The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 19, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 1904.
Will reveal the whole itory of the goodness and the
delicious flavor of Chase and Sanborn's
It will plead more eloquently than we can hope
to. Try a pound.
Miss Esther Anderson Will Rule
Astoria Regatta.
Orkwhi wlli iktt.
New souvenir poiUli at Svenson'a.
Orkwitt Repalri Blcyclea on ihort
Orkwitt sells Tom Cod Sinktri by tb
Dell D. Scully, Notary Public at
8cully's Cigar Btore. Any old hour!
Ice Crura mad from full ereem, 13o
ptr plot, Special price for lodges and
churches, at Tsggs oonfoctioiuiry. 7-19 tf
Tit very tort board to bo obtained la
tko city U at "The Occident Hotel."
Rates very reasonable.
How Do I look. To really tea your
e'f a others eta you, get one of tboe
w atyla mlrrora at Hart'a Drug Store)
all prices. A new supply Juit received.
Hotel Irving, corner Franklin avsnue
and Eleventb itreet. European plan;
beat room and board In the city at rea
sonable prices. tf
Constipation, bowel Irregularity, head
ache, dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad kid
neys, rheumatism, disorder Incident to
sedentary life, positively cured by Hoi
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the great
est American remedy. Tea or Tsblets,
39 cents. Frank Hart, druggist.
Musics! at Seaside. Friday evening
a inMt surwMful iiiiiliu was given at
Hcaalde fur the benefit of the Catholic
church. The mulra part of the pro
grain was followed by a dance. The
priigrsm rendered was as follows:
"The terpentine Dunce," by Mic
Kopp and Kearney j mandolin solo,
"ftuuthern Dream," Prof. Ray Mann;
vw-al solo, -My Kin Folk," Mi-s Daisy
Freeman j plana nolo, "Melody of Love,"
MJes Conrad snd Hawl; recitation,
Mi O'Connor; piano nolo, "EUa's
Dream,' Thomas Dohaon; vocal solo,
"Too Late," Mi Kmma Mlllerj reci
tation, "The l'oiifeliig," MU Agnes
Manncor; plana olo, "Creacenda l-a-wn,"
Walt K Minor, Chopin, Mia
Ethel (ierdonj monologue, by Mr. Ham
and his company from the Lyric theatre
in Portland.
Council Tomorrow Night. Tomorrow
night will occur the regular meeting of
the city council at which time there are
a iiiiiiiIht of itiiMirtatit matter to come
up. The oil tank ordinance will he
brought up and It is likely to be decided
then. The theatre )jcrne ordinance or
dcrcil drawn up at the la-t meeting
will be Introduced. Preaent Jndlrationa
Mt-rn to point out the fact that thi
mraniire will fail of pan-age, a there it
aid to he ranldcrable opposition to it
among a number of the roum-ilmen, anj
Queen and Mads of Honor to Have
Unique Costumes Many Yachts
WW Attend the Astoria
Hail, Esther, Queen of the Regatta!
MU Other Ander-on bs Ix-en chooco
by the Regatta, Committee as queen of
the twelfth annual reitafi. ' .Thi was
announced lat night by Chairman
Leathers, and the new canned universal
satisfaction among Mis Anderson
many friends here. She i one of As
toria's most popular young ladies, and
reaidea at 340 Thirty-fourth street. She
is as sister of Deputy Sheriff Allan An
derson. The maid f honor whin will attend
Queen Esther court, have not all been
chonen as yet, but their name are ex
peeled to le announced within a very
few day. The costumes of the queen
and her maid, will be a unique feature
of this year' regatta. They will be
patterned after a sailor's suit. White
will be he color, and Queen Esther's
continue will I trimmed in gold, white
her attendant will have their cotume
trimmed in blue. The other details
will lie worked out later.
The remaining feature of the regatta,
in the line of sports are being rapidly
It Is expected that the attendance
from the outside town will surpas
that of any of the previous regattas.
The committee ha been notified that
a large number of Portlanders are com-
Intr liere on their vachts. Amonir thooe
jM-opIe generally. A Councilman llnen which will 1 liere are the sloop yacht
. Nothing Doing. Friday sight vaa a
dull one in police, circles, the dullet
since the commencement of the "open
town" regime. Not a inj;le arret wa
made, and yesterday afternoon there
wa no need for a police court sesion.
With the cloning of the fUhing seanon
the police expect to be kept busy for a
while caring for the celebrants which
are sure to be found,
Why don't you bave your work done
by us and wo do house lining, wall
papering, house and sign painting. We
use and recommend the Heath k Mllll
gan prepared paints. For over two score
years it has been recognised aa the
standard paint of America. Come and
let us figure with you. The Eastern
Painting k Decorating Co., 363 Cora
merclal street. . tf.
intimated at the hut meet in jf, that he
would do, an ordinance requiring plum
bers In Antoria to be ficeimed, will aleo
cme lip. In the ahence of Auditor An
deraon, Patrolman Twombly of the po
lice department will ait as clerk.
