The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 10, 1906, Image 1

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    l) iffijfr'
a Vans
Chicago Police Arrest Her.
ring Yesterday.
President of Defunct Bank Still
at Liberty Detectives
at Work.
Saya III li Entirely Innocent of Any
Intention to do Any Wrong Wm
Tool of Stenaland Hit
Story Doubted
CHICAGO. August O.-Henry H. Her
ring. eahler of the Milwaukee Avenue
State Hunk, was arrested today end re
fud release on bail until hit connection
with the disappearance of nearly $1,000.
m of the bank' fund il cleared up.
Paul 0. Stemlnml, president of the de
funrt bank l itill a fugitive and al
though nearly 100 detective are search
Ing for th nllng president, hi where-
bouta are a much a mystery as ever,
Herring was arretted thlt afternoon,
two hour after the time he had prev
iously announced lie would give himself
up. He wat taken at mice to the olllev
of Chief Collin and put through an ex
aminatlon as to hi knowledge of Prel
dent Stensland's mismanagement of the
Institution. Herring declared ho doc
not know where Stensland I and ha
Imtl no communication with him for over
a week. The cahlnr strenuously denied
the charge that he himself wa prtl;;
responsible for the failure of the bank.
Herring maintain that if he is guilty
of breaking the banking law nf lllinok
President Stcnsland la responsible, a
Herring in hi examination, declared he
never benefitted a single dollar by
8tenland' peculiar system of banking
Hank Examiner Jones ami Assistant
United State Attorney fileaon were
present during the examination of Her
ring, Neither they, nor the police oftlc
iaU, were satisfied with the explanation
given by Herring and accordingly bail
was refused. Receiver Fetzer reported
to the Superior Court today that a divi
dend of at leant 25 per cent would prtib
ably be declared to the depositor within
the next two week". This. It wa said,
would lie followed by ft second dividend,
although the receiver was not in a posi
tion tonight to state how much. At a
meeting of the Itnard of director of the
bank, ft committee was appointed and
menu token for apprehending Stenslnnd
and straightening out hi bank' affair.
The director declare there will be found
aulllcient revenue to pay all depositor.
in fun.
The coroner' Jury returned a verdict
today, that the young woman whose
body was found near here hint night, wa
murdered by person unknown. The
body Im lieen brought here and will be
held at tlin local undertaking parlor tu
Ion ga possible. It wa established to
day that four of her teeth are gone,
two from the upper Jaw and two from
the lower.
Pacific Coast League,
At Seattle-Seattle 4, Oakland i.
At Oakland -I Angel 7, Kan Finn
l'iC0 S.
At I ah Angel- Portland 3, Frno 1,
Northwest league,
At T!iim Untie 1'tmnt 8,
Woman and Two Little Boy Found by
Husband Unconicloui From Cat.
ALAMEDA, Cab, August W.
ft Hcrsey tonight attempted to take her
own life and that of her two little boy
by tufiilng on the ga at her home at
248 Itiiena Villa avenue. The triple
tragedy wa prevented by the coming
home of her husband sooner than ex
Horsey I manager of the mechanical
department of the Hunset Press. When
he arrived home tonight he found the
bouse Oiled with gaa and hi wife and
two little boy unconscious. They were
taken to a neighbor' house, where phy
sician are working on them and have
hote of saving their live.
The husband ate ted that the deed
mut-have been deliberately planned, a
he found aeveral gaa jet wide open. He
declare that hi married life ha been a
happy one and he cannot account for
hi wife'i act.
SALISBURY. N. C. Auguit fi.-Wblle
there are do visible sign of trouble
there are persistent rumor of the org'
niutlon of a atrong party to liberate
from Salisbury Jail tonight the lynchers
of the three negro murderer of the
Lyerly family.
Feeling run high tonight again over
the burning early today of a bam and
two horse on the Lyerly' arm.
The barn Is believed to have been
burned tiy negroes, friend of the men.
who were lynched. The militia ttiil
guard the jail and galling guns will be
tired on the mob, abould It attempt to
enter the jail
Demands that'Gans Make Unrea
sonable Concessions.
"Billy" Nolan, Nelson't Manager, Da
mands 8ooo and Seventy-five Per
Cent of the Gate Receipt,
Win or Lose.
