THUMDAY, AUGUST fl, igofl, ! THE MOIINING ASTOJlUN, AStOJtJA,;Ofti;OPK. PORTLAND MARKETS Latest Quotations In the Portland 1 Market Complet Market Siporti Corrected lac 'Day Giving the Wboleal Prieti ul Commoditl, Firm Profluc aaa vg. UMm. rORTUNI), Aii(jiit ISr-Thfl rumor ultimt concerning hep contract abov j7o ar not authenticated In Portland, not tlmt dealer outright Out they plac no credent In the rojmrU, but la turn caw I''" n'" of 0 grower I witblifltl, which Iftivt- tli matter nm to doubt, Ruling men In th trad tUto that no Mint r ad. ,to their knowl ,j(, have Iwb executed at JSc, Quotation prvail here at 17c, and (I, market it strung', but liaa no bl AiHn which to predict an linmllat change. ' , , . Th weather twly In Knglnnd U re ported ehowery. Grain, Flour, Feed. Wheat-Vlla Walla, (lOcj Valley, 7ki blueitem. 70c i red, Ma. 0UVblt, I'iij gray, $20. Corn-Whole. t-7 cracker t29 per toa. BarleyBrewing, 2.U0j feed, 23; rolled. t2423. Rye 11.60 pT ct. Buckwheat 38.00 per ton. Flour-Hard wheat patent, $4.10 straight tJ.43j graham, 3-M) rye. $3 OQj wbol wheat flour, 3.73 Valley flour, 130(33.091 Dakota. i3.30(J5.J0j East trn ry. 5.40 PlILbury, IfliOj Corrallla, 3.70. SIIIUtufh-Mlddllnge, I2425 chop I3; bran. 110 borU, fit. Hay-Valley, timothy. 10glli East- Oregon, f 15f lflf clover, 7(8j rn cheat. 7.30pj alfalfa, $11. drain bag-Foreign and dome tic. Produce, Butter-Country eraamary, 21c22cj rlty creamery, 2 let dairy, I415cj atora, HlflSc butterfat St. Poultry Old rootUrs, J10ci beni, 3(?We.j fryers, 10iIl7c broiler, 10$ l(Iej drd chlckena, 14lftcj gee. lire, 8fi8C) drtaiad, 113Ue turkey, lira, 14(31Jej dressed. HSI7oj duck a. old. 10(312ci Spring ducks. M16e plg-ons. per down, tl.O01.2S) squab. 11.73(1 2. Honey-Dark. lOKJllcj amber. 12 13c i fancy white, 14$18o. Cbeeaa-Young America. 131314c; Oregon full crm, flata, 12l3c. Kgg-Fre.h Oregon ranch. 2021c, Fruit. Tropical frulta Bananaa. 6o per lb; plneepplea. 4.3035 per doen lemon, fancy, (8; choice, $35.50j atandard Walla, $1.80 oraU fancy local, 4045o par doxen bunch paralay, 25c doienj hothouaa lettuce, ftOef 1.00 bos) bead, 23o dozen) aplnacb, 3fpc lhj ouotnuberi, local hothouaa, 79o$(1.00 doieni Cali fornia. l,40 boi artichoke, OOo .per lozenj rhubarb, 813io Ibf pea, 46o beam, 9(3, 10cj garlic, lOcj red pepper, dry, 20(26ot Chile, 20o lb) green onfona, l21o down bunch) green corn, 40o iww I canteloupea, ipeclal, $1.60(32) pony crate, $0.80&7j egg plant, 40o lb. Onion New California, red, l(l!c rota, 79c(3$1.29 beet, $i.60(2) radlihe 12($16 dozen bunohet. Tomatoea Mexican, $21b2i5) Uiaala alppl, $2p.29) local. 2fia lb) Summer quaih, $119 bo. & Fratrb Maata and Flab. Freih mU Veal, nedlum, 78 to 100 Ibe, ei(37o( 100 to 160 Iba, WHn ISO to 200 iba, 55to) 200 lb and over, 3j4oj pork, 6(38ia beavle. 