TIIE MORNING ASTORfAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST il, igofl. I6At Noticxi. 200000QOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mum r f r cum ry r yi n 1 . 2 f i m i i v s i u u il i i i i The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, lias borno the signature of and has btt mauo turner his ner- f-f-jt- sonal supervision since its infancy. I-CcccAmAA Allow no one to deceive vou iii this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Jnst-asgood"nre but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute fof Castor Oil, Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 1 " The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM CtNTaua MUMMY, TT aUHMY TIKCT, NH) OH Nit, SCO! BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS AST0RIA.50REG0N IROH AMD BRASS FOUNDERS UNO AND MARINE ENGINEERS Pp-to-tat Sawmill Vachlreryi Prompt attention iTenpcfal. repair work SCTICS TO TAX PAYERS. The IHird of Equalisation of Clatsop County, Oregon, will attend at tha oflle of tha County Clerk of ClaUop County Oregon, on Monday, August 27. 1000, and daily thereafter until and including Saturday, September 1, 1900, to public ly examine tha assessment roll for the year 1906, and correct all errora in valuation, description or equalitiea of land, lota or other properties and it shall be the duty of all parties inter ested to appear at that time and place for the purpose of correcting any errors that may appear in said assessment roll T. S. CORNELIUS, Assessor, Clatsop County, Oregon. Astoria. Oregon, August 6, 1906. 8-8-28t. (D. & W.) MORNING ASTORIAI la on Salt In Astoria at J. X. GXimiTS BO0EST0RB. rjTZUTGEX'S NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT E0TBX OFFICE, FRED BPOWH Both Storw JOS. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. IGaaSell YaurReai Esiaiear Business XO MATTER WHERE LOCATED Properties and Business of all kinds sold quickly for cash in all parts of the United States. Don't wait. Write to day describing what you have to aell and give cash price on same. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Business or Real Estate anywhere, at any price, write me your requirements. I can save you time and money. DAVID D. TAFF, THE LAND MAN 415 Kansas Avenue. T0PBEA, - KANSAS. 1THE MORNING ASTOMAN 1 En3 111 Ha The supplying of any want that way arise in domestic or commercial life may be readily and quickly accomplished at a nominal cost by the publication of the want in the " Want Ad." columns of the Morning Astorian. A necessity which may arise for buying or selling horses, carriages, furniture, pianos, real estate, sewing machines, bicy cles, safes, watches, jewelry, typewriters, or thousands of other articles, can be met at once by the insertion of a suitable adver tisement in the morning Astorion. To secure help cf any sort, or situation of any kind, to find lost articles, to secure board or boarders, lodging or lodgers, borrow money, obtain any kind of security; any of these wants may be supplied by using the "Want" columns of The Morning Astorian. Rates For Classified or "Want" Advertisements OKI INSERTION ONE CENT A WORD THREE LINES THREE DATS, 30 CENT! Count Six Word to a line, so Cents a line a week. SITUATION WANTED" For the benefit of persons eut of employment, ads under the head of "Situa tion Wanted " will be printed three days free of charge. HELP WANTED. WANTED -TWO OR THREE BOYS to carry morning paper route, Ap ply Astorian Office. 810tf. WANTED WOMAN COOK FOR MESS house. Apply at Tongue Point Lum ber Co. 8-lfltf. WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN PRIV- ate family of 3. Inquire at Astorian office. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SALES lady. Apply at Simington Dry GockU Company. t.f. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHAS. H. ABERCROKBIE, Attorney-at-Law, General Practitioner. Notary Public, Rooms SJ SI Phone Main M51. Page Block, Cor. Commercial A 12th BU 18th and Franklin Are. Tel. Main 2451 Ufy e GE C.F.WISE, Prop. M SEASIDE ADVERTISEMENTS. Lewis & Co., Druggists Full line of drugs, souvenirs, stationery, confectionery and soda waters. Office of Dr. Lewis at drug store. Bridge street end of the bridge, SEASIDE, ORECON. LOST AND FOUND. LOST FOUNTAIN PENj LAUGIILIN male; Under return to Astorian office, MMt Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Hot Lunch at all Honrs Merchants Lunch From 