The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 16, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST id, 1904.
A Car of Fresh Watermelons
Arrived Todiy, it la the first direct car to arrlvi tinea the tun
net allda la Southern Oregon which blocked traffic, and they are
by far the finest that aver came to town. We are in a position
to give you a bigger and better melon for your money than any
other etote Is town. Come and get
f. 1 as. t nr"T.4Li
ucncrai Manager vi. n, ioiuwi
li Interviewed.
Chief Engineer of "A. It C." Will Be
. Here Today Official Sumy In
augurated at Once Grades
Found Determine Issue. :
Orkwiti sella skt.
New souvenir postals at Svonson'a.
Orkwiti Repairs Bicycles on abort
111 1L Scully, Notary Public at
Scully's Cigar Store. Any old bourt
Ice Cream made from full cream, 15c
per pint, Special price for lodgea and
ehurchea, at Tagg'a confectionary. 7-ltt-tf
The very best board to be obtained la
the city is at "The Occident Hotel.
Ratea very reasonable.
How Do I look. To really tee your
H as other see you, gt one of tho
new style mirrors st Hart's Drug Store j
til prices. A new supply just received.
Hotel Irving, corner Franktia avenue
and Eleventh atreet. European plan;
best rooms and board la the dty at rea
sonable prieea. tf
X. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, does all
winner of taxidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpt cleaning and laying, nut
trees making a specialty and all work
guaranteed. tf
Annual PIcnlc-TIw W. C. T. U. will
hold their annual plcnlo Thursday in
llantborn'a yard In Alderbrook. All
members are requested to come and
bring lum-h at 11:30 a. m.
Turn backward, 0 time, in your flight,
Make mo a child again just for tonight,
"IH do It," cried Time, "Jut let me be
Until I fix some Rocky Mountain Tea."
Frank Hart, Druggist.
Funeral Thursday The funeral of the
infant son of Albert Hrunstrom will
Uke place from the fsmlly residence,
74 Alor street, Thursday, August 10.
at 1:30 p. m. Rev, Rydqulst will offic
iate. The interment will be in Green
wood cemetery.
Make children est, sleep and grow.
Makea mother strong snd vigorous.
Makes a healthy family. Tbat'a wbt
irolliiter's Rocky Mountain Tea doea.
Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Frank Hart,
Constipation, bowel irregularity, head
ache, dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad kid
neys, rheumatism, disorders incident to
sedentary life, positively cured by llol
llster'a Rocky Mountain Ten, the great
est American remedy. Tea or Tabids,
35 cents. Frank Hurt, druggist.
Why don't you have your work done
by ua and we do houae lining, wall
papering, house and sign painting. We
use and recommend the Heath & Milll
gan prepared paints. For over two acore
years it hat been recognized as the
standard paint of America. Come and
let ua figure with you. The Eastern
Painting & Decorating Co., 365 Com
mercial atreet. tf.
Died at Portland-Tlie sad Intelligence
was received in this city last evening,
by telegraph from Hon. J. C. McCuo, at
Portland, of the sudden death there, at
5:50 o'clock yesterday afternoon, of
A. A. Cook, the young and well known
commercial traveler, from the effects of
an opi'iutiim for appendevill. Mr. Cook
Has once a resident of tin city where
lie became the boshaud of Mie Kate
McC'ue, ami v. as the owner of certain
valuable projwr here. He was but 34
year of age, and leaves a wife and one
child, a little girl, to mourn hi irrepar
able os. He was state president for
Oteguit of the Travelers' Protective As
sociation and was a man who counted
his friends by legion, everywhere be was
known. No word was obtainable as to
the funeral arrangements, notice of
which will be given Inter.
Fine Piece of Work. -Messrs. R, ti.
Klvers, the lessor of the new opera
house, and Karle Fisher, have jointly
produced wry handsome marble
switch board for handling the electrical
business of that important structure.
It is about four feet square, and i
mounted with the latest patterns of ap
pliances for despatching the illuminat
ing fluid throughout the big building.
There am 37 circuits represented on the
borad. and WW lights under Its manipu
lation. Among these are 18 border
lights on the stagej 70 foot lights; 32
bunch light t 5 "pot 'V th
three-color system red, whit end
green), all on the stage, besides the 600
house lights that will do duty through
out the auditorium. It Is a line piece of
work and distinctly creditable to "the
young gentlemen who have devised It.