GOLDFIELD, Nev August 0. Joe
Can and Hilly Nolan, manager for Bat
tllug Nelson at 11 o'clock tonight signed
article for a fight on Labor day. The
weight is 133 pound at 3 o'clock. Gan
accepted (10.000 a his shnre of the
puna. Nelson is to get (20,000, win or
GOLDFIELD. New, August 9. "Billy
Nolan and "Joe" Gun met last evening
and held conference preliminary to
the signing of articles for the proposed
light between Guns and "Battling" Nel
son, Nolan demanded first $5000 for
imself. This in addition to $3000 al
ready up, make the largest purse ever
offered for a prize tight. Nolan also de
miinded 75 per cent of the purse, win or
lose, for Nelson, nd insisted that Cans
fight at 130 pounds. Gan agreed to
everything rather than lose the fight.
Nolan tonight faced an angry crowd
of gamblers and business men to whom
Iw declared he had not asked for $."000
additional money for himself at the con
ference last night. Nolan said he had
Insisted on 75 per cent of the purse, win
or lose, for Nelson, lie also insisted that
Gan weigh 130 pounds three hoursbe
fore entering the ring, and 133 pound it
the ringside. Guns refused to treat fur
ther with Nolan today, declaring his
,... i i .
color Darren mm iroiu piuue m equality,
Gan nominated L. M, Sullivan to rep
resent him. Nolan declares h will treat
with Gan only. Sullivan tuTcted t"l,IM)
la Nolan If he would divide the purse
with Gan, and Nolan refused.
Gan then declared thai if ho eotill
not iii k M-ioii in iwu roiiiKis ii worn i
give hi nnmey to charity, Sullivan an I
lib kaid me ( meet late tonight and it
is Ihuiujlil the ait III" will be signed, j
Weils Fargo Stockholders
are Divided.
States Director's Slate Would Mean
Higher Dividends to
He Shows What Capital of Company Is
and Says That the Earnings Were
t5ao,ooo In Interest For
One Year.
NEW YORK. August 9. The annual
meeting of the stockholder of Wells
Fargo 4 Company wa held here to
day. Samuel I'ntermyer was present
emrnsel for Walter C. Ptokea mi tbe
stockholders party, which has been try
ing to induce the company to increase
its dividend. Mr. I'ntermyer demanded
that a third Inspector of elections be
named to represent the interest for
whom be appeared. William Kelson
Cromwell, counsel for the other interests,
opposed the motion, but Mr. Babcock.
representing the stock and interests, was
allowed to sit as an observer of elec
Cromwell Presents Slate.
Mr. Cromwell presented a ticket for
election as director, composed of the
member of the present board, as fol
lows: F. H. Harrimnn. Dudley Evans,
John J. McCoofc. William F. Herrin, U.
S. Lovett. II. B. rarsons, n. E. Hunt
ington. George E. Gray, F. D. Under
wood Julius Kruttschnitt, W. V. S,
Thome, W. T. Van Brunt and William
D. Cornish.
Mr. Stokes nominated the following
ticket: Dudley Evans, n. B. Parsons,
E. IT. Hnrrimon, F. D. Underwood. Wal
ter C. Stokes. Marden J. Perry, Rob
ert Y. Pomeroy, George II. Robinson,
Richard II. Litchfield, George L, Shepley.
A. W. Damon, Alliert C. Bostwick and
Philip J. Ros.
The annual report of Wells, Fargo &
Company shows gros receipts for the
year of $18,083,035, an increase over last
year'of $1,811,284 The total disburse
ments were $10,1.18.090 an increase of
$1,084,202. The net earnings ; for the
year were $2,544,045, an Increase of
$128,038; the expenditure for ney equip
ment was $557,728.
Untermyer Wants Explanation.
Mr. Untortnycr asked for an explnna
tion regnrding the small increases in the
net receipts. President Evans said it
was due largely to large purchases of
equipment. The Stokes Interests demand
that a committee lie appointed to eon
duct a general investigation of the com
pany's affairs to report at an adjourn
ed meeting. Mr. Cromwell denied that
such course was necessary, but final1.
suggested the following committee: J.
B. Holland, 8. Fond, Admiral Brownson
and R. W. Pomeroy. Mr. Untermyer
proposed a committee composed of W. C,
Stokes, O. H. Itolieitson, W. B. Stone,
Charles II. William and John King.
