The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 16, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1906.
ro 1 "
: -,hotici. ;,
notice is hereby given that
tht Common Council o( tht City of
Astoria has declared Hi determination
ml Intention to establish tht grade on
Grand Avenue from the nt lint of
Third Strewt to the weat Hue of Me
CluiVs Astoria to that said grade, when
10 ttblihtri, will m on the following
tlevatlon nbov tlx Ims of grades,
: At tha Intersection of flrand Avenue
ml Third Street at 235 fret abovt tin
bme of grades.
At the Interaction of Grand Avenue
find Second Struct at 200 fact nlmvc the
lae of firnden, and at 1 tie lnterectIon
of Grand Avenue, and the wet line of
McCure' Aatorla at 285 feet Above the
banc of grades. The stw't ahnll bo
level from north to amith and between
the point designated east and wt
on a straight and even elope.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of A'torla,
Astoria, Oregon. August 0th, 10O0.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria hae declared Ite determination
and Intention to establish the grad on
Hume Avenue from the eouth line of
Commercial Street to the eouth line of
Duana Street, to that ald grade when
to eetablliihed will be at the following
elevation above the 1mm of grade
a established by Ordinance No. 71 of
the City of Atorlai
At the eouth line of Commercial atreet
at 00 fret above the be of grade.
At the north line of Dunne Street
t 100 feet above the baft of grade.
At the eouth line of Duane Street
at 103 feet above the bate of grade,
and between tald place designated the
atreet ahatl be upon a ttralght and even
'Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Aatoria.
Atorla, Oregon. Augtut 6th, 1000.
the Common Council of the City of
Attorla hae declared It determination
nd Intention to ettabllth the grade on
Franklin Avenue from the wt line
of Fourth Street to the wett line of
Third Street, to that tald grade, when
ao etabl!hed, will be upon the follow
Ing elevation above the bate of grade,
At the wet line of Fourth Street
at 109.3 feet above the bae of grade.
At the Intersection of Franklin Aven
ue and Third Street at 221.0 feet above
the bate of grade, and that between
eald point above deilgnnted, tald atreet
halt be on an even tlope.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Attorla.
Atorla, Oregon, Augutt 0th, 1000.
the Common Council of the City of
Aatoria ha declared It determination
and Intention to establish the grade on
Third Street from the north line of Ex
change Street to the touth line of Grand
Avenue to that tald grade when ao et
tabllthed. ehall be at the following el
evatlon, to-wlt:
At the north line of Exchange Street
nt 100 feet above the bate of grade.
At the touth line of Exchange Street
nt 103 feet above the bate of gradea.
At the Intertection of Third Street
and Franklin Avenuq at 221.0 feet
above the bate of gradea. and at the
Intertection of Third Street and Grand
Avenue at 235 feet above the base of
grade, and between tald point above
designatoed tho street thnll be upon an
even tlope.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Attorla,
Atorla, Oregon, August 0th, 1000.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria ha declared itt determination
and intention to re-establish the grade on
Harrison Avenue from the Eaet line of
Ninth atreet to the Wett line of
Shively's Astoria ao that tald grade
when to established will be at the fol
lowing elevations above the base of
grade, to-wlt:
At the Intersection of Harrison Ave
nue and Ninth street at 140.5 ft. above
the base of grade at the North line and
at 152.5 ft. above the bae of grades
at the South line; at the intersection of
Harrison Avenue and Tenth street at
131 ft. above the bate of grade at the
North line and 134 ft. above the bait of
grades ht the South line, at the luttr
sectlon of Harrison Avenue and Klevcnth
atreet at t)t) ft. above the bate of grade
at the North line and 102 feet above the
hate of grade et the South line. At the
Interaction of Harrison Avenue with
Twelfth strtct at 139 ft. above the boat
of grade at the North line and at 137
ft. 'above the beat of grade at the South
line 1 at the west line of Shively' As
torla, at 107 ft. abov the baie of
grade. Between said point above
designated the street shall be on an
even elope.
