The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 10, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1904.
in Era
Brushed Scales from Face Like Pow
dor Under Physicians Six Months
But Grew Worse Some Said
Face Would Be Marked for Life
Now Without a Blemish.
1 'j
MA I m sufferer with mcms
I write to tell you what a Krent friend
J found in tutlcum Itemedlu. In
mx month I bad
tried three doctor,
but did not get any
IfMti-r. It was on
my body And on my
f.-H io thick that
1 could hardly put
a pin cm mo with
out touching co
nSH ' 'awn. My face was
covered, my eyebrow rame out, and
then it got in my eye. 1 then went to
Another doctor. 1I nuked me what
1 wm Uklna for It, and I told hlin
Cutleura. lie aaid that wm k very
good tiling, but that he thought that
my fne would be mnrkcl for life. Jtut
CutU-ufe did iU work snd my face is
Bow just M clear a it ever wo.
"My brother-in-law told me about
the wonderful Cutleura, remcdli.
1 took hia advice and got the Ointment,
8oap. and Hcaolvent. I waahed with
the Cutleura 8oap and then applied
the Ointment, and took Cutleura
Itewtlvent at directed. In a abort
time my face ben to get better, and
when 1 had taken one bottle of
lWdvent 1 could bruith the ecalee
off my fare like a powder. When 1
had taken four bottle my face won a
clear aa ever.
"1 told all my friend nlut my
remarkable cure. I foci o thankful
I want everylKMly far nnd utile to
know what Cutleura can do. It la a
mire cure for ectema. " (alerted) Mr.
Emma White, 611 Cherrier Ilace,
Caiudon, N. J., April 25, 11KI5."
('waM KlWMt IWcmwJ TwlMl fcf 7
lt.rn.-r, KoO llmplM I. .nrfuH, mm lul. ,
M Mr. .IHI.MI at twin Ci4 WlfcSW. M .11
1, MfM nl U 4nf ut. M
j r MU VeMk " Ur VIM
' A mck-looklnjf man, acimrnled by
bit wife,' visited a tailor to order
tilt of clothe. Opinion different a
t j the materLI tut iho ' of making.
end the wife lout her temper,
"tin, vell," h said,' turnlnf away,
"please yourself 1 I suppose you are the
out who will wear the clothe.
"Well." olerved the husband, with a
frightened expression. "I didn't suppose
you'd wnt to wear the coat and the
wUteot.' Maneheter Chronicle.
Stop That Cough!
When a cough, a tickling or an irrlta
Hon In the throat make you feel tin
comfortable take Ballard' Hoeehmind
fyrup. Don't wait until the disease ha
gone beyond control. Mr. and Mr. I.
A. Anderson. 3Si Wet Fifth treet, Salt
Lake City. Utah, write:
"We think llallnrd'a Horehound Syrup
the lxt medicine for cough and cold.
We have used It for aeveral year; It
alway give immediate relief, I very
pleaant and give perfect satisfaction."
25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold by Hurt' drug
Here i a pretty good one: A' mnn
who patronize the mail order home
when ho haa cash allow the children
to play with the big catalogue. One
morning the nure eame out and told
them there wa a new baby In the house,
"Who brought it?" asked the children.
The niiro replied that it juat come. "Oh,
I know." wild 0110 little, tot, "it's a
Scars-Roebuck baby and I bet lt' adul
terated Junt like the pepper and straw
berry jam was and papa will have to
keep it because he aent the money in
' "Make Hay While the Sun Shine."
There U a lesson In the work of the
thrifty farmer. lie know that the
bright sunshine may last but a day and
he prepare for the ahower that are
liable to follow. So It ahould be with
very household. Dysentery, dinrrhoea
and cholera morbus may attack iome
member of the home without warning.
Chamberlain's Colio Cholera and Dinrr
lioea Remedy, which is the best known
medicine for these diseases, should al
ways be kept at hand, as Immediate
treatment Is necessary, and delay may
prove fatal. For sale by Frank Hart.