7(Bc) beef, bulla, 3c cow, 41c3Rc) t.ra. 6&6c( mut ton, medium alza, 77ej large, 6(0ot Spring lemba, 8(5810, Oama Ifardabell. per box, $200) razor clam, $2 per box. Oyitera Sboalwater Bay, per gallon, $2,00) Olympla, per aack, $3.00) Eaatern trumpUuUd. $1.00 per 100. rlh Craba, per dozen. $1.90) Sboal water IHy oytera, per ack, $40) oyitera, gallon, $219) halibut. 6ic) black cod, 7c beta, per lb, 20c j barring. 6c i flotitwler 6c j catflab. Ocj llver amelt, i) abrlmp, 10c( perch, 6c i aturgeon, 9c; ea trout 121oi black baia, 25c j chlnook almon, OJo; ateelbead, 8c; (had, 4c. Sugar, aack baala Oolden & $4.46) extra C $4.63) powdered, $9.19) patent cube, $3 JO) cane, D. O., $3.09) fruit ii(fr. $9.08) beet augar, $9.89) C. A II. bbeet, $403) barrel, cwt 10c) kega, cwt, 25c i boxe, cwt. 60c advance over aack bal (let. lb if paid for in 13 day). Coffea Mocha 242 28c; Java, fancy, 28($32e) Java, good, 20(?24c Javt, or dlnary, 1720cj Cot Rica, fancy, 18 20c CoU Itlca, good. 1218c) Ar- buckba, 10)o per lb) Lion, l4lo per lb; Columbia coffee, Hie) Salvador, 111 Bico Imperial Japan. No. 1. $3.08) Southern, Japan, 6Jc) broken, 4cj beatf, fancy, 7c ; bead, choice, 01c Salt-Babe of 78-2, bale, $1.00; bale of 60.34, bale. $1.00) bale of 40 4a. bale. $1,001 balea of 18-10, bale, $1.00; bag, 30c) fine. ton. $12.00) bag. 90 lb, genu ine Liverpool, ton. $18.00) big, 60 lb, 1 ground. 100a. ton. $9.00) H 8. V. P, 20 81b cartona, $259) R. S. V. P, 24 J ib carton, $1.79) Liverpool lump, toa $19.80. !.?".' . If J Bean -Small white. 4e; large white. 310 pink, 31c; bayou, 4lc; Limaa. 01c; Mexican red. 9c. Kuta-Walnut, No. 1. aoft bell. 17ci N'o. 1 hard ahell lOcj Chile, 13c; almonda, 1718c Alberta, lOcj Braaik 10e; pe- can, 13119c; hickory, 8c; Virginia pea- nuta, 00) Jumbo Virginia peanut, 8c j Japaneae peanuta, 9c; cbeatnuU, Italian, I4c) coco nut i, dozen. 850Oc. Olive oil-California ,pr gallon, $2.79) quart, per cae, dozen. $759) pint, 2 doz--n, I8JSO; 1-plnta 4 dozen, $9. Flge-WhlU, lb. 07ej black. 07e. Dttea Golden. 001b box, 7e; Mb package, 8cj Fard, 191b boxe. $1.40 box. Candled pee! Citron. 101b boxea, 29c lb; 6-lb boxea, 23c ) lemon peel 10-lb boxea, 19o lb) 8-lb boxea, I51cj orange lOcj liver, 6c ; pork, 9oj blood, 8ei bead- cheete, 121cj bologna tauiage. link, Cq. Lard Kettle-rendered) Tiarce. lite tuba, lllo; SO, HJoj 20a, USej 10a, 12c 9a, 121c j Standard pure, Tlareea, 10o) tub lOlcj 90a, lOloj 80a, lOJc; 10a, Hcj 8, 181a. Compound, Tierce, 71cj tuba, 7c) 90, 7c) 10a, 81o; 9t, 81a Canned aalmon-Columbia Hirer, 1-Ib Ulla, 148) S ib Ull. $2JW( fancy, Mb fiat, $2.00; lb fancy flU, $li9j fancy Mb oval. $2.78; AUaka telle, pink, 90e; red, $1.43) nominal, 2i, tall $2.00, Cereal food Rolled oata cream, 90 lb lack, $7.00) lower grade, $300-90) oatmeal, ateel cut, 90-lb aacka, $3 bale) 10 lb Mcka, $4.25 per bale) oatmeal (ground), 901b aacka, $7i0 per bale) 10- lb aacka, $4 per bale) aplit peaa, $4-90 per 1001b aeck; 231b boxea, $159; pearl barley, $4.75 per 100 lb; 29-Ib boxea, $1.23 per boxj paatry flour, 10-lb aacka, $2.90 per bale. Oil, Lead, Etc. Coal oil Pearl and aatral oil caaei, 19o per gallon) water whits oil, iron barn-la, 131o) wood barrel, lfijc; eocere oil, oaaaa. 