The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 09, 1906, Image 1

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Jury Brings in Verdict
After 7 Ballots.
Two Jurors Want An Acquittal
But Compromise finally
DMndant Woo Will B Sentenced
at Sam. Tiro. a. Hendricks
New TrUI I. Requ.sted
by Attorneys.
ItiRTLAXD, August H.-After delib
erating (or more than five hour and
(king Mvn ballot, the jury found
Chart. A. Vatua guilt of perjury in
connection with making final proof of a
hnmetM-.d in Wheel county, and re
turned a .ealed verdlut thb morning.
Th. Jury however recommend, full
leniency. The jury began balloting lm
mediately after dinner yesterday, and
reached a verdict at 12:15 o'clock this
morning. Vaton will U sentenced
Two member of th. jury stood in the
way of immediate conviction, and th.
recommendation for "full leniency" wai
a compromise. Th. two dlnter pre
faced their stand on the ground that if
Wataon thought that a visit to the
homestead once In ix month wa. com
pliance with the law, he wan not guilty.
Judge Hunt, in hl inat ruction, left to
tl jury the duty of determining the
good faith of the home'tender. lie
charged the juror, that if they found
that Wataon believed a visit once In lx
month maintained a legiil residence,
they ahould take that fact into con
sideration. Watson waa In court when the ver
dict wa read, but displayed no emo
tion. Judge Hennett Immediately gave
notice of intention to file a motion for a
new trial, and wa given 30 dnya In
which to prepare a bill of exception. In
the Wataon and Ilendriek caws.
After the verdict wa read Judge
Hunt directed that Wataon appear for
aentence Saturday morning, when Ham
ilton H. Ilendriek, the Fossil lawyer,
and former United St tea Commisalon--r,
will be sentenced for subornation
of perjury. Watson' bond waa fixed
At $1000, which he gnve.
District Attorney Rristol conducted
the ease against Wataon unaided.
The trial of Coo I). Barnard and Clar
ence B. Zachary, charged with perjury,
began before Judge Hunt thla after
noon. Wataon, Barnard and Zaohary
nee also defendant In the case against
ex-Senator Staiwer, H. H. Ilendriek.,
F. P. Maya, John II. Hull and others,
which in to follow. This 1 known na
the "Butte Creek" case, and the charge
is Illegal fencing of publio lands, in
volving a conspiracy to defraud the gov
ernment In bo doing.
' PHILADELPHIA, August, 8-Mem-hesr
of tho Association of Independent
Cracker Baker held thi first session
of its. annual convention here yesterday.
Thl. Association is composed of more
than a hundred manufacturer, from all
over the country. The ollleers elected
were Charles R. Ciosa, New London,
Conn., president j Eugene John, Phila
delphia, and Edward Graves, Washing
ton, vice-presidents j. H. B. Grubb, St.
Louis, secretary, and Joseph G. Me
Cturg, Pittsburg, treasurer.
Dead Body of Young Woman With Bui
let In Head Found Weir Lo. Angelei
The unidentified' body of young wom
an well dreueif aud with blonde hair
wa. found In the underbrush In Santa
Moid Canyon, mile above the Port
of 1a Angela, today.
Th girl ha been dead month or
more and the likelihood I. that .he wa.
murdered a. there b a bulb bole
through Iter bead. No weapon wa. found
nr the body. The Santa Monica au
thorities, while utterly at a lo for a
clew are inclined to the theory that the
young woman wa. ft visitor from the
eat to Lo Angele. and wa. lured to
th. place by a man in a carriage or an
automobile a. the walk I. .everal mile.
No woman approaching th. description
of the girl ha. been reported mtaalng.
HAN FRANCISCO, Augu.t . Wltat
wa. Intended to be a peace conference
between the .hipowner. and tailor.'
I union ended In nothing being accom
plished today in the way of aettllng th.
Northwest Lgu..
At Taeoma Butte 1, Tacoma 7.
At Hoqulam Gray'. Harbor 4. Spo
kane 3.
Pacific Coa.t League.
At Seattle-Seattle 1. Oakland 0.
At Oakland Lo Angele. I, San
Francisco 3.