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p jn. 25 Cents Corner Eleventh and Commercial ASTORIA OREGON Kew building. New Furniture, 100 Rooms COLONIALHOTEL LINDSLEY & SON, Proprietors Modern and Up-to-Date Electric lights, hot and cold water; free 'bus to all trains. Rates, 2.00 per day and up. SEASIDE, - OREGON. Jr leJl d. IS OUR FIELD, AND WE COVER IT. Our field is the district tributary to the mouth of the Columbia River. We pene trate into all the outlying districts, into lumber camps and isolated neighborhoods. The business of these places belongs to you, and it is worth going after.. .Space in THE MORNING ASTORIAN is reason able; contract for some and let these out siders know that you are still in business at the old stand. You may have a "grouch" but that won't get business; forget it. Let the people know what you have to sell; they may "forget" or have "forgotten" Sfie MORNING ASTORIAN THE ONLY PAPER ON THE LOWER COLUMBIA HAVING ASSOCIATED . PRESS SERVICE LOST-A SMALL PACJCAGE CONTAIN Ing anti-Toxine, bet. Wells Fargo Co.'s office and depot; return to Wells Fargo Co., or Hart's Drug Store and receive reward. 8-18-lt, DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING -Medames Hawks A Smith, 819 Duane street. Phone Red 2325. tf. BOARDINO. THE LEYDE. Rooms with or without board; rates reasonable; good accom modation for transients. 14th and Commercial. WANTED Boarding quarters for a fe male pointer dog. Address "L. R." Warrenton, Oregon. tf. F. D. WINTON, Attornsy-at-Law. Practices In all United State and Stat Courts in Oregon and Washing too. Notary Public Phone Mala Ml, rooms S and 3, Logan Building, corner Commercial and Sixteenth street oppo site 0. R. A N. Company dock. OtTtOPATHIITl DR. RHODA C BXCU OSTEOPATH Offlcej HanU Bid. Pnoce Black 1011 171 Coram erclsj 8L, Astoria, Or. DENTirra. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 624 Commercial St Astoria Oreton. Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTI81 78 Commercial St-, Bbanahan Building NURSES. HOTEL! HOTEL PORTLAND Pine Hotel In the North. PORTLAND, ORE. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE SAVOY Popular Concert Hall. Good rauiia. All ars waleoma, aer Seventh and Astor. Cor- Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor St Tha leading anueeatent house. Agency for Edison Fbooojrrtpt aad Gold Moulded Raeordt. P. A. PETERSON, Prop I Tl e cran rn 8 w I I (J HOUSE MOVERS. FREDRECKSON BROS-W msks a specialty of house moving, carpenters, contractors, general Jobbing; prompt at tention to all orders. Corner Tenth and Duane. tf MRS. JULIUS DAVIS (laU of Portland) Graduate Nurse Royal London (Eng.), Hospital. Maternity caes requested. Hammond. - Oregon. MU3IC TEACHER. WANTED -THREE MUSIC PUPILS. Inquire at Astorian office. WOOD YARDS. WOOD Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood 1 1 lowest price. Kelly, the transfer man. "Phone aigi Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. The American Collection Agency No fee charged un- lest collection it made. We make col lections in all parti of the United States. 413 Kansas Ave, TOPEKA, KANSAS. ANTHONY P. WILSON, Attorney ARE YOU A BON VIVANT? The pith or life, after all, is a good feed. The good thing of this life are not as a rule easily found, so that it is pleasure to find so close at hand a first-class up-to-date establish meent, whre one gets those good things at every meal, like the Palace Restaurant, on Commercial street. The home of the bon vivant. tf MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN-MRS C. D. Stewrrt, 127 Seventh tret. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cuke, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant. 431 Bond St. 4S BOND ST, ASTORIA, OREGON Carrie the Finest Lin of Wines. Liquors and Cigars CALL AND SEE US 1 "PaleBohemlan bAerBeern THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 612 OomuiercialSt. AUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry In th elty. Doe the beet work at reasonable prloss and I In svery way worthy of your patronage, 10th and DUANE its., Phene 1991. I on draught and In bottle Brewed snder sanitary conditions and properiy ged right here In Aatorla. North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGON. ri,LM7 'I'.'.-Tjgrwi' 'jgy irii,y INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS, BOOKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC. Yokohama Bazaar ' 825 Commercial St.i Astoria.