TUESDAY, AUGUST J, 1909. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. StiOWERS By FRANK II. SWEET &WW tmt lv V, ', AiMtnwil There was tt swift turn with scare ly any slackening of speed, the, two uler wheels nti inch nlnv the ground they iwiuiK thw corner, then I ho 11 u tcinolillo cll led iluwn to 0 long straight run. "lo you think we can unika It, ,Mr. Towtmeml?" (lie tilrl asluid anxiously.'. ;"Mkt lt"-lalitljr-"of course we . It Isn't over ttt or twelve utiles, ltd we can ( ut n mm IT puce ami do tlint In thirty minute, mat those cloud yonder nra not halfway up the sky yet." J: Tho eh I'm face showed relief. "I suppose It'i foolish," nlm MMlil, "but I do liutn to K"t ' iuilit In it ruin. Ami -and you know-or, rather, probably you ilou't knnw - ll'ii a sort of ILfo and death Affair for a girl with 0 brum! new Imt and costume to get mixed up la a shower. Kwy true woman can j "ou, tou VKXH nor t" yrjipstlilso with the girl who saved ler bat at the expense or a month Wi der doctora care." We'll save yours without the ex IMfUM of so much 11 a hatpin, be re sponded. But ho reckoned without thought of the month. Ten minutes, and th clouds had cot rolled up appreciably higher. Then ami dimly a rain drop splashed against the girl's face, followed by a dash of water thnt drooped an ostrich feather toward lior eyo. Tho ulil'a hand flew to bur hatpins, but before they cuuld bo with drawn tin) rain was coming down In torrents, and the hands fell to her side .with a tragic motion of helplessness. Both ahot a quick glance behind. There were no dark clouds rolling up and above tlietn. On all aides nave (where the clouds were creeping up In front thn sky was blue, but overhead a alight patch of mint had obscured the tiky, but not so thickly as entirely to abut out the blue. The inau scowled tinderstandlugly. "It's April." lie an Id, "and a crack opened In tho sky just wide enough for a cloud to pop out. Huuinn fore night Isn't proof against that. And your dress, too. I'm sorry, Mlas Ellis." "Yes, so uii) 1," qulKKlngly, ber good tumor quickly returning. "The cos ttimo was only sent homo this morning, ami I counted ou It helping ine out at the house party next week. What almll ,we do?" "Scorch for shelter. I huvo alrcudy doubled speed. There," ns a white spot showed utulcr some trees In the dls tunee, "Hint's n house, I think. No," as they rushed nearer, "It's a aniull liotel. We'll stop there." Another two minutes and they lmd swung from the road nnd across tho Inwu, tip to tho very door, without re gard to path or Ki'u.ss, and Mr, Town send threw himself from the ear and lifted her .almost bodily to the shelter of the little pluzzn. .Then lie started back toward the enr, "I'll run up to tho city and get yon a change of clothing," he called hur riedly. "I can go to your home and be back In half nu hour. Meanwhile go In somewhere iiwuy from the nlr." But sho throw up n hand protest Ingly. "What nonsense!" she cried. "The fdiowcr'll be over In five minutes. See. It's already breaking away; nnd just as soon ns the sun Is out it will be warm ngiiln. I would rather go on with you." She glanced down at her Wet garments ruefully. "It wouldn't lie nuy satisfaction staying here," she added. "You may seo If you can bor row me some kind of wrap, tius;li." Ho hesitated, then stepped with her Into tho hotel. Leaving her In the par lor, he went to tho office. As be entered f. young lady appeared at a side door. After a moment their eyes met, then both sprang forward, . "1'Mlth!" ho cried delightedly. "When did you arrive'" "Last night. We didn't stop over at "Washington, as planned. One of our party knew ubotit this quiet 111 tie liotel, and wo earno straight hero for a few days' rest. It's funny to meet you so booh, though, but It saves mo sending a message Into the city after you. My friend .leuves tomorrow,, nnd. we're planning t little home party tonight as a ,aort of farowoll. No, never wind your clothe," as she saw htm glance down at them significantly. "We can find change f'r you In the botol. Ton can't leave us now w'e'vrt got you. Oh, you dear boy," bending forward sud denly and kisilng dim, regardless of the two or throe men In the room, "I am glad to see you! Now stsy here Just a uilnuto while I run tip and get Jen nie. 8ho wnnls to meet you." "Hold on; wait a minute!" called Mr, Towiisciid, suddenly recollecting lilui telf. Hut the young lady was gone. He returned to the parlor, the wrap for gotten. His iianpniilou was not there, "Tho ludy you came in with has just left," snld an attendant. "Hbe asked about a train