Steam Ferry Now. There ha been a
big bunch of O. R, eV N. surveyors in
snd around Chinook for the past '.
days, busily engaged in running th
extension lines of the I. R. A N. rail
way, toward that lively center; and
the popular Interest in their work, and
that of other groups of engineers in
that field, has led to the widely cur
rent conclusion that there i to be a big
steam ferry established between Frank
fort, or Knnniiton, and this city, in
order to expedite the passenger busi
ness of the O. R. ft X. In dealing with its
northshore beeches, etc., etc.
New Library Books. The following is
a list of the new book just received at
the Astoria Public Library From a
College Window, A Diplomatic Adven
ture, At Close Range, In Our Town.
Helena Richie, Xicnnor, Teller of laics.
Fortune of Landrays, Fenwlcks Career,
Hard Tsn Story of Pan Francisco,
On the Field of Glory. Heart of a Girl,
Avesha, The Mayor of .Warwick, Quick
ening, Fair Margaret, The Coniston.
Yielda to Paralysis. Mrs. Otto Hcil
born was the recipient of mournful
news, last night, of the death of her
father, P. II. Rimm, at San Francisco
yesterday afternoon, from a stroke of
paralysis. Mr. Rimm was the guest ot
his daughter here this summer, as was
Mrs. Rimm, who only returned to her
southern home about ten days ago.
Was Left Behind. A fine ten-ton re
tort destined for use at the cannery of
the Bnndon Tacking Company, is lying
on the Callcndcr pier awaiting shipment
to the Coos Bay plant, the Alliance hav
ing been compelled to give it the go
bye on her last trip out.
With a view of authenticating the re
cent Portland despatch In relation to
the proposed extension of the Astoria k
Columbia River Railroad from Seaside
to Tillamook City, a reporter of the
Mornintr Aatorlan yesterday, railed upon
General Manager O.-W. Tallwt, of that
road, at his office In this city, and eskel
for as full a statement as was In his
power to give, in order that all ambigui
ties and misconceptions might be laid
aside and the people of this city and sec
tlon correctly Informed of the reol pur
poses of the company,
With ready courtesy Mr. Talbot com
plied with a declaration to the follow
ing effecti
"As a newspaper man you will under
stand what I mean when I say that it
frequently happens that the people and
the paper of a given section are dis
posed to make much more of a mooted
railway project than is contemplated at
headquarters, from a desire to make the
most of something that has a large
meaning for the comr"nlty interested:
and while this has been the rase In this
Instance, to a certain extent, there has
not been an unduly wide departure from
the fact, as might have occurred; and
I am glad to be able to Inforss the peo
ple of Astoria that it is the intention
of the company to take immediate in
itial steps toward the work you al
lude to.
"The chief engineer of the road, Mr.
J. V. E. Taylor, will be here tomorrow,
with bis assistants, and they will de
vote some eight or tec days to a care
ful review of the plats and maps In the
local office, after which they will take
the Held for a full and complete survey
of the territory to be traversed, and will
be so engaged for not less than three
"Of course there will be two routes
thoroughly investigated and reported
upon in this official survey, and the
profiles will be returned to headquarters
for careful scrutiny, and from the
findings there and then made, will the
final issue of building, or not building.
Ie determined. The lines to be covered
embrace a course along the coast, and
another in the interior, and I may say
that if an operative grade, feasible in
all the details demanded in behalf of
such a project is attained to, there can
be no reason for doubt ins that the ex
tension will follow immediately and the
work pushed to the earliest possible con
clusion. In default of such favorable
returns from the field, it is needless to
ay that the construction will be aban
doned; and as to whether the probabil
ities lie with either conclusion suggest
ed, I am not sufficiently informed to ren
der a reliable opinion, but so far as I
can sny, there is nothing to disparage
the idea of obtaining a serviceable route
through the country in which our inter
ests prevail."
