The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 17, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 190.
A Car of Fresh, Watermelons
Arrived ToSsy, it ii thi first direct car to arrivt ilnce th tun
nel tltds is Southern Oregon which blocked traffic, tad they art
by far the finest that ever came to town. We are In 1 position
to glvt yon a bigger and better melon for your money than any
other itore In town, Com and t V 1 - ''
Portland Lad Crushed and Drown
cd fit Long Beach.
Watching the Sunset With Several
Frienda He Is Caught Beneath It
in the Rush of Breakers Com
munity Shocked.
Orkwitt aella akat.
New souvenir postals at Svenaon'a.
Orkwlta Repalra Bicycles on abort
Oikwlti telle Tom Cod Sinkeri by the
Dell B. Scully, Xotary Public, at
Scully' Cigar Store. Any old hour I
let Cream mle from full erssm, 13a
per pint. Specie 1 price for lodge and
ebupohea, at Tsggs confection ry. 7-10-tf
The very beet board to be obtained in
the city la at "The Occident Hotel"
Ratea very reasonable.
Bow Do I look. To really eee your
self a others eee you, get one of the
new atyla mirror at Hart's Drug Store;
II prlcee. A new supply Just reived.
Hotel Irving, comer Franklin avenue
and Eleventh street. European plan;
beat rooms and board in the dty at rea
sonsble prices. tf
X. A. Aekerman, 421 Bond St, does all
manner of taxidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning end laying, mat
trees making a specialty and all work
guaranteed. tf
Turn backward, 0 time, in your flight,
Make me a child again juet for tonight,
"ill do It," cried Time, "Jut let me be
Until I fix ome Rocky Mountain Tea."
Frank Hart, Druggist.
Boat Found. The fishing olwt of the
)Mtf Stanley Hell was found yesterday
morning badly smashed by the brisker
on Sand Island. It Iim been certained
that Hcll' IhmiI puller was named Gerard
Barber of 1'urtland, a young man who
was acting a Istatpullcr for the first
time on Monday morning whim the fatal
accident occurred. Hi Wly hu not yet
Wn found
Make children eat, sleep and grow.
Makes mother strong and vigorous.
Makes a healthy family. That's what
Holllster'e Rocky Mountain Tea does.
Tea or Tablets, 30 cents. Frank Hart,
Constipation, bowel irregularity, head
ache, dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad kid
neys, rheumatism, disorders incident to
sedentary life, positively cured by Hol
llster'e Rocky Mountain Tea, the great
eat American remedy. Tea or Tablets,
38 cents. Frank Hurt, druggist.
Why don't yon have your work done
by us and we do house lining, wall
papering, house and sign painting. We
use and recommend the Heath & Milll
gan prepared paints. For over two acore
years it has been recognized as the
standard paint of America. Come and
let us figure with you. The Eastern
Painting & Decorating Co., 365 Com
mercial atreet. tf.
20c Dozen
The Fatal ,Thlrteen."-Charles Calen
der In a victim of the deadly effects of
the hoodoo number 13." Coming down
from Portland a few night ago, on the
IIhuimiIo, he wa oomiielled to take a
state-roni with that number, much
against his will. The room hud been
old three or four times and abandoned
by Its purchaser, before he went on
board, nd Hurry lllam-linrd hi 11 (Ted him
Into mdng It. According to Mr, Cullen
der there ha not a hlamed thing gono
right with him "inc h landed riatur
iliiy morning 1 hi lmt are all crippled
in ome way, the men are grouchy, hi
order not filled, all hi bill are wrong,
everybody mfumlertAnd him, people
don't keep their promises, and the "devil
I to pay" generally, He don't know
how long the spell will 1at hut it hit
got in It work wt far without any bipe,
and he can't even devi a scheme for
getting even with Illanrlmrd.