211cj clalna ofL caaea, 27ie; extra atar, caaea, 22lo headlight oil caeca 21c; iron barrel, 15lc, Benzine Slxty-tbrea degree, caaea. 20c; iron barrela. l&lc Turpentine In caaea, 85c; In wood barrela, 83c; in iron barrela, 79c In lo cate lota, 89c. Linveed oil Raw, 6-barrel lota. 47c; 1- barrel lota, 48c; In eaea, 63c Boiled. 6 barrel lot, 49c) l barrel lota 60cj la caee, 69c. ' . ' ' Caaollne Stova gaaollne, case, Htei iron barrel, 10c; 80 degree gaaollne, catea. 33c ) iron barrela or drama, 27c; 72 degree caaea, 261c; iron barrel. 20c; engine distillate, iron barrel, 9c Lead Strictly pur wblta lead and red lead In ton lota. 71c; 6001b lota, 8c; lea than 900 Iba, 81c : Wire m!1 preeent bae at $2.00. Rope Pur Manila, 14c; atandard, 131c; Sleal lie; Me brand Sisal 10c IIop Cboic. 1905, llftl2cj prim. 1011, Wool-Valley 2229cj EaaUm Ore gon, 18 22c aa to ebrlnkege. Mobalr Choice. 2830c Tallow Prim, per lb, 3(34cj No. 2 and greaae, 22lo. Feather Geeee, white, 35 3 40c; geeee. my or mixed. 2830c; duck. wblU, 19 20c; duck mixed. 12319. Caacar aagrada, (Cblttim bark) -21 4c Oregon grap roo-Par 100 Iba, $34. Bewx Cood, clean and pun, 21 24o per ft. Hide Dry i No. 1. 10 lb and up, per lb, 1819c; kip, No. 1, 18880 accord ing to alz) dry aalted bulla and aUga, one-third leaa tbea dry flint; low gradee, 23o per lb leea; aalted. tteera, 00 lb and up, 10(3 11c j under 90 Iba, tteera and cow, 9310c; ataga and bulla, 7c; kip, 18 to 30 Ibe. 10c per ft; wal 10 to 14 iba. 11c; calf, under 10 Iba, ll12c; green .untalted. lo per Ibjeaaj aheep iklna, ahearllng No. 1 2530e; abort wool, No. 1, 40 OOo each; medium wool, No. 1, $1.26(g2 eacb; murrain pelu, 10 to 20 per cent lea) hone bides, aalted $U02-60, according to eites dry, ac cording to aire. $l1.90i colta. 2990c each) Angora, wooled. 30cftlJW; goat. common, 1520c each. OWE Of AMERICA'S FA&TgMr BTKAMiRS Cotnmenclni Monday, May 14 STEAMER TELEGRAPH WHl ",in'' Tr,P IMIlf Moept Hunditr, Between. Portland Astoria , v - ; and way Porte . TIME CAB0 Bteamer Telmih from Portland to Awrl. , lave Porttendi....Mi.M.M....M.....rM...70O a m- Arrive Aikr!.,....,......,,...,.l p. ta. BtMtmer TWrph from Aatorla I to I'ortiund Iave A tori . ..........2 v m Arrive I'ortUind MIAW 8ASVED A LA CARTE' Hteemer TeWrnnh wlllntoo at wavland. Ina both down and up river wbca bavin pan(r to land or by being ilg-naUed- Portland Landing Alder St Dock Aitorla, Landing CallenJsr Dock I. B. SCOTT, Agent, Portland Callender Karlgatioa Co Agent Aatorla. PHONE 2211 MADT. $4.90 box i onnee. fancy navel. $4 4.90; Med. aweeta, $3.794.00 box; grape, peel, 10-lb boxea, 15c lb; 31b boxe. Ifilo. ProvUiona-Hama. to aire. 141c; hame, picnic, lOlcj bacon, regular, 18lc; bacon, fancy breakfaat 20c; dry alt Mea, Hie; backa dry lalt, 11 l-4c Pickled gooda-Plckled pig1 feet 1 barrel. $3; 1-barrela, $2.79; 19-lb kit, $1.29; pickled tripe. 