Samuel Unli'iiiiyer stated that the
capital of the company Is $8000,000 and
the kiii plus Is $12,000.1100, making a tot jI
of $''0.0on,000, and on this, he siiid. the
company cailieil $320,000 in Interest In
one year, Thl he said, Is only 2i per
cent at a time when money loaned at 3
to fl per cent. II akd the director
to name the broker to whom the money
has bi t' il loniu'd but the name were not
Plan of Police to Break up Wireless Mee -
sages Will Hot Work.
CHICAGO, August 9. Someone with
the ingenuity of Don Quixote furnished
s scheme to put tiie gambling boat, the
City of Tramse, out of commission yes
terday; The idea wa to eliminate the
wireless communication with the craft,
depriving it of race results by sounding
a huge fog horn, whose vibrations would
"blur" the wireless message.
The result were grotesquely disas
trous. The gambler laughed at the po
lice on the tug and the life saving crew
from Jackson Park and South Chicago,
believing the sound to be distress sig
nals, hurried to the Hyde Park, crib;
sail boats, launches, motor boats and an
armada, of small craft rushed to tb-J
rescue, while the shore from Kenwood
to South Chicago wa lined with persons
fearing an excursion boat disaster.
The Smith-White-Peny Company,
which operates the boat, charged the
schema1 up to 'Mont" Rene, their jeal
ous rival.
No difficulty with the wireless appa
ratus wss found on board the Traverse
according to employe of the boat ani
patrons on board. - . .
NEW YORK, Aug. .-Hrry Thaw'
counsel, Clifford W, Hartridge, received
yesterday from Black. Olcott, Gruber &
Bonynge practically the last batch jf
documents and report obtained by tue
firm as counsel for Mrs. William Thaw,
who employed them to get all the evi
dence they could that might help her
son. When Mr. William Thaw dismiss
ed the firm she said she wanted every
thing that had been obtained turned over
to Mr. ILtrUidge.
Not Satisfied With Interior Dep
artment's Conduct.
Company Goes to President Roosevelt in
the ; Matter of Its Controversy
With the Department of the
OYSTER BAY. August 9. President
Roosevelt was appealed to by the Stand
ard Oil Company in the matter of it
controversy with the Department of tV
Interior regarding oil line leases in the
Indian Territory. Former Senator James
K. Jones, of Arkansas, representing the
company in ft legal capacity, and Mr.
Bamesdale, of Pittsburg, representing
the company directly were callers at
Sagamore Hill today. They arrived on
the morning train, and after spending
several hours w ith the President, return
ed to New York in an automobile.
Both declined to discuss the object of
their visit ,
Mr. Jones said the call related purely
to n matter of business, and refused to
say what results were accomplished. The
oil lease controversy in the Indian Ter
ritory has been ft matter of lively con
tention before the Department of the In
terior for sometime and the status of
these leases was made the subject of
protracted consideration by Congress in
the recent statehood legislation.
CHICAGO. August 0. Evidence which
may lead to the prosecution of the direc
tum for responsibility for President
Stensland's $1,033,000 theft by forgery
wa among the general developments
yesterday touching the mulcted Mil
waukee Avenue State l'iuk,
It developed that the director of the
institution didihrratrly neglected to en
force euili precaution n would have
made impossible Stensland's operation
In fiction paper.
Stcusluud never wa required to ac
count for the vt amount of money
which apparently wa being borrowed by
mull tradesmen,
Racing at 50 Miles an
Hour Accident Occurs.
Farmer Leaps Prom Vehicle Just
in Time to Escape Death
Two Injured.
Accident Occurred at Midnight on Thomp
son Avenue, Near Winfield Cross
ing of Long IslAnd Railroad
in Qaeensborough.
NEW YORK, August 9.-Two chauf
feurs were killed, two injured and two
escaped unhurt, when a new racing car
plunged into a farm wagon on Thompson
avenue, near the Winfield. Crossing of
the Long Island Railroad in Queens
borough tonight. The car is said to have
been traveling not less than 50 miles an
hour. The driver of the farm wagon
was unhurt he leaped before the
crash. The car had been taken out to
test about midnight, when there seemed
little chance of meeting the vehicles.
While going at a terrific speed, the wa
gon lomed up and it was impossible to
stop the big touring ear.