The Lost Brooch, Some month ago a
well known lady of thi city hud the
misfortune to b-e a beautiful brooch,
one of the treasured piece among her
jewel, and she wa distressed beyoui
meaure at the misadventure, advertised
long and conspicuously and offered a gen
erou reward for it return, but, a thi
month went by, wa compelled to com
promise with her discomfiture and yield
at last to the conviction of her Irrcpar
able Jo. Yesterday, while preparing
some garments for overhauling by her
dreniaker, she was ripping out the
lining of one of them, and snugly en-scom-ed
iu it intricate folds, lay the
mMng and treasured pin. To say sh
wa happy is speaking liu'itly of an
affair of profound moment to her.
Funeral of A .A. Cook. Advice re
reived from Portland yesterday Indicate
that the late Archibald A. Cook, wha
died on Wednesday evening last, from
the reaction of an operation for appen
dicitis, had not been well for some time,
and was sojourning at St. Martin's
Springs, when hi condition became so
critical as to call for the operation whic'i
he mot unhappily failed to survive.
He will be buried from the St. Francis
church at Portland tomorrow morning at
0 o'clock, and it i said, a large party of
devoted Astoria friends will leave up
this evening to pay their final tribute
of honor at the obsequies,
Has Given It Up. Theodore Brocniser,
who for the past six week has been
running the boarding house at the Ton
gue Point lumltering mill, yesterday re
linquished the business, on the ground
that he did not have enough patronage
from the 250 hand employed nt the
great plant to warrant him in maintain
ing the house, he having lieen reduced to
20 hands all told. The company will
manage the boarding quarter for itself
from now on.
New Style and Title The new theatre
building now in course of erection by the
Messrs. Usher, will, when completed and
thrown open to the public, be known as
the "Astoria Theatre," and this i taken
to mean that Fishers' opera house wa
burned up some time ago.
Dies Yesterday. The Infont daughter
of Peter Kokkila died early yesterday
morning nt the home of the parents in
Unlontown after nn illness of several
month brought on by an attack of the
measles. The funeral will take place to
day, with the interment in Greenwood
Late on Wednesday afternoon last, at
Holnmii's Station, on Long Beach, Wash,,
one of the sadest accident, of the sea
son transpired, and eventuated in the
dreadful death of Roliert Neimus, an 18-year-old
jad, n of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
N'eimu. of Fast Third and Rurnslde
streets, Portland, and who was summer
ing on the northhore for the past few
In company with a group of young
friends Keimu's was watching the sunset
from the beach, the iqiectacle being un
usually brilliant that evening, and. with
three of bis companion, was (erched up
on a derelict log at the edjje of the
water-reach. Suddenly a wave of un
due proportion swung in and Its vol
iimne raised, and turned the log, and all
four of the young men made leap for
safety; all escaping but the subject of
this sketch, who was caught by the roll
ing log and pinned down to the sands;
and as the wave receded it did not carry
the huge stick from off bis limb, and
the combined effort of hi almost frantic
friend was unavailing to save him.
One or two ruhed up the beach for
assistant and the others stayed with him
in the vain hope that something would
happen to make bis release possible; but
long before help arrived the victim of
the accident was crushed and drowned
by the euceelon of breakers that rolled
in, working the log In its cruel and
crushing force, and choking back the bids
piteous screams with tidal rushes of
water. Ilia young friends were almost
beside themselves when the crowd that
had been summoned arrived on the scene
with tools and gar of all sorts to aid
in bis freedom.
The whole community was profoundly
Shocked at the peculiarly awful details
of the affair and the sympathy of the
hour made Itself manifest in the general
aid lent in preparing the body for burial
and for final despatch to the bereaved
home In the metropolis. The remains
will lie sent there today on the T. J.
Potter; the legal preliminaries having
been attended to in the Interim.
0 o
0 o
0 o
0 . Day after day The Astorinn O
0 Want Column show a procession O
0 of opportunities opportunities to 0
0 buy, to sell, to lease, to hire, to 0
0 find people to work for you, O
0 to find people to work for, to find 0
0 Wrders, lodgers, tenants, or par- 0
0 ties. The want ad opportunities O
0 touch almost all phases of life 0
0 and living in the city. 0
0 o
0 o
0 o
Articles of Incorporation. Article of
incorporation were filed with the county
clerk yesterday by the United Swedish
American Brotherhood. The organization
which is described as a beneficial and
fraternal society, ha property valued
nt $1000, and the incorporators are E. A.