Restsurant Robbed. A waiter em
ployed ijf the Portland restaurant on
Itond street, managed to get away some,
time yeaterday morning early, with a
valuable watch hchmging to the pro
prietor, and the content of the cah
register, amounting to about (-'" The
thief name I not known to the pro
prietors, a he had only been in the
reataurant's employ for two day, snd
in town but four. The police were
notified immediately upon the dincovery
of the theft, but os yet have been able
to find no trace of the waiter.
Turn backward, 0 time, in your flight,
Make mo a child again just -for tonight,
"111 do It, cried Time, "jut let me be
Until I fix some Rocky Mountain Tea."
Frank Hart, Druggist.
Coraair, owned by Blax Meyer; The
Naiad, Dreyman & McKelvin; The Hoot
man, MacKay Brother; The Comet, H.
F. Todd; Anona, Franci IfArcy; the
Synamox, Jack Honeyman; and the
Zephyr, Rolterts A Bannon.
The Zephyr wa managed last year
by If. F. Todd, who won the two leading
m a .'-. "lis
ynir. Mr. ionu na won toe cnam
pionahip for the pat eight years with
his two boats, the Skylark, and Zephyr,
but thia yesr Is going Into the contest
with the Comet, a boat built on new
plan, which hs,i pi 3 en very suesful
in the East, but heretofore been un
known on the Pacific Coait. The Comet
is enrolled with the Oregon Yachting
dub and with the Portland Rowing
Club: Her dimensions are 28 feet long,
eij;ht feet wide, and he carries 500
Sqiia fret Of Sail.
Whenever You Say So;
Not Only- Once or Twice
Eight Salesmen Two Tailors, Besides Prompt and
Gentlemanly Attention to All
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Phineat C. Warren and wife to E. S.
Mcllroy, warranty, lot 5, block D,
Kast Warrentol vv . . . f . . . , . , . . . .$5
Home Again. Mln Sophie Anderson
returned on the noon express today from
Denver, Colo., where ahe has been visit
ing for the paat month. She reports
having had a most enjoyable trip, and
among other pleasures, went through the
"Garden of the Gods," and also looked
down on the surrounding country from
the top of "Pikes' Peak."
After CitiiensWp. Matt LuVkola and
Ilclki Pantuja, natives of Finland,
Hied their declarations of Intention to
become citiwns ' of thi country, yen-terday.
The Greatest Entertainer in theWor!d
WBlAHt ,Oft
When you have finished your "daily grind" and assumed a peaceful
reposo in your home there is nothing that will bring so much good solid
comfort, cheerfulness, and happiness, not only for yourself but the whole
family, as the Edison Phonograph.
wj To convince you of the absolute superiority of the new
M? JLXlLf lis Edison Phonograph we will gladly demonstrate this ideal
home entertainer in your own residence absolutely free, A full and com
plete assortment of records on hand.
file Remonstrance. A remonstrance
ngainat the passage of the new ordi
nance for the reputation of oil tank
in the city, and providing for storage of
the nme no that the live and nrop
erty adjacent may not be endangered.
wo filed with the city auditor yester
day. The remonstrance was circulate'
by Hiram J.einenweler, local agent for
Rockefeller and aks that the comic
not pans the measure.
Among the signers to the petition
are Columbia River Packers' Asoeia
lion, ,S. Klinore 4 Company, J. Linden
berger. Warren Packing Company, Tal
Ittiit-tiiiint Packing Company, Astoria A
Columbia River Railroad, Vancouver
Transportation Company, A. Booth
Company, Tongue Point Lumber Com
pany; Hauke fc Company; C. R. Cynw
Foard & Stokes, Fiaher Bros., J. A
Seymour, S. L, Xanthrup, Sherman
Transfer Company, A. Schmidt & Com
pany, Astoria Iron Worys, R. M. Leath.
era, Oorge Lindstrom & Co.. Clatsop
Mill Co., II. F. Pruel, Alaska Fishermen,
W. F. McOregor, Astoria Lumber Co,
Brenimn Vun Duscn, J. A. Iliggins,
Frank Pntton, J. T. Rtvs.
Makes children eat, sleep and grow,
Make mother, strong and vigorous.
