Jll;PWW,NlJt.ftl'''t(!--FST-, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, THE MORNING ASTORUN, ASTORIA, OREGON OPENS PALL with ,ib rpadv as usual with an array of good clothes, such as is seldom, if ever, seen outside the SrlestciS stores TO Tharo nSt conflied ourselves to one or two lines, but have, on the contrary, tK ?thepick and choice of practically every high-grade house in America. Among them there is 1. - . - 1 11 SEASON The Peck Clothing The Strongest Union Mode Llno In the World w r-t ft O 7kl Every Thread Wool otid Ouoromcoa Hart, scriaiirier o ivuai Penect PittmK ' r klX Celebrated for their Appearance Brandegee, Kertcade cc Wood o.aetuuy 3 w- w r. 1 FULL OP THE "KNOW HOW" A. P Kirsh baum op good tailoring Our wide range of selection has made it possible for the most fastidious to be suited and the man with ideas of his own will find just what he is looking for A Fine Line for $10.00. Cheaper, if you want them, down to $5.00 Our $13.50 Line Can't be beat. The $15.00 Line is Full of Snap and Style In Fact any Price You Want up to $30.00. THE BOY WHO WANTS A SCHOOL, SUIT Can select his proper size and fit in prices from 52.00 up to 310.00 CLOTHES BOUGHT HERE PRESSED FREE OF CHARGE Good Clothes for T3 A SVTOKES Men Who Know JL X WX JW Good Clothes for Men Who Know SIGNS OF IMPK0VEMENT. SEATTLE, August 13. It is the opin ion of Dr. Snyder, the jail physician, that Esther Mitchell will recover within a short time unless complications arise. The diagnosis indicated typhoid fever, but it is now believed the ailment is less serious. Mrs. Creffield is admitted to the girl's cell to minister to her wants and her visits are considered beneficial by the physician. Should Miss Mitchell recover she will go to trial next month for the murder of her brother. If her ill continues, a later date will be set. SIXTEEN CENTS FOR HOPS. SANTA ROSA, Cal, August 13.-Six- teen cents has been onerea nere ior hop, but no sales have been reported at that fimire. Picking will begin w some yards during the coming week, and with in ten days the gathering of tne crop will be in full blast. The latest estimate of the yield made by conservative growers is 31,000 bales, SnoTPnse over last season of over 7000 bales. CASE OF SUICIDE. PLYMOUTH, England, August 13. Sir Francis Scott, bart, a lieutenant of the Royal Navy, retired, was found dead at his residence today with a bullet in his heart. It is surmised that Scott com mitted suicide. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL SCORES Pacific Coast League. At Seattle Seattle 3 Oakland 4. At Oakland Los Angeles 8, San Fran cisco 3. At Los Aneeles Portland 2, Fresno 0. Northwest League. At Tacoma Tacoma 4. Butte 1. At Hoquiam Gray's Harbor 5, Spo kane 3. SPECIALCROCKERYSALE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 50-PIECE DINNER SET OF PINK ROSE WARE Substantial Quality and Pretty Design Special Sale Price . $445 Regular Price $6.50 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY FOARD & STOKES CO. FOUND DEAD IN BED. HOOD RIVER, Ore., August 13 Oliver C. Bartmess, a well known Hood Kiver resident, was found dead in his bed Thursday night, having died of heart failure. The body was discovered ty uis son, who had been away on a business trip. lit. Bartmess was aged 87 years, but his activity was considered remark able. Up to the day of his death he rode a bicycle and was a tireless walker. Thursday he had been on a fishing trip, riding a number of miles both going and returning. He was a well known figure about town and took an active interest in public affair. He was a stanch pro hibitionist, and also inveighed strongly against the use of tobacco on all occas ions. The body, accompanied by 8. K Bartmess, his son, was taken East yes terday evening to Dayton, Ind., his for mer home, where it will be interred. PERSONAL MENTION. MADE THEM COME TO TIME. SAN FRANCISCO, August 11. The Oceanic Steamship Company has acceded to the demands of the Riggers' and Me vedores' Union which demands 50 cents an hour and 75 cents for overtime. No other firm has met the demands and the probability is that the longshoremen will go on a strike on every dock except the Spreckels. COMPANY D LEAVES THE DALLES, THE DALLES, Ore., August 13. This morning Company D, of the O. N. G., departed for Portland, en route 10 American Lake where the annual, en campment is to be held. About 60 men under the command of Captain Gus Bar tell went from here. Until late last nicrtit fho anlilicr liovn were savintf eood- ...b.. - r o bye to the girls they left behind, and as the train pulled out this morning the town rang with cheers. Hyde Park Orator I tell yer, we're degenerating, and the only remedy is to get back to the land and to the food of our ancestors. First Listener What food does he mean Bill? Nuts! Second Listener Naw; thistles I Ally Sloper. Morning Astorian, 60 cents per month. delivered by carrier. IL O. Van Dusen is in Southern Ore gon this week on mutters pertaining to the fishing industry. He expects to re turn soon. