The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 08, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    WIDHUDAV, AV0V9T I, iji5.
By T. S. Boyd
Ctiwrtiht, lewd, hy llumtr Himgu
(JII'Iit gtiincril nuxlotiHly itt liln
wntrh. Hit liml only mwh minute In
tvlildi In fiitch liln tnitii. The " ullit
wit d;ir!;, uinl Iio nwM nenrwly wnll;
Ova block In n ilrlvliitf rain, wait fur m
fur liml lynUo I'onnwtlniix.
J nut thi'ii it inrrliiun drovt i to tliu
mrli iiiul mt cliliMly iiimi vf uliout hln
tulltl nlli!ht"il. Tin) ilialrd with nil wi
CUpled; It woiiM I fully llftWi lulu
Utv liffniv tlio iicwciiiii'r i-oiiUl ut-t
t gtiitvc, In that t Inn lie i-oulil tt't to
tin hliitluu anil lln iiirrluuB would
Imvv tlnu' tn rrturn.
It wim worth thu ilmuou. IU (IiihIuh
aerutw tlio aMovvnlk, rnllnl an order
to tlio driver ami Jiiiiihh1 In. Ad the
iMr aliiuiimM tli n linr sturteil tip und
tliiy wiro oft Bt a brisk iiauo iH-fore
(jlldt-r rinilluiil Hint tlitf wn a twoiiil
eeunuiit III tlio caiTlnuu.
"It did mt tuk you vory Ionic."
UlUillKHl tllllMll'ltl Vuill,
OlldiT nit iik into the Mt with
mm n. "1 don't know who you think
1 Bin." tm mi Id utHilouHlcally, "but I'm
rolilMir. hni't I afraid. ; I'm not
firulur rotdMr, hut one through force
of t'lirutiiMtums. I hitvo to catch th
fl iS train, it ud the only way I could
do It witii to Imrrow a rnrrlnito without
"My undo did not kIvo you iM'rtnl
Ion to two tho rnrrlngiV' dornauded
tl voir. Ulldrr knew that a fflrl with
voltt like tlmt mint tHWMortljr be
"I didn't axk him," he mild calmly.
"You w, it would hnve wanted pre
cious time. I i)tfiirt tlmt 1 could Eft
to the Ntatlou and the rarrlnco could
Jut hack Ix-furo ho wiw hnvd. A
ollar would have died the driver. I
suppose now you will bare me ar
rwitwl." "For tnnpiiiMi, Mrlini," hIio luuehcd,
"On your own ouf tuition you did not
moan to ateal the lirmijfham."
"How was 1 to know thut a man who
went In to get shaved would lea re
wotiiuu waiting lii the carrluge for
N Jilm?"
"When ouo gets a old as uuole one
la apt to fi-el liluwelf privileged," Iw
"Ho dotwu't uppreclute hi prlvllego,"
he in Id boldly. "Now, If I had a pret-
ty niece"
"Flattery will uot nuii-nd your of
fense," alio warned. "How do you
know what I look likor
"By your voice," ho explained. "It'a
a aort of Intuition."
"I thought that was n ft'iiklultie gift,"
the laughed,
"Not entirely," ho Insisted. The enr
rlngo rattled past nn electric light, and
he peered Into her corner. "You know
I am right," he mlded triumphantly.
"What can I nay?" alio laughed help
lonsly, "You tire a inont embarntHHlng
"Don't say anything," ho pleaded.
"If you did you would probably tell
mo to get out."
"In all this rain?" she questioned,
with n little Nliiidder. "I utinll let you
go on to the atntlon In common char
ity." "Tho gods lire good," ho murmured.
"I nm only aorry It U such a short ride
to the atr.tlon. I'll lmthera In a tnln
tite." He glanced out of the window
tnd gnvo a cry.
"What Is tho matter?" she nsked.
"The nian'K driving downtown," he
walled. "I can never mnko tho train
f'Dld you Just tell him to drive to tho
station?" . cno nfi!:ed.
"Of course," he fin Id. "There is only
one Htatlon."
"You forget tho Northern," alio ro
tnlndcd. "Uncle was taking nie there.
I live In Union timc, John BuprnsoC
that you meant the Northevn,"
"It nerved me rht'it," ht admitted,
plMiielng at IiIh watch, "I Himnn;u the
only thing to do Is to drive bark to the
tmrher uhop and nsk his forglvenena."
"Ho might be getting worried," sho
lie lifted t';? HnlcJ-ij; tube ."k'id. J lew
thror.g'i ft. ''M-n'ha'ltaif 'tfVoli "tha
oriler for the change of direction he
turned to the jrlrl ajruln.