Lundquist. C. A. Enberg, Turie Nord
strom, John Svenson, John Nordstrom,
H. Ekstrom. nnd Otto Carlson.
File Assessment. The assessment for
defraying the expenses of clearing the
right of way on Irving avenue between
Eighteenth street nnd Adair's line, was
filed with the city auditor yesterday
amounting to $1113.
New Auto A few automobile has been
received in town by Earl Fisher. The
machine is a 20 horse-power, Stevens
Duryen, 10OC model, and has a speed of
45 miles nn hour on good roods.
Funeral Today. The funeral of the
late Stanley Rcll will take place this
morning from the Fold funeral parlors
at 10 o'clock, with the interment in
Ocean View cemetery.
Funeral Yesterday. The funeral of
the infant son of Albert Brunstrom was
held yesterday afternoon from the fam
ily residence nt 74J Astor street, Rev.
Rydquist officiating. The Interment was
In Greenwood cemetery.
Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month,
delivered by carrier.
Take Your
From Other
Buyers and
you'll win
We Don't Make the Clothes, but we Know the factory that
does. It's always an A 1 factory or Wise dont want itsproduct
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Apropos of the salmon traditions of
this upper coast, that the gainey fish
for which this section is famous, al
ways touches in at Monterey bay, just
south of San Francisco, for a few weeks
More making the final migration to
these waters, the following taken from
the last number of the San Francisco
Bulletin, may be by way of accounting
for the present remarkable and deplor
able non-appearance of the vast schools
for which the northern fishermen and
cannery men are so patiently waiting,
and which may yet reach here in time
for the fall season. The Bulletin's
Monterey correspondent says:
Salt water angling on the Santa Cruz
and Capitola side of Monterey bay h:u
lieen exceptionally good for the past
two weeks. The fish most desired and
which furnish the best sport are the
giunnat salmon. These royal game fish
have leeu more numerous recently than
for several years past. In size the
average is a bit less than the grand fish
hooked about five years ngo. The
salmon are still swimming in schools
but will soon bunch and then head north
for the bay river, waters, etc., in order
to reach the spawning grounds. Mont
erey bay is at present full of enor
mous schools of sardines, upon
which everything larger in the water or
air down about that section feed upon.
Now and then there is n change in
the routine nnd the angler has either
an exciting adventure or pulls something
extraordinary out of the water. Mr.
and Mrs, Hiram K. Pierce, two popular
Oakland members of the smart set,
stopping nt the Sea Beach Hotel, are
both enthusiastic anglers and have made
several record catches of salmon this
season. Mr. Pierce on Saturday hooked
into an immense sun fish and had the
time of his life bringing the fish to gaff.
These bulky and curious sea creatures
use all head and pectoral fins, and ara
as inert, so far as a fight is concerned,
as a box of gum boots. From all that,
the handling of a fish of 700 pounds
weight requires skill and stamina. When
the big sun fish was towed to the wharf
it was the center of attraction for hours,
"Last Saturday Otto Feudner, Clarence
Naumnn and Ed Schultz, the local trap
shooting cracks, went out after salmon
and made a total catch of six salmon
and 12 barracouda.
"Miss Tillie Brohaska and Commodore
Taylor of San Jose caught 17 fish on
Saturday, Miss Brohaska' take was 1Q
4l h uva
' IS iB
salmon and one large halibut
"On Sunday William McCarthy, 0. A.
Hale, George Barker and Richard Bar
ker made a big catch, fishing with hand
lines from Mitchell's launch. !
"One of the best catches for several
weeks past was made yesterday by t
Clyde Drake of Vallejo, Billy Murdock j
and Harry Hoyt of this city and Billy
Sutton of Marysville. The party were,
fishing off the whistling buoy and landed '
20 Balmon in their boat."
Jennie Campbell to J. C Smith, war
rants lot 20. til
Clatsop ..... $ 1
J. E. Higgins, trustee, to G. W.
Lounsberrv. tract of land in sec-
tions 6 and 7, T. 5 X- R. 7. W.... 2
United States to C. M. Best, oatent.
southwest quarter of section 3,
Unite,! 'states tn' Jam'eV 'r. "short.
certificate, for southwest quarter
of section 23, T. 6 N", R. 9 W.