1-berrek $5.00; barrela, $2.79; 19-lb Vita. $1.25; pickled pig' tonguea, 1-barrela, $0; J-barrela. $3; 15-lb kit, $1.50; pickled lamb' tongue, 1-barrol. $0; l-barrel, $3.50; 15-lb kit, $2.75, Sauinge Portland bam, 18o per lb; minced ham, lOcj Summer .choice dry, 171et bolocma. lonrr. "c; weinerwurst, fruit $44.50 mte; Urn, 75o per 100, Domeitio fruit Strawberrle, local $1.75(52.25 crate; apricot, $1.602 crate; peach, $1(1.29 box; plume, 1.25 1.60 box; cherrlea, 75clbl.25 crate; bulk, 4 Oo per lb; gooaebcrrlea, fl7o lb; ourrant. 8(0o lb; red rnapberrica, 8(39o per lb; Loganberriea, $1.60(1.75 crate. Vegetable. roUtoe-Fanoy, old, 4005cj ordi nary, la country, 4050c; Jobber' price. 6005c per 100 lb; new. USUo per lb. Cabbage Per lb, ll2c; cauliflower, $11.25 per dozen; aeparagua, Walla TIDE TABLE, AUGUST AUGUST, 1908. High Water. A.M. I P.M. Date Wednesday , Friday Friday Saturday , Sunday Monday . ........ C Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday 0 Friday . 10 Saturday 11 Sunday 121 Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Thursday 10 Friday 17 Saturday . 18 Saturdoy 181 Sunday . 19 Monday . .......201 Tuesday 21 Wednesday 22 Thursday 23 Friday , 24 Saturday . ......25 Sunday 20 Monday 27 Tuesday 28i Wednesday 29 h.m.ft. j him." J ft? 10:48 6.2110:13 8.9 11:43 0.7 11:18 0.2 12:30 7.1 11:60 0.3 1:13 7.4 0:47 0.2 1:53 7.7 1:32 9.0 2:32 7.0 2:10 8.0 3:10 8.0 3:00 8.0 3:50 8.0 3:40 7.4 4:27 8.0 4:38 8.8 8:00 78 6:31 0.2 6:65 7.0 0:35 5.7 0:40 7.5 7:48 6.0 7:41 7.5 0:02 9.5 8:38 7.0 10:05 5.8 9:31 7.8 10:67 0.210:20 8.0 11)40 0.7 11:00 8.4 12:18 7.2 11:50 8.7 12:64 7.0 0:32 8.8 1:30 8.0 1:15 8.8 2:00 8.3 1:60 8.7 2:44 8.5 2:45 8.3 3:23 8.7 3:35 7.0 4:05 8.8 4:32 7.2 4:51 8.4 5:36 0.5 5:45 8.3 0:63 0.0 0:45 8.1 8:10 5.0 7:53 8.1 0:38 0.1 9:03 8.2 10:40 0.510:07 8.4 11:30 7.0111:04 8.0 AUGUST, 1900. Low Water. Date. Wednesday . 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday . 4 Sunday Monday Tuesday . Wednesday 8 Thursday , Friday . 10 Saturday 11 Sunday 12 Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday . ....15 Thursday 10 Friday 17 Saturday 181 Sunday 10 Monday . 20 Tuosdar , 21 Wednesday 22 Thursday . 23 Friday 24 Saturday 25 SUNDAY . 20 Monday . .......27 Tuesday 28 Wednesday . ....20 Thursday . 30' Friday ,31 A. M. P. M. hm.Tftr'h.m? ft. "4:28 0.2 4:12 3.9" 5:23-0.3 5:15 3.3 0:14-0.7 0:10 3.1 0:59-1.0 7:00 2.8 7:40-0.0 7:48 2.0 8:20-0.0 8:35 2.4 8:68-0.1 9:21 2.3 9:35 0.510:03 2.2 10:12 1.210:52 2.3 10:60 1.811:43 2.3 11:35 2.5. 0:41 2.212:20 3.1 1:44 2.1 1:24 3.5 2:45 1.7 2:30 3.8 3:43 1.3 3:38 3.9 4:33 0.8 4:30 8.8 5:17 0.3 5:25 3.6 5:57-0.1 0:08 3.2 6:35-0.3 0:48 2.8 7:12-0.4 7:28 2.3 7:40-0.2 8:10 1.9 8:22 0.0 8:48 1.0 9:05 0.5 0:85 1.4 9:4(1 1.210:28 1.3 10:32 1.911:28 1.2 111:30 2.61.... 