HELENA. August 9.Tho largest In
dividual wool slip ever grown on fie
American continent was shipped from
TUUIngs, In this state, over the Burling
ton to Boston, consigned to a wool firm
there. The clip was the property of
C. M. Hair' nnd weighed 1,500,000 pound
and 44 ears were required to carry It.
It took a large force 10 days to bale It.
The owner refused an offer of 24 cents
a pound for it.
.". fterblnt
Render the bile mor fluid and thus
help the blood to flow it afford
prlmpt relief front biliousness, Indi-
gtlon, tick and nervou headaches, and
overindulgence In food and drink.
O, L. Caldwell, Aft. M. K. and T, It. It
Cliecotah, Ind. Tor., write, April 18,
1003 1 "I wa lck for over two year
with enlargement of the liver and
spleen, The doctor did me no good,
nd I had given up all hope of being
cured, when my druggist advised me to
use Ilerblne, It ha made me tound and
well." 60c. Sold by Hart's drug store.
- 0
Percy You mut xeue my coming
to see you In my business sultf
r.lliel-Olil that' all right, it long a
you mean U ;n8mll.
When paint or Irritation exist on any
part of the body, the application of
Ballard' Suow Liniment gives prompt
relief. E. W. Sullivan. Prop. Sullivan
House, Kl Reno, O. T., writes, June 0,
1002 1 "I take pleasure in recommend
ing Ballard' Snow Liniment to all who
are afflicted with rheumatism. It la
the only remedy I have found that give
Immediate relief." 23c BCKj snd $1.00.
Sold by Hart's drug store.
Tom How did Dick happen to marry
the only one that was left of eight
Harry Simply enough. II gets only
one-eighth of a mother-in-law that way.
Summer Diarrhoea in Children.
During the hot weather of the tuminer
month the ftrtt unnatural lootenets of
a child's bowels should have Immediate
st tent Ion, so at to check the disease
before it become serious. Alt' that U
necessary Is afew doses of Chamberlain's
Cholle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
followed by a dose of Castor oil to
cleanse the system. Rev. M. O. Stock
lamb pastor of the first M. E. Church of
Little Fall,-Minn, writes( "Wa have
used Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera snd
Dlantoa Remedy for aaVeral year
and And It a very valuable remedy, es
pecially for ummer disorders in chil
dren." Sold by Frank Hart, leading
druggist. ; hug
Bertha I asy, fatheis are you still
t'ltiierXo. my dear, whyt
Bertha (puuled) Why, bcaue the
top of your hear it coming through your
hair. Bystanirr.
Unnecessary Expense.
Acute attack of colic and diarrhoea
come on without warning and prompt
relief must be obtained. There Is no
necesity of incurring the expense of a
phyalclan'e ervices in such esses if
Chamberlain' Colic. Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy Is at hand. A dose of this
remedy will relieve the patient before
the doctor could arrive. It ha never
been known to fail, even in the most
severe and dangerous case and no fam
ily should 1 without it. For sale by
Frank Hart, leading druggist. aug
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria has declared it determination
and Intention to repair Bond street from
a point 15 feet west of the East line of
Forty-second street to the West line or
Forty "fourth street, From a point IS
feet west of the eat line of Forty-sec
ond street to a point 132 feet west of
the west Hue of Forty-fourth ttreet the
repair shall consist of replanklng the
street on the existing stringers with
covering planking 4 Inches in thickness
by 12 Inches In width to the present
width, excepting the portion' covered by
the right of way of the Astoria Electric
Company's street railway track, and
that the portion from a point 132 feet
west of the west line of Forty-fourth
treet to the west line of Forty-fourth
street shall be repaired by grading the
same to it full width and by planking
the same to the width of ten feet on
each side of the Astoria Electric Com
pany' street rallwsy track. Th cov
ering planking to be three lucres in
thickness by 12 inches in width jJ
throughout said Improvement two new
stringers 4 Inches in thkkne by S
Inches In width shall be placed on each
side of the street, and new handrail
shall be constructed where the same
now exists on the old street. All ma
terlsl used shell be good tound red or
yellow fir lumber.