Received yesterday by express twenty -
five (25) fine tailor-made suits, made
from fine all-wool worsted tweed. These
stgts we make special for men who want
a nice up-to-date suit and pattern like
no one el-e in town will be wearing. Xo
two of them aike. Prices $20 to $25.
Brownsville Woolen Mills Store, 684
. - . .
Grand Concert. Tomorrow- night lov-
ers of high class music will have an op
portunity to hear the noted Luther Col
lege Conceit Band and Chorus, which
will give an entertainment in the Foard
animator nn,l vnl'Jllisf a in tllA hanrl ati.l
- " ' " ..-, ......
advance reports of their performances in
other places state that the music is
equal to the best professional musical
aggregations. The admission, is only 50
cents for adults and children 25 cents.
Xo one should miss this treat. i
Drowns Yesterday. While
along the bank of Young's river yester
day afternoon, Hans Rasmussen,a prom-
tnent farmer of this section suddenly
fell in a fit, and in some manner unknown
rolled into the water, and was drowned,
His body was recovered a short time
later. The deceased was 51 years of
age, and leaves n wife and several chil
dre. The interment will take place to
morrow iu Greenwood cemetery. Ras
mussen w as injured on the bend a mini-
ber of years ago and ever since bad been
subject to fainting spells. regatta.
j As things are coming along at present
Application Filed. An application wa the regatta this year is going to 1 the
filed in the office of the city auditor by highest which Astoria has ever 'wit
Contractor William Miller for a permit neswd, and the crowds will lie greater
to construct n building for 1'hnrles Jor- than ever from the outside towns, and
dun in McClure's Astoria, surrounding country.
Don't Make a
If you don't
become a
you'll surely
: The regatta committee held one of the
, most enthusiastic meetings since its 'or
! ganization last night. Every one present
was full of interest in the coming event
i and plana which bad been made thus far
' were rePrted on by the different ehair-
I pu'
Mn Tro-ver of the water "P08 com-
mittee 8tated that P"!8 were -
I brifiW for securing some of the
I best novelties in this line, and there will
iuuuiiity oc suuie line t.vmui-
! tions in the rowing races- The Portland
! li t. i. : i i . i -1 -
j Rowing Club will send down representa
tives to take part.
preparations lor tne selection or t
queen are well under way, nnd the cora
I mittee expects to be able to announce
the name of the lady chosen sometime,
in the near future. In the matter of
providing races lor tne nsnnoats, jur.
Lo'ntwn was authorized to figure on tho
m,ne amount as was used last year, in
tarrying out this part of the program,
and the committee will endeavor to allow
mor mone.v for thi Part of the program
if Possib1-
The dog show is sure" to be given, and
; it is proposed to charge an entrance feo
for each doc entered, the money to be
, . . ...... .
usea in prizes ami tne incidental ex
penses. This part of the regatta is
bound to be one of the best features of
the entire celebration, unless it is the
baby show, which is another novel event,
,,, i- .4 i
ah uk iiriue-i iiuisup uouiuy imuirs
will be on exhibition, and as this county
is not to be beaten in high class babies,
the show is sure to be well worth see
ing. It is proposed to place this part of
the resmtta in charge of the ladies.
! though the committee has not yet de
1 cided on w ho they w ill be.
walking Another new feature is the automobile
race. This is a sure thinij. Chairman
Fox of the land sports committee, is
further planning a clay pigeon shoot, and
is i correspondence with some of the
best shots on the const. He has every
assurance that a number of these cracks
will enter. Local shots, who are inter
ested are urged to communicate the fact
to the chairman, and thus aid him in his
work. Mr. Fox hag a number of other
ideas which he will put into execution
and which will add greatly to this year's