;,.-.t ' OLOF, AXDKRSON.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Atorla.
Astoria, Oregon, Augtut flth, 1006.
the Common Council of the City of
Attorla b declared Itt determination
and Intention to etUblith the grade on
MelltourfM Avenue from the south line
of Taylor Avenue to the touth line of
Columbia Avenue, to that the grade of
aid street when to eUbIlthed thai I
be at the following elevatlont above the
lxe of grade a eaUbllthed by ordi
nance No. 71 of the City of Attorla,
to-wlt 1 . ;
At the touth line of Taylor Avenue
at 20 ft. abovt the bae of grade on
the East and alto wet line of Mel
bourne Avenue. At the North line of
Alameda Avenue at 73 ft. above the
bate of grade on tht aatt line and 70
ft. above the bate of grade on the
wett line of Melbourne Avenue; at the
South line of Alameda Avenue at 70
ft. above the bat of grade on the
Eot line of Melbourn Avenue and at
81 ft. above the bat of grades on the
weat line of Melbourne Avenue; at the
north lint of Columbia Avenue at 117
ft. above the base of grade on the t
line of Melbourne and at 120 ft. above
the bae of grade on the wett line of
Melbourne Avenue; at the center line
of Columbia Avenue at 122 feet above
the bate of grade on the eat line of
Melbourn Avenue, and at 125 ft. abov
the bat of grade on tht wett lint of
the Intertection of Melbourn and Co
lumbia Avenue will be at tht center
lint of Columbia Avenut at 130 ft.
abov tht bast of grade on tht at
tint of Melbourne Avenue and at 140
ft above tht bat of grade on tbt wett
Hnt of Melbournt Avenue, at tht South
line of Columbia Avenut at 140 ft abovt
the baa of grade on the South aide of
Melbourne Avenue and at 142 ft. above
tht batt of grades on tht wett lint of
Melbournt Avenut.
Auditor and Toilet Judgt of tht City
of Atorla.
Atorla, Oregon. Augutt flth, 1000. '
Notice U hereby given, that Saturday
the 19th day of August 1900, at the
hour of 2 o'clock P. M In the Council
Chamber in the City Hall of tht City
of Attoria hat been fixed at tht time
and place of tha meeting of the board of
atMMMort and committee on ttreeta and
oublio ways a a board of equalization
to equalize and correct apecial aeseae
ment roll No. 124 made for the purpose
of defraying the cost and expense of
conttructing a drain on Melbourne ave
nue through tht alley-way running
through Block 17 In Taylor's Attorla to
a point 70 feet touth of the touth line
of Taylor' avenue.
All objectiont mutt be presented In
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria. 8-8-10t.
Notice 1 hereby given, that Saturday
the 18th day of August 1000, nt thtf
hour of 2 o'clock P. M., in the Council
Chambers In the City Hall of the City
of Astoria has been fixed as the time
and place of the meeting of the board of
assessors and committee on streets and
public wnye as a board of equalization
to equalize and correct spcoial assess
ment roll No. 125 made fop the purpose
of defraying the costs and expenses of
constructing a sewer on Eighteenth
street from a point 15 feet south of the
north line of Grand avenue to the south
line of Exchange street. , ' '
All objections nuis be presented in
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria. 8-8-10t.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria has declared its determination
and intention to repair Commercial
street from the East line of Ninth street
to tht west line of Fourteenth street.
