHICAGO, August 20. A cablegram BOSTON, August 20. Resolutions
yesterday announced that Miss Agnes were unanimously adopted at a meeting extent of $100,000.
Swing Brown of this city, was safe at of the Boston Central Labor Union in a The project, it is said, was planned
r. l !. . 1 . 1 1 I i .... ... . I .
hnntiago, ume, wnere sne passea protest against the selection of labor by Miss Marie Cahill, the actress, and
through the earthquake and fire which day for a naval review which was char- through a clergyman who is acquainted
demolished the Chilean cities. Miss I aeterized as "An advertising disnlav of I it;i Mr. T?nek-efel1. .!, riv.j
O I " , w.n. vviivuivu vu
Brown went to Santiago In Mny as a
director of the normal schools there,
under the supervision of the Chileaa
Mis Brown was graduated from the
University of Michigan and holds de
grees from St. Mary's Academy of Notre
Dnnie, Ind., and from the university of
South Dakota.
the latest improved methods for killing present the matter to the oil king.
our teilow human beings on a day which His donation was" conditional on a
should be devoted to the pursuits of like amount being raised by Miss Cahill
peace." The secretary was instructed to and those interested with her. The home
send a communication to President will serve as a place where chorus girls
Roosevelt asking that if it be deemed will be trained and educated for their
absolutely necessary to have a naval work and also a home should illness or
review, some other day than labor day age prevent them from continuing their
be selected. profession.
Voliva and People Offer Prayer For the
"First Apostle."
CHICAGO, Aogust 20.-Further evi
dence of peace negotiations between
John Alexander , Dowie and Wilbur
Glenn Voliva end his followers came out
at two meetingt held in Zion City yes
terday. It was Bowie's day at the
tabernacle, but the First Apostle failed
to appear, although It was announced
from hour to hour that he would soon
be there. Deacon A, Errington repre
sented Dowie and declared that the de
posed leader would give to the public
in a few days a statement of bis side
of the controversy.
For the first time since the differences
arose between Dowie and Voliva, the
general overseer prayed for Dowie and
asked the people to do the same. They
were asked to pray that Dowie be guid
ed aright in any step he was about to
take. According to the Inter Ocean, an
an agreement was reached yesterday bj
which Dowie wilL for the remainder of
his life retain the "First Apostle" of
the Christian Catholic Church, while the
temporal affairs of the community will
be in the hand of Voliva and his sup
porters. It wag finally agreed that Dowie
should drop an attempts to dispute the
ruling of the Federal Court in the con
test case between himself and Voliva
for the possession of the assets of Zion.
Dowie also agreed to give his tenta
tive support to Voliva in his campaign
for the place of general overseer at the
election ordered by the court for next
In return for this Voliva and bis
friends promised that so soon as the
office of general overseer is vested in
Voliva, the latter will proclaim him
self with the teachings of Dowie and
acknowledge hia supremacy in all mat
ters pertaining to the church.
Illinois Democrats Will Endorse Speaker
For President Today.
SPRINGFIELD, HI., August 20.
Features of the republican state con
vention which will conevene here to
morrow will be the endorsement of
Speaker Joseph G. Cannon as republican
nominee for president in 1903. This ac
tion was decided on at a conference of
state party leaders held at the state
house. All factions are united in the
movement to give Cannon's presidential
boom as an enthusiastic send-off as pos
sible ,and a resolution indorsing his
candidacy will be presented to the con
vention. Another interesting feature
tomorrow will be the edorsement of
Senator Cullom for re-election. Indica
tions are that the convention will be
harmonious one.
CLEVELAND. O., August 20. Indi
gestion, from which he has suffered for
three days, kept Mr. Rockefeller in
doors at his Forest Hill home Sunday.
The Euclid Avenue Baptist Church was
crowded, many of those present being
strangers led by the announcement that
Mr. Rockefeller would be present. Dr.
Cortland Myers of the Baptist taber
nacle, Brooklyn, preached the sermon,
during the course of which he defended
Mr. Rockefeller from newspaper attacks.
He said:
"I have known men to be unjustly
accused and made to appear worse than
the inside of the gates of hell, still
among the friends who knows them and
live with them they are loved and re-.
PITTSBURG, August 20. Railroads
entering Pittsburg are in sore straits
for men to. man their trains. Some of
them have raised the age limit estab
lished for new employes some years ago,
while others are abandoning it alto
gether. The tremendous increase in
freight business finds them all short
handed, while at the same time the
western roads are draining the eastern
market of all available men to help
move the phenomenal crops. Advertis
raents are appearing in the local papers
for men to fill positions as brakeraen
and conductors, wages are being advanc
ed and every effort made to increase the
working forces before the heavy rush
of Fall freight business causes a com
plete blockade.