for the eliy, 0 ml , I told ber one was at the depot Just ready to start. The depot's r'ght behind tho ho tel. There," ns tl'' i'Uflng of an engine came to them, "it s going now, Hhe left this note." Townseiid simtcbed the uote and read: . -:; .": ; Mr. Towiininl-I wus standing by th dour, unit snw ih itiit kl you. Vor an ttwiiiint 1 st't'pitiwd. Tlien I rmem- twreil I h;i.t knuwn you oily a month. Thank you fur the auto rldf. Slnceroly, IHJTM ELLIS. Townsend sniotbtfro 1 ou ejclamatlon ami sprang itowu the slejis to bis auto mobile, not even stopping to pick up bis bat. Th tin minutes biter the young lady re-entered the otllce, "Where's the gentleman 1 was talk Jug with a few minutes ago?" she ask ed of the clerk. . "tSone oT III b!s auto," the clerk re plied politely. "Hrn'med lu a burry." llio young ludy stared, then her eyes tilled with tears, and she turned hur riedly and left the room. Meanwhile TowiihcikI was defying all conitcijtifticfs uf speed lu his mad rush to tho city, forgetful that the tralu was Mug nip Idly left behind. When bo reached the renldcucc of Miss Ellis it was slopping at u way station three miles away. He ullppcd Into the vestibule, wet and miserable. A half hour Isier her carriage drove up and stopped beside his automobile. Ilu was at the currlage dour when it oiM-iicd. As she saw blin Miss Ellis recoiled, ber face darkening. "You here,'' she begun. "It was my sister you saw," be broke In hurriedly and Incoherently. "Just my Istor EUitbiand"- "I thought she was In Mexico," coldly. "She was, but they got back earlier than expected. And now I suppose she la croes. too, from the way I left." Miss Kills waited Inquiringly, but as be explained her face cleared like the ky after the shower. When he finish ed she was smiling. "I think we can make It all right. Horry," she said. She nerer bad used that name before.' "You run on to your hotel and put on dry clothing, and 1 w-tll co to and do the same. Be back here in half an hour or so, and we'll go out to the hotel and spend the eveulug. Your sister will laugh with us when she bears the explanation. Hurry!" Harry Townsend did hurry, and now his own fan was as clear as the un clouded sky. "Wwed old April shower!" ho cried as lie spriins into bis automobile. "It helped me on with Miss Ellis more than n year of ordlnnry acquaintance could have done." THREE FACTS For Sick Women To Consider FlMT. .That almost etrv oner&thm Id our hospitals performed upon women becomes necessary throua-h neirleot of such symptoms as backache, irregular and painful periods, displacement of the female organs, pain in the aide, burning sensation in the stomach, bearing-down pains, nervousness, dl tiness and sleeplessness. Second. The xnedlolna that holdi the record for the largest number of absolute cures of lemalo Ills la Lydia . riukham's Vegetable Compound. It rearulatea. atrenirthena and diimi diseases of the female organism as notning eiae can. For thlrtv veara it him Ywum fcnlntno women to be strong, curing backache, nervousness, kidney troubles, inflam mation of the female onrnna. wahIt. neas and displacements, retrulatlnu the periods perfectly and overcoming their nnlns. It h&a nisei nrnwrl foalf InvnlunhlA in nrnnnrlni wnmnn fan childbirth and the change of life. TimiD. The CMat Wllnmn nf nnaw liAitftd Tld trrtflll iaaflmnnlala nn til. " -w-- .'U.UUII.UI vu at the Plnkham Laboratory at Lynn, www., many 01 wnicn are irom time to time Dublianed hxr nnrmtnalnn aolnta evidence of the v&lne of Lydis tu. nnnnam s vegetame Compound and Mrs. Plnkham's advice. Mr.PInkham'f StandlnelnvlUtlon to Women.-Women suffering from any xorm 01 iemaie wearaess are invitea to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink ham, at Lynn, Mass. AU letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. From symptoms given, your trouble may be located and the quiokest and surest way of recovery advised. Mrs, Pinkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and since her decease she has been ad- Tisingsick women free of charge. Ontof the vast volume of experience in treat ing female Ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. A DINNER DECEPTION By Katt M. Chary CvvrU)hl, tma. hit a. T. VleknMM Tho telegram dropped from the bant! of I sola Itay, "Now, what do you think' of that Funny?" she bhUoiI, Funny, a big, tortolne shell cat, sig nlflod her sympathy by putting her pur ring head against the amber satin slip per of her young mistress. The lattei picked tip the yellow slip of paper and road It over. "Will bring Edward Carden up t dinner this evening. Carte