Said Improvement shall consist of re
moving tbt old decking of the street
between the E4 lint of Ninth and tha
west lint of Tenth street, straighten
ing up tht stringer and filling in around
tht me, so that tht street will be on
tht established grade when Improve!,
and placing two new cap at the junc
tion between tht wett lint of Tenth
ttreet, and replanklng tht ttreet from
curb to curb from said eatt lint of
Ninth ttneet to tht wet lint of Four
teenth ttreet with good sound yellow
fir lumber, 4 inches in thickness by 12
inche In width, the planking to extend
from one foot outsidt of the rail of tht
ttreet car track to the curb. And from
the east line of Thirteenth ttreet to the
wett lint of Fourteenth ttreet upon
tald plunking when laid and nailed, tht
decking of the, atreet shall be coated to
tht thick neM of li Inch with a mixture
of elatlo cooked aphlt, cement an!
sand spread upon the decking when tht
samt it clean and dried tnd rolled with
a hot asphalt roller to present a smooth
surface. Said asphalt to be tpread from
tht curb to the ttreet car track.
In matters of detail said improvement
ba.ll be conttructed according to tht
plan and specification therefor to be
prepared by tht City Surveyor a
hereinafter provided and general ordl
nance No. 1901 and any nutter of eon
ttruction and drainage found necessary
0 make the improvement saft or sub
stantial shall be done by the contractor
whether specified or not, without extra
The City Surveyor has been directed
to make and file with tht Auditor and
Police Judgt of the City of Attoria,
plant and tpeciflcations for the con
struction of said improvement and ttti
mntet of the costs and expen
That the cott and expenses of con
structlng said improvement shall be
defrayed by special assessment upon tbt
lob .lands and premites benefitted by
the tame which said lots, lands snJ
premise are Included In the tpeclal as
tment district including all lota.
lands and premites so benefitted to-wit:
Commencing at the northwest corses
of lot 8 in Block 25 in that part of tha
City of Attoria as laid out and rtcordtd
by John MoClure tnd extended bj
Cyrut OIney, and manning thence East
through the middle of blocks 25, 59, 58
and 57 in MoClure's Actoria, and Tract
A" of McClmV 'Astoria, at laH out
tnd recorded by tha Astoria Rtal E
tat and Exchange Company, to tht
northeast corner of lot 6 in said Tract
"A," and running thence south along
tht eat line of tract "A" and also along
the east line of Block 130 in that part
of tht City of Aatorla, a laid out and
recorded by John M, Shively, to tha
southeast corner of tald block 130 in
said Shlvely't Attoria, and running,
thence wett along tht touth line of block
130 to the southwest corner of said
block 13a thence north on the wett line
of block 130 to the point where the
wett line of taid block 130 would be
intersected by the touth line of lot 4
in block 02 in McClure's Astoria if ex
tended easterly on a straight line;
thence running wett through the middle
of blocks 62. 01, 00 and 20 in McClure's
Astoria to the southwest corner of lot
1 in block 20, and thence running north
on the west line of blocks 20 and 25 to
the place of beginning, and containing
all lots, lands and premises within said
district, which said lots, lands and
premises are benefited by taid repair,
and which are at follows:
The north half of blocka 20. 00, 01 and
02 in that part of the City of Astoria
as laid out and recorded by John Mc
Clure, and the south half of blocks 25,
50, 53. and 57, in McClure's Astoria, and
the south half of tract or block "A" in
McClure's Astoria, as laid out and re
corded by the Astoria Real Estate &
Exchange Co., and all of block 130 in
that part of the City of Astoria as laid
out and recorded by John M. Shively.
in Clattop County, Oregon. .
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria,
, Notice is hereby given, that Saturday
the 18th day of August 1900, at, the
hour of 2 o'clock P. M. in the Council
Chambera in the City Hall of the City
of Astoria has been fixed as the time
and place of the meeting of the board of
assessors and committee on streets and
publio ways as a board of, equalization
to equalize and correct special assess
ment roll No. 123 made for the pur
pose of defraying the costs and expenses
of improving Fourth street from the
north line of Astor street to the south
rail of the railroad track of the Astoria
4 Columbia River Railroad Company, on
Water street. .