In nutter of detail said Improvement
shall be constructed according to the
plans and specifications therefor to be
prepared by the City Surveyor as
hereinafter provided and general ordi
nance Xo. 1001 and any matter of con
struction and drainage found necessary
to make the improvement safe or sub
stantial shall be done by the contractor
whether specified or not, without extra
The City Surveyor has been directed
to make and file with the Auditor and
Police Judce of the City of Astoria,
plans and specifications for the con
struction of ssid improvement and estl
mates of the costs and expense
That the cost and expeme of eon
itructlng said improvement hall be
defrayed by special assessment upon the
loU ,Ind and premises benefitted by
the same which aaid Iota, lands and
premises are included In the special aa
teasraent district including all lot,
land and premise to benefitted to-wlti
North half of Block S and 7 In
Adair's Port of Upper Astoria; South
half of Block 105 in Adaha Port of
Upper Astoria, as laid out and recorded
by John Adair, and the South half of
Block 112 in Adair's North Addition to
the Tort of Upper Astoria,
Auditor and Police 'Judge of the City
of Astoria.
The Board of Equalization of Clatsop
County, Oregon, will attend at the office
of the County Clerk of Clatsop Coanty,
Oregon, on Monday, August 27, 1906,
and dally thereafter until and Including
Saturday, September 1, 1906, to public
ly examine the assessment roll for the
year WOO, and correct all error in
valuation, description or equalities of
land, lots or other properties and H
shall be the duty of all parties inter
ested to appear at that time and place
for th purpose of correcting any error
that may appear in sld assessment
roll ''r".
Assessor, Clatsop County, Oregon.
Astoria, Oregon, August 6, 1900.
8-3-2St. (D. 4 W.)
Will do more Cleaning, more
Shining, do it Better, with
less Labor, and Wear on the
Hands than any other arti
cle Costing Double its Price.
If your deilrr hm't " 20-Mule-Teun
Borsx, tdks no eubitltuta. Write ut, en
tloilni S cent, giving dealer's name, and
we will mail you t, package and include
illuRtritted Booklet. Addreaa, PACIFIC
COAST BORAX CO., Ban Francisco, Csl,
" 20-iULE-TEAM "
Saves Hands, Clothes and Labor
All Grocers
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Multnomah.
Eleanor Olmstead, plaintiff, vs. Th
Traders', Insurance Company, et eb
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed by the above-
entitled court In the above-entitled cause
receiver for the State of Oregon, of the
defendant, The Traders Insurance Com
pany of Chicago, Illinois, and that by
order of the said court, all person hav-
ng claims, against the aaid defendant.
The Traders' Insurance Company, arising
on policies issued in Oregon, are required
to present the same to the undersigned,
at the address below given on or before
the 31t day of October, 1900, and If not
so presented, the same will not partici
pate in the distribution of the funds of
the said defendant company .in the hands
of the receiver.
Notice Is further given, that all re
turn premiums will be computed from
the th day of May, 1906, the date of
th Insolvency of the said The Traders'
Insurance Company, and all policyhold
era of the said defendant company are
urged to reinsure, If they have not al
ready done so, and to present their claims
properly verified promptly to the receiver
with the surrender of their policies.
Forms for proofs of claims may be had
from the receiver or from the former
gents of the company,
A. H. BIRRELU Eeeeiver.
Address McKay Building. Portland,
Dated June 2& 1901
A. P. IXECEE and
Attorneys for Receiver. 7-16-30t
The annual meeting of the stockhold
era of the Odd Fellows' Land & Build
ing Association will be held on Thurs
day, August 23, 1906. at 2 o'clock p. m.
at Odd Fellows' Hall.