0:37 1.212:31 3.2 1:53 1.0 1:40 3.6 8:10 0.7 3:07 3.7 4:15 0.3 4:18 3.5 5:10-0.1 5:18 3.1 Clover, red. per 100 lb. $15.50; do mammoth red. $18.50j do Alayke, $10.00) do white, $18.50; alfalfa, $15.00; timothy, $5.50; English rye, $8.00; Italian rye. $8.80; Kentucky bluegrasa, , $15.00) Bromus Inermls. $13.00 orchard grasa, $14.75) red top, $12.00; vetchee. $3.50; field peaa, $3.00. Building Material. Lime $1.50 per bblj Imported cement $3.75 per bbl; California cement $3-90 per bbl; wood fiber plaater, $14. net, per ton: plaster of Paris, 3 per bbl: plaster ing hair, 31o per lb; firebrick, $42.90 per M fire clay, $20 per ton; metal latn, 1925o per yard. Common rough, per M, $13.00; di mension sizes, $12.014.00j sidewalk and street. $10.0012.00; atepping, $30.0032.00j flooring. $13.00(3)32.00 rustic. $18.0028.00) celling, $18.00 28.00 finishing, $18.0028.00j paving blocks, $14.00; laths, $2.00258; cedar shingles, $2.10. SALOON KEEPER STABBED. MTTAVAUKEE, Wis., August 13. Leopold Ritona, aged 20 years, aaloon keeper, was stabbed to death by an un known Croatian early today. Witnesses ay that three Croatian, who were not known in the neigbborhod went Into the saloon and became involved in a quar rel. The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when he began taking Electric Bitter. He writes: "Two year ago . kidney trouble caused me great suffering, which I never would have survived had I not taken Electric Bitters. They also cured me of general debility." Sure cure for all stomach, Liver, and lUdney com nlalnts. Blood diseases, Headache, Diz iness and weakness or bodily decline Price 50o. Guaranteed by Charles Rogers dciur store. ug hi , iU. ; . : - e t". i. -!: tyf? A Ticket Meana more than your mere transportation if it ia over Astoria- ColumblaRiver R. R; Co JS, , Jf.U. i m K n.m 4.27 i.t. tfli 10.364 .m.'p.m .o&j S.ll .2H e-fi 13 S-00 .ip.m'p-m S.l.V s.! s-asi s.v, s.t i:ih m .m 1 eto, e-M! ioei 11a.1t trm I n wills' tlOU.M, mnn 12.1?, VIM a-m p. 111 PORTUKD mm.K RAIMER CLAIMKASfE Ar A8TOB1A Lv, tv. AKTORf 4 Ar, Ar. WaRUKXTO! If Lv.WARRKNTOM Ar, Ar. FT. MTEVEftH Lv. tv FT. H7t.Vr.HH r Ar. WAKRKSTONtv. Lv. WARRF.NTO.V Ar. Ar. HKAHIDlt Lv. Ar. (a.m p. in p. 111 a. m 10. I S.40 10.W, .Jft 9A 4 7.4m s.a), .ie S.M 5..V) 7.M OM 1M tM 7-.'i 7.IH 7 Ml 4.00 11.00 S..K 10.40 n:f io.i .2S 10.27 10.26 S.ll 10. It) S.I0 10.1S IM .4 p ni .m ! ' Train marked , run dal ly. ' Saturday only. CONNECTIONS At Portland, with all tranacontinental line. At Goble, with Northern Pacific Bailway Co. A t Astoria, with steamers for San Fran cisco and Tillamook and Ilwaco Rallw ay 4 Navigation Co boat and railway. figP 1 It meana that you will have vry luxury and comfort th utmoat courtesy from all amploy s safe trip and C3 that will be a pleasure and delight. It is th Short Line to Chicago ' AND BEST AS WELL. Anything you wiab to know about comfortable traveling will be gladly told by. K. Y. HOLDER, Gen. Agt, 193 Third 8t Ladies and CMHreii m well u oli folks and those uiuccuttomed to ft are oftentimes dismayed by the confusion and op roarof trains and traveL It is wrong" to const g-n these people to tne care of any save the most conscientious and careful