All objections must be presented in
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria. 8-8-lOt.,
the Common Council of the City of
Attork ha declared it determination
and intention to repair Bond ttreet from
a point 15 feet wett of tht East lint of
Forty-tecond street to tht West lint of
Forty-fourth street. From a point 18
feet wett of the east lint of Forty-tecond
ttreet to a point 132 feet west of
the wett line of Forty-fourth street the
repair shall consist of 'replanklng tht
street on the existing stringers with
covering planking 4 Inches in thickness
by 12 Inches in width to the present
width, excepting the portkm covered by
tb right of way of the Attoria Electric
Company's ttreet railway track, and
that tht portion from a point 132 feet
weat of the weat line of Forty-fourth
ttreet to the wett line of Forty-fourth
atreet shall be repaired by grading the
same to itt full width and by planking
tht tame to the width of ten feet on
each tide of the Attoria Electric Com
pany'! ttreet railway track. The cov
ering planking to be three incbe la
thlckne by 12 inches la width and
throughout said improvement two new
ttrincers 4 inches in thickness by S
inches in width shall be placed on each
sld of the street, and new handrail
shall be constructed where tht same
now exits on the old ttreet. All ma
terlal need tha 11 be good sound red or
yellow fir lumber.
Ia matters of detail said Improvement
shall be constructed according to tht
plans and specification therefor to be
prepared by the City Surveyor at
hereinafter provided and general ordi
nance No. 1901 and any matter of con
struction and drainage found neceaaary
to make the improvement saft or sub
stantial thall be done by the contractor
whether tpecified or not, without extra
The City Surveyor hat been directed
to make and file with the Auditor and
Police Judge of the City of Attoria,
plant and tpeciflcations for the con
struction of tald improvement and esti
mate of tbt costs and expenses
That the cost and expenses of con
structing said improvement shall be
defrayed by tpeclal assessment upon the
lot .land and premise benefitted by
tht same which said lots, lands and
premises are included in the special as
tttemtnt district including all lots,
land and premise mo benefitted to-witt
North half of Block 6 and 7 in
Adair's Port of Upper Astoria; South
bslf of Block 105 in Adair's Port of
Upper Astoria, as laH out and recorded
by John Adair, and the South half of
Block 112 in Adair's North Addition to
tht Port of Upper Astoria.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria has declared its determination
and intention to establish the grade on
Columbia avenue from the east line of
Lincoln Avenue to the West line of Mel
bourne Avenue, so that the grade when
eo established will be on the following
elevations above the bast of grades,
On the North half of the street at
the East line of Lincoln Avenue at 10S
ft. abovt the base of grades, and in the
center line of the street at 110 feet
above the base of grades on
the North side of the street and 110 ft.
above the base of grades in the center
line of the street; at the Southwest
corner of Block 19 at 132 ft at the
North line of the street, and 134 ft in
the center line of the street; at the
East line of Melbourne Avenue at 117
ft. above the base of grades on the
North line of the street and at 122 ft
at the center line of the street; at the
West line of Melbourne at 120 ft above
the base of grade at the North line
of the street, and 125 ft. above the base
of grades at the center line of ths
street, and on the South half of the
street the grade shall be as follows:
At the East line of Lincoln Avenue at
the South line of the street at' 112 ft.
at the center line of the street 110 ft.
at the west line of Lincoln Avenue, at
the South line of the street 112 feet.
and at the center line at 110 ft. above
the base of grades, and at the South
west corner of Block 19 in Taylor's As
totfia at 130 ft. above the base of
grades t the South line of Columbia
Avenue and 134 feet at the center line
of Columbia Avenue. At the East line
of Melbourne Avenue at 140 feet above
the base of grades on the South line
of Columbia Avenue and 138 ft. above
the base of grades at the center line of
Columbia Avenue at the west line of
Melbourne Avenue, 142 ft. at the South
line of Columbia Avenue and 140 ft.
ut the center line of Columbia Avenue.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
Astoria, Oregon, August 6th, 1900.