JOHN HAHN Secretary.
the Common Council of the City of
Astoria has declared its determination
and intention to establish the grade on
Columbia avenue from the east line of
Lincoln Avenue to the West line of Mel
bourne Avenue, so that the grade when
so established will be on the following
elevations above the b8e of grades,
On the North half of the street at
the East line' of Lincoln Avenue at 108
ft. above the base of grades, and in the
center line of the street at 110 feet
above the base of grades on
the North side of the street and 110 ft.
above the base of grades in the center
line of the street; at the Southwest
corner of Block 19 at 132 ft. at the
North line of the street, and 134 ft. in
the center line of the street; at the
East line of Melbourne Atenue at 117
ft. above the base of grades on the
North line of the street and at 122 ft
at the center line of the street; at the
West line of Melbourne at 120 ft. above
the base of grades at the North line
of the street, and 125 ft. above the base
of grades at the center line of ths
atrpot. amt on the South half of the
street the grade shall be as follows:
At the East line of Lincoln Avenue at
the South liue of the street at 112 ft.
at the center line of the street 110 ft.
at the west line of Lincoln Avenue, at
the South line of the street 112 feet,
and at the center line at 110 ft. above
the base of grades, and at the South
west corner of Block 19 in Taylor's As
toi(ia at 136 R above the base of
grades at the South line of Columbia
Avenue and 134 feet at the center line
of Columbia Avenue. At the East line
of Melbourne Avenue at 140 feet above
the base of grades on the South line
of Columbia Avenue and 138 ft. above
the base of grades at the center line of
Columbia Avenue at the west line of
Melbourne Avenue, 142 ft. at the South
line of Columbia Avenue and 140 ft.
at the center line of Columbia Avenue.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria.
Astoria, Oregon, August Cth, 1900.
We are judged by results, not by
nowhere. One small result is worth
heaps of grand, soggy Intentions that
never get beyond the threshold of a lazy
at . a s
mm mm
The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought, and which has been
In vm for over 30 years, ha borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
f-f-- sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
i'CUcUM Allow no one to deceive yon In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Juat-as-good" are bnt
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Childrea-Eiperlence against Experiment.
Cantoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotie
substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverihness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
genuine CASTORIA 'mw
Bears the Signature ct
SIX ' smi-zLzSE7'
w w ar
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmi tmmntn. n aaauf OTacsT. torn eaa tn.
Parker House
Oregon Restaurant
Corner Ninth and Aator Street.
lGQQSell YoarReQl Esiaieor Bosioess
Properties and Business of all kinds sold
auicklv for cash in all parts of the
United States. Don't wait. Write to
dav describinz what you have to sell
and give cash price on same.
any kind of Business or Real Estate
anywhere, at any price, write me your
requirements. I can save you time and
415 Kansas Avenue.
The American
Collection Agency
No fee charged un
it s ' collection Is
made. We make col
lections in all parts
of the United States.
413 Kansas Ave.
I '-SHfct i
- Cm Bi for OBoitural
Irritation, or leriton
( acea awmbrMM.
fi. .mm Cmum. PaiuiMm an aot aMriB
TKfMSSGHtMlfUOT. .oi or polMBoaa.
V C.S.1. 5' V" M rmHa ptoia wrajypar.
n ..rthottlr.t'i.rS.
Circalar t o TO"
, 4. i or r
: ', '" . 1 e:schssges : :
' -''" J Each Cap- """ '
t "''fJJyr Btwt (if tomittrfeitt ,
! 7mntmt't by all rtmrtta, ,
Our field is the district tributary to the
mouth of the Columbia River. We pene
trate into all the outlying districts, into
lumber camps and isolated neighborhoods.
The business of these places belongs to
you, and it is worth going after.. .Space in
able; contract for some and let these out
siders know that you are still in business at
the old stand. You may have a "grouch"
but that won't get business; forget it.
Let the people know what you have to sell;
they may "forget" or have "forgotten"