"If filnjr to Ih mlglity awkward
explaining' he said. "I your unci hr
cllmil to le"
"Very. he aald linprenalveiy. "i
don't know whether lie will efliie you
or call a pullcciimn."
"Pleanant proapect, he commented,
"You can get out before we jjet tlu-re
If you wWi," mIih Hiiggi'Nted,
"I nauiilly fact the tnualc," he anld.
"It'a tho better way," alio aald ap
provingly, "but uncle can piny a very
lively tune,"
Holt of 'Hot Time In the Old Town
Tonight thing," he uggentcd with
"Very likely," alio nwentcd, "but you
will not be long In doubt. Here la the
(illder threw open the door and durtod
acroaa tho alduwnlk.' Hie men in the
ahop crowded curlouxly to tho door,
"Tlio old R'iiMet.i'in h'ti gone to the
police alntljii," thiy cspliihied. "He
thought It wna nn cl ipement." (Illder
wont buck to tho carriage.
"Your umle thltika we have eloped,"
be aald. "Mull we follow hliu to the
police ntatlou?"
'I think you hud better take me to
the Northern," ahe anld coldly. "Per-
hup that will be the nilcket way of
(topping a aenndrtl."
Ho gave the order to the coachman
and at'Tped tnalde. "I am aorry to
have to lulllct my company on you
longer," hi) M.ild penitently, "but It
might bo a well If I went along, I
will take you t the ntatlou and then
be driven t the honne and explain to
him In M'inon."
Ho wit nlli'iit an thi-y nil along to
the little auhurban atntlon, hi forget
fulueea of which had cainwil n part of
tlie altuatloii. The Northern waa only
a fifty mile line, cutting nme of the
maiiufncturlng towua, and It bad en
tirely encapcd his memory.
It aeetned a drive than It really
waa, for the girl waa annoyed and he
keenly felt hl ttmiHmittblllty for the
awkward powltlon in which ho had
phd her. Jut na they were driving
up to the Htiiuon the h (pon were pulli-d
up ijulikiy and a blue coated form
ahortly uppftirinl at the dr.
"I didn't think you would be a fool
lah n to try U get away," wa hia re
mark a a p:!!ccn:!ti ateppel Into the
carriage. "The captain wanta t aee
you at the houae."
"Won't It lie aumdeiit If you take
mer demanded (Jlliler. "Thla lady la
auxlou to ivm h her home."
"They're anxious to have her there,"
waa the tcrve comment, "but order la
order, and I waa to bring you both In
If I found you."
" "I don't auppoae that f'J5 would
bring about a torgetfulueaa of ordcrar
auggeated Gilder.
"It 'ud bring about a broken bead,"
waa the wrathful auawer.
UHder remembered that there waa a
police luventlgallou theu on and real
ised that the (Millcemau feared a trap,
no he kept alleut until they drew up
before the given ligbta. The iwltce
matt proudly led them up to the (leak
aergeant, who unhcred them luto the
cnptitlu'a riMitu.
"Your uncle said he would come
right down when we phoned," be ex
plained. "I don't like to lock you up."
Gilder badrewveredhlaaelfpossesBlon
and by the time the wrathful uncle ar
rived ho had made aucb good uae of
bin time that bin niwlogy had been ac
cepted lu full. Then the door flew
open with a bang und a choleric old
gentleiuau entered tlotirlHhlng a cane.
Kven In bin excitement Gilder wonder
ed bow the coachman hud mlHtakcu
him for his master, but tho uext de
velopment drove all audi thoughta from
bin bead, for the new arrival pnuaed
In hia lielligerent demonstration.
"Are you Jimmy Gllder'a aon?" be
"So I've beeu glveu to uuderstand,"
he anawered wonderlngly.
The cane flew ucroaa the room, and
tho old man came toward him with
outstretched lunula.
"You're the llvlnsr Imago of your fa
ther when ho left college," he cried.
"I'd Lave known you anywhere."
"1 whh you had recognized me lu
frout of the barber ahop," he laughed,
then added braxuuly: "No, I dou't.
Theu you would just have helped mo
to catch my train. I'm glad I atnyed."
U waa easy work explaining. Johu
Puvlea now re;ariii'd tho whole matter
u a joke and luslnted upon carrying
Gilder buck to hl home.
"I'm sorry thu elopement wasu't lu
earnest," he nald lute that evening as
they Hiuoiu'd In tho library,
"I'll do the host I can," was the
earnest nnsn'ance, and when Gilder
finally caught the 0:-l8 Mabel saw him
off, and o:i Iv.t tV.:;er glistened n rins
that had not been there when they took
tliolr first rkV t-i, -ether.
which, costing about
CUM because of its perfection aftd purity.
But it does not pay to sell MENNEN S , KlMlP
POWDER nearly as well, as It pays to
sell an imoerfect and imouro substitute ai.:r-T.'i
NEN b, yields the dealer double proht.