attendants. You will find this kind on the Rock Island's through Pullman Tourist sleeping; cars between San Francisco or Los Angeles and the East. We make a specialty of Tourist Excursions. Special Tourist Conductors ar? employed to pilot these parties on the overland trip Our ni folder, entitled "Across the Contincat in a Tourist Skeplflg ar," will un. yo all about it. Jj you have any Irkods going East and can't go with them ttnd them by Rock Itland PnonaMy ConducUd Tomut Car. Ccncrtl Afent Rock bland-Frtoco Line. 140 Third St., PORTLAND. ORE. Portland, Or. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO- Far Including berth and meala, $15; Round-trip, $2S. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at Sanlrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, era Cal ornia. O. W. ROBERTS, Agent. ' Astoria, Oregon. , A. G. D. KERPVBLL, . Gen. Paa. A gen 8an Franoiaoo ( THE MILWAUKEE "The Pioneer Limited " St Paul to Chi- cago. " Short Line " Omaha to Chicago. "South-West Limited "Sanaa City to Chicago. No train in th service of any rail road In th world equals in equip ment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Ry. They own and operat their own aleeping and dining care and give their patron an excellence of ser vice not obtainable elsewhere. Bertha on their sleepers are longer, higher and wider than in similar car on any other line. They protect their trains by th Block system. Connection mad wilu all trani-con-tlnental line In Union Depot. H. S. Row, Genera Agent, Portland or 134 Third Street corner Alder. Ill B i BIB I i ' I . ; v . . . - ; t B 1 ,4 '.,.,, ....'... , ,...... t.VaeVvT-CT't : fv-t'T ssssi f '.- A - -'-1 .! Jff 1 " HSBS-i I W'f -.I'll 'hi ni-,,.' iciSlf .."ll. 1 I 1 BEGINNING FEB. 15, 1906 I 6 U t S Alii ' ,M J I t hp nil ci hI ,flhiW II TOURIST 11 - J j - I 1 , y SLEEPERS I j EVERY DAY IN THE YEAS I I I I 1 BETWEEN ' SEATTLE and CHICAGO via tie 1 ) Great Northern Railway ) J J " v '"The-'ComforUbi Way" if Rout of th famona Oriental Limited J I For detailed information, rate, etc, call on or address I .- a. noKsoN, c. t. a, j Parker House Oregon Res taurant NEW AND FffiST-CLASS DINING- ROOM. ALL THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Corner Ninth and Astor Eitreeta. Ill ASK ANY TRAVELER and he will tell you the i . . - Electrio Lighted. s: tbe' Crack ITrain :of them tall for COMFORT and ELEGANCE The ticket office at Portland 5S Morrison St., Cor. 3d. A. D. CHARLTON, ABsietant General Pnssenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON. Through SALT LAKE CITY, COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER Stop-Over Privileges Granted. Choice of Routes East of Colorado Point. For Illustrated Phamphlets Pic turing Colorado's Beautiful Scenery write W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt t4 Third Street PORTLAND, OR. The MORNING ASJ.ORIAN 60 CIS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper Thursday 30j Friday . 31