At I ah Angele 5. Portland
Killing of Japanese Will Involve
No Complications.
Government Will Give the Twelve
Japanese Poacher. Speedy Hear
ingWill Regret
Over Incident to Japan
WASHINGTON. August 8. Although
taking the position that the killing of
the five Japanese poacher within the
territory of the United State, in
Alaska, wa justified, this government
in all prolwbllity will extend to Japan
it. regret for the fatal clash between
the native lookout, of the North
Commercial Company and the Japanese
raider. Thi statement wa. made, to
night by Acting Secretary of State B-
con. In the meantime the District At
torney forAlaska, ia making prepara
tion, for a speedy trial of the twelve
Japenese taken prisoners. After a care
ful investigation by the Japanese
charge d'Affair here, the conclusion
was reached that the ease was one in
volving no international incident.
TOKIO, August 8 The Japanese gov
ernment does not possess any details of
the Aleutian incident and therefore is not
in position to express its views. The
news is generally received with regret
and hope is expressed that no unpleas
ant complication, will develop.
Rumor ' Abroad That Nicholas
Grown Tired of Throne.
NEW YORK, August 8. A cable
dispatch to a morning paper from
Vienna, says:
It is rumored that it is the Czar's
intention ' to abdicate. The re-circulation
of this report is ascribed to the re
actionary councillors violently opposing
Premier Stolypin'a reform scheme,
which , the Czar supports, the yam
adds, that the Czar will appoint Grand
Duke Vladimir and Nicholas Niehokie-
itch as co-regents.
Get Drunk and Fight
With Corporal.
Twenty Marines from Receiving
Ship Lancaster Cause All
the Trouble.
Sailor. Bring Large Quantity of "Boom"
Into Camp and Load Up
Court Martial Ha. Been
PHILADELPHIA. August 8. It be
came known today that Ave marine, are
in double Iron, on board the receiving
ship Lancaster, at the League Wand
Navy Yard, and 10 .allor. are under
errt,,a th. result of a mutiny on
ifonday night, in which two of the mu
tineer, were badly Injured.
A boating party, consisting of Priv
ate. Burnet, Keney. Haggerty, Alder
son, Erbe nd Newland, left the navy
yard. They went to Gloucester, and.
It I alleged .old their uniform. With
the money thus obtained, beer wa pur
chased, and when the men. returned they
had two half barrels of beer in the
boat. Thl. they smuggled into camp,
and about a score were soon under the
Influence of the intoxicant.
While in thi condition, the men at
tempted to leave the yard, and. when
halted, attacked the Corporal. The alarm
whistle was sounded and the men of
the Lancaster" quick Vy reonded. A
general fight ensued, during which sev
eral shot, were fired. Burnet, one of
the ringleader, had his throat cut, and
Kcnsey's right arm wa. fractured. After
nearly an hour of fighting, the mutineer,
were subdued and the principals placed
under arrest.
Chief Boatswain Garrett, who was the
officer; of the deck when the alarm wa
sounded, summoned all hands, and In a
few minutes' 40 men, marines and blue
jackets, were on the scene of the mu
tiny. Burnett attempted to shoot Gar
rett, but he was bayoneted by Trumpet
er Hess and overpowered. The remain
ing mutineer endeavored to escape in
to the marshes surrounding the camp,
but all were rounded up.
Yesterday Captain Miller of the Lan
caster, ordered Burnett and Kensey
court-martialed. The trial was quick,
and although the findings were not made
known because the commandant of the
yard must pas on them, it is said that
sentences varying from one to five years
in the naval prison at Chelsea, Mass.,
will be the outcome. Haggerty and
Erbe, who while not taking active part
in the outbreak, were in the boating
party, were given ten days In double
iron in the 'brig on bread and wateu
with a full-allowance meal every fifth
Today Alderon and Newland were
before a summitry court-martial board,
and the probabilities are that they will
be given 30 days in double iron, with
their- liberty restricted for six months.
SPOKANE, August 8. A dispatch
from Palousc, Wash., to the Spokesman-Review,
says no trouble exists at
Potlatch. Idaho, and that the only re
ports of disorder along the line of the
Washington, Idaho and Montana Bail
road are from Princeton, Idaho, where
an incipient gun piny took place today.