CojirrW". M", lr P. C, Eaatmeot
For tbt first two year after aba en
tered Stuart Lee's office as stenogra
pher Mis Atberton'a desk was placed
m that every time the glanced up she
aw the back of hi bead. This oft
recurring Incident, coupled with the
fact that It wa a very good looking
bead, well set on a pnlr of stalwart
boulder, probably bad much to do
with the state of affair at the end of
tlx months. Even In that time the bad
learned to dlstlngultth bis step from the
dozen of other that traversed tht
same ball, to watch for bis smile of
greeting and to listen to his cheery
"Good morning" a he took off bis hat
and rolled up the cover of his desk.
Then she would take a good look at
the smoothly brushed yellow hair and
turn again to her work, which consist
ed of copying out long contract and
other tiresome legal form.
Stuart Lee was a lawyer and bad
.sent all bl young effort so bard to
ward socces that it was beginning to
come hi way. At the end of two years
be took larger offices, allowing himself
the luxurious necessity of a private
room. Miss Atberton then bad charge
of the large outsido room, the second
monographer and the office boy. She
aw more people and received more
salary, but she missed the closer com
radeship of the old day and the fa
miliar tight of a blond head rising
firmlr above blue aerge shoulder.
She kept on loving him, though, for
the simple feminine reason that she
couldn't help It
Sometimes Lee gave her dictations
that would take up an hour or more,
and then be would make her rest a bit
and chat with him before she started
"mabbied!m hb brought out thi wobd
to work again. At other times be
would ask her advice in the matter of
au office boy or as to the choice of two
samples for a summer suit or whether
he looked fit to make a call without
getting his hair cut and he would
sometimes lay a case before her to get
another point of view.
To all of these friendly manifesta
tions she responded gladly, with an in
ward thrill at the pleasingly intimate
basis on which It seemed to place their
Then this friendly glow would be
suddenly chilled by a sweeping realiza
tion of the fact that she was only his
stenographer and that he probably
talked to her during the day because
there was no one else at hand. Still
there had been times when he Impul
Bivcly called her into his room to watch
a thunderstorm or an unusually beau
tiful sunset across the Hudson, and,
standing close beside him at the win
dow, she wondered if he had not felt
some of the emotion that throbbed in
her own pulses. If he did, however,
he never spoke, and so the most gor
geous sunset was veiled In a gray
mist for her, and it was a long time
before a gold lined cloud appeared on
her own horizon.
That was when she overheard a frag
mentary conversation between Lee and
one of his friends. In reply to some re
mark Ie had said, "I don't know what
I would do without her."
The other laughed and responded:
'Well, she's too pretty a girl to spend
her life iu an office. Somebody will be
carrying her off some day."
Lee's reply euded Indistinctly In
"stop It some way" as he closed his
desk with a bang, and as they passed
out the door she heard the friend
laugh again and say, "Do It yourself,
, From that day she was a changed
girl. She moved as one with a purpose,
and yet there wus a dreamy softness
In her face and manner that seemed to
envelop her as an atmosphere. Lee,
looking at her closely, wondered that
he had not realized how creamy was
her skin, how deep her dark eyes and
how fascinating the gold and copper
lights in her brown hajr, Gradually
eh told him afloat Uram , fhlCt It wft
bet grandfather who bad won a cer
tain gallant fight for tbt Confederacy,
her father who bad held an bonorablt
office In a southern state and her
brother who had won recognition for
bravery in the Philippine; how she
bad been suddenly obliged to work
after her father' death and stenogra
phy was the most Immediate thing, but
that she had no intention of being a
stenographer all her life.
When he asked ber what she would
do or what sbt wanted to do she first
looked at him and then blushed deep
ly, looking out of bis window toward
the Palisades, and be felt strangely
disturbed. He bad accepted her In hit
office as a matter of course. Compan
ionship with her on that basis seemed
natural and easy, but he was a man of
reserve, and a departure from the con
servative routine disquieted his pbleg
matlc nature. Their conversation kept
the old friendly tone of everyday badi
nage and comprehension, but there
wa a subtle difference, and he begao
to feel her presence more and more.