Asked about the significance of the
grade-stakes dotting the country imme
diately south of Seaside, Mr. Talbot said
the company wag in need of additional
terminal facilities at Seaside, which
place was growing very perceptibly and
that In this behalf, suburban lines had
been run there in the interest of such
improvements as the company finds it
necessary to install, and that they have
nothing: to do with the larger matter of
the southern survey.
Had Hia Picture Taken. "Squidge,"
Will Hume's ideal little bull-pup has had
his picture taken. . To guard against the
specific and abounding ugliness of the
doir. it was necessary for the photo
graphic artist to secure a piece of two-
inch plate glass and sensitize it, for the
delicate and danscrous transference of
Squidge's protruberant little mug, with
safety to the plate, and it was success
fullv accomplished much to his owner's
satisfaction, Squidge was, from the look
on his expressive face, perfectly indif
ferent to the whole proceeding.
Another Slip. The Cnllender Naviga
tion Company is equipping its dock with
another forty-foot, stationary slip, at
the landward end of the pier, which
will be a great convenience for the
smaller craft that throngs about there
on business and pleasure.
""Light Catch Yesterday showed no ap
preciable increase in the catch of fish,
though some reported fairly good luck.
Take Your
From Other
., . . ;
. I
Buyers and
you'll win
We Don't Make the Clothes, but we Know the factory that
does It's always an A 1 factory or Wise dont want itsproduct (
Champion Gosse Here. Edward O.
Gosse the amateur champion single
sculler of the Northwest, was la the
city yesterday, having come up from
Seaside to confer with the regatta com
mittee about his appearance here in the
forthcoming water festival He called
at the Aatorlan office for a few minutes,
and while here made the specific an
nouncement that Al Pape had treated
him with silence and indifference, despite
the fact that he, Gosse, had sent him
four separate " and distinct challenges
since April last, to-wit: In March last,
for the San Diego contest on June 1st,
for the trophy put up by the Coronado
Hotel t Beach Company; for the same
event; In May, through the columns of
the Portland Telegram; last month,
through the same columns, for the As
toria regatta season; and by telegraphic
despatch, on Friday last, for the Astoria
event, or on any other course that
Pape might elect. To none of these open
challenges has the challenged man
deigned to reply. Mr. Gosse is still
willing to meet and race him at any
point on the coast, not later than No
vember 1st. It is conclusively settled
that Mr. Gosse will appear in the re
gatta, in friendly contest with several
expert oarsmen from Portland, and It is
needless to aoy will make a fine and in
teresting showing.
All Ate Watermelon. The entire force
of the Morning Astorian was yesterday
treated to a feast in the shape of a
huge watermelon, thoughtfully contri
buted by Ross, Higgins & Company.
To ay that the melon was appreciated,
would be stating it far too lightly. It
reminded the editor of the time he bad
charge of a newspaper in the wilds of
Nebraska, and the offer of a years
subscription, to the paper which he made
to the farmer who should bring the larg
est melon. Early in the season large
and luscious products of the vine began
to come into the office for exhibition
and weighing. As the Beason advanced.
the contributions became larger, and the
keener in what farmers could raise the
largest watermelon. It was a poor day
when less than 60 melons arrived at
the office for judgment, and finally an
extra man had to be hired to attend to
the weighing part. It was seldom that
farmer would keep his melon, and by
this means, the force all grew fat on the
best melons that the best watermelon
country in the world could produce. The
largest melon which was brought to
the office, weighed 83 pounds and meas
ured three feet in thickness.
Another Citiien. A nine-pound baby
son was bom to Mrs. E. B. Gunzler
yesterday, in this city, at the home of
her sister,, Mrs. John Frye, on Jerome
avenue. Mother and child are doing
Fully Naturalized. Two natives of
Sweden yesterday completed the legal
processes of their citizenship in America,
by taking out full naturalization papers,
before County Clerk Clinton; their
names were John Olson and Olof Jonson.
tWtfus t tit ""-5s. fftj '
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Joeph Schamberger to J. S. Tucker
. warranty, 20 acres in section 34,
T. 6 N-, R. id W-. $ 5
M. D. and Emily J. Staples to Jane
A. Jeffera, warranty, lot 2, block
' 99, McClure's Astoria. .1600
At the Star Theatre by Lee Wills rd
Company. '
This evening's performance h one of
those romantic western comedy dramas
that are such favorites amongst the
American public. It is based on the
"Avenging Angels," a sect of the Mor
mons that banded together to avenge the
lynching of Joseph Smith their prophet.