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wade of Port land in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. L. McNane of Forth ml were touring the city yesterday. II. C. TanoL-e of Tacoma spent the day here yesterday attending to some busi ness matters. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Hume of Ran Fran cisco was in Astoria yesterday and was domiciled at the Hotel Occident. M. Gilbert of the Buy City was among the visiting tourists in Astoria yester day. Captain and Mrs. J. E. Smith of the good ship Bnrdowie were in the city yesterday. H. S. Finlav went up to Portland last evening on the steamer Lurline. F. R. Demorest of St. Louis was do ing business on the streets of Astoria yesterday. R. V. Slocum of New York was among the arrivals in Astoria, via the noon ex press yesterday. G. A. Renny of Dallas, came down on the 11:35 train yesterday for an outing of a few days' duration. S. A. Miller will leave out on the Alliance this morning for Bandon, where he will superointendent the canneries of the Badon Packig Compay, for the sea son. Rev. J. T. Matthews of Salem, Oregon, who fiilled the pulpit of the First Metho dist Church here on Sunday last, in place of Rev. Dr. J. n. Coleman, who was in disposed and could not come, left for his home, on the steamer Telegraph yes terday. E. CMrandcr was -a passenger for Portland last evening on the Lurline. G. W. Evans was In the city yester day and returned to Portland last even ing. Mrs. James Maguire who has been summering at Seaside, returned to her Portland home last night on the 6:10 express. L. C. Shell of New Y'ork was in the city yesterday on ft business trip and quartered at the Occident. J. C. Lindsey of Portland was a bnsl- ASTORIA GROCERY PS0NE, MAIN 681. 513 COMMERCIAL STREET. WESSON'S COOKING OIL 2 Pound Cans 30 Cents A SUPERIOR COOKING SUBSTITUTE FOR LARD OR BUT. TER BEING POUND FOR POUND AS ECONOMICAL IN FRYING OR SHORTENING, TASTELESS, ODORLESS, CON VENIENT AND DIGESTIBLE, PREVENTS SMOKY FRYING, GREASY FOOD AND CONSEQUENT DYSPEPSIA. IT BRINGS HEALTH, FOSTERS ECONOMY AND AIDS CLEAN LINESS. A SUBSTITUTE FOR LARD AND BUTTER AND WHILE IT EQUALS BUTTER THE COST IS ONLY HALF AS MUCH AS LARD. ONE POUND OF OIL EQUALS TWO OF LARD OR BUTTER FOR SHORTENING. DONE BY DEED 100 575 Elk Creek k Cannon Beach Land Company to A. C. Cmumasero, warranty, lots 10 and 13, block 10, Klk Creek Park. I 1W Klk ( reek & Cannon Beach Land Company to K. W. Ball, warran ty, iots 11 and 12, block 10, Elk Creek Park Hermosa Park Investment Company to H. W. Mitchell, warranty, lots 2 and 0, block 33, Hermosa Pnrk Hermosa Park Investment Company to C. H. Landerson, warranty, lot 14, block 7, Hermosa Park 200 Sophia P. Dimes, et ux to Jessie Fox, warranty, lot 4, and east 30 feet of lot 5, block 54, Shiveley's Astoria 4500 Mary E. Stanley to II. M. Wheatly and John Seines, warranty, lot 10, block 5, and other property in Grimes' Annex to Ocean Grove., Otto Duftir to Joseph Schamberger, warranty, 20 acres in section 34, T. 0 N., R. 10 W ARE YOU A BON VIVANT? The pith of life, after all, is a good feed. The good things of this life art not 11 a rule easily found, 10 that It Is pleasure to find 10 close it hand a flrit-class up-to-date cstablishmeent, whre one sets those good thing at every meal, like the Palace Restaurant, on Commercial street. The home of the bon vlvant. tf 350 Club and Star, Please. Yesterday morning the home of Police Officer Clias. Hansen was made happy by the safe ar rival of a fine boy baby, whose fighting weig. t is I'xtictly eleven and a quarter pounds. Mother and bab are doing finely, iiml the young "cop" will relieve his father on duty as soon as some one furnishes him with a star and a club la Self Defense Major Hamm, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist, Imminence, jy., when he was fiercely attacked fouryeaM ago by piles, bought a box of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, of which he saysi It cured me In ten days and no trouble since." Quickest healer of Burns, Sores Cuts and Wounds. 25c at Charles Rogers drug store, aug Galveston'i Sea Wall. makes life now as safe in that city aa on the higher uplands. E. W. Goodloe, who resides on Dutton St., in Waco, Tex. needs no sea wall for safety, ne writes 1 "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption for the last five year and It keeps me well and safe. Before that time I had a cough which for year had been growing worse. Now it' gone." Cures chronio Coughs, LaCrlppe, Croup, Whooping Cough and prevent pneu monia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guaranteed at Charles Rogers' drug store. Price 50c and '$1.00. Trial bottle free. ' aug