Finally one spring afternoon wnen
the son was flooding his office with a
primrose yellow glow she looked in
and asked If she might talk with him.
"Why. certainly," be responded, with
a smile, "and I wish you would alt la
that yellow light It Just suit yoa in
that brown dress."
She sat down, but did not speak at
first. Her lip trembled, and she seem
ed to be seeking courage from tht yel
low ky. Suddenly she turned to him.
"Mr. Lee," she aid, "I hare beer
with yoo four years."
"I It as long as thatr ne que..
"Four year thl day."
"They have been busy years," ht
said, "and, I hope, happy one.'
Tes, they were happy," she answer
ed slowly as a pink flush spread ovet
ber face. "But now I most go away."
"Go away? Leave me? Why, Helen,
you mustn't I can't spare you. Where
would you go?"
In his surprise be had called her Hel
en for the first time, and her heart
leaped. She turned to blm tremulously
and said, almost timidly, "I am going
to get married."
"Marriedr He brought out the word
incredulously. "Why, I thought"-
Here he broke off and walked to tb
window, where be stood, bis hands In
bis pockets, gazing moodily across tht
She sat silent until he turned to net
again. "Why do yon do this?" be ques
tioned. Womanlike, she began with the rea
sons sue felt least "Because I want a
home. I am all by myself, and I am
tired of living in a boarding house. It
I nothing bnt a travesty on life for a
domestic woman to divide her tlmt) be
tween an ofSee and a boarding house.
Besides, I have worked for four year,
and I want to stop for awhile."
"Just for awhile V
"Yes. for I mean to study law and
keep my other work In practice ao I
can help."
"Help? Wbomr
"He is a lawyer, then?" Lee almost
choked over the question. . ;
"Yes." " '
"What ia be like? Is he all right?
Is he worthy of you?"
She looked at him, be thought a little
sadly. "LiaeT He Is the finest man
In the whole world."
He walked swiftly to ler. "But
Helen, Helen!" he exclaimed, "I don't
understand It at all. I thought you
were happy here, and I supposed, of
course, you understood things. I'm
lonely too. I haven't bad a home for
six years, and I thought that some day
Helen, don't you mind leaving mel
Won't you miss me at all? Haven't
yon seen, girL what yoo art to me 7"
He took her hands and drew her up be
side him. "Didn't you know, Helen T'
"Know what?" She lifted her brown
eyes to his.
"That I love you and want you to be
"You never said so," she answered.
"That's because I thought you knew
and because I always blunder. T need
somebody with me all the time. I need
you, nelen. You're the biggest part of
my life. Come and make a home for
He folded her suddenly in his arms,
and his heart thrilled as he felt her
lean on him.
"Sweetheart,' he whispered, "I love
you! I love yeu!" ,
She lifted her face to his. "Dear,"
she breathed t-o softly that he had tc
bend to catch It, 'i have loved you for
four years."
He held har close In the gathering
dusk for one ecstatic moment Then
Bhe drew away. He came back to
earth slowly. Not lotting her go, he
looked away and out of the window,
where the poMoa light had been merg
ed Into a dull purple streaked with vail
aud tfhero the evening star gleamed
radiant In the upper blue. "This other
chap." he began.
"What other chap?" she asked.
"The one you were were going to
She raised on her tiptoes and kissed
him. "There's only one," she whisper
ed, "and It's you."
Then she fled luto the other office. '
Everybody says that Lee's wife Is tht
oetter lawyer of the two.
I Urn Big for unnatural
J dl"rhraei,inflanimtiooi.
Gucuim U irritation! or ulceration
not t .triotar. of mucosa membrane.
PreVMto Cmtetfte. PainUu. and not utrtD.
lTHEEVNSCH(MIClC). gent or poinonoui. ;
. I)IKC1NH4TI,0 J " J Sold by Draevlata, :
t.S.i, . i or rant tn plain wrapper,
.jr-dj SI. 00. nrjbnttlne2,?5