ii til' k! ..!
their families. Women and children were
struck down from ambush, and no one
was secure from their murderous hands, i
.Many beautiful strong situations are " r-p
introduced in this play for the romance !ndfP?!"ble hUSe 8"d home' for wh,ch
of the "days of '49 is intertwined he is diligently
throughout the plot, and pathos and Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Cooper have
comedy intermingle. returned from Seaside where they have
Mr. Williard a9 Sandy, the miner, is ln summering for the past few week,
most excellent; being so much at home much to Mr. Cooper's improvement in
in his interpretations of Western char- health, and will remain here until after
acter the regatta, when they will return to
There is a whole lot of real side split- the eoast.
ting comedy throughout the Danitca, , Chief Deputy Sheriff A. Y. Anderson
making this bill most pleasing to every will take a week off from the office next
one. . , week, and on Tuesday of next week
'v !will leave with hia family for Seaside
For a Vacation The third party of for an enjoyable outing,
boys to take an outing at the coast ! D. B. Atlierton of Walla Walla was in
under the auspices of the Juvenile Court the city yesterday on his way to Can
will leave for Seaside this morning, from non Beach, for a summer outing.
Portland, in charge of Clerk Marion j S. E. Andrews of Spokane arrived in
Johnson, of the court, who will go with
the youngsters to the coast, and place'
them in the care of Truant Officer S. D. '
White. The second partj sent out wi'l
return home today.
About 30 will go
on this trip.
In Special Session. A special com
munication of Temple Lodge No. 7,
A. F. & A. M. will be held at the Ma
sonic hall this evening (Thursday) at
7:30 o'clock, when there will be work
in the F. C. degree.
DES MOINES, August 15. A terrific
electrical rain and wind storm is raging
throughout the entire state. The parade
of the Philippine veterans and Eleventh
batery has been postponed.
SALEM, Ore., August 15. The gover
nor this morning issued a proclamation
making Monday, September 3, a holi
day on account of Labor Day.
Morning Astorian. 60 cents per month,
delivered by carrier.
Don't Make a
If you don't
become a
you'll surely
Miss Johana Denth. and her young
brother, Andrew, returned home yester
day on the noon train from Portland,
after a week's pleaesat stay there with
friends. ,.; ;, :.
Mr. and Mro, North Cberrington pass
ed through the city yesterday from Sea
side, en route to -he northshore beaches,
where they will sojourn for a few days
before returning to their home at Dallas.
Mrs. M. Cohen, Mrs. Addie Schwartz
and Milton Schwartz, the mother, sister
and nephew, respectively, of Mrs. P.
Gevurtz of this city arrived here yes
terday from Portland, on' the noon ex
press, and will be the guests of the lat
ter lady for a few days.
W. A. Baer, ex-purser of the steamer
Alliance, has entered upon his new du-
ties in the office of S. Elmore & Company
2 and ,a nlaaa&l MDiil.n, aF
the city ,and the guest of his uncle, E.
M. Baker. , His family will join him as
& nnn SB Vo OlinStAAsI . in nmaiil In r tlia
the city yesterday on' a business trip,
F. 0. Donaldson of Eugene 'was among
the tourists reaching this city yester-
day en route to Seaside.
F. R. Williams of Pendleton spent the
J day here yesterday and will leave this
morning for Gearhart Park.
TJ. W. Simmons of Ashland came in
on the noon express yesterday, bound
for the oceanBide at Seaside.
Edward W. Ross, representing the
American Type Founders' Company of
Portland, was in the city, yesterday on
his way home, from a week's outing on
Long Beach'.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. A. Pohl are visit
ing at Svenson for a few days.
Body Identified. The body of the
man found in the meshes of a gill-net
near Ilwaco on Tuesday has been iden
tified as that of Stanley Bell, a fisher
man about 32 years of age residing at
Svenson. The deceased is well known
in Astoria having relatives here. He
leaves a wife and one child about three
years old. The body will be brought to
this city this morning, and the funeral
will probably occur tomorrow. The body
of Bell's companion has not yet been
found. The name could not be learned. '