Tho "just as good" with which some
dealers try to palm off a substitute Is true
any way. If it's only "just as good " for
the dealer why push the sale. If it's only
"just aa good " for the buyer why risk aa
unknown preparation for MENNEN'S.
There's nothing just as good as MEN
the dealer who says there is, risks his
customer's skin ana safety to make aa
extra profit on a sale.
Have vou tried MENNEN'S VIOLET
; .fiiiiiim Jk.''1''
partial to violet perfume will find Mennen's Violet Powder
fragrant with the odor of fresh plucked Parma Violet.
- For sat everywhere for tf centt, or
mailed postpaid on receipt of price, by '
GER.HAR.D MENNEN CO., Newark, N. !.
Fc-ilmil of Box
J "' Kmpt III Rerv,
An Engllah clergyman bad a rich
parlahloner, Lady Itlank, who dictated
to and hectored blin outrageously. At
leiigtb be declined to put up with tlila
kind of treatment and told ber ladyablp
ao. Thereafter ahe refuaed to put any
thing In the offertory, merely making
a atntely Inclination over the plat.
Tbia moved an elder to remark In bor
heorlntr, "We could do with loan of ber
manner and more of her caah." Tba
clergyman, dining at a lord'a table, tokl
thl atory with great ancceaa one even
ing. Tlio boat aald with a frown, "Are
you aware, air, that Lady Blank la
relative of mine?" The clergyman
atnllod allghtly. "No," Jie aald, "I
wuau't, but In future when I tell thu
atory I'll alwaya be careful to mention
the rehitlomiblp."
The Kam.
The nutmeg I the kernel of the fruit
of aeveral apecle of treca growing wild
In Aula, Africa and America. The cul
tivated nutmeg tree la from fifty to
aerenty feet high and produce fruit
for aixty year. The fruit la of the
alze and appearance of a roundlab pear,
yellow In color. The fieaby part of the
fruit la rather bard and reaemble
candled citron. Within U the nut, en
veloped In a curlou yellowlab red aril
known to ua aa mace. To prepare the
aeed for uae they are dried In a mod
erate beat for about two month. Then
the abella are broken and the nntmega
picked out and aaaorted, the Inferior
one bejng reaerved for the oil pre.
A tbo eaaentlal oil of nutmeg bring!
a high price, dlahoueat grower often
ateep the nutmeg In bot water to ex
tract tbo oil from them. They are
then coated wltb lime and aent Into
the channel of commerce. Such nut
meg are worthleM, their aroma and
pungency -having dlaappcared, these
qualltle being due exclualvely to the
oil. If on Inserting a plu no oil ruahes
out to the aurface, tho nutmeg la, to
all Intents and purport, a wooden nut
meg. It Knew lb (tain.
A Kenwood man consented the other
day to go to the millinery department
for the purpoae of helping bis wife de
cide on a hat. After much trying on
the lady decided on two bat from
which to make her selection. One of
them waa $2t. the other $1(1.
"Now, I waut you to tell me honest
ly, George,"vah said, "which of these
two you would advise me to get" '
Then she put one on after tho other
and permitted blm to view ber from
In front, each aide and from behind.
"Well. I'll tell you," be said at hut
"The one you bud on first looks to me
aa If It might bo more stylish and all
that, but the second one makes yon
Uk much younger than you do la the
He bad wasted an hour, but be
javed 9.-hlcago Ilecord nerald.
Shr I.lrrd Insects,
The wouderful brevity of Insect life
la curiously IlltiKtrated In the case of
those that prey upon different species
of mushroom. The life of the mush
room Itself Is measured by hours, yet
It Is often entirely ruined by an Insect
which deposits its eggs upon the fungi
while It I In the vigor of youth. The
entire spun of life of this mushroom In
sect la so brief that the grubs batch
from the eggs and the creature be
comes fully developed and capable of
laying eggs Itself liefore the mush
room dies, even though the latter' life
may not extend over a period of forty-eight
hours from the moment It first
pushes through tbo soil.
Had a WeUh Couch.
There was a crowd watching the fire
when one of the bystanders gave a
smothered, guttural cough. Immediate
ly the man liestde blm grabbed bis
"You're Welsh," be said eagerly(
The mau with the cough looked puz
sled. Then his neighbor poured out a
volley of Welsh words that ended In
English with. "What part of the coun
try did you come from?"
The man with the cough shook his
head, and his neighbor became Indig
nant "It's nothing to be ashamed of,
to be a Welshman," be anld, "so why
not admit it?"
"But I'm not Welsh," said the man
with the coush. "I wouldn't know a
word of the language If I heard It."