blanche li all things, of course, but do the best you can, dear girl." ? Now, Isola Itay, but lately returned from college to make home for and with a wealthy bachelor brother, wai Ignorant of household lore and quit preposterously pretty. Thus suddenly confronted by an emergency under sin- , . y 1 r; r m 1 fir. x Fr Shi . Tint PISNKH in TBI COST PTXTKO BOOH wrarr orr KetiioirrrvLtT. gularly cxnsfieratlng domestic clrcum stances, the cousclousness of her own Inefficiency dismayed her. "Funny" (she crumbled the yellow slip into a ball and aimed It at tb wastebasket). "let us consider what we had Iietter do." Funny, not at all averse to being cuddled in lace draped, faintly fragant arms, promptly lost herself In somno lence. "If only Delia had not gone to the funeral of that grandchild that expires with periodical regularity every three weeks!" Oblivious of the indifference of ber auditor, Miss Ray kept mur muring on. "And if Ellen Jane wen not in bed with n Jumping toothache wo might pull through, Funuy. Dear, dear! All the years I was learning Latin, why could I not have learned how to cook something except fudges! Gracious! Who's that?" Funny was promptly and peremptorily dispos sessed. Miss Itay hurried in response to the brisk knock at the back door. "Iff never you, my dear!" cried Isola Ray. She had flung open the door and was gathering a little sweet faced, apple cheeked countrified woman into the Joyful embrace of her loving young arms. "I'd be giad to see you any time, Aunt Elvira, but Just now well. Just now your coming seems provi deutlal!" Aunt Elvira returned cordially the caress of the gracious arms and lips. "Now, bow does that happen, honey r she asked. She had entered the kitchen all shining tiles, enamel and blue and white kitchen ware. She put her old brown, cracked,' bulging bag down by the sink aud with oue dexterous twist had divested herself of bonnet and coat. "Oh, Delia that's the cook has gone to oue of ber periodica! funerals, nor relatives ate legion, and every few weeks oue of them dies. Aud the oth er maid has toothache. And Victor telegraphed he was bringing his best friend who has not before visited this city up to dinner tonight You know how my brother detests auy cooking except what Is done at home. And -bcyond fudges or u good salad I don't know bow to make a thing!" "Don't you worry. Just you do what old Aunt Klvlry tells you." The small woman bud fished a fresh apron, a pencil and the back of nu envelope out of her bag. "You get the t'aiuss I write dowu--never mind the stv.!l!-:;; se::t In ;U'.cU, dear. Then go nnd pet sor.ie flower;;, show me where the Hneh mid silver .uc kept and put o:i tlio fiv.:!e.;t dres you've got to your Ir.ek. Sv.ro! on, now! Didn't 1 kv.vo vjv. a!) t!)p time your mother II'.:ss your ('ear heart was In the north? And 'tis even prettier than s!k mms you nre. And they called her the biwaty 0.' I.e. day." "Oh, you lovable old fiatteer!" crie.l the girl. Then she k'.ssoj ng'i'.a tfct? 11" tie red, wrinkled face aud del to tl"! telephone. ghe slipped on a. discreet and.. envel oping ASl of Sark' blsfe silk and Vent off to buy ber flowers, And coming home she looked down upon the sheai of long stemmed, dark red rose lying igalnst Her arm end the fanciful lines Bessie Chandler recurred to her: Oit, the fate of a man Is pant Clncsmlngl Lltllfl did Juciiijcmlriot tuppon it AuNterlHs, or st Hoicow'n burning, ; lili fume would mm In the heart of a ros, ; ,., , The dinner In the cozy dining room, aglow wJlh tho softly tinted lights from Etruscan electroliers, went off delight fully. Victor Itay beamed bis appror si. He hud not Imagined that tills be loved yonng sister of his could attend 10 satisfactorily to things, especially w ith one maid III and the other a dere lict. And Edward Carden, brawn, rug ged, keen of gin nee a man whose name was known for scholarship and brilliance on two continents appeared to find In his girlish hostess much grace and chorai, Aud Isola Itay was charmed by this stalwart friend of her brother's. He bad sccu so much of the world. He bad seen so many much frequented snd little frequented places. Without arrogance or ostentation, lie talked about his travels. She, In the softness of black lawns and laces, her hair shining like bur nished gold and her sea blue eyes sparkling, listened to the tales told as perchance Desdemona llstened-long go. Hbe was recalled to herself quickly by the action of the Japanese lad who bud been hired to wait on the table, lie bad given a slight start and was staring at the door through which be had Just