Governor Gooding Rafusei to Save
Nck of Murd.rer.
BOISE, Augut 8, Governor Gooding
ha refused to interfere to save the neck
of William Hick. Bond, and there i
now no appeal and it i. certain he and
Rudolph Wetter will be executed in
the penitentiary on Friday. Bond '
sentenced to be banged for the murder
in complicity with Mr.. Jennie Daly, of
Charles Duly, the woman' huaband.
The crime wa one of the most brutal
ever committed In Boi. Wetter wa.
sentenced for the murder of L. D. Long
near Seceah Meadow, in Idaho County,
in a quarrel over a placer claim.
COVELO. Cal., August 8.-Jacob Frei,
who supplies Cbvelo with .now to be
used, in place of Ice, left his home 10
mile, from here with a pack of .now
about 1 o'clock thi morning and about
8 o'clock wa found dead half a mile
from borne. He had been shot under
the eye. The indication, are that he
wa shot from ambush.
PROVIDENCE, R. I, Augut 8.
Delegate. to the National Convention of
the CaUiolic Total Abstinence Union)
who have been arriving here daily since
Sunday 'to be present at the formal
opening of the convention today were
guest last night at a reception held at
the Narragansett Hotel. It h expected
that when the convention open. 800
delegates representing the 100,000 mem
bers of the organization will be in at
Emperor Nicholas Has No Inten
tion of Abdicating.
M. Onipko, Peasant Member of Parlia
ment, Will Be Triad For Inciting
Revolt at Cronstadt Pun
ishment Is Death.
ST. PETERSBURG, August 8-The
official telegraph agency has issued an
authorized statement, declaring that the
statement published in the Novoe
Vremya, that the Emperor intends to
place the Grand Duke Nicholas
Nicholaivitch, in command of the whole
army, is void of all foundation.
M. Onipko, a peasant member of the
Kite parliament, captured red-handed at
Cronstadt after the mutiny there, will
lie tried it is semi-officially announced,
according to the rules of war, for in
citing and participating in an armed re
volt. The penalty is death. The au
thorities are convinced that they have
a good case against Onipko. and hope it
will involve several other prominent
men, the extremists of the late parlia
ment to such an extent as to prevent
the re-election of any future parlia
ment. '
Tho official telegraph agency tonight
repoits the formation at Yekaterinos
lnv, of a reactionary organization, with
the purpose to exact a life for a life,
for every official killed by the revolu
tionist. The murder of ex-Deputy
Hatzenstein is an example of this pro
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., August 8
The twenty-ixth annual convention of
the Photographers' Association of
America opened here yesterday with an
attendance of about 1200. In his ad
dress President C. W. Hearn of Boston,
expressed the hope that there would be
no disruption of interest between the
commercial and operating sides of the
convention. He advocated the organiza
tion , of a national photographic academy.
Stensland's Son Offers to
Save Situation.
Vice President of Defunct Bank
Agrees to Turn Over $600,
000 to the Receivers.
Report From Duluth That President
Stenaland la On Steamer Pic
tures of Missing Men Being
Scattered Broadcast
CHICAGO. August 8. Theodore
Stensland, vice-president of the Mil
waukee Avenue Bank and son of the
fugitive president of that institution
has come to the rescue of the depositors
and tonight it is the belief of those en
deavoring to stmighten out the affairs
of the bank, that there is an excellent
chance of the depositor, receiving al
most dolkr for dollar, when a final set
t lenient is made. Young Stensland has
agreed to turn over the collateral be
longing to bis father, said to be $600,'
000 in value, to the receivers.
Paul O. Stensland, president, and
Henry W. Herring, cashier, are still at
large and a search is being made all
over the oonptry. Five thousand pic
tures of the two officials are being pre
pared and these will be spread broad
cast throughout the entire world.
DULUTH. Minn., August 8. Two
Duluth men claim to have seen Paul O.