Ills neighbor was still Indignant.
"You Just said a Welsh word a minute
ago," he growled. "You can't fool me.
You forgot yourself for a minute."
"I didn't. I only coughed," enrue In
protest, and the mau coughed again.
"That's It: That's It!" wild the Welsh
man enthusiastically. "That's the word
I heard."
But tho coughing Individual lost him
self lu the crowd, muttering something
about "fools being allowed to run
loose." New York Pra
half the cost of MEN
A Keen Appetite
and a healthy stomach indicate
an active Liver, which is enjoyed
by all who use Beccham's Pills.
They insure strong digestion,
sweet breath and sound sleep.
No other remedy is as good as
Beech am s
gold Everywhere. In boxes Ide. and So.
The American
Collection Agency
No fee charged un
it ss collection is
mad. Wt mak col
lection is all part
of the United States.
413 Kansas Ave.
Properties and Buinet of all kinds sold
quickly for canti In all psrt of the
United Statu. Don't wait. Write to
day describing what you have to sell
and give cash price on tame. -
any kind of Euoineis or Real Estate
anywhere, at any price, write me your
requirement!. I can save you time and
4S Ksnsas Avenue.
FerXldnty and Cladder Troubles
24 Hours
Ecb Can-
ulo betr.fMiDYl
the titrnAW
br 1 1 lrnrd.NL
15 Years
of Agony
Read this Interesting testi
mony of t prominent cbnrcb
worker who tried many rem'
edlei for akin trouble
1 trouble v'.Si'V
without care
found D. D. D.
Now be informs the
public bow be was
completely healed.
Eczema Gone!
To All Sufferers from Skin Trouble
who have never used D. D. D and want
INSTANT RELIEF from that awful itch, we will send free,
prepaid, a large sample bottle of D. D. D. to frove our claims.
Cut out out this ad and write at once for a free sample.
D.D.D. Company, 112-120 Michigan St., Suite g6 Chicajo, IIL
.Sutf i s s f " ? l '
The Kind You Have Always
In roe for over 30 years,
and has
ftff'J?'. sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
t-oCCCA4A A llnw nn onA to (1m-i1va vnn In thlL
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-a-gwxl"are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Caatorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feveribness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Oyer 30 Years.
Angry Wife Can you look me in the
face and fay that you drm't know
whether you kied the maid or not?
Husband Y'e, my dear, because when
I look at you, I tan remember only the
bitter ide of life. Smile.
For about 15 rears I bad been
afflicted with Eczema and bad
tried many remedies to very
little purpose, ud no cure.
Somewbat In desperation, I
tried D. D. D. I was soon con
vinced before the bottle waa
ball emptr that I bad at last
found mtitidn that tnM not
dtefption. I persevered. Now I
bave a little left of a third bottle
and am entirely cured of the
Eczema, and for seven months
bave bad no symptoms of its
The annoyance was so great
and lonit -continued, and the
cure so complete that I feel it
my duty to make known the
above facts to the publie that
others similarly afflicted may
make trial of this remedy.
FieU Secraurr Nurthwert
8bblU AMot-laUoa
160 Grand Ave., North
Portland. Oregon D-305
Our field is the district tributary to the
mouth of the Columbia River. We pene
trate into all the outlying districts, into
lumber camps and isolated neighborhoods.
The business of these places belongs to
you, and it is worth going after.. .Space in
able; contract for some and let these out
siders know that you are still in business at
the old stand. You may have a "grouch"
but that won't get business; forget it.
Let the people know what you have to sell;
they may "forget". or have "forgotten"
- i- i
Bought, and -which has been
has borne the signature of
been made under his per-
Signature of
Cm Big lot snaatarsl
' hi 1 1. 1 4r&J dix'barnM.liilUBiBiMKiDit
GmnmuH m irnt.liun. or nlcerMion
MttMriMA ( Til BCOQI IMIll DrftBM.
Fi.m. Cmim. PmiiiLml And not utrtn
iTHEtymCrKHICJUCa. goat or poinonoa.
S. CI. 4. "Sycf mt la pl.ln f"fr,
m Cirrulu wi om nutM
Cuiredl ta
And at a Total
Cost of $3.00
READER, this la but one of the
many, many ease that has been
brought to our attention and author
itatively proven to a.
D. D. D. acts on the only aclentfflo
principle of eurtnf the akin through,
the skin, and the world'a best ape
clallsta are now agreed that thl
soothing external liquid will accom
plish a cure when all the smeary
salves, ointments, and so-called
blood remedies have failed.
If you will call at our store we will
give you free pamphlet, giving
direction as to diet, exercise, bath
ing, etc., for skin sufferers.
Or write direct to the D. D. D. Ca
for their great free sample offer.
' . .
' .
' '