come. Isola turned hastily and glanced In that direction also. A little red, eager countenance was visi ble. Anxious to see that her carefully prepared dinner was being properly served, Mrs. Devlin was peering In at the door. But Edward Carden bad also caught sight of her. "Aunt EIvlrnT he cried, and sprang to his feet. "Why-Aunt Elvira!" Tben be was across the room and bad ber by the shoulders and was cordially sliaklng her. She was laughing like s child with pleasure. "I didn't know It was you was com ing, sonslo. I never knowed It was you!" "I did not know you were acquainted with Mr. Carden!" cried isola la amazement "I minded him when he was little, honey-same as I did you." "Tell him," laughed the girl, "that you cooked this dinner! I could no more do so than I could fly to Mars. If you had not come to my rescue" She made an expressive little gesture of despair. Victor's gay 'olce rang out "It was a rattling good dinner, all right! Sup posing we finish It?" And when he had gone upstairs to re ply to a telephone ring It was Just a few lines of a familiar poem that brought the rosy tide back to a girl's delicate face. "I rather agree with Mrs. Browning," declared Edward Carden. And be quoted softly: "A housemaid or cook One may hire with but little to pay. But a woman' heurt and a woman's tit Arc not to be won thut way." Elvira heard through the pantry whidow. S!w wiped her kind o!d eyes on her .apron, "(iod bless 'em."' she said, while i'unuy purrod acquiescence over her saucer of milk. Our new minister to Japan, Luke Wright, complains that no two of his pictures in the papers are of the same man. l as" s a, r The Kind Tou Ilare Always Bought, stud which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- rihf. aonal supervision since Its infancy. 'CC4CA4it Atlntr nn ans in dec l va von In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererlshness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt cuTuM cMwm, r? mvbm TttT, mnin cm. While the fool is waiting for an op portnnity the wise man makes one. , The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. II Wolfe, of Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when he began taking Electric Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago kidney trouble caused me great suffering, which I never would have survived had I not taken Electric Bitters. They also cured me of general debility." Sure cure for all stomach. Liver and Kidney com plaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Diz ziness and weakness or bodily decline. Price 50c Guaranteed by Charles Rogers drug store. aug Th American Collection Agency No fee charged un less collection i s made. We make col lections in all parts of the United States. 413 Kansas Are. TOPEKA, KANSAS. ANTHONY P. WILSON, Attorney Galveston's Sea Wall makes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands. E. W. Goodloe. who resides on Dutton St., in Waco, Tex. needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: "I have used Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption for the last five years and it keeps me well and safe. Before that time I had a cough which for years had been growing worse. Now it's gone." Cures chronic Coughs. LaGrippe, Croup. Whoopiog Cough and prevents pneu monia. Pleasant to take. Every bottle guaranteed at Charles Bogers' drug store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. ang I 6qd Sell Ydiii Real Esiaieor Bosloess NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED Properties and Business of all kinds sold quickly for cash in all parts of the United States. Don't wait. Write to day describing what you hive to sell and give cash price on same. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Business or Real Estate anywhere, at any price, write me your requirements. I can save you time and money. DAVID D. TAFF, THE LAND MAN 413 Kansas Avenue. TOPEKA, .... . KANSAS. . our Wiei IS OUR FIELD, AND WE COVER IT. Our field is the district tributary to the mouth of the Columbia River. We pene trate into all the outlying districts, into lumber camps and isolated neighborhoods. The business of these places belongs to you, and it is worth going after.. .Space in THE MORNING ASTORIAN is reason able; contract for some and let these out siders know that you are still in business at the old stand. You may have a "grouch" but that won't get ' business; forget it. Let the people know what you have to sell) they may "forget" or have "forgotten" U)e MORNING ASTORIAN THE ONLY PAPER ON THE LOWER COLUMBIA HAVING ASSOCIATED ' PRESS SERVICE .