Makes a healthy family. That's what
Ilollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea does
Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Frank Hart,
Will Not Be There. It was expected
that U. S. Senator C. W. Fulton would
be among the Oregon delegates to the
National Irrigation Congress at Boiso,
September 3rd to 8th, and deliver a
potent address on the great question,
but it is learned that prior and pressing
engagements will prevent his being
there. It is to ho regretted for the
sake of the congress and the State of
Oregon that he cannot attend.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does all
manner of taxidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and all work
guaranteed. tf
Assessments Equalised. The city
board of equalisation met yesterday
afternoon in the council chambers of the
city hall, and equalised the assessments
made to defray the costs and expenses
ami constructing a sewer on Eighteenth
street, constructing a drain on Mel
bourne avenue and foT the improvement
of Fourth street. On objection was filed
against the Eighteenth street sewer.
The assessments were approved practi
cally as made in the first place.
Doesn't Seem to Take. For some rea
son, or other, the special Astoria-Portland
round trip rate of $2.50 inaugu
rated by the A. 4 C. railway on the
2!Uh of last month, does not seem to
take very well, as but few people arc
availing themselves of It, and the op
portunity to ret and recreate for a day
in the metropolis.
Scanning Her Field. County School
Superintendent Miss Emma Warren will
leave tomorrow for a ten-day tour in
the Xchalem country, for the purpose of
visiting and inspecting the county
schools scattered over that territorv.
The person returning the largest num
ber of Jose Vila cigar bands to the
undersigned bv October 15th will receive
box of 25c. Jose Vilas free to the
next lurgest one box 121c Jose Vilas.
Save the bands. Victor Miller, corner
Ninth and Bond streets.
The management of the Willard Com
pany takes great pleasure in announc
ing the coming event for next week
will be the play that has reached the
hearts of every person that has the good
fortune to see it; that beautiful story
written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which
in our choldhood days was next to the
Bible, "Uncle Tom's Cabin!"
It is a story that does not need to be
told here, every one is familiar with
it. The Willard Company are sure to
produce this play as it should be, as the
cleverness of this company is well
known by the entire theatre going pub
lio of Astoria. This afternoon in the
matinee the "Danites" will be produced,
nd also for this evening's performance.
This is the last time the Danites will
be seen. '
v Flrit Lutheran Church.
sunday school at 9:30 a, m, Miss
Alma Nyland, superintendent. Morning
service in Swedish at 10:45 evening ser
vice In English at 8 o'clock. At this ser
vice the pastor will speak on the sub
ject, "Christ before the Holy City
weeping; or the sympathy of love,"
Grace Church.
There will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion at Grace church Sun
day morning, August 19, at 10:30 a. m.
Baptist Church,
There will be services as usual at the
Baptist church. The themes of sermons
are as follows: "The Heavenly Family"
and "God's Love in Action." Everybody
Norwegian M. E. Church.
Rev. C. Lyng Hanson, the presiding
elder, will preach at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.,
Sunday school at 10 a. m., Albert Carl
son, superintendent.
Presbyterian Church.
The Rev. Mr. Ellefson will preaeh in
the Presbyterian church today at 11 a.
m.; Sunday school at 1215; Y. P. S.
C. E. at 7 p. in. No service in the church
this evening.
'First M. E. Church.
Sermon themes: morning, "Common
Sense in Religion;" evening, "Seven
Wonders of the World;" Sunday school,
12:15; Epworth League, 7:00; mid-week
service for prayer and praise and bible
.'study, Wednesday at 8:00. A cordial
invitation is extended to the public to
Your choice of any straw hat in our
store for one dollar. Just received a
shipment of early fall bate. Mrs. M.
Petersen, Fashionable Milliner, Star
Theatre Building. '.-.
Photographer, first-class work, satis
factioa guaranteed, aia Fourteenth St,
opposite Foard k Stokes.
has moved to 172 Tenth street, with a
complete line of new machines. We also
have a few slightly damaged machines at
a bargain. Phone Black 2284. tf.
Summer Diarrhoea in Children.
During the hot weather of the summer
months the first unnatural looseness of
a child's bowels should have immediate
attention, so as to check the disease
before it becomes serious. All that is
necessary is afew doses of Chamberlain's
Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
followed hy a dose of Castor oil to
cleanse the system. Rev. M. O. Stock-
land, pastor of the first M. E. Church of
Little Falls, Minn, writes: "We have
used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarnhoea. Remedy for several years
and find it a very valuable remedy, es
pecially for summer disorders in chil
dren." Sold by Frank Hart, leading
druggist. aug
Will Not Meet The Chamber of
Commerce will not meet tomorrow
night because a number of the officers
are absent from town.
X5hQ Store
for Woman
f5he fejJL
The Hair Demonstrator, formerly of Meier
& Frank's, Portland, will be with us the
next few days, and will give lessons free
of charge in hair dressing. If your hair
is falling out, now is the time to find out
exactly what to do.