Stensland, the Chicago fugitive bank
president within the past 24 hours and
in the opinion of the police and the Pin
kertons the much wanted man is aboard
the steamer America, which left for
Port Arthurs Canada, today. The Cana
dian authorities have been notified and
before the passengers are allowed to de
part, a thorough search will be made for
Chicago Women Will Strike in Sympa
thy With Window Washers.
CHICAGO, August 8. The first
family strike to be recorded in the
labor movement in Chicago was ordered
yesterday when 260 janitresses voted to
uuv 0 spuaqsnq im jo pre sq; o) o3
an increase in wages demanded by win
dow washers in large buildings down
town. Mrs. Felicia Prendergast turned
the tide of sentiment in. the janitresses
meeting. Several speakers pointed out
that the wives of the strikers ought to
stay at work and earn a living for their
husbanders while the latter 'were out
of work.
"That is a false doctrine," objected
Mrs. Prendergast. "Women ane sup
posed to be helpmates of their hus
bands, but they are not their salves.
Moreover I believe we can assist them
better by refusing to scrub the floors
and stairways in the big office blocks
The vote was practically unanimous
in flavor of laying down mops 'and
brooms in 20 skyscrapers tomorrow
OMAHA, August 8. Thomas Daniels
and his five children perished this even
ing in a fire, which destroyed the family
residence at Oak Park, a suburb of this
city. Mrs. Daniels was seriously burned
and may not recover and Daniels him
self was seriously hurt in an attempt
to save his family.
Firm Who Bid Bond, in Tender. Check
In.tead of Cash State Object.
JACKSON, Mich.. August 8. A cn-
sation wa caused here last night when
it wu announced that the state would
not have the benefit of $30,000 bonds,
same awarded to a Chicago firm on
July 2. A representative of the firm
came here and tendered certified check.
to Governor Vardaman for the amount
of the bid including a premium of
The Governor declined to accept th.
check, but demanded payment in cur
rency under the law which the firm
declined to give. A. a result the deal
is off for the present and will not b
renewed unlet the governor or firm
make, concession, a. to exchange. The
bidder, hold that their , bid contem
plated payment in check, and not in
currency, with delivery of bond, in Chi
cago. The governor hold the firm's
check, for $30,000 a. a forfeit.
CHICAGO, August 8. That hi in
valid wife might gain her health and
warned against a hurried trip to the
Pacific Coasty H. J. Taylor of Syracuse,
N. Y., is transporting hi. family and
Charles Robertson. brother-in-law,
across the continent in a "Prairie
Schooner." the start was made on May
6 and yesterday the covered wagon ar
rived at South Chicago.
Taylor, after feeding hi. team and
buying provisions to last for day., set
out for the West last night Hi. wife
to already improved in health.
Texas Army Maneuvers Brought
to Sad End.
Soldier is Shot During Maneuvers in
Mountains Perpetrator Unknown
. Another Soldier Dies From
Injuries In Fight. '
AUSTIN, Texas, August 8. Another
enlisted man in the regular army wa.
killed in the maneuvers at Camp Mabry
today. Jesse Cantisa of Fort Worth
attached to Troop K, First U. S. Cav
alry, was shot during the maneuvers in
the mountains, and died shortly after
All the men were supposed to have
blank cartridges end it is not known
how the killing occurred.
Roger W. Lockhart, a member of the
Texas battery of field artillery was
hurt, it is said in a personal encounter
and on it being ascertained that he wa
badly hurt he was sent to the city
hospital where he died today.
Engine Shaft Breaks and She Is About
to Drift Into Rapids, When Saved.
OGDENSBURG, N. Y August 8.
United States revenue cutter Dallas
returned yesterday from her flret trip
over the district which extends from
Ogdensburg to Oswego. Many steamers
that enter American ports were boarded
and numerous vioations of navigation
regulations were found. A closer watch
than usual is being kept over the pas
senger boats this year. Yesterday a
passenger ferry steamer plying between
here and Prescott, Ont., was tied up by
the cutter officers for lack of papers,
her license having expired.
The steamer Alexandria of Preston,
Ont., bound down the St. Lawrence to
Quebeo with passengers and freight
broke an engine shaft yesterday while
passing here. She wa9 caught and tow
ed into Prescott for repairs. Ten
minutes later the steamer would have
been in the rapids.