SAN FRANCISCO. August O.-Repre-sentatives
of the Secretary of the In
terior and the Attorney-General of the
United States of the chief of the Gen
eral Land Department at Washington
and of the director of the Geological
Survey will prosecute an investigation
in Plumas and Butte Counties, Cal., to
determine to what extent frauds have
been committed in the acquisition of
mineral lands by placer entries in the
counties mentioned.
NEW YORK, August 0. The retail
coal dealers on the East side organized
a union last night to fight the East
side coal agents. One hundred and fifty
retailers joined the union, and it is said
that the 1200 coal dealers of the East
side will be members of the new organi
zation before many days. The coal deal
ers claim that the agents have been pre
venting them from making living pro
fits, and they mean to freeze out the
agents through a general competitive
NEW YORK. August 9. Fire in a
six-story tenement house in Williams
burg imperilled the lives of a hundred
persons early today. Two policemen
rescued 12 persons who had been over
come by smoke and aided others to
reach the street.
Rev. Anna Shaw, Mrs. Ida Harper and
Mrs. Carrie C. Catt in Copenhagen.
COPENHAGEN. August 9.-Delcgates
to the conference of the international
league of woman suffragists, had a busy
day today. The newspaper axe enthus
iastic; over the American delegates, es
pecially dwelling on the oratorical pow
er of Rev. Anna Shaw and Mr. Ida
I luled Harper, and the presidential
ability of Mr. Carrie Chapman Catt.
Senators Disco ssing Disposal of the Flv
Civilized Tribes Affairs.
DENVER. August . 9.-Five United
State Senators William Clark of Mon
tana, Chester I. Long of Kansas, Frank
B. Brandegee of Connecticut, C. D. Clark
of Wyoming and Henry M. Teller of
Colorado held a meeting at the Brown
Palace Hotel in this city last night.
The Senators were appointed a com
mittee to provide for the final disposi
tion of the affairs of the Five Civilized
Indian Tribes in Indian Territory.
Preliminary plans for the work of the
committee were discussed. Among the
question which will be inquired into
are graft, particularly in the sale anl
transfer of Indian lands end the proposi
tion for the disposal of the coal and
asphalt land which belongs to the In
dians. This morning arrangement will
be made for a trip to Indian Territory
and it is understood the investigation
there will last from a month to sit
CHICAGO. August 9. Cornelius P,
Shea was elected to succeed himself as
as president of the International Broth
erhood of Teamtsers today. The dele
gates who bolted yesterday continued ta
absent themselves and took no part In
the election.
SAX QUENTIN, CaU August 9.-W.
IL Trebilcox was hanged this morning
for the murder of his wife in Grass
Valley, March 14, 1905. The doomed man
made on unusual display of nervousness.
Contract For Drain Coos Bay
Extension is Let.
C E. Losa Company, of San Francisco,
Will do the Grading For the First
Twenty Miles Complete
Work in Year.
PORTLAND, August 9. The contract
for the grading of the first 20 miles of
the Drain-Coos Bay extension of the
Southern Pacific Railroad has been let
to the C. S. Loss Company, of San Fran
cisco ,and the work will begin imme
diately. The superintendent of the Loss
Company has arrived at Drain and la
making heavy purchases of fodder, to
supply the 200 teams, which will arriva
there next week. The work will be rap
idly pushed, it being the intention to
have the entire road in operation within
a, year's time.
Scientist and Young Lady Will go to
Africa to Learn Monkey Language.
NEW YORK. August 9.-Miss Lh
Vera Simonton of Pittsburg will sail
next week for Africa, where she will join
Frofessor R, L. Garner, and will go int j
the remotest corner of the Congo, to
study the monkey, its ways, manners,
and speech, and means of communication.
Miss Simonton has been for months an
enthusiastic student of thes ape and
monkey tribes. She and the professor
expect to get a working knowledge of
Simian speech before they leave the
Each will have constructed a steel
cage in which they will live and study
the tribe. Announcement that Mis
Simonton was to go was made last night
by Dr. Reed Blair, surgeon of the New
York Zoological Park in The Bronx.
The director of the park believe Pro
fessor Gainer and Miss Simonton will l
aide to throw more light on the monkey.
Professor Garner has for year bee.i
studying the ajie. He aid that he hoped
to acquire the language in a short tinn.